Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 51 - Your job will be.. (S.e.x.u.a.l)

Kai went in to enjoy the festivities. A lot of guests were here. Way more than any normal amount. But vetted people. Waving and doing some greetings he looked for his children. It was not hard. TenTen, Karin, Kimimaro, and Kurama.

"How are all of you doing?" Kai asked the kids. His tone was even and friendly.

"Good papa," TenTen said with a forced smile. She kept looking around.

"Cheh," Karin let out unhappily.

"Ok, come with me you four." Walking away with the kids in tow, Kai went outside to the back.

"What are we doing out here?" Kurama asked.

"We are having some family time. I kind of figured everyone would focus on the babies when they arrived. Dont think for a second that you all are forgotten. The babies are fragile. They will need more attention than you do. But.."

"But what?" TenTen asked.

"But it does not mean your mothers dont care any less about you all." Kai petted both of the girls head. "They will dote on the babies for a few years. Only because it is something they instinctively wish to do. A few books in my study can help you understand. Do not worry though. It just means I will dote on all of you in their stead. In time, things will balance out. And in a few years, you will have a bunch of siblings to play around with. Then you will be full of complaints trying to escape from them all. As well as your mothers."

The children rest for a bit and thought. Kurama spoke up first. "As long as we are not forgotten, but my other siblings... will you get them too? I know you are not doing.. well as of late. I heard what happened. For what it is worth I am sorry."

"Yes, I will. Speaking of that." Kai opened a portal and out walked a young man around 21 or so. He was the exact same height of Ku-La. His eyes a golden brown that flickered with a circulation of chakra to shuriken. A gourd in his hand that he started to open but stopped when he felt Kai's gaze. "Everyone this is Shu-La. Shu for short. He is the older brother of Ku over there."

The girls stared at his eyes for a moment before greeting him. TenTen caught the eye change immediately. Karin caught the hand going to the gourd. She frowned for a moment then looked at Kai's neutral face. Kimimaro waved friendly as usual. Kurama surprised everyone.

"Fwoosh," with a quick run he tackled Shukaku and embraced him. "Brother.. you are safe.. and no longer trapped."

Shukaku looked extremely uncomfortable. He looked at Kai wanting some help but found none. Feeling a wave of emotion wash over him, he hugged back. "Ok, ok calm down. This is so unlike you."

"That is my fault. Let's just say you all will change a little." Kai said realizing for a moment he needed to explain some. "It is the price you had to pay. Well, we had to pay for the change. The price of humanity I am afraid."

"Hee, its fine. This is just different is all." Shukaku stared down. He remembered all the bickering the others and himself got into with the sage. He also remembers when he first gained independent thought as Ten-Tails. Clearing his head, he decided to just enjoy things for now.

When the guest finally leave, the compound was quiet. Kai sat in the den. Waiting, relaxing, thinking about life. He was interrupted from his thoughts when a knock came at the door.

"Come in. You dont even have to really knock. Only the children do and guests." Kai looked at the doorway and saw Chrysa enter.

"Greetings.. husband." She said with a dull tone.

"Oh dear, I knew you wouldn't be happy... but this. Dang." Kai frown turned into a smile. "At least thought we were friends with how many times I visited the flower shop."

"Hmph, we are friends yes. But. I wish you had the balls to come after me yourself." Chrysa said smirking she sat down in a chair and threw her legs over the side. "Ahh, but becoming a concubine isn't so bad."

"Not concubine. A wife." Kai said looking her over. "I see you still carry your ninja tools. How nice for someone retired from the Intelligence department."

"Pftt, whats the difference," Chrysa said straight forward as usual. Over the few months Kai knew her, she would always talk this way when no one was around. Except for himself and Ino anyway. "I am happy with either title."

