Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 50 - Welcome back everyone..

Inside the mindscape, fragmented pieces of her self could be found all over. One by one Kai sent out chakra threads to pull them all to the center. He did not thread them togethor. Less he wished for the woman to have issues with determining pass events with presents problems. As the hour pass by Kai place a seal to help her mind slowly reconfigure everything. Releasing the technique he was greeted with Mastica staring right at him.

Blinking rapidly he said, "what can I help you with?"

"A lot of things. But that can wait till later. How are you feeling?" Mastica asked with a smirk.

"Good. how about everyone else?"

"Settled more or less. Most of them have gone out cold." Thinking over some things Mastica decided to tell Kai upfront. "The Uchiha's you healed up, will they be ok?"

"Yes. they should be anyway. Everyone will get a thorough checkup from the hospital later. Right now we need to get everyone transition over." Taking a few steps Kai almost fell. Mastica grabbed him by the shoulder to help steady him.

"You have used too much chakra and have not rested in awhile. I think it best you stop for a bit. When was the last time you slept?" Seeing Kai vulnerable she smiled a little. 'Seeing him exhausted like this is comforting. Maybe he will take a break instead of moving a half city again. Not counting the other things he did. Who was it that kept him from overdoing it? Was it Hisa or Kari?'

"You are right I should rest more. But I need to check over everyone again to make sure." Walking forward Kai was hit with a severe sense of vertigo.

"What you need to do is rest, you silly man." Oreo walked with some Jonin clansmen in tow. "I see the delivery was a success at least. You should have head back to the compound first. A lot of grumbling has taken place amongst the Hyuga's and a few dissidents. It will need your fine touch she said with a gleam in her eye. Tilting her head to the side, she wonders what was with the weird look on his face. "What is it? Is there something on my face?"

Kai sped over to her. "No there is not." Looking her over checking her pulse and the state of the babies he relaxed. "Are you in any pain whatsoever?"

"Huh... no why?" She asked in wonder, "You are acting weird. Why is your chakra so unstable?"

"That's good to hear. About my chakra, I will check on that later." With a kiss on her cheek, he sped to grab Mastica and went to the compound. Mastica gritted her teeth the whole way there. Sending a quick message to Oreo he told her where to find the others and to check on those in medical when she could.

A jonin walked up to Oreo. "My lady, is the Lord ok? He looked frazzled, to say the least."

"Nope, the idiot has been running on fumes. He also needs a shower." Scrunching her nose she led the others towards Pakura and company. "Go and tell Shura to meet us here. We need to get everyone registered before any possible spies try to slip through." Soon as she said that, two of the jonin disappeared back towards the Hokage tower.

Arriving at the compound, Kai looked around for any trouble. Finding none he was surprised. "I thought she said something weird was happening?"

"Ughh, can you tell me before you do that?" Mastica looked worse for wear. Her already wild hair looked wilder. Seeing Kai smile at her she smiled back. "What?"

"Your hair looks blown out. Does the compound look in disarray to you?"

"Meh. No more than usual. Sniff, sniff no smell of new blood so no fighting recently." Putting her hair in a ponytail she looked back at Kai. "So now what? Do we just head to your house or the Hokage tower? No speed running again!"

"We should walk around right quick." Moving to the direction of the house Kai was met with a surprise. TenTen and Karin tackled him before he could even register it was them.

"Bam, bam," Each one caught an arm in their hands. "Welcome back everyone!" They said at the same time. Looking around they both were puzzled. Kari came from upstairs with Ku-La and Kurenai.

"Hello and welcome home. How was the trip?" She asked.

"It was something. A lot to discuss for later at dinner." Rubbing both of the little girls head Kai tried to pry himself free. "Ok, let me go you two I need to look for someone."

"Papa you need a bath. You stink!" TenTen said letting go first.

"Yeah, you smell all funny. Go shower Mr. stinky b.u.t.t." Karin second. Kurama and Kurenai started to chuckle at the two's antics. Sniffing himself Kai did not think he smelled too bad but to be safe he looked at Kira and Mastica who shared a look.

"Ok, I get the hint I will go bathe real quick." Getting ready to take off Kai was stopped.

"Not really quickly just take a slow bath to decompress and relax. We need to go help the others get settled in. Glad the birth went ok." Kari said sternly. She walked over kissing Kai and staring at Mastica, "as for you."

"Uhh me what?" Mastica was wondering what the look was for.

"You will come with me and the kids. We have things to discuss." Grabbing the woman arm she led them out the door. Kai watched as they followed along. Kurenai looked at Kurama a bit before running to catch up with the others.

"Come on old man. Fill me in on what happened." Leading the way to the baths Kurama started to think about if he needed to tell Kai about some of the villagers. 'Meh, it can wait till later.'

"So you have some more younger siblings now. I don't think it will be quiet here anytime soon." Seeing Kurama not even flinch about the news, Kai told him everything else that happened. Arriving at the baths Kai eased himself in. "ahh still feels nice."

