Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 43 - Hyuga Incident Part 3 (TenTen)

"But of course. Right, this way." The elder ushered Kai through the door. Once he stepped through, he saw Neji and TenTen sitting at a table. They were surrounded by four Chunin. Off to the side, Hiashi and Hizashi stood, both men looked nervous. Hizashi was standing on pins and needles.

"Hello, there. Are you having fun TenTen?" Kai didn't even speak to the other two men. He spared a dismissive glance towards the Chunin gathered about. This aggravated three of them but not the last. With a closer look, Kai was able to determine this was Hizashis woman. The young ninja had replaced his wife after her death. She was more a nanny, but others looked forward to the day she and Hizashi would wed. Most of the branch pinned their hopes on the outcome. They believed this would make Hizashi stand up to the clan.

"Of course Papa. But Neji here is all scared. I think he is a big chicken." TenTen said to her father. She then looks at Neji smiling broadly. Her face said she was gonna tease the young boy till he lightens up. "See I told you my father would come. Your such a worrywart. As soon as we are done playing here, we will go join everyone else."

"Of course you all will be able to leave child. Right after the ceremony." The elder stepped in an walked towards the center. Sitting down he looked outward. Staring at his great-nephew. His eyes looked over to Kai. "Lord Uzu, let us join these children in matrimony. Of course, this is just on paper. When they are older we can perform the actual ceremony. A marriage alliance will strengthen the clans. It will also create a united front to other villages. What say you?"

"Most certainly not. But I will let TenTen make that decision for herself." Kai smiled at the man's reaction. His stunned look was worth the walk down. "What do you think TenTen, want to marry this mopey brat and his family?"

TenTen stopped for a moment with her teasing. She looked Neji up and down then his father and uncle. She placed her hands under her chin as she leaned against the table. "Well…. So .. far he doesn't play much with anyone. He doesn't help Hinata much anymore from what I have found out. He also doesn't eat his vegetables. So far, papa, there are no good things about him." Rocking her head back and forth, she stopped and snapped her fingers like she just remembered something important. "But he is quiet, so he would make a good infiltrator."

Neji just put his head down after hearing that. Even his father was slightly ashamed at the girl's brutal honesty. 'This little girl knows how to hit home. I wish I could get Neji the way before the seal..but the burden of it all may crush my son.' Hizashi fingers dug deeper into his hands. Again he cursed the family and the way it worked.

Hiashi had a wry look on his face. From the corner of his eyes, he saw his brothers anger. With the little power he had as clan head he couldn't do much to change anything. His eyebrow kept twitching at the girl's statement as well. But he also thought what she said was weird. 'From what she has found out? Don't tell me this child has started gathering info like a ninja already? Tch, if my daughter was a little like her, the elders would get off my case about everything.'

A few minutes went by as TenTen thought about it. "Papa, I think not. He is too useless. I can't bring him home. Mama Pakura would flip out. I don't even want to imagine what mama Anko would do." TenTen shivered as she mentioned Anko's name. 'But the poisoned I released earlier should take care of there reaction times. So many Chunin in here. How creepy is this? And why is Neji so scared?'

"Very well. It is not a big deal. You will find someone perfect for your taste in the future." Kai smiled at her. He suppressed a chuckle as he looked towards the elder. "As you can see, we will be leaving now. Come TenTen."

"Not so fast Lord Uzu. You can't possibly leave this decision to a child. Think of the benefits of our clans uniting. We could become bigger than the Akimichi clan and more specialized than the Uchiha." Watching Lord Uzu's he yelled, "don't do something foolish as this!" The elder said standing up. He watched as TenTen had grabbed Neji's hand pulling him along. "Not so fast brat. You are not leaving this place." With that, he signaled one of the Chunin to apprehend her. The two Hyuga Jonin rushed behind Kai.

"A sand clone! How is that possible?!" The Chunin said shocked. He couldn't tell where she had gone to. His wondering was short-lived as he felt the sand reach out grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the floor. " Damn my chakra is so sluggish!" In the center of the sand, a face appeared. It was a likeness of TenTen. The lookalike was sticking its tongue out. This infuriated the Chunin and he attempted to gathered his chakra more fiercely to prepare a countermeasure.

The elder activated his Byakugan. 'Damn it. When did this poison get here?!' His eyes scan the area. Stopping on TenTen when he noticed an intense buildup the chakra poison inside of her. 'This child! She did it. But how?!'

The chunin turned to the side smacking away another clone that formed up grabbing his legs and pulling them apart. He looked to his fellow chunin for help but each of them had a large gashed on the side of there's faces that continued to bleed.

"Argh," he screamed as a sword appeared through his back. TenTen had used the face as a distraction and struck from behind. "Ugh.. you will pay for that brat…" his sentence didn't even finish as his head was chopped off. Her other sword came down quick and fast.

Jumping off the body, TenTen launched herself into the air. As she twirled through the air she rains down precision kunai to strike the remaining chunin. One of the kunai had a special tag on it. When it struck the woman she was s.u.c.k.e.d into a portal and popped out directly into Kai's hand.

"There there, it won't be ok. Struggle and I will snap your little neck. I hope you can understand where I am coming from when I say this. Yes?" Kai held his grip tight and had already sent his chakra through her body. He had closed all her chakra points besides the one that allowed her to breathe. In her eyes, there was fear and a determination to get free.

In her mind, Neji needed to be protected. She waited to find out the best chance to get out of the situation. "Kuff.. I.. understand."