"Oh, boy. Ok, so a concubine.. your just is just to please me s.e.x.u.a.lly or b.a.r.e children in some cases." Kai watched her tense up for a moment. "Do not worry I will not force you to either of those. I understand your views on that. I also won't make you interact with people for appearances. Feel free to return to the family compound as you see fit. I know how much you dote on Ino. I also wouldn't dream of taking you from the flower shop. As for the differences as a wife? Well, you are equal to me and the others. Oppose me if you wish, side with me if you want. We are meant to help each other grow. Puppets can't help people."

"Hmph and what about love and all that crap?"

"Love comes in various ways. I have several wives and a few women that I have taken as personal mates. They latter dont answer to me. They dont even have to check in with me. We just are bonded and.." Kai's voice started to become low.

"And you hate it dont you?" Chrysa said giving him a coy smile. "You hate it dont you, you are not in love with them all."

"Yes.. it is stupid but.. not enough time I guess or I guess you could say I feel undeserving," Kai said staring at her.

"A little self-loathing is good for you. If you were a self-righteous jerk I would defintely run as far away as possible." Chrysa stood up and walked across to the other side of the desk. "Glad you are the man I thought you were. Well, think you are." Her hand reached out touching Kai's face. "Where is my ring?"

Kai opened his hand and a ring appeared. A silver band with a crystal clear gem of some king going all the way around. As he placed it on her hand, it glowed quickly before dimming down.

"I couldn't see the color. What in the world?" Kai asked puzzled.

"I saw it," Chrysa said smirking. "But I won't tell you." She said placing her hand under her chin. Eyes shining with mischief she looked intently at him. "When I tell you.. you can bed me. I very rarely sleep with men. So you are going to have to work for it. Not before and no seducing or touching me. Deal?"

"Hehe, why are all the women I marry have such different personalities," Kai said shaking his head slightly amused. "But I will respect it all the same." Looking back down at his paperwork he went over some ways to bring better medical technology with him. It was a no go the technology curve was too different.

"Smooch," Chrysa leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips. "Thank you.. for respecting my wishes. Before I forget, I need a job to do." Stopping at the door she stared at him.

"Your job will be as a therapist. Mainly to myself and the family. If you want to take other clients that's your decision." Kai said calmly. "I need someone to keep the mental faculties of everyone in check."

"Hmm, no problem. But... this will not be welcomed by them, will it? They do not look the part of mentally unstable people." Chrysa's voice turned to a colder more darker tone.

"I dont know," Kai said shaking his head sadly. I spend time with them as much as I can. But there will always be an area I miss or something they dont feel comfortable telling me. Don't tell me anything they tell you in confidence unless they want me to know but not tell me themselves. Here catch." Kai pulled out a modern-day psychology book and threw it to her. "Study this. When you finish, come find me I will give you another. Do not share this with anyone else. Pay close attention to the women who give birth recently. They are the most vulnerable. If you find other's you think can do this, teach them after vetting them. I will do my best to make sure my sons and daughters dont feel neglected."

"Very well then." Chrysa left and came back a few hours later exhausted. "You need to tell me right now what you did to Ouroboros!"

"I swear it feels like you were just in here?" Kai said looking at the clock. "Oh crap, it is late."

"Forget that! Tell me now!" Chrysa said demanding.

"Ok sit down first and tell me what this is about."

"Ugh fine. I went and talked to the others as I could. I found Ouroboros outside in your garden. I thought it weird she was out so late. She told me it was fine for her pregnancy. But that is useless prattle." Chrysa shook her head and remember she needs him to talk, not really herself. "She is quite upset you haven't taken her again the way you did when you first got married. Tell me what happened."

"Ah, well I guess I havent.. but that's. Ah never mind. So it happened like this."

{A few months ago.}

"Ahh, I am not that much of an animal. I can wait." Kai said smiling awkwardly. "I have good control."

"Yeah, sure you do," Anko said what most of them were thinking. "I will go last in that area." Her cheeks turned red as she rose from her seat and went to change from the wedding robes.