"Well, you have been busy. You also have become much stronger." Kurama said with a smirk. "Everyone has increased there training after the Hyuga incident. Some of the villagers believe we should increase our ranks as well. Word has spread already about the Sand village getting attacked. So far my information tells me it is as we want it to be. The Stone Village is getting held accountable for the attack. No one suspects us."

"That is good. The back story for Anko finding a woman wandering the roads should be even easier to help in convincing those who ask questions. With a little appearance change Gaara and his mother, Karura. They should be able to fit right in. How is Cho-La doing? Has she gotten use to the body yet?"

"Hmph, that pain in the a.s.s. Yeah, she has gotten use to it. I still don't see why you had to make her older than me body-wise?" Kurama questioned a little angry.

"To help with her cover. She will act as a mother for Fu. Let's place her as one of the other's that were found recently. Besides she was created before you. So she is older. Why the sudden need to look older? Is there something you are not telling me?" Kai asked in wonder. He grabbed a bucket of warm water and poured it over himself. "You do not have to keep all these secrets with me yah know. I am your 'father'."

A small pause descends in the bathroom. As Kurama try to figure out what to say the door to the bathhouse opened. A woman with dark green hair walked out holding a baby in her arms.

"But you are not his father. We have only one real father. And he is dead."

"That is true. He is dead. You would be too if it was not for Ku-La here. You shouldn't forget that." Ignoring her tone for the most part, Kai continued to bathe. 'Damn tailed beast always so hostile.'

"Tch whatever you say, kidnapper."

"I am a kidnapper, abductor and so much more. Happened to be a mass murder as well. The same as you. You have not even seen a fraction of what I am capable of." Kai's eyes glowed in white-hot energy towards the tailed beast in human form. "Killing you would be so easy. Unlike with Ku here I wouldnt hesitate. See I like "him" a lot." Relaxing, he figures the beast was still mad at the extraction process. "You should go talk to Shu. At least he did not gripe and groan about everything."

"That is because he is an old drunken fart. Just because he is the oldest does not give him the right to dictate what we do!" Chomei said a little louder then what she intended. Baby Fu started to fuss a little. "Ah, sorry Fu." Bouncing the baby a little she started to coo a little at her. 'Such a fragile little thing.'

"You are right. He does not. But I do." Kai said with a little authority towards her. "I tell you what. You leave baby Fu behind and leave. Heaven's forbid I keep you here with how weak you are. You should be perfectly fine with defending yourself. You and the others have done such a fine job with everything already. Oh, wait you haven't. You all but lost your temples and are imprisoned inside innocent children. Silly me I almost forgot."

Before an argument could get started again, Kurama intervened. "Wait! Calm down both of you. Cho is just agitated is all. Her extraction process was a little ruff is all. There is much to discuss in regards to your plans for the future. Something I think we should wait for once everything has settled." Looking at Kai then to Chomei as well Kurama continued a little less angry. "What my sister is trying to say is that she feels a little trapped. Can you ease up on her restrictions."

"Fine she can go as far as the outer area of the forest of death. But she must be accompanied by at least one Jonin or two chunin." Looking at Kurama Kai smiled. "Or with you. She can leave in the company of you to wherever. Maybe you can teach her how to use fighting techniques. Heaven knows she needs it." Standing up Kai dried himself off then summoned his suit and clothes as he floated out of the water. "I have a village to tend to. Find me later if you need to talk... goodbye for now Cho. You forget you are just a weak genin right now."

Watching as he left Chomei snapped at her younger brother Kurama. "Why did he make me so weak!"

Smiling sheepishly Kurama defended Kai. "Look the girl would not have survived the process. Especially with just me doing it. Having our vessels get in danger will not bode well for us. I have been around Kai long enough to know what would happen if any of us killed the host they were in."

"What would happen?"

"He would destroy our consciousness and feed our chakra back into the land itself. Whatever is left over he would place in a seal and send it to the sun." Kurama face paled a little. "Those are just a few things he would do. Not counting what he would do to the temporary bodies we are still in." Smiling at his sister, Kuramna did not want her to think only badly about what was going on.

"What is it?" Chomei asked her little mischievous brother.

"It is not so bad. I found a few human's I am found of. Give it time to let it grow on you. We only have to do this for 10 years. Or 15 at the worst."

"Fine then. But tell me. Why did he have a little spirit fox mixed in his hair?"

"That is a little Jaws as he calls him. I will tell you later. I need to go pick up Naruto from his friend's place." Kurama said over his shoulder as he walked.

Staring at Fu, Chomei followed along. "Hey wait? Who is the human you are fond of?" Seeing Kurama speed up she ran after him.

Kai spent the better part of the evening speeding around the compound checking everything. Nothing out of the ordinary. Finally settling back in mid-evening he went back to the house. Walking inside he was surprised to see everyone still up.

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