Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 54 - Price of Divinity

Walking around Kai was in a daze before he took a turn in the alley. 'I cant just expose myself. But I can change myself up some.' Looking around and seeing no cameras or anyone watching, he changed his clothes. It was dark on the mainland and alleyways.

"Much better. Better change my voice to." Changing his vocal cords was very easy. His clothes changed to a very common set of street clothes. He now had a pair of black jeans on and black combat boots. His shirt was dark purple. Flexing his hands his gloves turned dark red. A jacket appeared despite him not calling for it. Pulling it off he saw a symbol on it. A diamond with two skulls on the side. "Huh, what the hell does this mean. Figure it out later." Putting the jacket back on a hood formed up covering his head. With his eyesight, he could see just fine.

"Hup," with a leap he flew up. Up in the sky away from anyone sight. To be careful he bent the light around him to make himself harder to see just in case anyone had some binoculars or a telescope out.

His powers fed information into him slowly. He knew the whereabouts of the Dean of Medicine and his routines. But it didn't give him a full history which Kai found weird. Looking down with his vision he found a few men and a woman just lazing about. His power telling them they were nothing but bums. But exactly what he was looking for.

"Fwoosh," he appeared right in front of them in a blur. Waiting he listened to them talk.

"Life sucks." The man said.

"I agree. We cant do anything right anymore."

"Cant believe we couldn't get our job back at the hospital. That damn dean!" The woman said.

"Well, it was that or let him get away with what he did." The man said again.

"I just want to kill him!" The man said.

"Tch, fat chance the security is to tight. They also brought in more security around the hospital. We cant even get to him."

"I rather get that damn Dr.Motts." The man said.

"You are one to talk." The woman said. "If you would have reported when you had the chance none of this would have happened."

The young man then kicked a trash can. "Crash," the young man was angry. "I know that! Just wished I could get back at him. I would make him pay!"

"That is good to know." Kai's voice rang out. They all looked around trying to determine where the ghastly voice came from. "You won't find me that easily. If you all are serious about it. Take these and put them on." Kai threw out clothing similar to his.

"Is this some joke?!" The young man said.

"No joke boy." Kai sent some chakra to young man pinning him down. "I dont joke. This is real. I dont have the patience to convince you. Choose now!" Releasing him he looked at the others already putting the clothes on.

"What else do we have to lose?" The older man said. He finished first. "Now what?" Then he felt it. His body heated up and his ache's and pain's were gone. He felt 30 years younger. Also clean for the first time in weeks.

"Ah, I am clean!" The woman voiced.

Kai caught noticed she healed faster then the others. The other men took longer but he could feel something stronger from them. It was chakra. There chakra levels started to come in quickly.

"Step onto the platform. Now." Kai said grimly. He created a small disk in the dirt. Debris fell off it slowly. Each of them did slowly. Once on he enveloped them in a sphere effectively making them disappear. Flying up the young man noticed the difference immediately.

"I am.. well to put easier a Demigod of Cruelty."

"Dont joke with me!" The young man said.

"Ugh, you are as annoying as an Uchiha I know. Boy, you just saw me come out of nowhere and you are flying. Are you just stupid?"

"He is stupid." The old man said. "But he is a good kid. Just had it rough of late. We all have."

"That I can tell. It is what help me find you I suppose." Kai said shrugging. The more power he used, the more relaxed he felt. "I am going to help you achieve your"

"You mean make us rich?" One of the men asked.

"No. He means to get back at the Dean and Dr.Motts." The old man said. "You are definitely something else entirely. You said you are a Demigod of Cruelty?" Kai shook his head. "What we were talking about you will help us achieve it?"


"What about the repercussions?" The woman asked. "I dont want to go to jail. But I dont want that bastard getting away with this."

"If we refuse?" Another of the men asked.

"Then something happens," Kai said not elluding to anything else.

"I rather not do this." The man said. He took the clothes off slowly.

"Are you sure?" The woman asked. "Jail does not seem that bad now that I think about it. If that bastard gets killed anyway."

"Yeah, I am sure. I feel bad about what all has ahppen but I cant do this." He took the clothes off and stood in his boxers. That is when he noticed his scars were gone. "My scars are gone!"

"Yes, they are. But they will return. A pity you choose this fate." Kai sent some chakra to the man and he fell unconsciousness. Waving his hands he took the freshly awakened chakra away and erased the man's memory.

"Is he dead?" The young man said.