"I think she wants to go first anyway," Pakura said looking to the side at Oreo.

"Yes, I do actually. I rather do it now but I want to wait till nightfall anyway." A slight blush in her cheeks barely noticeable. Kai could hear her heart beat faster.

"Ok... well I am going to the garden for a bit and cut vines up." Kai rose and walk outside leaving the others to chat.

{A few hours later he was greeted by Oreo coming up behind him.}

"Kai... no husband. I am ready."

Turning around Kai's tongue caught in his throat. 'Screww it. This well be difficult as it is.' Thinking to himself, becoming discouraged he sped to her and took her through a portal.

"Where are we?" Oreo said looking around.

They were in a forest surrounded by dense trees with a sun cast overhead. A small cottage in the field. Around the cabin were a bunch of Cymbidium suave. Also known as the snake flower. Its petals different the normal kind. The outer petals are usually a creamy white but Kai modified them to have dark black tips with a golden center. They resembled Oreo's eyes in a way.

Watching her go to a flower he watched her move. The s.e.x.u.a.l seduction she usually carried gone. She looked fragile and scared. Something he did not expect at all. Picking a flower up she broke it off and tucked it away. Where Kai had no idea. She turned and looked back at him. Her gaze was slightly frosty.

"Three months and you think I would like this." The edge in her voice was evident. She stared him down like he was nothing. 'This is lovely but not what I want.' Moving as a quick as a viper she was on him. "I am disgusted by your lack of understanding me." She reached for the ring and started to take it off.

"Hey now." Grabbing her hand he held it tightly. Feeling her shudder Kai started to feel.. off. "It has been three months sure, but hey I am trying here."

"Tch no woman wants to hear try. Man up damn it." She stared into his eyes challenging. "This is not even the village anymore. You wasted power to send us to a deserted location. Far enough away that the sun is out. I am telling you this is crap. You cant claim me like this.. weak.. like what was it you told them during training. I know.. weak and leafy. Like the cabbage."

Kai felt a little of himself snap at that.

"I will claim every part of you. No matter how long it takes." Kai said as he moved his hands down to grab Oreo by the h.i.p.s. "Every part of your body will belong to me. I know that is what you want now, stupid me for forgetting." A dark glare formed in his eyes.

"Hmm, are you so sure?" Oreo teased. Her h.i.p.s trying to move free. "Oh, you learned to be rougher."

"Yeah, you have no idea." Kai removed her clothing slowly. Piece by piece he dropped the clothing to the ground. Any time Oreo would move he tightened his grip on her hip. "Uh uh, dont move." With a lift of his feet, he removed her p.a.n.t.i.e.s and flung them to the side. "I will do everything for now."

Kai marveled at the woman standing before him. Her porcelain skin shined in the sunlight and smooth jet black hair dr.a.p.ed down her sides. Her b.r.e.a.s.t nice and firm resisting against gravity with each breath she took. She was about a d cup or so Kai mused. Her a pale pink white. The areoles are only slightly darker.

Under Kai's stare, they started to harden. With a slight blow of his breath, he watched as they bounced.

"Ahhh that's cold." Oreo m.o.a.n.e.d out. She tried to reach to shield them but was stopped.

"I said dont move. If you continue to disobey… " Kai voice trail off as he blew on her again. "I will punish you."

Squinting a little in pain. Oreo pouted. "Hmph, how rude. Are you just going to tease me all day?"



"I will tease you all day. As well as all night." Grabbing her tightly Kai pulled her close. "I will make you mine!" He said dangerously with an edge to his voice. Oreo shivered. Slight goosebumps tickling her skin. "In every way and form, I will make you mine. S.e.x.u.a.lly.." He then sped her inside and pushed her onto the bed.

"Oof!" Oreo immediately tried to sit up. A strong hand stopped her. Kai kept her in place with his palm. His superstrength keeping her in place.

