Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 52 - Umm yeah Dimensional travel.

"I am sick of school. It is so boring already." TenTen said placing herself in a chair in the kitchen. Karin stared at the back of her sisters head angrily. She grumbled before sitting down after. Kimimaro looked at them then chuckled before returning to cleaning the dishes.

"Enough already, you have been talking about this all day," Karin said angrily. "Let it go. Dad said we have to so we will. Enjoy it as a relaxing time, and time to spend with friends. In the future, we will always be busy. So enjoy it." The last two sentences she said using air quotes. "You are training to much as it is."

TenTen didnt respond she just stuck her tongue in defiance. She leaned back and thought about what Karin said. 'She doesn't train enough. She has skipped out on training so much. Using lame excuses all the time. I need to have a talk with Ino and see what she thinks. I think the last time Kimimaro said he saw her with Shikamaru, Choji, and that girl Sakura playing in the fields by the school.'

(Over in the Study.)

"My answer is no. I swear I will probably kill you. I dont care your standing." Kai said towards the man.

"This will help the village. Cant, you reconsider?" The man pleaded. Kai eyes lit up and burned the man's left arm. "Get out before I kill you." Kai's voice came out coldly. The man took off quickly. Letting out a breath of air, Kai leaned back. In the last few weeks, a number of families sent suitors to try and make marriage alliances.

Anko came in holding one of his sons in her arms. It was the firstborn she had for him. His name was Kainko. Kai thought it was a girls name which she denied. "Do you think that wise dear?" She sat down on Kai nursing the child.

"Yes, it was." Kai looked at the two and ran his hand over the head of his son. Before looking back at Anko. "I said no and that's that. I can not tell you how many times I have said it to the others during meetings. No arranged marriages."

"The others are on the fence. Well, mostly Oreo and Shuba. They can see the protection the children will have with a strong clan backing them." Anko said as she stroked Kai's c.h.e.s.t. A habit she developed over the past few months. She loved the feel of his heart beating against her palm.

"The answer is still no. I would rather let the children die than go through that crap."

"I understand. The others are in the living room ready to go." Anko stood up and gave Kai a peck on the cheek then stood. "See you in a bit."

Finishing a bit of paperwork, he walked out and sealed the room. Stepping into the main room he took a glance at everyone. Staring at Kurama intently and smiling. Kurama caught his gaze and smirked. The woman next to him pinched his side. Kurenai still couldn't handle people knowing about the two.

But Kai insisted on it. He rather they come out with it then keep it a secret.

'Bah, stupid Uchiha Massacre. I damn near want to let them die. But I will keep the agreement.' Kai walked to the living room and enjoyed some family time. The children left with Ku-La to school. He did this whenever a problem was coming in the morning. An argument between the wives and Kai.

Pakura walked in and sat across from Kai. The others sitting around the table one by one.

"Do not start with me," Kai said with his eyes closed. He didn't even bother to look at any of them.

"Just listen to them," Hisa said.

"My answer is no. Do not try my patience in this." She was the voice of reason whenever Kari kept silent on matters.

"But it will create a strong alliance with the Sand Village. A heck of a lot stronger than what was in the past. A marriage alliance will keep them in further check. Kimimaro will do it if you ask him to no problem." Pakura said pleading her case once again.

In the last few months, the Kazekage had become stricter with the other nations. He no longer allowed them to bully his village around. With the one tails missing the villagers became fearful and banded togethor. She let it slip during a family meeting that the village was to reliant on the beast. Now they acted like ninja once more. And there techniques flourished in the skirmishes that came about. With her help, the Leaf Village was able to obtain the remaining antidote for the various poisons they had. Increasing the Uzumakis medical prowess tenfold.

"If he wants to, I will not ask him. Nor will I tell him to." Kai said evenly. "He opened his eyes and stared directly at Pakura. "What else is it? I have a meeting to go to."

Pakura looked to the side in anger. A small pout on her face. Tsume came in no longer announcing with how much she came to her second home. "Morning everyone." Her voice came out cheerfully." She looked around then at Kai. "Same old story.. well I can wait."

"Hisa talk sense into him, please. You to Kari." Pakura said.

"No way. I am staying out of this. Unlike yourself, I enjoy the alone time that I am getting with him while you all are fighting your cold war." Kari said smirking. She stood from the table and went to get something to eat for Tsume. Knowing the woman most likely didn't eat.

"Then take another wife then!" Pakura said.

"I am not doing that. Not for a while anyway. I don't understand at all. Do you really want more women to occupy my time?"

"It makes you stronger, so why not," Oreo said smiling. "I rather you become stronger. Besides.. if you get more wives they can't occupy your time if they faint too much." Her eyes gazed over at Anko who blushed.

"No. The answer to that is for you all to get stronger. I am getting stronger all the time myself. It will have to do."

"Why risk it?!" Kari spoke up a little antsy.