The two Jonin had made way to both Hiashi and Hizashi. The Elder screamed in anger. "What are you fools doing?!" The elder stood there trying to figure out what was happening. Nothing was going how he envisioned. Both men said nothing as they clashed with the other two. Each blow was to disable not kill. The two did not fight in the Hyuga style mainly. They had been trained in subdue techniques by the Uzumaki clan. The elder then looked back towards TenTen and Neji assuming the Chunin had already disabled the child. He was wrong again.

"Spray and pray!!" She yelled out. From her foot, a grappling hook anchor stuck to the ceiling. Cementing her in place up top to the ceiling of the room. The grappling hook anchor had inscriptions on it that absorbed the chakra in the dirt. TenTen needed it to supplement her low chakra reserves. As a child, she had a small amount. But supplement chakra made up for it.

"Move out of the way Neji!" TenTen yelled once the liquid stop coming out. Seeing his stunned look she became furious. Her hair turned dark red all over. "I said to move or become burned alive! I can't hold this forever!"

"Uh... uh right. Sorry." Neji stuttered out. He moved as fast as his little legs could take him. "I am out of the way.." Neji yelled back. He didn't get to finish as his jaw dropped at the sight before him. TenTen had hurled a firebomb. Burning the Hyuga men alive. As the men faced contorted in pain and anguish she watches as they burned. A small tear started to form as she brushed it away. Flipping to the side she landed next to Neji. He stared shocked as the men burned alive.

Seeing her walk over towards Neji, the woman held in Kai's hand started to struggle. Tears formed in her eyes as fear gripped her. "Please.. do..nt.. hurt.. him." She pleaded towards Kai.

"Not my decision. It is hers." Kai gestured towards TenTen. Taking in a deep breath Kai s.u.c.k.e.d in the smoke that had started up in the room. The Hyuga brothers had been knocked to there knees and sealed.

The woman looked over begging TenTen with her eyes. TenTen stared at Neji who still looked at the burning men. She shook her head at his shocked eyes. But then again she would have been the same way before her training.

"Tch, are you an idiot!? Why did you stand there? You should have kept moving. What's wrong with you?" TenTen asked. Nay demanded. She watched as Neji just stared glassy-eyed. "You are so stupid. But mama said you are a good boy. So I will spare you since it is part of the mission anyway." Reaching in she whispered into his ear. "You wanna serve as a servant. So I will make you the most powerful servant in the world." TenTen struck Neji against the neck knocking him out cold. With a prick of her thumb, she touched it against Neji's caged bird seal. This caused it to fade away. As she worked on this, the Elder had started to make his move. He took a secret exit behind the platform.

"Ah, finish." TenTen declared as she wiped her brow. She sat down exhausted and started to sip a drink from her pocket. She gave the impression of being tired but her eyes constantly scanned the room. 'This drink is so bitter that papa gave me. But he said Elixer is the best for quick recovery. But why does it have to taste so bad.' Thinking to herself she gave a quick glance towards the burning men. She couldn't look at them more than a minute before looking away. 'I don't wanna tell papa I still feel bad from killing. But Kimimaru said I must tell him if I want to get through this. Papa will understand.'

As TenTen finished her musings. She had recovered to acceptable fighting levels. She looked to Kai who just stared at her quietly. This cause TenTen to double-check over everything from the last few minutes. Not at any point did she do anything wrong. So why the look.

"Mission complete papa," TenTen answered slightly scared.

Kai walked over and hugged her with one hand. "It is not over till we are home. Or at least on our way home. Rember this my little General." As Kai said this the Jonin had placed the Hyuga brothers in scrolls sealing them away. Kai placed the woman and Neji in the same scroll before tucking them away. "Alright you two, move on to the next task." Both men nodded and disappeared from sight.

"Uh... papa why did you send them away? Dont we have more to do?" TenTen asked slightly puzzled.

"That can wait. I saw earlier what happened. You started to cry. You.." Kai tried to calmy address what happened.

"Papa! Stop! This is the life I chose. No one but me can decide what happens. I choose this life. We agreed. So don't back out on me now." Tenten said staring at him. Tears came down the side of her face. In her eyes was determination.

Kai pulled her in for a hug. "I know my little General. But does not mean I can't act like a father and try to console you. I know you were scared. I know I was." Kai gently rubbed her head as Jaws moved his little paws against her head.

"Hiccup.. so you are not mad at me?" TenTen said between hiccups and her strong visage breaking.

"Of course not. You performed way above what I expected. Nice work with the grappling anchor. I am so very proud of you. This was your first mission. So far you are doing great. However.."

"However what?"

"Make sure you keep yourself safe. I could tell you were more worried about the boy. You come first understand?"

"Of course papa!?" TenTen beamed as she thought about her next task.

"Good. Now let's get this room ready."

"Ok!" TenTen then reached to her leg pulling out a small scroll that she unraveled. The sheeting was as thin as a cicada wing. She started writing and inscribing seals for a grand illusion. 3 minutes later she finished. "Finished over her papa."

"Good job." Kai then turned to a different direction of the cavern. Sending his voice out he alerted Kari to proceed. "Do it now."

Kari had been following the Elder once he made to the top level. It was quite easy with her being a sensor type as well as the chakra poisoning inside the elder.

'Well, time to get this show started.' Kari then changed her physical features to look like a cloud female that they captured a week or so ago.

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