"Do not get up." With his other hand, Kai separated her legs. Seeing her p.u.s.s.y below, his fingers touched against her folds. Thumb tapped against the hood of her c.l.i.t. His index finger tracing her outer lips. Her folds were slightly slick from the little teasing o far. That wouldn't do, Kai wanted her to gush and he would make it happen.

His hand held her down, fingers moved slowly against her abdomen. Using a few chakra threads he, moved them up to her The threads wrapped around her tugging them a little.

"What are you doing? Mm, that's nice." Oreo tried to get up and see. Kai's hand pressed her back. It was frustrating for her not being able to see or move as she wanted. But it also made her hotter and wetter. The new sensation exciting her. "Your rude to do this to an old woman."

"Hah, you dont look old. Would you like me to stop?" Kai stared at her with a grin on his face. Right then he pressed his thumb down on her exposed c.l.i.t that finally peeked out fully.

"Aaahh! Dont you dare!" Her h.i.p.s rising from the bed, but stopped by Kai's hands. She squirmed as a small o.r.g.a.s.m built up. "What... Is this.. feeling?"

"You read the books did you not?" Kai moved thumbed down and lightly licked her. "If you didnt.. This will be a very weird night for you.… my little v.i.r.g.i.n wife."

"I.. ah.. did not read them. I want to be.. ah, surprised.. at what the ..ahh big fuss was about." Her gasp coming out in small bursts. "I waited. I want the full experience.. umphh.. is that.. haa.. so wrong?" Her breath started to become a little ragged.

"No, it is not. But have you never touched yourself at all?"

Oreo did not respond as she continued to m.o.a.n. Kai had pushed a finger at her back door. He placed his middle finger deep inside. Oreo's walls clamping down almost s.u.c.k.i.n.g him in. As he pulled it further back out he felt a small rush of liquid seep out.

"There we go.. now I know you are actually enjoying this some." Kai smiled devilishly at her.

Oreo looked to the side embarrassed. Her fingers gripped the sheets as she felt him move faster. "I fell good husband.. just hurry up."

Ignoring the frustration Kai pulled back his fingers and watched as her womanly juices moved down his fingers. Moving the slickness around his fingertips he moved back down with his thumb and placed it right against her back door. He was met with approval as he felt the chakras stir and her entrance relax taking him in.

"Ughhh," Oreo let a m.o.a.n of release. Her body tensed for only a moment accepting what was happening to her.

The minutes trickled by as Kai worked her over slowly. He just stared and enjoyed the fact she was enjoying herself. As if she was just another woman enjoying life. No duty on her shoulders and no responsibilities. Kai released his hold that was pressing her down. He moved his hand behind her back letting her see what was going on.

Oreo eyes went wide as she stared at his fingers speeding up going into her. Her eyes then became fixated and her breathing quicken. She reveled in the sight. "Umm, I have missed a lot of good things."

"There is more a lot more." Pulling her legs further apart, he moved his head low. "I would usually be gentle considering… But that is not what you want. Neither do I really... so... Let us improvise a little."

Pushing his head back down he bit her c.l.i.t gently. Placing his tongue roughly against it right after. His tongue twiddled along the sides and moving into her every now and then.

"I am liking this. I am going to want this more dear husband. A lot more to make up for lost time."

"Oh, that can work for me. I have a high libido anyway. Considering our location. I plan on leaving you a hopeless wreck. Or die trying." Kai smirked as he moved up to her ear. He whispered as he grabbed hold of her legs to positioned them as he needed. "We are the only ones here in this pocket world. My senses are trained on you. Every breath you take.." his hand moved down her back tapping her spine. ".. every beat of your heart and gasp you make I hear it. I only see you right now."

Kai moved the tip of his c.o.c.k head against her lips. Circling it around slowly than spreading them with his girth. Not entering fully but just allowing his bell head to play around. Oreo squirmed in need to feel more.

