Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 49 - So we are going home now right..? Right?

"That's a bit of a problem." Holding her hands Kai wanted Pakura to relax a little first. "First I need you to apply the chakra seals on yourself first. I could do it myself, however, it is better if you do it."

"Fine then! As long as we get to go see the children." As Pakura started placing the seals on herself she noticed a change. Her face changed different expressions as her ears started to hurt. Grabbing ahold of her self she tried to shut all the sounds out. "Ughh what's going on?" She asked her husband a little frighten. "My chakra control is completely shot."

"You need to remember the basics. Just start from the beginning. I know it hard, but you have to do this yourself." Kai watched as her control became easier over time. In a matter of minutes, she had fair chakra control. Placing the seals upon herself, her body became slack against him.

"I feel so weak now. Is this how you always feel?"

"Meh, more or less. Come on." He moved his head in the direction of the ground. "Let's take you to them." With a small smile, Kai flew them both down. A lot faster now that her body could handle the speeds easier than before. Arriving back at the village everyone looked happy as they saw her move and breath again. Bringing her into the recovery room he layed her down on the bed.

Once done with the cleanup, the nurse brought the children in. Kai walked out to let them be alone for now. He made his way to the ICU. Finding an exhausted Hisa standing over the incubator. Grabbing her wrist lightly, he moved behind her to act as support. Slowly he bolstered her low chakra reserve with his own. With the added help, they worked quickly to help the baby.

Flinching Hisa felt happy and sad with his embrace. She was only sad that she couldn't do this alone. Happy for the help though. Thinking he may resent her, plagued her thoughts as they continued to operate. "Kai, I am so sorry. I should have left that woman alone and saw to the wellbeing of the babies."

"Oh, are you sure about that?" Feeling her tense up Kai moved his hand atop of hers to give her encouragement. "We spent the past few months training you to be the head caregiver of the children yes. But foremost, you are a doctor. Never apologize for that. You went to the most critical patient. You trusted the others you have trained to see to her and our family. You did nothing wrong. Do not be angry with yourself. Be angry with me if you have to. I should have planned more. Pakura should have not left the village as well. Blame can go everywhere."

"I.. just feel like I have failed." Hisa hands tried to pass more chakra till Kai stopped her.

"You have done enough. You are way past the acceptable limits we agreed upon. Rember the rules we set in place for chakra uses while you are pregnant. I will not allow you to spend anymore. " Seeing her turn angry at him, Kai reassured her. "Allow me to increase your reserves back to peak then you can continue. Do not allow your hormones and feelings to get the better of you."

"Hmph, you always let your feelings and hormones get the better of you. So why cant I?" Hisa said pouting a little.

"That is easy, because you are my better half. Well, halves. Or is it section? I honestly can not remember at this point what it is called. Anyway, someone has to be the grounded one along with Kari. Cant be me. I dont take enough things seriously for that." Kai talked lowly as he continued to look over the boy in the incubator.

As the two work togethor the baby was out of the critical zone in a few hours.

Finally relaxing, Kai finally noticed Pakura roll in pushed by a nurse. The four baby girls wrapped up. The twins on the left side legs entwined with one another again. The oldest kicking about. The other just sleeping contently. Pakura kept looking at them finally noticing her little boy in the container. Her eyes looking sad thinking the worse. She gestured to the nurse to roll her over.

"How is he?"

"He is fine. Dont worry he will make it."

"How do you know?!" Pakura stretched her hand out before pulling it back. Is this my fault? If I would have stood home, this wouldn't happen. The labor would have happened on time without incident."

"No. Dont think like that. I am not just saying that because of the medical books say that either. Get that look off your face." Looking at the nurse Kai asked her to leave. Then he erected a sound barrier. "This is hereditary. I said it once there was a possibility. He has the same heart defect as I do. Well as I did. The bloodlines will kick in and take care of that over time. If it will help ease your mind, just blame me. It is my heart complications that all of them are likely to carry. The boys just have a higher chance." Looking at her calm down a little, Kai walked around from Hisa towards Pakura. Touching each of his daughters he smiled. "None of them have that problem. The twins just have a problem some twins have. It is normal. When they get older they might not be able to stand each other anymore. But for now, let them be around each other more. As far as prem.a.t.u.r.e birth goes, there is only so much you can do about it."

"The birth started when I saw you rush towards Mastica and Tsume... I became scared." Pakura said lowly. Her body language gave Kai a bit of worry.

"You need to stop gazing through my eyes. I have told you that would be a bad idea during your pregnancy." Squatting down Kai cupped her face and stared. "I almost lost you today. I need you to be more careful for just a little bit. Then you can go back to be a force of nature around the village. Seeing her smile Kai looked at the sleeping girls. 'Oh, boy that's a lot of daughters. Why not a lot of sons. Defintely make breeding easier?'

"Why in the world did you get scared?" Hisa asked. She continued to look at the little boy in the incubator. "Are you still thinking about leaving us?"