Kai anger started to get the better of him. "Tch, enough already." His hair turned dark red as he kept himself stable. "This conversation lets be done with it. Do not bring it up again. Our anniversary is tonite and you rather fight than get ready for it? When I get back today I will take who wants to go and leave who don't. It is that simple now."

Walking to the nursery, Kai checked the babies over and changed the diapers of any that needed it. He changes the feeding for those who needed it as well. He then went to the Icu and looked over the two inside. Two more of his sons born like him. Weak and fragile. Treatment here was too dangerous was one of the reasons he saved up a lot of Chakra to open a dimensional gate to get them treated.

"Bwoop," a portal opened and out walked his brother.

"How are they, little brother?" Carn asked generally concern as usual.

"They will make it. I saved up a lot to open a gate to a more technology-based world to get them treated. I would be a fool to use the doctors hear to do it. They are not trained enough. Stupid mistake on my part. Modern surgery will help. Chakra only goes so far. I have the ability to regrow organs and I can't treat them. To dangerous to... I have to much doubt to risk it, I should say. They need surgery and from an experienced hand."

"There is Tsunade? She is your cousin. She would try her hardest." Carn said trying to ease his burden somewhat.

"Bah, the fear will grip her and put them at risk. A doctor like that is worse than any disease." Kai was exasperated and started to think it was a Senju curse or something.

"Hmm, you are right. Have you thought about it anymore?" Carn asked with a teasing smile.


"Why couldn't you be more like me," Carn said laughing a little. "What was it you use to call me? Deacon lowdown was it."

"Heh, yeah that's right."

"Your just mad your brother had skills and the ladies loved me. Ah, wish I could go back to that time. Young and no responsibilities."

"But we can't, can we?" Kai said sullenly. "We can only move forward." Shaking his head ruefully he realized he was more different than the man he wanted to be. "I came to another and now I am more like you than ever before. Do you regret sacrificing for me brother? I am sorry..truly I am.. But I know me. This isn't me."

"Yeah, your right. I knew you would have trouble with it you monogamist, but I also knew you would love them in your own way. Its also fun seeing your tear yourself apart over it." Carn said teasingly but was serious. But we must move forward. You cannot cling to the old ways. Embrace feudalism and be happy. No need to suffer. It is time for you to embrace your divinity." Carn said with a frown. "I really wish you were not the way you are. Stubborn fool."

"Family way and all," Kai said with a shrug. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and waited. "hah, I cant even remember my real name or yours for that matter."

Carn walked up and tapped his back. "I removed the seal. Circulate your Chakra now."

Kai pushed the sealed completely off and started up on pushing his Chakra to the maximum. His skin vibrates as his veins pushed under the layer of it. As the light Chakra gathered in the room around the two Carn released his spiral pressure to protect himself. As this was going on, Kai outstretched his hands and bolsters his sons in the light chakra.

The power of Cruelty embracing him fully. The dark color of his hair returned to black with a purple tint. A dangerous touch of chakra outlined his body. Behind him, Carn felt his power of Hell beat rapidly. He smiled under his mask, "Brother we are the same in so many ways." He mumbled to himself. "You have made a fantastic Hollow."

Upstairs everyone flinched for a second. The fussing children all settled down. A dark peace passed over the room. The wives looked at one another. Some in fear and trepidation. Others were exuberant in knowing that he became stronger once again.

"The boys are fine," Oreo said opening her eyes releasing her Sage mode. She smiled brightly wanting to run downstairs but remembered she couldn't. "I want to hold them," she said pouting.

"You will be able to soon," Pakura said. "Let's go pack and get ready."

A few hours later Kai and everyone had gathered nearby in the transferred Village of women. The kids were picked up from school early and members from the Inuzuka clan had gathered as well. With the Uzumaki clan gathered as well, the total count was about 300 to 400 combatants and 200 or so civilians.

"Ah everyone knows the rules. Do not cause problems or I will punish you in the worst possible way. Go out and enjoy yourselves." Kai looked at everyone as they spread out across the island. They were here to have a vacation. Free from the Ninja world and it's problems. Now in a modern world on an island having a relaxing time. Kai looked to the Icu pods. He pulled out a cellphone and made a call. "Yeah send the pickup. I need them treated as soon as possible."

"Of course Master at once." The voice came out hoarse and hung up right after. Kai then looked over to his wives. "Please just go enjoy yourselves. No reason to worry about back home."

Pakura grunted and left to find some of her friends. Anko went inside to relax. Hisa wanted to go with Kai to the hospital so she remained. Kari was going as well to see what she could learn from watching the surgery. Chrysa was stuck watching over matters today. She did something to piss Kari off and was "grounded" according to what Hisa told him. Oreo already disappeared to places unknown. She wanted to be alone until the boys were done with surgery.

Right as Kai and company were leaving he was stopped. Zabuza and a very pregnant Mei came up to him.

"Kai, can we have some of your time?" His voice came out a little weird. His tongue kept moving around as he tried to get used to the different teeth in his mouth.