A wicked idea came to mind. Leaning from her ear up to her mouth, he kissed and put his tongue inside. Tasting herself for the first time Oreo didn't know what to do. The taste was bittersweet but the feel of his tongue moving around kept her distracted. She twisted her own and tried to move away. The battling of tongues driving her to the edge. Any time she moved it back barely escaping. Kai pressed his firmly keeping her in place again.

"Haa, haa, you are a brute," Oreo said when Kai relented. "My brute?" Her voice came out questioningly.

"I suppose so. But you are more mine than I am yours." Kai said in finality. A smile forming on Oreo's face at his words and tone. Something flash in her eyes that he did not recognize. 'What was that?'

"You better never discard me then," Oreo said as she stared at him. "I won't forgive you if you do!"

"Oh, is that so. I dont discard the things I care for." Moving his tip out Kai held her and watched her eyes go wide. "You are mine!" With a possessive tone, he shoved himself fully into her. His c.o.c.k breaking her h.y.m.e.n in one swift motion and his tip smashing the back of her entrance.

"Ohh f.u.c.k!" Oreo screamed then went limp. Oreo took a sharp breath then twitched. As her mouth went slack.

"Maybe. I went too far..?" Leaning back on his haunches he forgot about his strength. Oreo's body followed behind. Lifted up by his member as she laid against him listlessly. "Yeah defintely went too far." As he started to remove himself from her depths he was surprised when legs wrapped around him.

"Haa.. dont .. you dare," Oreo said opening her eyes slowly. Her eyes staring at him l.u.s.tfully. "That was good. Really good. That pain and the feeling of fullness. Is this what I have been missing?" Wrapping her arms around him she moved to kiss him. But stopped and waited for his signal. When Kai nodded she kissed for all she was worth. If Kai didnt know better, he would think she was trying to take the very air from his body the way she kissed him.

Returning the kisses back he felt her h.i.p.s trying to move. "Smack," with a touch of palm smacking she started to move. Slowly at first, then in a rhythmic motion. Her h.i.p.s pausing as she moved back then coming down in a slow grind.

Grabbing the back of her head Kai pulled her close. Keeping her c.h.e.s.t smashed against his own feeling her heart beating.

"I have to do something when you come inside me. Please do not ughh resist it." A grunt letting him know she enjoyed his knew movement.

Kai bit her ear and whispered, " you have my permission. Now get ready." Kai felt her take a deep breath and her chakra building as he speeds up. "I am c.u.m.m.i.n.g. Take every last drop." He growled.

Oreo body tensed up and tightened on him. Her vice so tight it bruised his c.o.c.k despite his strength. Fangs extended from her mouth as she bit onto Kai. Seeped in all of her chakras, she emptied her entire reserves in one go. Fangs pierced flesh as a small chakra sealed formed and disappeared.

"What was that?" Kai asked not disturbed in any way.

"The seal of Ryuchi Mountain. As well as the seal for my soul. I am yours in every way. If you want to kill me. that is all you have to do. Circle your chakra and it will do the rest." She shudders with that statement which caused her to tense down below which in turn caused her to m.o.a.n again. "Ahhh.. so. good."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I am yours. Because I want you to own me. I feel safe with you. More so than anywhere else." Oreo looked tired not moving her head away from his neck. "I dont want to search or roam anymore. I want this. I want you."

With her admission, Kai lost it. Like a man possessed he sped up moving into her at a high rate. Controlling himself making sure he didnt hurt down below. With his hands tightening he bucked one final time and unloaded for the first time inside her.

'That was different. Maybe completely focusing on my partner during s.e.x was not such a good idea afterall.' Kai thought to himself in wonder. The woman in front of him.. mo his wife now. Didnt complain. She reveled in the feeling making him stay painfully erect. Moving slowly Kai eased her down onto the bed. He kissed and rubbed her c.h.e.s.t tenderly. A strange connection forming between the two as he did so.

