Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 55 - Talking to another Deity

"So this place doesn't really have my type of energy, why?" Kai was cautious. She had allowed him to come to her world with no problem. His brother said it was fine as well. Considering nothing happen last time..everything should be fine. "What is your name?"

"Not all words share the same thing obviously. However, it doesn't mean that we cannot introduce them to each other. So wanna make a baby?" The green-haired woman said. "I am not saying my name just yet."

"No, Kai said on reflex. I am defintely done with that for a while. Besides, I do not know you. Neither do my wives." Grabbing his arms Kai felt small for some reason. A slight gnawing in the back of his head. 'I will just call her greeney.

"Aww, are you sure?" She was very listless for a few moments. Then her body would fluctuate from healthy to tired was the best guess.

"Yeah." Kai said looking at her eyes. 'Maybe so.etging is wrong with her. Doubt I could help.'

"Aww pooh," Greeney said. "I will have to find another way then." Kai's eyebrow raised at that. She waved it off. "So what do you think your aspects do?"

"Buff me up I guess. Whatever I am doing, gets affect by it. Or from what I just found out, draws me to those areas or people who want to do those things."

"That is correct. We both have fertility. But that does not just mean pregnancy. Do you raise fish or garden? Things that need upkeep such as that."

"Huh, yeah I garden. But I always use to garden. It helps with several things. I use to do that with my previous life" Kai was shocked he just admit that. 'Why do I feel safe right now. I am under no illusion or anything of the sort? She also said my energy doesn't exist here. Chakra doesn't exist here. That is weird but then again, it was basically make-believe stuff in my original world. So that has merit I think.'

"Good. You can use your energy to make the land better. I take it you noticed it on your previous visit?" Greeney smiled seeing him nod in agreement. "Your energy carries the qualities of your aspect if you are not paying attention. You will have to work on that."

"Can I just turn it off like a switch? And turn back it back when I need it?"

"Of course you can, but I wouldn't. Denying your self of that is unnatural. There is a difference in using it actively and keeping it at bay, stopping it cold turkey has bad results. Just let it flow unabated and it will find outlets on its own. Keep it locked away and eventually, it will burst free and you will hurt anyone nearby.

"So far it has been flowing willy nilly. I guess I can leave it in it's natural state. However... I will definitely guide away from my people when I want to." Greeney just nodded at his statement. A small smile on her face. "What?"

"Tch, that's it." Kai outstretched his hands and her mini skirt turned to pants. "I do not need my will tested. If you are going to keep this up I am going to leave."

"Ok. Hmph." Greeney smiled. She didnt even change her clothes back. "These are comfy. Quite warm. I love the colors." Seeing Kai's face soften she relaxed on the sofa. She was ready to tempt him again but decided against it. "How many people do you have close to you?"

Kai then explained all those close to him and how there relations worked. Greeney listened and her smile grew wider and then pensive. Then she laughed. This went on for a few hours till Kai was finished. During his tale, he noticed she had no men or women near her. It was odd.

"You are wondering where my family are? Yes? They are away or just sleeping. I am the only the Diety here period." Her smile was very sad Kai thought. "Care to help me out a little?"

"Hmm, I guess. You have helped so I should return the favor a bit. "

"Come touch my hand. I won't do anything untoward I promise." Greeney said. Kai walked over slowly and did. It felt like he was hit by a bolt of lighting. Pulling his hand back as if he would lose it, he stared at her.

Her eyes had a powerful green glow. Her skin became smooth and supple. Her hair became lively and her lips full.

"Wow, now that's tasty." Greeney looked at Kai and smiled. "You really care about them. How nice. But you are fighting not to. Your brother did a real number on you."

"What was that?" Kai relaxed his hand then felt the memories of the people she did it with. There where a lot. She was also really freaking old. If he did that math she would have taken at least 133 spouses a year after calculating over. Including accounting for dry spells. "Did you read me or something?"

"No, but, I need a place for retreat for my people in case I fail. Will you allow your place to be it?" Kai didnt even here what was said about his brother. His power tried to bring it the surface but couldn't.

"Yes of course. That is easy as can be." Greeney then stared directly forward not breaking her gaze from him. "I want to meet your family. Is that ok?" Kai mouthed a Yes and Greeney eyes dilated. "Sunshine and whiskey. Your breath smells like sunshine and whiskey."

"Which is weird since I cant drink alcohol anymore. My body gets buggy when I do." Kai took a step back when her breath hit him. "Your breath smells really nice to... Dangerously so. I should head back. Have a strange urge all of a sudden."

"That is because of sub aspects. But I need to leave as well. I have a few husbands and wives to exhaust. Oh and about your need to separate yourself. Just try to do it without arguing what can go wrong." With a flick of her hand, Kai was outside high in the sky. On instinct, he returned to his business suit and mask.

"That went well. Heh, at least she didnt mess me up. She is way more powerful than me." Kai chuckled as he floated about. "Hmm, my strength is increasing even more so now. If this keeps up.. what will happen?" Balling his fist he flew higher and bolted in a single direction. "The world has accepted the same as the other one. I should have asked her about it."

He flew faster than he ever did before. Dangerously fast. The force around him would devastate anything nearby with a brush. Coming to an immediate stop, his clothes were destroyed instantly. Feeding off his energy they restored themselves stronger than before.

"That is defintely new. I wonder if I can do this now." Reaching his hands out Kai pulled chakra togethor and molded. Slowly it resembled a clump of flesh then a baby. A few minutes later when he pumped tons of chakra into it, it grew to the body of a full-grown man. "Hah, hah, that was taxing." As if hit by sudden revision at what he had done, Kai reached his hands out and broke down the cells and absorbed the creature. "What he hell was I thinking!?"

Out of his shadow, Gemini appeared holding his face. She couldn't fly well just yet so she placed her feet on his toes.

"Leader it will be ok. Stop and breathe." Her voice came out soothing. She infused it with chakra imitating Kari, and Hisa. Slowly Kai returned to normal. Moving back into his shadow she remained quiet and watched. 'I have to wait until he calms down and has control to tell him about his brother.'

Looking around the other way a little, he spotted some of Tsume's clansmen. They were in Africa. They took running with lions to a new level. Thinking about it, he rembered he told Gai about running with the bulls once.

"There is no way he went to do it. Right?" Feeling his aspect pull to the side he looked that way. Low and behold an image of Gai and few others could be seen running with bulls. They had balls In their hands that they threw between each other. Looking closer he saw Rock and his cousin in the mix as well. "Oh dear... I have done way to many stupid things it seems. I need to go fix this."

'It is time to head back. You are already late Leader.' Gemini told him. Agreeing with a nod Kai turned to the island and flew there. Descending slowly from above he remembered he was supposed to spend time with Kari. Reaching out to her, he found her asleep with Oreo and some of the kids. 'I will have to make time tomorrow. Defintely.'

'Leader there are small traces of chakra in this world now.' Gemini said.

'Yeah I can feel it. This world will most likely go through a big change in the next few decades.'

'Yes, but now the few who want to try without worries can now. I think we should do something to test a bunch of the recovered ninja in the clan.' Gemini was always observing a few things that Ki forgot to do. This was one of them. 'You wanted to test them, why not do it another level.'

'Hmm I wonder what you have in mind?'

'I do not know Leader. I just think we should not miss the opportunity for the people who want to advance to try while they are relaxed.'

'Very well. I will think of something. To think our fist chunin trial would be in another world.' Kai thought it was amusing in a way.

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