Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 44 - Hyuga Incident part 4 (Kari's Fight)

The Elder move through the passageway stopping only once he reached his part of the estate. The area was cleared besides a few branch members tied up and strung to the ceilings. The branch members had been tortured due to disobedience and for the whereabouts of those who were planning to leave the clan. Completely disregarding the ruling the council had passed months ago.

In the Elder's eyes, they belong to the clan, not the village. Those who wanted to leave are traitors plain and simple. Through the various acts of torture, he had learned of a few pieces of useful information. Apparently, the one name Pakura was a woman from another village. An elite member at that. The council would be able to use that to place pressure on Lord Senju. That was the plan anyway. The Elder did not think he would cause a problem during the celebration. Nor that there were any traitors amongst them after the last group was made an example of.

"They will pay for this. Ah hah," the Elder said in triumph. He pulled a bottle with several seals on it. "The best thing those branch members had on them. To think he was behind the kidnapping of the three-tailed beast host. You are not as clean as you made your self out to be Lord Senju."

"You will go no further." Kari declared as she sent multiple senbons out to the Elder. The senbons flew off into a beautiful arc that curved mid-flight. The Elder was no pushover he used the clan's techniques to defend the attacks. Kari placed her arms together and activated the release method. Several chakra threads left the senbons and reattach to her. She pulled on the threads as they whipped to attack the Elder once more. The chakra strings stretched more and more every time they deflected. "Thanks for the help."

"What the hell are you talking about woman?!" The Elder yelled.

"This!" Kari had sent other senbons to cut the hanging members down. She then cut her thumb and made the motions for a summoning technique. Out popped a White Grizzly ninja bear with hammers on its waist. "Take him down Taka, while I get the people out of here!"

A ninja charged out from the crowd coming at Kari. Shuriken launched from the man's arm connecting inside her shoulder. Her healing factor already pushed the weapons out healing in seconds. Deflecting the blow with her left foot she channeled chakra into her right knee. Pushing off the ground with her hair techniques, she made contact with the ninja's jaw shattering it in the process. With the placing of her palm against the man's c.h.e.s.t, she blows out the man's organs and spine leaving him to die a painful death.

As her cold eyes scanned her surroundings, Kari manipulated the blood with her chakra. Spreading her senses inside the chamber. The information poured into her slowly about the events that transpired in the last few minutes.

Kari stepped over towards the first set of people. Taking her braid out at the end of her hair, water flowed freely from the stands. The water turned into multiple clones and started to lift the most critically able that she spotted. Her hair strands then stretched helping the others move around.

Everything was happening at a steady pace. But Kari still felt something was wrong. 'Too many of them are in here. How in the world did all these ninjas get caught as well?' Dropping her guard on purpose she turned her back to a relatively healthy ninja that was subdued.

A Hyuga branch member that was barely injured took this chance to attack her, stabbing her directly in the c.h.e.s.t as he believed her guard was down. "I will kill you," he said as the blade sunk into her. "No one defies the Hyuga Clan."

"Mhh," the group of others whimpered alarmed. The thoughts for most of them was that she would not fall to the attack. A few others wished she would have survived long enough to treat them for they can escape. His blade was stuck into a water clone, that broke apart. The Hyuga looked around trying to find her. "Where is she?! Tell me you traitor's!" He screamed as he picked up the man Kari was just healing. The prisoner's eyes became wide as he stared back at his former clansmen. "Stop staring at me!" Raising his hand to strike down the prisoner he was stopped.

Another of the branch members had headbutt him to the ground. Another jumped on top biting at his face. One on the ground went for his ankles. Kari was quite happy at the display. She would not allow the man to kill one of the branch members but her own personal job was to see if these people were psychology able to be saved or even worth it for that matter.

The bear just let loose a paralyzing howl causing the Elder to freeze mid-charge. "GGrrraa" the very room vibrated from its growl. With good reason, the bear new sounds techniques that Kari had taught it. The entire time she was within the grass village she picked up a few moves here and there.

The bear rolled and jumped into the air pressing his advantage. "Boom, boom" two loud smacks rained out as the hammers made contact with the Elder's palms. With each strike, the elder was pushed back having to reposition himself to keep his defense up. Any advantage he could gain was immediately lossed from the pressure of the bear's attack. Each gave no quarter as time passed slowly between the two.

The moment the bear stopped its attack the Elder became overconfident. "Foolish beast, you will not penetrate my defense. What are you," The Elder began to ask as the bear opened its mouth spitting out hot pressured water. The water cut right through his defenses peeling his flesh from his palms and his c.h.e.s.t. The water did not stop as it carried him through the room into a wall. In response, the Elder circulated as much chakra as possible to mount a defense. 'My chakra, it's disappearing. What are these people?!' Those where the Elder's last thoughts as his flesh continue to come off his body. His chakra flowed towards the bear causing it to become bigger and smarter. Kari placed her hand on the Elder's head taking as many clan secrets she could before his chakra ran out.

On the top of his skull, the only thing left was the symbol of a whirlpool. "This blasted water is still circulating around.. Kai will not like this." As Kari went around collecting what she could, Taka stood guard over the entrance. Half an hour later she moved to leave. The people were told to tell the Hokage what happened if they did not, no help would come for them in the future. Their other choices were to leave with her. She adamantly explained the Hyuga clan would not do anything in public.

As the group left and made it back topside they came across a set of people. It was the current heir of the Hyuga clan's wife, Haruka walking down the hall with Lady Tsunade and Lady Nara. Startling the trio. Kari motioned for the people to continue on. Lady Haruka kept walking like nothing was out of the ordinary. With a slight stumbled she caught herself against the wall.

