Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 48 - Babies..

Entering the room Kai spotted the doctors tending to Pakura. She was laid back in a hospital bed. One of the things Kai changed about the delivery methods. Having a baby while on the floor may be ok in some cultures but screw that. Before entering the area his suit retracted and came back out. Clearing away any and all foreign contaminants that could be on his person. Stepping over the medical talisman he stood to the side out of the way.

Pakura noticed him on arrival. She smiled sheepishly at him. "I know your mad at me. But can I see your face?" Seeing that he didn't move she moved up a little in the bed before a nurse resituated her back down. "Right no unnecessary movement. I forgot all the books Hisa had me read already." Rubbing her belly her look turned slightly sour. Her head kept touching against the area where the nurse had turned. "Do you think that means I will be a terrible mother?"

Kai retracted the mask and just stared at her. "No, I don't." His eyes already looked over the babies inside. Some bad placement on one of them. Looking closer he could see the child had been turned to make the delivery easier. "How are you faring? Are you sure you don't want to you use the other method?"

"No. I will delivery these babies normally. No drugs and no phantom delivery. I can do this! Dont you trust me?" Pakura said a little angry. Kai looked at the monitor and saw her pulse jump up.

"I trust you know best for your own body," Kai said with a little smile. Agitating would not go well at all. "I am right here." Stepping back he stood against the wall by the medical supplies. If you need me." Seeing her lay her head back he just stared at her. "So what did you think of for names?"

Pakura smiled and started to tell him all the names she thought of. With help from the other villagers, they turned it into a game of sorts. An hour passed with things going relatively slowly. Then everything hit the fan. The monitor started to go haywire.

"My Lady I am gonna need you to push ok. Only do it when I say so." The nurse said hesitantly. Slowly she continued to instruct Pakura. Another voice brought a little cheer into the room. Dilated only four centimeters was dangerous but no clear option on how to help with delivery. Each doctor had different methods. Though unusual it is not unheard of that a mother is told not to push until the body is fully ready.

Pakura struggled with her d.e.s.i.r.e to push. Something in her urged her to get rid of what was causing her pain. As she gritted her teeth to bear with it, her body overloaded the chakra dampeners she had. Small spheres of heat started to appear in the room. Two of the doctors started performing hand signs containing the chakra into glass jars. The jars were then placed upside down and put into a machine that s.u.c.k.e.d the chakra in.

It was a chakra storage device that Hisa designed with Kari. One of the issues with strong ninja is the chakra withdrawal after. Once the birth was finished the chakra would be channeled back into the mother to help with recovery. With test they have performed before, one's own chakra worked best. Or a family member.

"The baby is coming. I have a decent hold of him. Wait for it.. a little..," the doctor supported the baby's head up. Another ninja moved in to help with the removing of the shoulders. for some reason, Pakura's body was not transitioning right. Her hard labor moved into an intense labor. Something in her body didnt change over correctly.

"She is finally dilating more. We are up to 7 centimeters now!" The nurse said to the other. After saying that, the nursed channeled her chakra. As it moved in her hands she slowly helps separate Pakura cervical opening.

"Ok, my Lady you can push now. Not to fast. Slowly. You have multiple babies to push out. This will be a slow process." Ten minutes later the first baby was out.

"It's a girl." With a whisk of her hand, the nurse cut the umbilical cord and lifted the babe up. She removed any all contaminants as the blockage was removed from nasal cavity and throat. Setting it into a container two nurses and clansmen of the Uzumaki clan moved the baby to the adjacent room to run checks.

Kai watched Pakura never removing his eyes off her. With the first baby having been delivered, the next task was to help with the twins. The duo had moved, been turned and finally put in a position to deliver them. The biggest problem was the twin's legs wrapped around each other. Already they proved to be inseparable. When the nurse moved the legs earlier, the babies heartbeat would slow down. According to the monitor, the two had the weakest heartbeat and the risk was too severe.

"Deliver the others. Keep a watchful eye on those two. That is the only thing you can do." Kai said neutrally. He was not worried about the twins. His sights mostly watched Pakura and the smallest baby inside.

"Very well." The head doctor said agreeing. With the help of the nurse, they moved the other that was close to pakura's left side. As they move the baby they were forced to stop every two minutes as Pakura's pulse would jump. Some bruising leftover damaged her sides. With the chakra dampeners in place, she didn't heal that quickly. "Now Pakura. Push!" With that instruction, the baby slid out effortlessly.

"Waahh!" Unlike the first delivery, this one came out fussy. The nurse cut the umbilical cord and lifted the babe up. Moving over to the side, another nurse helped her clean the baby up. The twins had to be delivered next. Pakura started to pass out a little.

"Woosh," they felt the air pass over them as Kai grabbed her hand.

"Hey now, you aren't giving up are you? These kids will need you. No giving up." Kai said gently to her. He no longer looked at the babies he stared at Pakura. Kai didn't have much to say during everything. Images of the last time when he was in a delivery room plagued his thoughts. Blood everywhere screams all over. A mother in law blaming her daughter for the loss of her first grandkids. This was tame compared to then.

Pakura smiled weakly as she stared back at him. "This is my fault. I should have stayed in the village. I made a mistake. If I would never have wanted her saved, this wouldn't have happened. To much stress. It's all my fault."

