Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 53 - Hisa (S.e.x.u.a.l)

"Do you approve?" Hisa asked wanting Kai's response. The heated look in his eyes was one thing, but hearing the words would always be better.

"You are very beautiful, extremely so," Kai said taking in the sight of her again after a pause. Looking deeply at her valley below, he pushed her gently to the bed.

"I.. I. just want you to enter me. Just do what you need."

"Umm, that is not how this works," Kai said feeling weird. "Got finesse you up and touch everywhere enjoy you lick you and kiss you." Seeing her wide eyes he continued. "No wham-bam for you. I want to enjoy this. Or are you having second thoughts?"

"You dont want to kiss my body," Hisa said sadly. "It is dirty and not worth it."

"I am gonna hate myself for this.. but seriously what the hell?!" Kai said lost. "You just showered I showered. S.e.x is dirtyish. What is this about?"

"I am not pure.. I have been taken by others. I am not the same as Oreo."

"Your point is what exactly?" Kai sat up not knowing how to go about this current situation. "In case you have not noticed, I am not pure either. I dont care about that."

"But you care If I have been with others?"

"I will assume you have. So what? I am not gonna think about it. Defintely dont want to. Not my cup of tea so to speak."

"I did not lay with another. I was forced to do it. It is expected of branch men and women. Our ninja training was furthur developed in that matter." Hisa put her head down and silently cried. "I had to do things I didnt want to do. Things I cannot forget. I lied to Anko about it. I told her they only did the illusion version of it when I was young. I came to once. I thought if I dispelled the illusion I would have been praised and treated better. I was wrong. I caught one of them during it and.."

"No! I must do my duty as a wife!" Hisa said determinedly. She threw the blanket further away. "I can do it!"

"No," Kai said firmly. "If you are determined to do your duty as a wife, I am determined to do my duty as a husband and tell you no." In a blur, he dressed her and himself. "We sit here and talk." Wrapping her in a hug he waited. It didnt take long before she started crying and clinging to him. 20 minutes later and she was settled a little.

"Uwu, I look a right mess dont I?" Hisa looked at him with puffy eyes. "A fine honeymoon we are having."

"I can make you forget if you want. Take the memories away. Not seal them, but remove them all togethor." Kai said cupping her cheek. He felt her shiver to his touch. "You are an a.d.u.l.t now, that is something has been troubling you for some time I imagine."

"No, it has made me who I am. But thank you." Hisa looked with a sad smile. "I still want to do my duty."

"There will be time for that later. Just come with me and walk." Kai grabbed her by the waist more carried her then anything. With a small transition, they were out on the water in a small boat. Learning his lesson from Oreo, Kai had stockpiled various things. "Does it need to be bigger?"

"No, it is small and cozy. A tad bit cold. though." Hisa said. She rubbed her sides fake being cold. "Maybe you can keep me warm?"

"Come here. Keep your hands to yourself though." Kai watched as she sat on him. "Comfy?" She gave out a little nod as she leaned into him. "I will row. You just talk till you are done. Dont hold back. I will know if you do."

"And how will you know exactly?" Hisa teased.

"Sure it is." Hisa then started to talk about the Hyuga life of a branch member. It was a very disgusting tail. Kai never wanted to hear it again after today. The odd thing, he felt his chakra increase weirdly enough. A few hours later they were surrounded completely by water. Hisa fell asleep.

"Oh, man I am over my head. What in the world am I doing? Married multiple women, I failed my first marriage. Cheating bitch. Wish I could have snapped her filthy neck." Kai said rowing still. "Why the hell am I still rowing this damn thing?!" Dropping the oars in the water he grabbed at his head-scratching in frustration. "Two dead kids back then. What the hell am I gonna do if my future kids have the same trouble?" Dropping his hands to the side, he leaned back in the boat.

"What the hell am I going to do? I won't have enough medical knowledge in time. Not enough doctors! Not even preparation! Not enough anything!" Kai's eyes fired in the air on there own. He lost control of his anger. "Raaaghh!" He didnt stop. It just bled out of him. When it finally finished he was drained. "Ha..ha. I am gonna fail. I will fail them and they will all die. Each and every last one of them."

He didn't know when but he started crying. "If I dont kick up my plans its all over. The killing is not the problem. My people dying are."

