Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 42 - Hyuga Incident Part 2 (Kiba)

Moving on

Kai and Kari sat talking about what to do next. Once they realized it would be better to just play it by ear they relaxed. It was time to mingle. Kai walked around the compound with Jaws on his shoulders.

The Little fox had become a dark black. If you didn't look closely you would not be able to tell the difference between its fur and Kai's actual hair.

He mostly went around to the area that the guest were able to. Any area that had guards, he kept a large distance from. Only using his enhanced eyes to look through the areas and rooms. After an hour of this, he had marked off mentally all the areas needed to extract his targets.

Target one the infant Hyuga members. The elders had decided to now apply the cage bird seal to newborns instead of waiting until toddler age. Most branch members who had their babies in the last few months have not seen them since the birth.

Target two the archive of the family. Oreo suggested Kai raid the library and then burn it if he had the chance. With the ability to apply the mark to future generations, the only members who will be capable of it currently would be the elders. Which leads to the next target.

The elders are to be poisoned outright. The plan is to coat most of them with one of the poisons that were obtained from the Cloud village. With the bodies of some captured ninja in his possession, Kai had hoped to pin this on them as well.

As he made his way outside to get some fresh air, he saw Kiba outside playing by himself. Over the months the boy had gotten into several altercations with others his age. Over his father abandoning them all and the whispers about Kai with his clan members. Unlike his sisters, he was not doing well coping. His mother did her best to explain everything that is going on, but Kiba refused to listen to her. In his eyes, it's his mothers fault for it all.

'Ah guess I should intervene I suppose.' Kai thought tiredly to himself. He was not impressed by little Kiba. The boy himself made things dangerous at times in the show. He did the same in real life already. 'Tch he is possessive, just like me though. Maybe I can change his focus.' When he spoke to Gemini about how to handle it, he mostly suggests corporal punishment. But that was not the way to treat a child Gemini told him.

'He can't be blamed for future actions. You must be patient.' Gemini had spent a better part of a day explaining a peaceful approach. Lately, Kai has been suffering from mood swings when near the Inuzukas. Especially when near Tsume's family and especially near Kiba. She pointed out he was a lot harder on the boy for no real reason. Much to his dismay at him not catching it himself.

'Bah, that is ridiculous. Pft fat chance. I will try this. Hopefully, it will have to do.' Stopping in front of Kiba, Kai grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.

"What are you doing out here by yourself little pup?" Moving the boy right in front of him to eye level, Kai stared at him unblinking. Kiba had little scuff marks across his hands like he had been hitting something. But from what Kai could see, there was no one nearby. The scent of blood was not in the air marking out the boy had been in a fistfight.

"Ack! Let me go you bastard." Kiba said snarling. His teeth had come in a little bit and he looked to be growing stronger canines. The increased food and training his mother had subjected him two was starting to show results. "I said let me go!" Kiba had grabbed Kai's hand and sunk his claws deeply in. He looked at Kai waiting for him to loosen his grip a little to get free.

"I will let go in time. Now answer my question. As a matter of fact, why are you not with the other children? Surely it cannot be any fun out here by yourself? You are not the loner type."

"What do you care? It's not like anyone wants to play with a fatherless kid anyway." Kiba said in a huff as he turned his head to the side not meeting Kai's look. "I also ain't your kid or one of your projects."

"Are you sure it had nothing to do with you fighting everyone who gave you an angry look? From what I remember, Ino tried to give you a crown of flowers and you broke it throwing it on the ground and spitting on it. What were your words again?"

"I..I..just. Tsk I said crown flowers are stupid. And she was stupid for making them. The rest of the idiots may have worn there's but I didn't. I was the only one without one." Kiba said the last part a little sad. He had realized it was his own fault that he was alone.

"Ino cried a lot after that. You know she came back crying to the others. If it wasn't for Karin talking the others out of it, I think you would have been harmed by all of them attacking you. But then again... I guess that would have been better than TenTen breaking your arm like that. Hehe." Setting the boy down Kai tried to stifle his laughter remembering his daughter putting Kiba in an armbar. She didn't have it down all the way yet, but.. then again she did a clean break. So he was quite proud of that.

Kiba shivered a little after Kai sat him down. He remembered vividly TenTen sneaking behind him and mounting him. In a flash, she flipped onto his back after she elbowed him in the throat. While he tried to breathe TenTen had placed his arm in the lock and then broke it when he refused to apologize.

