Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 41 - Hyuga incident Part 1.

Several families had gathered for the pre-celebration. The Hyugas had decided to celebrate the young heiress birthday a month or so early. One reason due to growing tensions in the clan. The other from a new direction Hiashi is trying to take towards clan relations. He even invited Kai to help the problem.

Unfortunately, Kai was taking a hard approach with them. His own personal feelings for the clan was terrible. The branch family were to subservient for his liking. There personality was that of broken people. Besides the few sleepers, he had in the clan the branch itself were useless. But he gave his word. So he will try.

With Kai walked two Jonin behind TenTen who held his hand on the left. On his right, were Karin and her mother Kari. Behind them were Anko's team of Genin. Shura was in his shadow as usual.

Kai was dressed in his suit. Minus the mask this time. TenTen was dressed in a kimono. With white as the dominant color in red trim. At the bottom of the hem was the design of lava. A symbol of a mountain was on her back. In the center was the symbol of the Senju clan.

Karin had a powdered white kimono on. A portrayal of a thunderstorm was on the backside down to the hem. Both girls had form-fitting shoes instead of the traditional clogs on there feet. Her mother Kari opted out to were a female business suit. On the back of the jacket was a symbol of a tidal wave. Mixed in was a small Uzumaki clan symbol.

Kai had no real reason why she wished for it. But he was happy to oblige. Out of all the wives, Kari played the better wife. Her social skills far outstripped the rest. On several occasions, Kai had to remind himself to travel with the others. It didnt help she was the last to get pregnant making it much easier during accommodating for meetings. Travel wise she was the easiest to get along with.

When asked she only had to say, "if we are running for our lives, it easier to get away if I have to grab Karin and run. Or you if something has happened. They are young wives. They will learn in time." Kai could only smile at this. Kari caught his gaze as they walked in the Hyuga compound. She blew him a kiss and a wink. Much to the gasp of some of the people in the Hyuga compound. "They are really stuck up aren't they?" Placing a hand over her mouth she laughed at the people.

"They are." Kai looked to the side spotting Ku-La engaged in conversation with some classmates. For some reason, he had started calligraphy. The kids he spoke with were friends in the class it would seem at first glance. But Kai knew the truth. They were his underlings. The calligraphy class had a connection to the underground network through different villages. Kurama had used his knowledge of the years to become a prominent member. He was using everything he could to find the other tailed beasts. So far the information on a girl named Fuu had come up.

Kai had already sent a team to kidnap the child with the Intel. A false body was left behind with several traps added to it. Using a brutal extraction method on the body enough evidence was left to show things went wrong. Enough devastation was added to the area to conceal it. The young girl Fuu was sent to the village of women accompanied by a set of vetted Uchiha provided by Danzo.

The family walked over to the assigned seats and relaxed. Kari activated a seal to make sure the children talking would not be heard by others. Her and Kai would talk one way but the words that would come out would be something else.TenTen was looking all around at the place. To a passerby, it would look as if she was just excited about the place. But Karin knew her sister was checking on ways to demolish the place. She picked up the habit of dismantling things lately. Much to Karin's annoyance.

Karin herself had pulled out a book to read. It was an Italian version on introduction to chemistry. Besides Kai, Kari TenTen, and Karin no one else could read the book.

"Hey, flame head," Ino said as she ran over to the group. She left her mother and father as soon as she spotted her friends. Karin put the book away once Ino arrived and they started talking.

"About time you get here ponytail." Karin then pointed to her sister. "Demolisher over here is already at work. I mean seriously when will she stop?"

"Hehe.. it.. cant be.. that bad?" Ino asked. She watched as TenTen eyes started to sparkle as she stared at a support beam.

"Ok. Maybe it is. Come on you two let's go meet up with the others." Ino grabbed both there hands and pulled them up. "I have someone to introduce you all to. Her name is Sakura." Ino looked at Kai and Kari. "Hey, you two. Bye, you two." Ino dragged the two away from there parents quickly.

"Hehe." Kari chuckled. "That girl is quite lively. I am glad you introduced Karin to her." Kari moved closer to Kai. She placed her hand on his, as her head rested against his shoulder. "Your are rubbing off on me."

"Aye. Your right." Kai gripped her hand as he then sent a message to Gemini. Shura separated herself from his shadow and walked over to where the girls left. There ability to share thoughts over distances had become vital in certain tasks. "Oh, in a good way or a bad way?"

'Leader, there are quite a few members of the cloud village already here. As well as the possible traitors. What will you like to do?' Gemini continued to communicate with the various insects around the area.