"Then we won't die then," Hisa said climbing onto him fully. "With all that power, you think you will fail? So much chakra. No wonder they are drawn to you." Hisa wiped away his tears. "I got to see you cry and complain. This marriage is starting off great."

"Heh, how do you figure?"

"Mother said couples that can express themselves around each other will go far in their marriage. For better or worse." Hisa placed her head on his c.h.e.s.t. "We will tell you until you get it through that stubborn head of yours. We are in this togethor. We can wait till you accept us more."


"No problem. You know.. you tend to look at us like you have known us for years. It is very strange. Especially Pakura and Kari."

"Splash," he jumped in the water and swam to get them. Hisa stared dumbfounded, "Did he forget we can walk on water?"

"Hup," Kai came back jumping into the boat. "Thump, thump," the oars dropped in the boat.

Seeing her laugh at him Kai didn't know what the problem was. "What?"

"Did you forget we can run on water?"

"I am out of chakra. Kind of used it all a few minutes ago in my anger." Kai looked at her and chuckled. "Hehe, just enough in case of an emergency. Besides.. can't rely on chakra all the time. It can not solve everything."

"I guess. You are going to freeze that way. Actually no you won't, I forget you are always warm. Like the sun." Hisa watched him as he rowed them back. About an hour later his speed returned. Pulling the boat to shore he held his hand out.

"Come on. Time to eat."

"Right." Hisa grabbed his hand and was surprised when he pulled her into his arms. "Much better yes?"

"Yes, much." Hisa smiled. "Come on and walk silly."

"I am dirty.. that is why he won't take me. What to do now?" Hisa hugged herself. "How can I.." She was cut off when Kai grabbed her. "Eep.. what are you.."

" smooch.. nothing.. dirty..about..smooch you," Kai said kissing her neck. His anger fading as he did what only could think of. He was going to service her body an hoped it worked. He made a mental note to find a therapist for the young woman. Hell knows, he did know a thing about women.

"You cant do that!" Hisa said trying to move.. "waah!" She shrieked when he picked her up.

"You said yesterday.. despite what happened you learned something about yourself. That like to be tied down. Or you sure about that?"

"Gulp, hey. Why do you ask?" Hisa asked with a little trepidation. "I doubt you are interested in tying me down. Does not seem like something you would be interested in." Kai summoned a few bindings made of chakra. Her hands were pulled outward. Next her feet. She found her self laying flat in the air Kai walking around her.

She tried to sit up before a few bindings held her down.

"I am going to keep you held down. With help of course. You will not keep interrupting me with saying I cant touch you." If you dont want to have s.e.x, say so and I will stop." Kai watched her eyes and her silent nod for him to continue. "Not so hard now is it?" Kai moved his hand gently down her sides. His fingers tracing each spot he just kissed next.

Hisa continued to struggle against the restraints but she was enjoying herself. He would do his best to break her serving attitude. Only way he knew how. Kai would p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e her for a time, despite his own misgivings about it.

"Hisa...tell me something. What do you want really?" Kai ran his hand down her sides. With a blast of heat ray, her clothing burned off. "You dont need those right?"

"You are right I dont have to.. but you want me to." Kai said moved a finger along her ribcage up the bottom of her b.r.e.a.s.t. "So big.. very surprising from the way you wear your clothes. Is it a Hyuga thing I wonder?"

"Why do you.. ah!" Hisa m.o.a.n.e.d as he grabbed her n.i.p.p.l.e and gave it a delicate squeeze. "do you say that?" She finished.

"I am still waiting for you to answer my questions." Kai gave it a strong twist gauging her reaction her breathing spiked when he released the now aroused n.i.p.p.l.e. "

"I want.. you already know what I want." She turned her head away from him.

"You are going to have to say it to me. Not that weak answer you gave me before."

"Fine! I want to serve. I cant just do what you want. I cant be normal. I dont like it!" Hisa screamed at Kai. "I only want to serve, be of service. It is ingrained in me. Only way it will go away, is if you wipe my mind!"

"Good, maybe I should. But I am not going to. I will give you what you want Hisa." Kai said looming over her. "You will serve me. The family as well. But how I want. I want you to be a good wife and mother. The more you do it the more I will reward you. Please me and I will please you. Would you like that?"

