Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 45 - Hyuga Incident Finale (Hyuga's Future)

Kai and the jonin arrived at the Hokage tower. Much to his annoyance, the man had little to say. He informed him lady Sarutobi medical condition had reached the extreme level and that he needed to help.

Arriving at the medical wing of the Kage tower, Kai looked around at the lack of people besides a few female ninjas. 'Ok ... this is getting a little weird. Maybe I should have studied more about the Sarutobi family. Give a little check a roo, then back home.'

Arriving at a door Kai met Shuba guarding the door. Cuts and bandages decorated across her body. "What the hell happened to you? You look like you went a few rounds with an Inuzuka."

"I did go a few rounds with an Inuzuka. Lady Sarutobi is partial remember?" Shuba's face turned into a frown. 'This might pose a problem.'

"I do not remember talking about that. Tried to mind my business on certain things these days. Babies on the way and all. So do you want me to take care of you before I take care of her or what?"

Shuba heart rate started to accelerate. As if a cold bucket of water was dumped on her head she cooled out. "You do realize you are here to mate with her correct?" A few seconds passed by before Kai reached out and shook her hand. He turned around and started to leave.

"How funny. I have no idea why you would want to do a joke like but that I am out. If anyone needs dire medical attention let me know." Walking away slightly annoyed Kai felt the pain of his Kryptonian powers leave him. 'Not now dammit!' Shuba grabbed his arm and dragged him to the door. The transition always left him slightly tired.

"Lord Senju you can't just leave!" Kai just pulled back his arm and tried to walk. Shuba had used shadows as well, keeping him in place. "You are the one she chooses. You have to do it. If you don't go in there who will?! She will kill any other man that tries!" The tug of war continued for a few minutes before Kai stopped resisting.

"Ok spill. Why the hell did she choose me and what this is all about?" Standing defeated Kai assumed she would not just let this go. 'Memo to self-read all the information on the Inuzukas.'

"Finally you will listen to reason. Since that incident a few months ago subconsciously lady Sarutobi has had her eye on you. Due to politics and her own pride, she won't try anything... but her choice is clear. The Inuzuka blood in her won't allow her to have someone lesser." Shuba recited everything like it was fact. "Even as a half Inuzuka the 'Heat' is strong in her."

"Ok, so I just need to get her to calm down. That's easy I know a medical treatment to help her get past this. She keeps her chastity and no harm no foul." Smiling under his mask Kai started to walk past. Shuba shadows stopped him again. They had grown bigger and stronger. The other nurses had moved in various ways in the lobby. Blocking anyone from coming in.

"Lord Senju..." A cold chilled started to pass in the hall. The various nurses started to back away looking over the shoulder every now and then. "If you do anything to harm my friend I will do my best to kill you. I swear on my clan!" Turning to face him a few tears started to travel down her cheeks. "The only known treatment is to take out a few organs of hers. Do you mean to tell me you are going to remove her ability to have babies?! Why can't you just go in there mate with her and leave?!" Gripping her hands so tight she broke the skin, Shuba's chakra started to flare higher. "You i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed those woman in that village but not one of your own! In what way do Leaf village women come up short!"

"I.. can't just do that." Kai mask started to recede from his face. His eyes had turned brown and a gentle look was on his face. "This will be the second no the third time I have felt so vulnerable at the Leaf village." Looking directly at Shuba he placed his hands on her face. "Do you honestly think I will be able to walk away from her if I do that? The answer is hell no. The same as if it was you. I am a man, not much of one mind you but a man."

"I have five wives. The amount of kids I will have is already nuts. Counting onto the fact I just had to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e an entire village of women has kind of messed with my head. My own personal beliefs aside, I think about what will happen to the children when I am gone. Knowing that half of them will probably die is weighing heavy on me. Part of me won't care. Another part will." Kai stared at Shuba's dark brown eyes resisting as best he could from doing anything stupid right now.

"I am sorry that you are going through this. But you must also remember.. we are ninja women. We want to be with you. Even if it isn't for the long term. We can die any day at any time. I rather die experiencing love and a family before then. I can say that for most of the men and women in the village fill the same."

"I understand." Letting go, Kai stepped into the room. Three steps in Lady Sarutobi pounced on him. Her eyes fixated on him watching every move he made. Kai felt only excitement rush in his body. It reminded him of the time Mastica had bit into him. Turning and pinning her against the wall he flooded her body with chakra calming her senses and effectively shutting her body down. Picking her up he placed her onto the bed. A bunch of nurses saw the entire event. So in anger thinking they had failed. Some in relief that she did not look to be hurt. Looking back to Shuba he spoke with the utmost conviction he could muster in his voice. "When she awakens come get me. This is no request but an order. Make sure you come with her as well. We have much to discuss." With a burst of speed, he was gone. Anger started to rise as he traveled. 'What is happening to me?'