"Huh? What do you mean leaving?' Kai asked shocked. 'Well shit. I knew she was acting weird. But didnt think that was happening. Maybe I am dreaming.'

"If the casualties were high, I would have." Looking up Pakura stared at Kai. "If I would have gotten them killed. I dont know what I would have done besides that. Staying in the village would have been unbearable. I dont know if I would have been able to face little Kiba knowing I was the reason his mother was killed. Even though I am not as friendly as I use to be with them, I still consider them dear friends of mine. Sometimes I wished I never told them who I used to be."

"My apologies Pakura I did not know you felt that way. But we all agreed it was for the best. You wanted a clean start with them. That was the best option at the time. I should have realized the different village problems would have caused a slight hiccup."

"How stupid!" A voice came from outside the barrier. Turning around tearfully Pakura looked at an enraged Tsume walking in. Seeing the collar on her neck she smiled sadly.

"Greetings Tsume. I am sorry.." Pakura said sadly bowing her head. Her thoughts going back to when she and the young clan head first met and conversed.

"Enough Pakura." Tsume said with some authority. Walking up to the woman she smiled at the babies. "Dont forget we are ninja. Death is a possibility. Kai gave us several chances to allow others to take the mission. We decline because we knew we could do it. Complications happen. Just because you are semi retire does not mean you are allowed to slack off as a ninja. The ninja way of life should stay with you all the way to your dying days."

The mood settled a little. Tsume talking to Pakura to help settle her down some. Kai just listened intently. When Mastica reached the barrier with a frown, Kai walked forward. "I will step outside to tend towards any matter that may have popped up. I can see there are some things you all need to discuss." Giving each woman a peck on the cheek Kai walked out to Mastica.

"Shouldn't you still be resting?"

"I am. I walked over here. I did not run." Mastica said with a grin. "I need you to come with me to the medical tent. Something weird has happened."

Grabbing her by the side, Kai sped to the tent. As Mastica grabbed hold getting her balance Kai stared at the shifting sand in the area. Both Gaara and his mother were encircled in sand. A little baby raccoon dog sat at their feet.

"Oi, you finally showed up. Took you long enough." Shukaku said snidely. His little eyes looking at Kai then towards Mastica.

"Yeah yeah. Had important things to tend to. How goes the soul transfer?"

"Eh so so. That woman of yours does good work. In a few more days we will transfer the rest to her. She took care of her organ failure and her blood loss. But without your help with the soul transfer, it was too hard for me."

"Very well, good job though. Stop the chakra molding. I think you are scaring the locals." Kai said suppressing a chuckle. To the side, a few nurses looked wide-eyed. Most had kunai at the ready to attack. "Everyone please step outside. I will see to this." One by one they all left. "Thanks for the help."

"I think it may actually be better to do this back at the village." Musing over it with Shukaku it was agreed. Mastica went get a nurse to prep her for transport.

Walking over Kai went to the tent with the recovering Inuzukas and few Uchiha members. For the most part, only a few loss limbs and a few gauged out eyes here and there. The worst was an amputee Uchiha member. Both legs were gone and the left arm was gone. For the most part, the man should be dead but he held on somehow.

Getting everyones attention Kai addressed them all at once. "First think you for your hard work. It was not for nothing so take solace in that." Seeing the grim shakes and nod of their heads he reached into his pocket that went into a small dimension. Grabbing a few of the flesh balls from within, he attached some chakra threads and floated them towards the people in the worst conditions. "Do not chew these. Just swallow them. It will help with the recovery process."

One by one each ninja swallowed them whole. Once it made it to the pit of there stomachs, the balls reacted with the chakra threads mapping out the channels they needed to take for regrowth. 'With a little bit of time, the limbs will have to regrow on their own. But not fast enough for them to start active duty anytime soon.'

Summoning a platform of light, Kai lifted everyone up including the nurses and walked out. Connecting with the different chakra seals around the place, Kai started summoning multiple platforms.

"Everyone we are moving to the Leaf village. Hold on tight to the designated holds. We will leave in the hour." Hearing the squeals of delight and the few people run about Kai continued his work. For the last few months, Oreo and himself made different seals yo transport large masses of people. This would be the second attempt at a group this large. The first group happened to be an entire bandit group. It went perfect. As long as everyone remained inside the seal radius. Stepping out would create a cut on the skin.

Once everyone was ready Kai separated the area with his dimension ability. Moving the platforms though the different layers he arrived outside the area that was set up in the forest of death. Sending the message to the Uzumaki members that guarded the area he returned to the medical tent.

"Alright let us start Shukaku.." Kai started to say upon entering. Instead, he was greeted with a passed out Shukaku. To the side of him was an empty jug. The nurse looked at Kai guiltily.

"I am sorry my Lord. But he insisted." The nurse said before scurrying out the room.

Walking up to the unconscious woman Kai transferred a little chakra to her. When his hand made contact with the sand around Gaara, it started toward Kai aggressively. Paying it no mind at all, he continued to help guide the "spirit energies" within her. They were mostly her mental consciousness, but Shukaku insisted it was her spirit.

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