"Gulp," Hisa swallowed. "Yes, I would."

"Good, now these b.r.e.a.s.t of your are absolutely beautiful. So white.." Kai squeezed them. "so soft. I usually prefer them to be tight and firm but on you, they work perfectly." Grabbing both of them from behind he played with them. When doing it gently she coed. When doing it roughly she m.o.a.n.e.d. A little of both she would groan. "Do excuse me, I am a tad rusty."

"Is that my what?" Kai said

"Your p.e.n.i.s?" Hisa felt her cheeks flush.

"My p.e.n.i.s.. that wont do. You are no child and we are not in a formal setting. Just the two of us. Call it what it is. It is what a good wife gets." Kai moved her up a bit pulling her away from his member.

"No dont take it away. I am a good wife." She wiggled her a.s.s trying to get a feel. "Let me prove it! It is a c.o.c.k! That is with Oreo called it!"

"Goodwife," Kai said as he moved her back down on to him. This time sandwiching himself between both her asscheeks. "Now try not to move." Wrapping his hands around her t.h.i.g.hs, he gripped them tightly. "When we get back you are going to act as I have had you before. You are no doormat. Trust me, I will know if you act up. You dont want to know how will I punish you. Understand.?" She whimpered and nodded. "Goodwife. I want to reward you. So make sure you do what I say that way I can."

"Ahhh, what kind of rewards can I receive?" Hisa asked she tried to move, but felt the bindings tightened again. Kai gripped her t.h.i.g.hs tighter. "I need to know for I can be a dood wife."

"Blend in. Act the way i need you to remember?" Kai heard the groan from her. "Bad wife!" Pulling back he his c.o.c.k along her folds.

"Ahh, I might just want to be a bad wife then." Hisa teased.

"Really then I will never stick it in. Or touch you either. The more you misbehave, the less I will even look your way."

"Dont you dare!" Hisa yelled turning back to him. She saw the look in his eyes and became scared. They glowed purple in color. "You are a cruel husband."

"Then be a good wife and fix me," Kai said kissing her ear. "I told I want you to serve me, didn't I? So you will have to fix me."

Hisa eyes glowed with raw chakra. "Female ninja are good at a lot of things." Soon as she said that she slid forward on Kai's c.o.c.k. Despite the restraints limiting her. "You just need to stand there husband. Let me do the work."

Slowly her p.u.s.s.y juices had built up since the bindings appeared on her. Her juices dripping down his length coating his balls. She kept moving speeding up when Kai's breeding didnt change she slowed it up. Moving slowly she felt him pulse.

"You like it slow dont you?" Hisa asked. She pulled and felt her hands get free easily. The water had dispated. Kai walked around to her front, she wanted to wrap her legs around him but couldn't with the bindings still in place there.

Putting her arms around his shoulders she felt his muscles and squeezed. She felt his heartbeat quicken. running her hands down his c.h.e.s.t she stopped at his Kai's heart rate slowed. 'Defintely not there.' Moving them down to his stomach she played with his abs. She felt his c.o.c.k throb under her. 'That is better.'

"You getting a little better with help," Kai said looking at her. "I cant wait till you earn it."

"I will earn it," Hisa said. I am going to hold you down and f.u.c.k you hard. I won't stop till you go out cold." She felt the bindings on her legs give away. Sliding furthur on his length she felt the heat. 'So hot! The bindings released when..' Feeling she understood better Hisa looked at Kai's face.

Grabbing his shoulders she lifted off of him. Aiming herself over his c.o.c.khead, she started to lower herself down. She felt the heat leave and pulled away immediately. 'Not the right move. This is surprisingly fun.' Sitting down in front of him she felt the boat rock a little. 'I wonder if we will capsize?' Shaking her head she grabbed Kai's balls. "Heavy." Kai's c.o.c.k jumped at that.

"Yeah.. lots of baby-making stuff inside," Kai said shrugging.

"Yeah, I bet." Hisa stared at them and at his c.o.c.k. L.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips she said, "I am going to play with this. If you c.u.m.. I am going to swallow all of it." Looking at his balls swell her eyes went wide. "Hopefully.."