Oreo just laid back enjoying herself. She didnt have the strength to move. Not that she even wanted to do anyway. Forcing herself to stay always felt better to her.

A few hours later Kai walked from the forest as he made it to the cabin. Inside Oreo was in the kitchen busing herself. She cleaned away the food and dishes that had been left out. The food neither of them had touched. The best thing was that she was still n.a.k.e.d. She turned to look at Kai.

"Morning, thanks for letting me sleep in some." Her eyes traveled his body a small look of disappointment. "You are overdressed." She turned and went back to cleaning. A small breeze of air pushed against her. "Eep!"

In a moment Kai unsummoned his clothing and came up behind her. A hand grabbed her shoulder and the other grabbed her stomach. He then bit down onto her neck drawing a little blood. "You are so out of chakra that your basically a mortal. What do you think would happen if I was to insert myself in you right now?" Not waiting for an answer Kai did just that.

"You.. you dont have the balls!" Oreo said tauntingly. She was ready to say more but had the wind knocked out of her. "You oompf."

"We are gonna be here awhile," Kai said slowly as he moved his h.i.p.s slowly out of her. To Oreo, it was a painful, good, p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

"How long?" She asked looking back locking eyes.

"Two months. This dimension is far from the one you come from. I saved a good bit of chakra to at least provide time for each of you. About a 1/17 dilation. So I wish to enjoy our honeymoon. And to enjoy..," Kai stop right when his tip made it out.

"That sounds good to me. Maybe I should have gone last then." Oreo said with a little need in her voice. She wiggles her a.s.s just a little then remembered something. She stopped and waited. Kai rammed back in the moment she stooped moving. "Oh, yes!"

Kai pushed in so deep this time his hand pushed against the counter breaking it.

"Oops sorry about that," Kai said somewhat embarrassed. "Maybe I should have tried for a short window than that. Defintely should have taken in consideration that you would not wanna spend that long of a time with me."

"On the contrary, I would want the most time with you actually." Oreo clamped her walls down tightly when she felt him slowly ease out of her. "Please dont." She pleaded with a whimper. "Stay inside me. Your so warm."

However, to her voice, Kai stopped. Every five seconds he took another inch out then went back in. Trying to find out which was the perfect method for her. Trial and error would be for today.

"Whoever is first has the longest time. That is how I figure out this dimensional travel day. Increments drop down a good bit after this." Running his hand up to a b.r.e.a.s.t Kai tweaked a n.i.p.p.l.e delicately. "We have about two months."

"Two months!" Oreo said smiling. "I want this every day. No matter how sore I get." Releasing her grip she wanted nothing more but for him to go all the way back in. " Back inside husband, this is "our" honeymoon."

"Hmm, as you wish." Kai removed his other hand and grabbed her jaw. "When this is over We will do that talking thing. I dont like not knowing anything about you. And I will know everything about you." Oreo shuddered happily as can be.

(End Tale)

"So yeah thats about how it went with her," Kai said to Chrysa. "I can tell you more if you want."

"Umm, no that.. was good enough." Chrysa snapped out of her imagination. "We can go over that later. Oh before I retire for the day. I found out she is not into women at all."

"How did you find that out?" Kai asked in wonder. "Wait why did you try to find that out?"

"Because I like women more then men duh. Wanted to see which wife I can take for myself." Chrysa smiled. She did rub her neck where a cut was. "I tried to touch her neck s.e.x.u.a.lly and she almost cut me."

"Serves you right," Kai said shaking his head at her. "If you all get into that kind of relationship I dont really care that much. However, dont try to force anyone you understand?" His voice became cold and dangerous. "I am somewhat understanding that people have needs that I cant fulfill but only a little. Heavens know they have a lot to put up with from me as it is."

" Ha..ha..h. ah right, I understand." Chrysa said somewhat scared. "Thanks for putting up with a woman with taste such as myself. I will try to watch it."

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