Shuba and the nurses looked over their patient finding nothing wrong. More than anything they were confused. Lady Sarutobi face was flushed and a very content smile that turned into a grin formed.

"What did he do?" Shuba asked in a murmur. All the other nurses had the same thought. "What is he going to do when Tsume and Mastica come back?"

"I think the village is about to become really interesting soon." A nurse said offhandedly.

At the peak of the Hokage Tower. The Hokage, Danzo, Kakashi, Shukaku, and Inoichi sat around waiting.

"Lord Hokage are you sure about this?" Kakashi asked.

"I am sure. This paperwork shows multiple talks between the Hyuga elders with the underground organization. They have sold their own clan members to different clans across the waters. Increasing their own pockets and fueling a military attack against our allies. Some of this talk suggests a possible Coup would take place soon. Retaking over the clan after a vote of nonfaith." The Hokage stated plainly. His anger was barely contained by his smoking. "This does not bold well at all. I had to dispatch the police in full force to help contain the situation at the compound." Looking to Inoichi his face turned grim. "The other operation how is it fairing?"

"All of the hostile have been forced out. A few bumps here and there but good other than that."

"Hmm, something strange is going on," Danzo stated. "Go ahead and report, Tenzo."

"Sir, there is a situation." Walking over he handed Danzo a scroll then moved to the side. As Danzo read the scroll he actually smiled. Handing it to the Hokage he headed out of the tower. "I am headed home."

"He can't be serious right?" Shukaku asked. Looking towards the Hokage he was shocked to see the man was laughing. "What is on the scroll?" Walking over he picked it up from the table. Everyone gathered around and started reading over his shoulder.

Inoichi was the first to speak. "Congrats Shukaku. Your sister has finally gotten over her hang up."

Kai left because he felt something was terribly wrong. With his powers returning as he travelled it would be foolish to think nothing was happening. Fresh memories on killing appeared in his mind. This was highly unusual. He definitely knew something was wrong now. Focusing on the direction he was pulled in he arrived at the Hyuga compound. To imagine that it only took an hour for everything to elevate to this level.

The gate was completely destroyed with the Uchiha police keeping people out. They did their best to handle the crowd and calm them down. Kai flashed right by them but transmitted a line to the jonin captains nearby. "This is anbu member designation Leader. I am heading inside. If there is anything special I need to know, have the desginated person start to speak it."

Once inside Hyuga member fought against Hyuga member. Most branch members attacked in pairs disabling or outright killing the main family members. Despite everything, there were a few casualties to the branch members.

Standing above them all from atop a building Kai took a deep breath. Infusing it with a lot of light chakras he exhaled and froze everyone in the courtyard up to the neck. Over 400 people were frozen. In the moonlight, it looked beautiful, but could easily turn into a massacre if Kai wished to kill instead.

"So what the hell is going on here?" With the mask on, his voice amplified sounding more ghastly than ever. Even the hardest jonin felt there blood run cold. This could have also been from the chilling air from a few seconds ago.

"Fwosh," Another ninja appeared next to Kai. It was Kari in her Anbu medical clothing. For her mask, the side had a black cross by the chin. 'I stand with you husband. No matter what happens.' Kari transmitted as she circulated her chakra and entered her hyper state. The entire compound fell under her sensor range.

A branch member spoke first. "They refused to let us leave. Our families told us what happened to them. Torture by there own kin." The man looked over to the main member across from him with utter hatred. If he was able Kai bet the man would claw at him with his very teeth just to kill him. "The main family are monsters. It wasnt enough to enslave us they had to torture us as well."

From the main household, other Hyugas came out. They all looked to be Elders or members that held power in the family. Behind them walked lady Haruka minus her children. A few bruises here and there she walked silently with her head down. A few branch women traveled to her side in a protective manner.

As soon as Kai had arrived he was informed by Karin that they were in the backyard heading out a secret passage. She had baby Hinata in her arms feeding her a little chakra to keep her quiet. Hinata and Neji followed behind her not knowing what was going but that it was serious. Kai sent her a transmitted message of how proud he was of her. Thinking to Gemini and jaws to make sure they all get away safely.