Placing her head next to Kai's shaft, she moved her tongue along the base sliding upward. She got halfway before she had to put her tongue back in her mouth to build up spit. "Mhmm, you are thick husband. This will feel good I promise." Building up a good bit of spit she slid the rest of the way up. When she made it to his tip, she took a deep breath. "Haaaa," and swallowed the head.

"Oh, that is nice." Kai felt an urge he had to resist.

'He suddenly became warmer.' Looking up she saw Kai's eyes glowing purple with a little pink inside them. Opening her might deeper she moved two inches furthur down. She started to suckle on it as her tongue moved around.

Hisa started to make little m.o.a.ning sounds as she went further down. Her vibrations starting a countdown for Kai's release. Speeding up she changed her movements. Every other down stoke she twisted her head like a corkscrew. Standing up just a bit, she bent his c.o.c.k a little.

"Well, damn that's good." Kai m.o.a.n.e.d as he resisted the urge to grab her head. Looking down her eyes were staring at him. Every now and then, hair hiding her from him. It was an unusual turn on Kai didn't know he had.

As if his praise enabled her, she decided to swallow him all the way. "Slrp," Hisa took him to the bast before pulling back immediately. She didnt even give her body time to now what she did. Popping him out, she kissed his engorged head. Keeping her lips pressed against him, she felt the throb. 'Oh, he likes that, does he. Well to bad.' Running her tongue down his length she stopped at his balls. 'I wonder what will happen if I did that with one of these? Only one way to find out.'

"What are you doing?" Kai asked with his head tilted.

"Mmm, so warm," Hisa said as she placed a ball in her mouth. She didnt close around it just left it there. Every few seconds she pushes Kai's ball up. Once she figured he had enough, she moved to the other and did the same thing. For the next four minutes, she did this back and forth. All the while stroking his c.o.c.k.

Then she felt it. The prec.u.m dribbling down. "So much. Do you like this? Do you like me doing this for you?" Kai didnt answer. But his body did. She felt his balls contract. Pulling away she stared at him, moving up placing his c.o.c.k between her b.r.e.a.s.ts moving in a slow motion. "I will be the only wife that serves you this way. None of the others can."

"Oh, are you sure about that?" Kai asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh yes. Because they will never serve as I can." Hisa smiled and then swallowed him in one go. "Slrp," she kept him there, breathing slowly through her nose. Her tongue slithering around slowly. Looking up at him, she winked. Grabbing his a.s.s she started f.u.c.k.i.n.g her face against him.

"Oh, shit." Kai managed to say. "Gonna c.u.m!" Hisa stopped instantly and waited as he started to c.u.m.

'So warm.' She thought as she started to swallow. 'So much.' As she continued taking his seed, she massaged his balls. Every few seconds she would squeeze hoping he would stop. Unable to take anymore she pulled off as he continues to spurt all over her.

"That.. was great." Kai said looking at her. "Oh, crap you are covered." He watched her breathe slowly. Seeing his c.u.m go down the sides of her b.r.e.a.s.ts, Kai had to resist the urge to start f.u.c.k.i.n.g her.

"So what happens now?" Hisa asked after she recovered. She felt Kai lift her up. "Oh, but I was not done."

"Now.. my dear wife. I am going to f.u.c.k you. And I won't stop till I cant stop c.u.ming anymore. How does that sound?" Hisa just shuddered as her eyes lit up in response. "Good."

-Back to the present-

A few hours later they arrived at the hospital. The babies that were getting treated were escorted by five "nurses" disguised as security. Two Inuzukas two Senjus and a woman from the village of Women. They hadn't come up with a name for themselves yet.

Kai, Kari, Tsume, Mastica, and Hisa were greeted by a few members of the hospital. Kai's disguise was that of a businessman. With the money, he acquired when he visits this place before it was easy to set this up. Especially with a few people staying behind to help influence things until he got here.

A portly man stepped forward. "Greetings, I am Dr.Motts. I will be the primary on the surgery. I have received the files on the infants. This will all go quite fine I assure you."

"Good." Kai's voice came out neutral. He had a plastered smile on his face as he extended his glove hand for a shake. The doctor returned and Kai received a bunch of information on the man. Storing it for later he let go. "I hope so."

An older gentleman stepped forward. "I am Conrad. I am the one your people have talked to. Please come with me. Much to discuss."