"You idiot, you were a doctor. Just check his vitals." The old man said.

"Right." Walking over he checked the man over. "He is fine."

Below them was a manor. In the yard several cars and a boat to the side. A lot of money went into this place. A lot of stolen extorted money. Landing the disc on the balcony Kai waited for them to step off.

"Cold feet?"

"No." The old man said as he stepped forward. Out of everyone, his resolve was the strongest. "I want him to pay for what he has done." One by one the rest followed.

Kai followed behind after them. When they all stopped he walked up the stairs straight to the master bedroom. Pushing the door open, he watched as it eased to the side. The dean was sleeping soundly in the bed. A few bottles on the floor and a bag of powder near his phone on the desk.

"You should all look around first. See what you find in the manor." Kai said to them. He stood to watch over the dean. Using a basic sleeping technique to keep the man out cold.

20 minutes they came back one by one. All except the young man. Waiting a little bit longer he returned. But he was not alone. A little boy was with him. Kai's eyes narrowed. Something started happening around them.

Above the little boy, mist formed. Inside it was the dean the boy and a woman. A the scenes played out, it went from thing to another. Each worse than the last.

First, the boy was beaten, then he was flogged. When the woman tried to stop it she was beaten two. The worst was when the dean injected the woman with something. When she refused to beat the boy the dean wouldn't give her another shot. Eventually, she gave in. She beat the boy until he passed out. The vision disappeared after that.

"I heard the stories." The old man said. "Seeing is believing."

"Wait!" The young man said. "Are we sure about this?" He was becoming scared.

"After what we just have seen." The woman said. "You cant be serious? The only regret I will have is that I didnt put this monster down sooner." Grabbing a pillow she was going to smother the man.

"No! You cant!" The young man grabbed her and pulled her off the dean.

"Let go, you coward." The woman yelled.

Kai was glad he placed a sound seal earlier. He knew it would get heated eventually. 'This is good training for the future. I know what to look out for in the future for my own ninja.' He gave the old man a look over. He had gone to the boy and lifted the child's shirt. Track marks and strangulation marks were all over the body. The old man started shaking in rage Kai assumed.

Looking at the young man he drew his attention. "Look here!" The young man looked over. The woman took the chance and elbowed him in the gut. Staring at him she wants to give him a good punch but resisted the urge.

The woman walked over to the boy and checked his legs as well. The bruise were all over still. On instinct she felt an urge to check his backside and slid his pajamas down a little. Fresh blood could be seen. "He .. he r.a.p.ed his own son" Pulling the pants up she looked to the young man. "Still think we shouldn't do this?"

"I.. this won't make it right." The young man hesitated to say. The others looked at him disgusted. They were remembering how if he would have stepped up earlier, a lot of things could have been different. "I won't do this." He started to remove the clothes. As soon as he was done he fainted. Not from Kai but the old man putting him in a sleeper hold.

"I did not think this boy was so weak. I have failed his father." The old man looked at the young man and shook his head. He looked to the woman. "Inflict some pain on him first then we will go from there."

"You will have to." The old man said then looked to Kai. "Isn't that right?" Feeling Kai smile somehow he continued. "We are getting tested."

"Tested.. ah.. that is why he has not killed anyone. Wait in what way?" The woman asked looking at the others.

"I do not know fully." The old man said. "But he represents cruelty. It can not be as easy as just killing the dean."

"Then we need to do more. Like what though?" One of the men questioned.

"Something Cruel." The woman said. "Like destroy what he loves the most. Which would be.. his image." After she said the others went around finding whatever they could in the place. It took them a while but they did. Kai just stared looking at the dazed child. He wondered what was keeping him like this.

"We have found what we needed." One of the men came back. It was a book. With names and dates. "He didnt even keep it locked. Arrogant bastard."

"So how will you all expose him now," Kai said finally speaking again.

"I think we call the cops and.." realizing that wouldn't work he stopped. "No, I need to think better about this." The others came in and they all got togethor and came up with a plan.

They spread some of the coke on the dean and the boy's clothes. Taking the child to his room they put him on his side and trashed the room to make it more drastic looking. One of them went outside and decided to wreck the car into the boat. They then spread some booze inside the car. A little bit to make it look like it was the dean who drove. One of them set fire to the backyard and called the police imitating a jogger passing by.

"We should go." The old man said looking at Kai who nodded.