"Kari my friend come with me. I do think I am feeling a little on the weather. I may have overexerted my self earlier today."

"Of course. I have told you to take it lightly. There are so many problems already with your pregnancy that we have to be extra careful." Kari walked over grabbing Haruka's arm. "Let's get you back to your room and I will run a quick checkup." The two started walking leaving lady Tsunade and Nara behind.

"Should we go with?" Lady Nara asked with her head tilted to the side. 'Hopefully, she gains an interest in something for once. I am sick of not learning anything from her.'

"We should. Something... feels off." Tsunade followed by as quick as she could. Tsunade had felt the presence of a cloud delegation member following them from behind. He kept himself well hidden but she could distinguish that he was stalking them. "You never know if she might go into labor early."

"Hiashi and Hizashi how much longer will you continue this stupidity. It is time you two work towards a better future for your clan. At this rate, the Hyuga will go down in infamy." Kai said lowly to the men. He had TenTen in his arms talking to her about what happened. 'I am so proud of you my Little General. It is ok to feel bad about your person to kill, you know this.'

"Lord Senju you are leaving us with little choice!" Hiashi yelled drawing a few peoples head towards them. His brother immediately tried to calm him as they walked.

"If you want I can make the choice for you. How about I tell the council about how your Elder partnered up with Cloud village and gave them intel to infiltrate the village. Your elders have gone out of control. A bunch of power-hungry old fools trapped in their ways. Allow me to clean house for you and rebuild your clan for you as well. I am not even asking for much really. Just the release of the branch members and the ending of the practice of the Cage bird Seal. You can still use it on clan offenders but not your regular people. I think I am being fair. No? It is a good offer is it not?" Kai said coyly.

'Papa I am fine... it's just they died to easily. How am I supposed to test myself against weak opponents? I do feel a little bad. But not really. They were bad people and they threaten me. Hmph, they got what was coming to them.' TenTen transmitted as she started to yawn out loud. Her body was still growing and she just manipulated a lot of artificial chakras earlier. 'But I am really sleepy. I am glad I did well. Even though Neji is a little crybaby he turned ok when we were leaving.' TenTen then fell asleep in Kai's arms.

'Hmm, I have underestimated the psyche of the children in this era. Much more study most happen to make sure I do not botch this.' Kai thought heavily on the children's studies for the future. 'i will do whatever it takes to make sure do not break TenTen. I swear it.'

"Lord Senju, if you will, can you come this way," Hizashi stated.

As the ceremony continued a few hours later Kai was rejoined by Kari. None of the Cloud delegation members had remained. Most of the children had fallen asleep as the a.d.u.l.ts converse. Ku-La whispered over to Kai the plan is proceeding as needed.

"That is good. Pass the word to only give a slight chase to the enemy ninja." Kai then pulled Kari closer and talked to her silently. For any who were watching it looked as if was a couple getting intimate in public. 'Did everything go ok? I can see you are not hurt however, you did not report back in. Did you run into any trouble?'

'Nothing too important. I will tell you later.' Kari placed her head on her husband and start a light snooze. 'The copy of Karin and Hinata have been taken by the jounin. Once they reach a good distance past the border the bombs will go off killing a good deal of there ninja. Hinata is resting with her mother. With Karin and Shura there as well I do not see anything going wrong. Tell me though.'

'You know you can ask me almost anything. Go for it.' Kai looked down at the woman leaned against him.

'Why do you care so much for the child as well as her mother?'

'I wish to prevent a tragedy in the village is all. Also, I think the mother and child will be a good influence on Naruto in the future.'

Once the ceremony ended everyone started to make there way out. Kai and Kari had been stopped by a Hyuga member. The man handed him a scroll and walked away.

"What do you have there?" Kari asked s she scanned the man who left.

"Meh can't be too important." Kai opened the scroll and sped read it quickly. Squinting his eyes he chucked a little and handed it to Kari.

"Is this a joke? They cannot be serious." Kari said incredulously.

"I do not think the Hyuga joke, my dear." Kai smiled as they walked away.

An Uzumaki member strolled over. "My Lord, you looked to be high spirits. Care to share the news?"

"No problem. The Hyuga's have asked for me and Kari to be the God Parents of the little prem.a.t.u.r.e baby Hanabi. Also, Karin is quite attached to the child as well. She gave the child all of her chakras to make sure the recovery went faster." Kai looked to Kari a little angry. "How did she learn the transfer technique to help infants?"

Kari looked to the sky trying to avoid his gaze. "I may have taught her it." Looking back she noticed her husbands stern gaze. Seeing the genuine anger in his eyes she stepped back a little. The Uzumaki member made a speedy retreat from the situation. "I trusted in our daughter as much as you trust in her. She would not do anything that she would regret." Kai's gaze softened immediately afterward.

"You are right. I am glad you made that decision. Forgive me, I know I can be overbearing sometimes." Kai walked over and grabbed her with his free hand. Pulling her close he kissed her under the moonlight in front of the Hyuga clan's gate. "Let's go home."

"Swoosh," a leaf jonin appeared right in front of the couple kneeling.

"You should go with him. It's about Lady Sarutobi. I was waiting till tonight to tell you but no point now. She needs your help. Do remember to be gentle dear husband. You can not treat her like she is Ouroboros." Kari walked over and grabbed the sleeping TenTen. Walking over to the other Uzumaki clansmen she headed home leaving Kai there puzzled.

"Ok so mind telling me what is going on?" Kai asked trying to make sense of the situation. The moment the jonin had appeared he had stretched his senses on reflex to check on the operation around the village. Thinking something had gone wrong with the plan.

"If you come with me I can explain while we are on our way, my lord." the ninja turned and then vanished. Kai followed behind right after.

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