"A good way so far," Kari said happily.

'Do nothing for now. But if they make a move put them to sleep.' After transmitting to her Kai gave a nod to the Yamanaka's who arrived at the table. "Please do sit with us."

"Thank you," Inoichi said. He extended his arm to help his wife sit down. Taking a seat himself, he watched the festivities unravel. Remembering he has not really talked to Kai besides in meetings he wanted to change that just a bit. But his wife and Kai's wives are good friends. Considering the amount of money he has placed into the shop. He knew it would be best to stay on friendly terms. Despite his daughter Ino teasing his sister with marriage to the Senju clan. That was a headache in and of itself.

"Is something troubling you?" Kai asked sipping some water. His eyes never left the seating area of where Hinata and family were to sit. "You seem distracted?"

"Not at all. Just so use to being busy. It is hard to relax. Mind if I ask you some clan business?"

"Go ahead. I will listen at the very least." Kai answered only partly listening.

"How do you feel about arranged marriages?" Inoichi stared hard at Kai. Kai didnt even flinch as he continued to scope the area.

"I dislike it. But I understand it. Why?"

"If you.. if a member of your family had to be married off. What would you do?

"Ask them if they wished to do it. If they do not it will not happen.

"But what if war is the outcome? What if it leads to death?"

"So what..." Kai moved his head to the table with Aburame clan. He was tempted to snap the man at the center table neck for the trouble he caused, but Inoichi voice caught his full attention.

"Excuse me? I don't think I heard you?"

"I said so what. If someone tried to push an arranged marriage right now on any of my daughter's I would most likely kill them. Now they are smart, but they don't understand how it works at there age. If they agreed to it now and changed there mind when they grew older let's say 15ish. I would stand by them. I would pay the family accordingly, and that would be the end of that." Kai tone had taken a dark edge as he looked over to his daughter's subconsciously.

"What would you do of the people that comment?" Inoichi tone had become slightly anxious. 'He can not be this cavalier? Can he?'

"If they fell in love and the person they married turned out to be someone entirely different after the marriage I would help them solve it. Now, if they are at fault let's say they cheated on there spouse and ruined there own family. I will not help them. I have very few morals to uphold. That is not something I can abide by."

"Eh, that is true. Hehe, just the other day Oreo smacked him when she found out he thought of Lady Sarutobi in a s.e.x.u.a.l way. It left quite the handprint on his face." Kari said between giggles. "Which is funny since she was the one that wanted him to take on more birth mothers."

"Birth Mothers? Ah, you mean women whose job are dedicated to reviving a clan. That tradition is so old. Did not think anyone practiced it anymore." Lady Yamanaka looked quite surprised. Looking to Kai she thought of something. "Lord Senju is it safe to say you are a Birth Father?"

Inoochi looked on in trepidation as he waited to hear his answer.

"Yes, I am. My second purpose is to breed. That is correct. My wives are here for me to not lose my humanity. Being breeding stock as you can imagine is quite... boring and very harmful to the body. My body can handle it easily. So I have high.. production. Well the act itself isn't but." Kai was saying before he felt Kari grip tightly on his hand. "I will rather be a man than a father and husband. This way I can find women I can grow to love. I havent gotten there yet but I am getting there." Squeezing tightly against Kari's hand, he leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. "No matter my personal beliefs, I do have a mission to complete. I had to find people who would be ok with that."

"Are you ok with that?" Inoichi asked. Kira's hand tightened on Kai's. She was no longer focusing on anything else. Just his words and what his body was saying. She could feel the pulse of his heartbeat she was focusing so much.

"Yes, I am. I wouldn't agree if I didnt. It is also the reason I try to push the decisions back so much. Part of me wants to just do it anyway. Another part, the more sensible part keeps me in check. A few bits of my morality still remains. Besides, I have met some wonderful women along the way. That has made it worthwhile. One can always learn to love another. It's just that simple." Kai looked at the man and turned his gaze back towards the crowd.

The table became quiet for a while. No one spoke for awhile. The few eavesdroppers decided to focus on there drinks and the conversation they had before they decided to listen in. Most of it was unrecognizable dialogue to them.

"Then I must ask a favor of you." Inoichi made to stand but his wife held his hand tightly. Kai saw what he was trying to do and stopped him.

"No need for that. Just ask normal." Kai smiled when he looked at the man. "Your daughter, her and my own are darn near sisters. Just ask, I will see what I can do to help."

"Please take my sister in!" Inoichi asked. His voice came out strangled. More pleading than anything.