"The others can come with me." An older woman said. "I will show them where they can scrub in and the others where they can watch."

"Very well," Kai said as Mastica and Tsume followed him. "Do be careful everyone. This is not our hospital yet."

In the observation area, Kai and a few of the women that wanted to be medical ninja were watching. No matter how he tried he couldn't get any of the men to do it. It was ridiculous. Tsume and Mastica stood next to him. Kari was done below acting as an attendee. The surgery was just getting started when he felt Mastica grab his arm. It wouldn't be so strange if Tsume didnt grab his other one. They both were circulating a lot of chakras.

"What is it!?" Kai asked alarmed.

"Just promise you won't move and go down there. You will only make it worse." Tsume said.

"You dazed out," Mastica said gently. "The doctor s.e.x.u.a.lly accosted Kari. Dont worry the surgery went fine. I am assuming that's why you came back to us. Just wait till they seal him up. Then you can deal with him."

"Right... right.. damn it. Is Kari ok?"

"She handled it well. She gave him an earful. Then threaten him enough that he got the picture." Tsume said with a grin. Seeing that Kai was not gonna run down there she thought it safe to let him go. "I will take the others around the hospital. Just to make sure we get our money's worth. Mastica will stay with you." Seeing Kai's raised eyebrow at her she reminded him, " remember we are your bodyguards."

"Right," Kai said shaking his head absentmindedly. He realized his aspects had done something to him when the surgery started. His divinities seemed stronger for some reason. 'Ha, more things to ask brother.' Seeing the room clear, he turned to Mastica who enjoyed the alone time with him.

"Are you ok? Considering we cant just go and beat that guy up."

"Who says we cant? I am gonna beat the tar out of him." Kai smiled eerily at her. "But first, I wanna check on Kari and my sons. Priorities first then" Mastica smiled and followed him holding his arm the entire way.

"Oh, we should go to dinner later. Or is it more of liner time?" Kai said as they walked down the halls.

"Oh, I think everyone would like that."

"Huh, no. Meant just me and you. Unless you dont want to."

"I would like that. But I am just a mate not sure that you have to do that."

"I dont have to do much of anything. Besides, eat, sleep and poop. Hehe." Kai chuckled as they exit the elevator. "Same as a baby hah."

"I want to. That simple. Besides," Leaning close to her ear his voice became heated. "I really want to spend some time with you. A meal sounds nice dont you think?"

"Um, yes. Yes, it does." As they entered the area to discuss the surgery both of them stopped. "But shouldn't you spend time with your son?"

"No. His mother deserves all the time with him right now. I will later."

"You bastard!" Kari yelled. "You think it's ok to pull crap like that."

"Ah, Mr.Senju. Just in time. Your wife is hysterical. Do calm her down." Dr.Motts said as he fixed his tie. "She is imagining things I assure you."

The other attendees and nurses just looked away scared. This was not the first time he tried something like this. They knew it wouldn't be the last.

"Piece of shit of a man," Kari said as she walked to Kai. "Husband I.." She stopped when felt Kai's look. "I am sorry." Kari left afraid she had made things worse.

"Hey wait!" Mastica said. But the woman was gone quickly. She looked to Kai and was surprised. He walked over to the Doctor calmly.

"I see. I will deal with her later." Kai said with a little edge in his voice.

"That is good to hear. One must.." Dr.Motts started to say before Kai lifted him by the throat. "kuff what are you doing?"

"Taking care of a piece of shit." Kai moved him to the window and didnt bother to open it as he pushed the man through the glass. "Crash," the glass broke apart. Tightening his grip the man couldn't scream. "So.. which one of you can tell me of this man's crimes? Make it snappy or things will get worse. You are all intelligent people. If I am doing this in broad daylight what do you think I will do to anyone who runs to the authorities?"

Dr.Motts tapped against Kai's arm to no avail. 'How strong is this man?!"

"He has ruined the lives of several patients and nurses." A male nurse said.

"He even molested a coma patient." A female doctor added.

"Bam," the door opened and a security guard came in. Seeing Kai holding a man outside a window he grabbed at him. "Crack," Kai snapped the man's arm.