The Elder started to do hand signs to inflict pain on the insolent branch members. To his surprise, nothing happened. When Kai spewed cold mist out earlier it was laced with his chakra. He had molded it to zap the chakra of anyone who breathe in any of the air. Fuming mad the Elder glanced around and stopped when he saw Kai.

"Anbu, what are you doing here?! Leave now! This is a family affair!" The Elder ordered.

"No. This is a village matter. Also, you are not the leader of the clan. Hiashi Hyuga is. If he ordered me to leave I might oblige." Looking over to the man and seeing him shake his head no Kai continued. "By the power vested in the Anbu, I say anyone who wants to leave can do so. Anyone interfering with that will be killed by my hands. No need for any of you to have that guilt. I do not mind staining my hands in blood." With a clap of his hands, the ice broke apart from the various clan members.

"Don't any of you dare move! You will obey and stay here." The Elder looked to Hiashi. "You are a young clan head. It is best if I take charge for now nephew."

Hiashi struggled with what to do. Getting every to calm down would be for the best. If he could get the branch family to calm down he would be able to reign in the elders. 'Dammit so close to having everything change. Just more time was all needed.' Looking close to the elder he saw his wife walking with some branch members. 'Hikaru, why the hell are you over there?!' Hiashi started to fret a little more. Sweat started to come down his face.

Seeing the struggle his brother was facing Hizashi stepped forward. Removing his coat that had the symbol of the clan on it he threw it on the ground in front of the Elder. "I Hizashi am no longer a Hyuga. I disown myself and my heritage. Any brave soul may join me." Stepping out he cast his gaze on his home one last time. Walking to where the Uchiha guarded the gate his pace slowed down. Each step had the weight of the world. He tried his best to hold back his tears. 'Why did it have to come to this? No, it doesn't matter anymore. I have to do right by the branch members and my son.'

Several men and women started to follow. Throwing clan symbols and the like to the ground. The children did it with no hesitation. They ran through the gates happily.

The Elder watched in anger for a few moments before giving the order. "All loyal Hyugas kill the traitors." As his voice bellowed out he jumped to attack a woman carrying her child.

Hiashi stepped in front blocking the attack. "Elder you forget yourself. This is my clan. I give the orders! Now stand down!"

Looking at his nephew in defiance the Elder sent a secret signal to his cadre. They started the attack. Before Kunais made it to far, a beam of hot fire passed over it melting it to slag. Kai fired several bursts at each attacking member burning there hands. As the chakra travelled up the body nerves in each arm burned out. This effectively made the hands useless.

As the men screamed in pain. Kai's eyes glowed white-hot. "Stand aside now!" Hiashi stared lost before taking in a breath he didn't know he was holding. Gritting his teeth Kai spoke again much more harshly. "I will not say it again." Once Hiashi moved heat rays burned the elder's feet slowly. All throughout the courtyard, his screams could be heard. Kai had the chakra slowly heal him. Keeping the man conscious while he made an example out of him.

The heat ray traveled up his legs to his torso. The elder screamed for mercy the loss of his legs and his groin was something he never thought would happen. The Hyuga members that remained pleaded as well. It all fell on deaf ears. Kai was not moved as the heat traveled to the man's lungs. There it stopped. An audible pop was heard. In a flicker, Kai appeared in front of the stump of a man. Lifting him up he gazed into his eyes. "See no evil."

"Psh" the Elders eyes were burned out.

"Hear no evil."

"Rip" the elders ears were removed. Piercing his eardrums with his fingers he then sealed them shut.

"Speak no evil." Placing his left hand over the mouth he sealed it shut. The remaining chakra circulated the body healing it making sure that he would heal from the damages. Dropping the stump Kai looked around the courtyard at the other elders and members. In a flash, their legs were ripped off. In the next blur, hands had been removed.

"Lord Senju! That is enough!" Hiashi screamed.

"No, it's not." Stopping he appeared right in front of the man. "Have you told your wife what happened. Have you told her your clansmen poisoned her? All the plans that these individuals cooked up?" Seeing Hiashi bow his head in shame Kai became even angrier. "You have no control of your clan at all. If you do not fix this now. I will not help in the future no matter what. None of my children, no Hokage, no friends, and none of my wives will get me to stop. I will kill all of you. Do you understand me?"

Hiashi could swear he was looking into an abyss. "I understand," taking a deep breath Hiashi mustered his courage. "Do leave. You are not welcomed in my family."