"I do not mind, but the final decision is up to the wives. I just took a majority of the village of women as Mothers. One like your sister would have to be approved by them I am afraid." Kai said slightly dejected. From his memory, Inoichi sister seems quite carefree. 'I Didnt think there was anything wrong with her just running the shop.'

"She will be welcomed with open arms. Hopefully, she can help with the garden in the compound. As of late, mostly Kai has been tending to it. The others have more important work to do. Kari said smiling. Looking to Kai she closed his opened mouth. "We will talk about this later. Just know this, we have found others to help with the clan restoration. Even more, since this will keep any of our children from having to deal with the clan restoration act. Or its counterpart the bloodline acceleration act."

Kai smiled warily at her words.

"Dear husband we are not foolish enough to let you lead this," Kari said with a grin. "Besides we need a break. Since you did the insemination project with them your appetite has increased. If I knew it would have been this way, I would have voted for you to do it the old fashioned way."

"Hey what's that suppose to mean?" Kai said a little annoyed.

"You are moving to slow. That is all." Kari said sticking her tongue at him. "Look at my stomach I barely show. I should have been pregnant right after the wedding." She teased. "You are worried about the wrong things still. We are not so fragile."

"Excuse me for wanting to wait a little more," Kai said slightly pouting. "To think more on it."

"Hehe," Lady Yamanaka laughed. She tried her best to keep her composure. "Its good to know you have an exciting home."

"Thank you, Lord Senju. I am in your debt." Inoichi said as he raised his head.

"Think nothing of it. We will talk later." Kai placed his attention back on the ceremony right as the lights started to dim.

"I think it best I tell you now. Especially with what you told me. The Hyuga clan are planning to ask for a marriage alliance. The target is one of your daughters. If they can not secure one of them, they plan on putting pressure on the Hokage to get one of your unborn daughters to marry into the clan." Inoichi whispered. "Your sons are a little to dangerous from what they have noticed from the current ones."

Both Kari and Kai became agitated at this. Kari was more angry than they thought. The idea they could do as they pleased with unborn children. Kai murderously thought on just walking away and letting the Hyuga get killed.

Ku-La had made it over with some news of his own. "Hey, old man. There is some news from one of my contacts. The Sand village has been attacked by the Cloud village. Apparently they are using the Leaf village as a stopping place to switch troops around. What do you want to do?"

"Tch, have the forces we have, kill them as needed. Framing the Cloud village for the missing tailed beast as well as kidnapping the sand Kages wife will work better for us. Send word to Danzo and his Root members about the plan. If everything works, you will have your brother Shukaku here soon, as well as your sister Chomei by the end of the month." Kai watched as Kurama digested the plan and left.

Out of his jacket, a little fox popped his head out. It was the little fox Jaws.

"Ahh morning. Or is it an afternoon." The little fox stretched and climbed up Kai's shoulder. He dr.a.p.ed his tail on top of Kari's head.

"Nice of you to join us," Kari said petting his tail.

At this time, little Hinata walked up towards the platform. She was doing fine for a little bit, but it changed once she saw the large crowd of people. Before she got to scared. Kai intervened.

"Hinata relax. You are doing just fine. Pretend they are just flowers in a field. Trust me, everything will be fine. If you get nervous look towards your mother. She made it here especially for you, Despite the doctors' orders." After Kai transmitted that to her, he then relaxed.

Hinata looked to her mother in the crowd completely ignoring the elder who was talking.

'You little brat.' The elder thought. 'No matter, you are just a pawn in our plans anyway.' The elder continued his speech and then sat down as Hinata started a small tea ceremony to honor the ancestors. One of the statues that were present looked like Kaguya. Minus the horns and with shorter hair. Another statue looked badly damaged. Even with Kai's eyes, he could not tell who it could be.

As the small ceremony finished the lights came back on. Several members from smaller clans in the back clapped loudly. Kai gave a small clap along with Kari who only added a faster tempo.

"New information. The Uchiha compound has been broken into. Several injuries no casualties. Our medical team has moved In to help. That's the good news." Kurama then ripped into piece of meat he had on his plate.

"Give me the bad news." Kai continued to eat his food."

"Bad news. Mastica was separated from the group in the Sand village. The transmissions said she was being pursued by a lighting specialized Jonin. Rumors said its Killer Bee. But it wouldn't make sense for the 8 tails holder to be out that far." Kurama then started eating more wildly.

"Hmm, I trust in there abilities. So everything should be fine." Kai didnt feel anything weird. So everything should be ok. "Sigh, we need to find a way to have the Uchiha trust us more."

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