"Wait!" The young woman said. She moved to the dean with a knife and a lighter opening his pants she put the knife in his hand and moved it to mutilate him. As a doctor, she did just enough not to cause to much damage. "Ok, now we can go."

Back on the disc they flew up and watched everything unfold. The fire department arrived followed by the police. One of them had recorded everything with the dean's phone and posted it online with him bragging about what he had done. The caption read like a bad drunk.

Kai felt a slight burst in his chakras. 'I wonder what that was. Ah really need to talk with my brother.' After watching several crime scene personal arrive, they floated away. Back to the spot he found them. He could feel his chakra didnt even deplete the entire time he did this. Which was strange.

"What will you all do now?" Kai asked as they stepped off the disc. He watched as they pulled the other two off and redressed them. He smiled at that. He didnt want to do it.

"I dont know. It felt like we did something. Accomplished something. We did it with out killing which was meh. I really wanted to kill him." The woman said.

"Aye, that we should have. But we needed to be smart about it to. I think he will die in prison. After the names get spread anyway. A lot of important people on that list." The old man said.

"Can we do this again?" One of the men asked.

"Do you want to? I really need killers.. but this can work I suppose." Kai said moving his head back and forth.

"We are not trained killers." The old man said. "We are doctors. Were doctors."

"Lost that thanks to the dean. Even with him going away, doubt we can get that back." The woman said. "Running out of money. Only have enough to eat for the month." The others nodded thinking the same.

"I need doctors. But to become them again you would have to say goodbye to all you know. Goodbye to this place and whatever family you have."

"We dont have any left. The dean did a great job of destroying it. That and our lives. He was a very powerful man. Not even he can survive what the media will do to him. Not amount of coverups will." The old man said. "I will come with. The boy won't be able to help." He looked at the two on the ground. "Hah, such a shame."

"Good, come back here in an hour and you will depart. Some cash to clean up loose ends." Kai handed them some money. "I can not even describe what will happen to you if you try to cross me. Do rejoice you can practice medicine again."

They left. Kai stood there for an hour sending out his hearing to listen. He found he could listen all the way at the island with the rest of the family were. It was easy. Looking that way he could see them moving about. A little nightfishing going on. Nothing to dangerous. He even spotted a few of them engaged in some other night activities.

Looking away he found Kari. She was crying over the water. Giving her a call he watched as she looked at it. Her hand shaking before as she sighed and put it away. Her hands gripped tightly on the phone as she collapsed in the water. Just as Kai was about to speed over, he saw Oreo go up to her. They talked, not wanting to eavesdrop he pulled back and looked at the sky. Calling Hisa, he let her know about some people he would send her way. Just help them settle in.

"No problem." Hisa voice came out pleasant. "How are you?"

"I will be fine once I make back to you all. Which will be shortly." Kai said. Her voice already calmed him.

"Ok, see you then." Hisa hung up. Kai called Mastica. She picked up on the second ring.

"I want to talk through the collar." She hung up.

'Is that better?' Kai transmitted to her.

'Yes. I like this better. The phones have a weird buzzing sound in them. I dont like them.' Mastica was happy despite how late it was.

'I want to tell you what happens after you left. Will you listen?'

'Of course my mate. Please start now. I am just reading some files right now.' Mastica was in the hospital with her back against the wall. She kept her eyes trained on the people coming and going.

When everyone returned Kai was surprised when the old man had a child with him. So did one of the other men. Kai didnt ask any questions as he saw the kids faces. They were happy.

"They are our children. We couldn't leave them in foster care." The man said. "We took them back."

"No problem." Activating the disc he sent them away to the island in an instant with a lot more chakra for safety. "Hah, that was easy. How strong am I becoming?" Feeling the need having faded away, he started walking. Around midnight he felt someone calling to him. Following it he steeped into a club.

Ignoring the music he walked to the top floor into the VIP area. It was more like a lounge and gentleman's club he went to before up top. Didn't really fit with the downstairs at all.

"Hello, I am the deity of this world. The only one. Let us have a chat." A green-haired woman said. "You have so much potential. Allow me to help. In exchange, I wont do anything about you taking those people back with you and turning them like yourself."

"Uh-huh, that sounds interesting," Kai said leaning against the wall. 'Huh, why am I so horny now?' Closing his eyes, Kai saw images of all his wives and mates. Then he felt the joy coming from Oreo. She finally felt like herself again. Made peace when the boys not coming out healthy.

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