"I could have taken her out anytime ok!" Kiba yelled to Kai. His face was red with shame after he had shaken off the fear. Being completely decimated by a girl like that. He was laughed at by his few friends he had left. "Besides she is a monster!"

Kiba had put his head down after saying that. He knew it was rude to say but it is how he felt. 'Why can't everything go back to the way it use to be. Dad was around, everything was great. I wasn't angry all the time.' Kiba smashed his hands in the dirt. Fresh tears started to fall.

"Oh, thanks. I am trying my best to make her one. But she has a way to go." Kai said softly as he looked at the boy. " Anyway Kiba.."

"What is it?" He wiped his tears away and looked up. He was shocked at the look on Kai's face now. He looked actually kind and not stern like the last time when he came around the compound for missions. Or the usual non-interested look.

"It is ok to be frustrated. Also angry, it is because of stuff that is going on inside of your clan. Talk to your mom or one of your elders. Shit even your sisters can help you. They "can" help you with what you are going through. Let's get you back to the party. I rather you are not out here alone. Consider it my fault you are out here like this and alone. I will take that blame. However, I would rather you make some amends ok?" Reaching his hand out to the boy he gave him a friendly look. "Would you like your life to get a little better for now at least? If so take my hand."

Kiba stared for a little moment and grabbed ahold. "Fine but don't think this is over." He said in a little huff. He grabbed Kai's hand tightly. More to show his own strength and he hoped the man wouldn't let go as well.

"Aye, I look forward to it." Walking hand in hand with the boy, they entered the compound.

A few people looked their way. Besides a few whispers here and there everyone made no real moves. The duo made their way to where the children were all present. Kai whispered to Kiba when he saw Ino with Rock.

"Go apologize. There is nothing wrong with it. But only do it if you think you were wrong. If you were in the right, then don't do it." Kai waited to see what Kiba would choose.

"But what if she doesn't want my apology?" Kiba asked as his grip tightened. "What if she refuses?"

"Then that will be the end of it for now. We can not make everyone happy. Nor can we receive their forgiveness all the time."

"Alright. I will try." Before his grip loosened all the way, he grabbed back again. Kiba looked to Kai, "you will be here if it goes bad right?"

With a nod of his head, Kai assured the boy it would be so. Kiba moved to the others quickly, only pausing once he was in arms reach. Kai didn't listen to the conversation as he closed his eyes and focused on listening to what was happening outside the city gates.

A convoy from the Land of Snow had made a visit. It seemed they were ambushed on their journey and had crashed some of there sh.i.p.s. They required assistance in getting back home and choose the Leaf village for help. The odd thing about the lot of them, the injures. Some were life threatening. If the Leaf village turned them away it would be the end of them.

His focus was broken when Kiba came back up to him. "Ah, did everything go ok?"

"Yes. Well kind of. She made me promise I won't do anything like that again. Thank you... Kai." Kiba dashed back to the others.

Kai turned and walked back to the common area when he was interrupted by Gemini. He stopped by a wall and watched Kari socialize. Listening to Gemini report he waited for the Hyuga Elder that made a beeline towards him.

'My Lord, TenTen has been taken by some Hyuga members. They used the boy Neji to get her to come with them. She followed along noticing he was a little scared. Shura is waiting patiently in TenTen's shadow. They have made no dangerous moves. My sister also assures me TenTen has everything under control.' Gemini finished right as the Elder greeted Kai.

"Lord Uzu, a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you personally. I was wondering if you would mind spending some time with me. To mend clan relations is all. How about it?" The elder's tone was condescending in the beginning but even out in the end.

"Very well, lead the way." Kai followed pace. He then sent a whisper to Kari. "Keep an eye on the others and yourself."

In response, Kari rubbed her eye. It was a sign to let him know to keep an eye out. With a wink back to her, he faced forward observing the elder.

"Lord Uzu," the elder said as he continued to walk. His tone took a dark turn. "I am surprised you so willing followed me. With your network of ninja, I would assume you knew we were not trying to harm you. If you did not know, let me assure you myself that is not really the case. Well as long as you agree to some terms that is." The elder turned back to look at Kai, an eerie light could be seen in his eyes. For a man without pupils, his glare was truly.. ugly to behold. "I would like to do an Alliance with our two clans."

"I see. That's interesting, to say the least. But I will at least hear you out. Is this as far as we are going or do you have better accommodations." Kai asked with a smirk. He had used his enhanced vision as they traveled downward. He could not see through the walls due to the material. However, he had caught glimpses of different passageways throughout the structure underground. It was a prison to say the least. Or a ritual sight.

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