Kai walked pass him slowly and moved to the Uchiha ninja. He heard the sounds of Walking behind him. It was Haruka running up to her husband questioning him. A loud smack rang in the courtyard next after a few seconds.

Haruka had tears running down her face as she threw down her coat. Right as she made it to the other group she was caught by Kari.

"Your condition is still terrible." Taking the woman's hand she walked her to the Senju compound. "Come let's get the rest of the poison out as well as get you your baby. I am sure she misses you." Kari looked back at her husband. She knew something changed in him. No matter what she knew were her place was. By his side, with her family.

Kai masked retreated from his face. His hair was red and reeked of blood. Two Uchiha jonin walked up to him. "Sir, your orders?"

"Have every member of your force patrol for the next 12 hours. I will pay for it myself. The village is on lockdown. If anyone asks, tell them an attack in the Hyuga compound took place. Unidentified enemy. Tell your head if he wants to know I will have the full report to give to the Hokage in 30 hours." Seeing the two jonin nod in understanding he dismissed them. At that moment Gemini placed herself back in his shadow.

Kai started walking down the streets in no hurry to head home. Looking to the sky he jumped and flew off to the forbidden forest. Kai didn't land gently at all. He plowed through trees and an old rest hut. Standing up wearily he threw up black bile that disintegrated immediately.

"Whats.. happening.. to me..?" Smashing his fist in the ground he created a chasm about a 1/4 mile deep. Sliding forward his face hit a boulder in the newly formed chasm. Kai would have fallen all the way to the bottom if not for a helping hand. Well, tail anyway. Jaws had summoned himself to his side pulling out. Sliding him to a tree he watched sadly.

Out walked the fertility god. His mask came off as he stared at Kai. The mysticism went away as he looked at him. "You are breaking. Faster than you should be. Can you not keep it togethor anymore?"

"Screw you!" Heat blasts fired from Kai's eyes into the air. as the moonlight landed on him the damaged from the fall disappeared. Standing up Kai marveled at the change in his body. "You know what's going on? Don't you? Don't lie, just tell me!"

With a flick of his wrist, the deity broke Kai's legs and knees. "You bastard!" Another flick Kai's arms broke. "Come on do it! What you have no balls?! Kill me f.u.c.ker!" Kai body heaved up as he coughed up more black sludge.

Gemini popped out weapons drawn. "Stop! Don't you dare come any closer."

"Gemini, fall .. back.. now!" Kai's voice came out strained. His body was expanding and compressing way worse than last time.

"Easy loyal little tool. I would not harm him much. Just helping him get rid of the poison." The fertility god fired a ball of light fixing Kai in an instant.

"You two look alike. It's weird." Gemini said as she stared. Jaws to the side nodded his head as well.

"Yeah, why do you look like me?" Kai asked standing up. "I look better though." Smiling he stared at the man as felt some memories stir. "You look familiar why didn't I notice that before?"

"Because you didn't care before. Don't worry I didn't either. But it is not important for now. You took a big risk with your cellular programming. It is good you didn't take in any more."

"Master, what is he talking about?" Gemini asked. She started to drop her guard when she noticed there was no danger anymore.

"Ah, I was hoping not to ever talk about this with you yet." Rubbing his hand through his hair Kai stared at the smiling Deity. "Each of you have been marked by me. The mark is a form of protection against any foreign contaminants. Mostly on the cellular level. When we pass by each other the contaminants are broken down into chakra that flows into me naturally. It updates me on any medical issues." Scratching his chin he had to ask. "Are we related?"

"You need to work on that ability. It is no were near its full potential. And yes we are related." The deity smiled. "Oh, and you look like me. I am older."

"Tch yeah yeah whatever."

"Oh, congrats on getting rid of some more of your humanity. You are getting closer and closer to the next stage." Smiling he figures he will cheer Kai up a little. "Oh, I punished my wife for killing you. Turns out she broke a law when she did that."

"Gonna tell me which law?"

"No. Not yet anyway. You should go back. Your wives are getting antsy. Try not to make them cry too much. That is some of the strongest Kryptonite."

"Yeah, yeah I will try. No promises. Man, I have to think of some presents." Walking over Kai picked up Jaws hugging him. "Let's go home you two. We are going to walk. Gemini we need to have a little talk."

As they walked off the Fertility God stood there. Once he no longer saw them two gates opened behind him. Out walked his wives.

"Did you tell him yet?" They asked in unison.

"No, I couldn't. I don't think he's ready to know. I think my little brother will have a hard future ahead of him." Opening a gate big enough for all of them they all walked through. "Just wish he give up on some things."

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