"Sure. I have time."

"I was wondering if you care if we take a flight to the place this book calls Japan? I would like to visit this temple it reminds me of some places I have seen in the Mist village archives."

"Sure. Wait did you complete the modern class and how to act and blend in?" Kai was fine with it. He then remembered that The man failed the written test beforehand.

"I did..but barely. But Mei scored really high on it." Zabuza said quickly.

"Dont worry I will keep my husband from acting up. He won't do anything to endanger the babies and the civilians." Mei then turned to her blushing husband and smiled. Wrapping her arm around him and pulling him close, she gave him a peck on the cheek. "Isn't that right?"

"Ye..yes." Zabuza was not good with public affection.

"No problem then. Have fun you two. Or three?" Kai tilted his head to the side and wonder why he didnt see the man's other wife. "Where is Hikaru?"

"It will be just us. Haku and his sister have a bit of a cold, so she is staying behind." Mei said sadly.

Seeing Naruto and a bunch of the other children run by, Kai smiled happily. He saw Kimimaro following behind a little furthur back.

"Kimimaro sure does need a tan," Kai said looking at the pale boy. His almost alabaster skin shining in the sun. "I wonder if Oreo is the same way?"

"Hmm, I think I will get a tan tomorrow," said Hisa. She looked at Kai and whispered in his ear. "I think I will try one of the special bikinis as well. One with the clan symbol in a special location. What do you think dear husband?"

Kai's eyes went wide before he looked down and towards her. He didnt answer. Instead, he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her passionately. He didnt stop till she tapped his shoulder.

"Ahh take that as a yes." Hisa stood there slightly dazed from the experience.

Kari smiled a little angrily. She told her about that earlier. To think she would take that idea from her. She realized the perfect way to get back at her. "Hehehe." Chuckling to herself she always enjoyed the weird competition the two shared.

With a little more small talk they left. Right as the boat arrived to take them to the mainland Kai was stopped again. This time by Kisame and Chomei.

"Kai yo. Oh and hi their wifeys of Kai." Kisame said smirking. With his human look, the man still looked like a giant of a man. His bronze skin about the same as Kai's and Zabuza's. "You care if we take a bunch of the kids deep-sea diving. With the small boats and snorkeling gear, it will be fun."

"Sounds good to me. Just try not to use any techniques above water. Underwater there shouldn't be any issues either." Kai looked at Kisame and then back to Chomei. It was the weirdest seeing them to always togethor. But Kisame swears there was nothing going on. Kai didnt know if it was because the man thought she was really his daughter or if there really wasnt anything going on.

"What is with that look?" Kisame asked.

"Nothing. Tomorrow, you me and the others will go out for a meal. I want to talk about something." Kai said as his face turned into a broad grin. "Tell Shu-La when you see him for me."

"Sure.. I will do that." Kisame said unsure he wanted to go. Kai had a strange look in his eyes. "Oh, there is your ride." Pointing at the boat pulling in, he turned and left. Chomei smiled and left after him walking. Baby Fu in her hands was completely asleep.

Getting on the boat, Kai went to his cabin with Hisa and Kari. Moving to the bathrrom he started to freshen up.

"So I am gonna go for a walk around the ship," Kari said. "Spend some time with dear husband. You seem to need it. I will take him on the way back." Before Hisa could respond Kari already closed the door and left.

"So we have time before the mainland," Hisa said lowly. She faced Kai backside while watching him reading some paperwork. She slowly walked up behind him removing her clothes along the way. Which was fine, since she needed to change to some modern clothes anyway. Placing her b.r.e.a.s.t on top his head she covered his eyes. "You remember the first cruise we took togethor?"

Kai shuddered to remember. He turned around and push himself from her b.r.e.a.s.t. He stared at her seductive gaze and paused to remember the first thing they did.

"I do. It seems you do as well." Rising from his seat, grabbed her by the waist. "You are still as lovely as that day. If not more so dear wife."

"Compliments will get you everywhere dear husband." placing her head against his c.h.e.s.t she shivered a little. "The boys.. they will be fine. I know it."

"Yes.. I think they will. I just cant help but worry for Oreo." Kai said shaking his head.

"Let me take your mind off of them. If even for a little while." Hisa said looking up.

"No. I dont need the distraction." Kai lifted Hisa up and moved her to the bed. Sitting down with her straddling him, he grabbed a hand full of a.s.s. "If we do this, its because we want to."

"Umm, ok. I love you husband." Hisa said as she took his jacket off. She never liked it when he unsummoned them. Preferring to remove them off herself.

"And I you," Kai said smiling happily at her.

"Its so strange how you tell us each a different how you love us," Hisa said unbuttoning his shirt next.

"Would you rather I just reply generically then?"

"Dont you dare?!" Hisa strongly replied as she gripped his head between her hands. "Never stop that. I like feeling unique in that way. Thank you for accepting me back then."

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