"We are going to have to pull the baby using the breech extraction. Pakura you can take this, just hold on." The obstetrician grabbed the second twin's feet and pulling him/her into the birth canal. Another started pushing the first of the twin to the birth canal. The monitor started to go crazy. Removing the baby the second nurse moved in to get the other baby. Placing them both into the same incubator the obstetricians went to work.

"Nonsense. Not much you could do about certain things. Besides, if you would have heard she died, I am pretty sure that would have bode horrible for our unborn children." Kai brushed her cheek. feeling the lack of warmth he gathered a little light chakra in his fingertips. "What will be, will be. I will be by your side no matter what."

The doctor watched the monitor and then looked at Pakura. Mouthing to Kai to keep her occupied they worked on the last baby.

"So regret getting married to me yet? Multiple other women to deal with. A house full of kids. Might be too much for some people." Kai spoke kindly to her.

"Hmm, it has been interesting. But not a problem for me. I said I always wanted a big family. Besides, there is almost no cleaning between you and Hisa always cleaning up everything. We get to study all sorts of things. We have been too strange places and see what the future has to offer." Pakura reached her hand out grabbing Kai's hand. Squeezing tightly the strength started to fade from her grip. Her pulse was drooping. "I can leave the world happy. You are in good hands."

"Enough of that. You are not going anywhere. Besides, don't you want to see your friend again? You cant tell me after all this you don't want to laugh and talk with her again. You have daughters who will need you. A clan that needs you!" Seeing Pakura eyes start to close Kai was starting to run out of ideas.

"It is my fault. I saw the conversation you had with Carn-La. Also the one with Shuba, Hozumi, Mastica, and Tsume. You should marry them all. Make a big strong family. An unstoppable one." A few tears started to go down her cheeks. "We would make a clan as the world has never seen before. Groan." For the first time, Pakura actually releases a sign of pain audibly since the birth started.

"No way," Kai said as he looked down. "Need your help with that. You are the people person. I just provide some money and s.p.e.r.m. You Hisa and the rest keep the clan functioning. I am to cold-hearted for that position."

"It will be ok... I trust you." Pakura struggled to keep her eyes open. "Do right by the others and they will do right by you."

The doctor did her best with getting to the baby. At one point something inside Pakura tore and a lot of blood came out. "We have the baby now. Get the child into the other room!" Sprinting away with the child they did there best to help. The baby was a few shades blue with labored breathing.

"Use the chakra storage to help the child." Kai just stared at the nurse. Seeing her take off with the device he made a quick decision.

Kai picked up Pakura and speed off out of the room. As soon as he was outside he flew up as best as he could without hurting her. Removing all the seals her body overflowed with chakra. Flying high in the air he channeled all the light chakra he had available to help with her healing.

Seeing her stir a little he pushed harder. "Come on! Damn it Pakura wake up!" As time passed by Kai kept sending chakra into her. More and more his hair turned red and loss its black. Hearing her heartbeat skip and stop, he froze in fear. "No! Aaahhhhhh!" As he screamed in anguish those in the village of women could hear. Some cried from the howl. Others just went inside there homes. They were all hoping for a good day but from the sounds of it, all was not well.

Hisa was helping with the babies as soon as she was able to. The others were easy. But the twins had a weird poison inside of them. Making the hard decision she left them alone. The babies would be in pain for a while. She had no way to treat them at the time. The poison needed to be identified first. Stepping over she relieved the overworked doctor. Helping with the smallest baby she did everything she could to keep the child breathing.

"How did this happen?" Hisa couldn't begin to understand why the child was having such trouble. Pakura was healthy beforehand. Only trouble that showed was the baby being somewhat smaller than the rest. From what Kai said, it was hereditary. "Something else has got to be going on here?"

As Kai float up above in the sky. A guest appeared. The fertility god walked out. He was not alone. Three women walked out with him. A woman dressed in red moved towards him slowly. As rage started to overtake him he got ready to strikeout.

"I mean no harm." Her voice came out in a melodious tone. "Let us help you."

"Kai-La. I am sorry. It had to be done." Carn-La raised his hand up and a purple miasma left Pakura. As it moved out of her, Kai could hear her heartbeat heavier. Stronger and faster before settling down. "She will live. I guarantee it." Stepping back some, the fertility god opened a gate the other two walked through. The red-dressed woman placed something in Pakuras hand. Kai could not see it, it was if something shielded it from his sight. The object then disappeared inside of her hand. "be careful... congratulations on becoming a demi-god. It sucks before it becomes great. You are a few pieces away from becoming your peak.*"

"Stop! Will all of the births be like this? You have to know." Kai couldn't look away from Pakura as he stared at her. She looked absolutely beautiful in the light. A white chakra glow around her body from Kai's overuse.

"Check your divinity it will let you know." Carn-La stepped through but left one final line. "I am proud of you little brother."

If Kai was not so fixated on Pakura he would have been shocked at what he heard. It barely registered as he kissed his first wife in this world. Pakura just held him instinctively back. Coming to her first sentence threw Kai for a loop.

"Where are our kids?" Pakura stared at him excitied.

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