"Ahh!" The man screamed. Mastica came up and put her hand over the man's mouth. "Shh," we are in a hospital people are sleeping." With a chop, the man went to sleep. She looked at kai and smiled happily. 'Finally some action. This place is to restrained.'

"Please dont kill him. He needs to pay for his crimes." An older nurse said. "I will make sure the cops know what he has done. As long as the Dean of Medicine does not intefere we can get him put away."

"Very well, If anyone asks he tripped." Kai eyed each of them. "Do me a favor and find the names of all the doctor's that are a liability. It is time I clean house as it were." Pulling the young man in, Kai punched him in the sternum cracking it. "Have him admitted please and thank you. Oh do keep quiet about everythig else."

"Of course sir." A male nurse said picking the man up. He was scared, but happy something finally was getting down about this place.

The rest of them left out. They took the security guard with them.

"Ah, that was refreshing. Causing him that pain felt good. Really good." Kai shuddered in joy. He looked at Mastica. "I hope I didnt scare you?"

"Not even close to it," Mastica said moving up to him. "Grr, that was enjoyable to watch. An Alpha must deal justice swiftly and mercilessly. I would have preferred you killed him though."

"I wanted to. But it would have been troublesome. Make sure we have some cover this up. It is a good way to brush on certain ninja techniques. Especially illusions and mental manipulation." Seeing her groan he gave her a kiss. "Smooch, I know you dont like those avenues. Neither do I. But it is something to work on here."

"Mhm," Mastica said.

"I need to find Kari. She must think the worst." Kai said as he looked to the window. With a wave of his hand the illusion broke in the room. The window never broke in the first place. Just a test of the doctors and nurses in the room earlier.

Walking out Kai didn't find Kari. He was stopped by Conrad. He had a very urgent look on his face.

"I heard someone broke a window."

"No window broke. Who told you that?" Mastica asked.

"The security guard. He also said Kai broke his arm." Conrad looked at Kai who had a beaming smile on his face.

"How crazy," Mastica said. "Ask anyone that was in the room. The security guard fell. As for that crappy doctor, he hurt himself in the surgery. Getting to handsy with the people in there."

"I see. I am so sorry to here that." Conrad said apologizing. "This won't affect your purchase of the hospital will it?"

"No, I will still buy it. Dont wish to change to another. Besides a few people that will have to be replaced, everything as feels fine. But my security team will continue the investigations." Kai smiled and started walking with his hands in his pocket.

"Thank you," Conrad said again as kai walked past.

"Oh, tell the current Dean of Medicine he is fired. Our security will escort him out right now actually." Mastica said grinning. "For now you are in charge. Tell the board if the make it quick they will receive extra." She started to catch up with Kai when he was about ten feet away. "It is the best way to deal with greedy people anyway."

"Gulp, of course." Conrad pulled out his phone and started to make a phone call.

A few hours later Kai and Mastica finished linner. Tsume had decided to lead the investigation at the hospital. As for as Kari, she didnt want to talk right now. Kai obliged.

"Nice place. I enjoy Thai food." Mastica said happily. "I will head back and help Tsume. What about you?"

"I will head out and explore the mainland. I need to work some things out." Seeing her frown Kai grabbed her hands. "Do not worry everything is fine. I believe this place is effecting me differently is all. I received information about that Dean of Medicine that needs to be taken care of."

"Information, how?"

"My divinity pulled. Both Pandemonium and Cruelty." Kai held her a little tighter. "I have to go do some bad things." He looked at her. "I am going to enjoy them.

"Tell me. I dont care how bad it is. You dont just have to rely on Kari all the time. I dont know why Chrysa is not keeping you calm anymore.." Masticsa returned his hold, "but I can take on some of your burdens."

"I.. No you are right. That man is doing some very twisted things to people. Teriible things. I want to end it. Doing so will do something for me. I dont know just yet."

"Very well. Go and do it. Just dont kill any innocent people unless you have to. I will tell the others you went out for some alone time."

"Umm, thanks. When I get back I am taking you away for some more alone time." Kai let her go and started walking away."

"Ok." Mastica watched feeling a little off-put.

"Oops, almost forgot." Kai came back and wrapped her in a hug and kissed her deeply. "Mmh much better."

A few people gave a few whoops and hollers. "That is more like it. Bye, my mate." Mastica said before leaving.

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