Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 56 - Sleep with them

A few days later. The house had been.. a little busy.

"We are tired and worn out down there," Pakura said pointing down below. "We cant go on anymore. I understand this is our vacation/honeymoon and everything, but we cant anymore."

"Right... I understand." Kai said very depressed. He couldn't help it. The sun here pushed his chakra to higher levels. No doubt from Greeney adding chakra. He already could open a Rift back for they could all go home and come back twice over. "I have been draining my chakra and placing it in containers. I even put a bunch of it into the island to help develop it further. This place will make a great place to come to, in case we have to fall back anywhere."

'But will it be enough?' Gemini questioned from inside his shadow. 'Once we return the world will push down on us some. Returning us to a more moderate level. But then again, we will be able to recover our strength in no time at all. We can all make bigger moves to change the world. However that sounds like work.. and you are lazy.'

'Heh, you are right about that. But I will keep training. That world does not belong to me. So I will not take over. Besides I rather just spend my days with everyone and crush those who come mess with the family. Is that so wrong?'

'Yes.' Gemini said flatly. 'But I like that more than changing the world.'

Seeing Kai' start to day dream again someone spoke up. "You could always.." Tsume started to say but corrected herself. "You could take new mates. Women from this world." Her voice contained bits of disdain. Even she didnt like that idea. "Or back home. I know a few that would just enjoy adding strength to the clan. They couldnt stay with Uzumakis but would remain in the Inuzuka."

"Hard pass. I rather go without." Kai said dismissing that idea. "Ahh, that sleeping technique is really coming in handy." He said yawning. "But that doesn't sound to bad considering it would help get the bloody need out the way as well s the Heat for some of your members. The side effect of becoming stronger is not bad for the clan."

"Why not just take the village of women personally? No in-vitro." Kari said. She spent a lot of time with those women and knew they wouldn't be mad. In fact, they really wanted him to do it personally. The in-vitro was so un-personal and mechanic.. Having the children fulfilled a need, but s.e.x was something also wanted. "I think you should sleep with them."

"Ehhh, my heart wouldn't be in it," Kai said putting his head on the table. "Maybe I should start practicing celibacy. Heh, a fertility demigod who is celibate." Rubbing his temples he felt an odd sensation every time he thought about distancing himself from the women even more so. 'Uggh what is this feeling?'

"Crash," in the kitchen Oreo dropped a dish. Walking over to him she pushed him back and sat on his l.a.p. "That is not funny!" She said menacingly. "They may be ok with it, but I most definitely am not! I will not go back to a life without."

"Hehe, it was a joke." Kai smiled at her. She did not smile back. "I will try not to make it again." She nodded but didnt get off his l.a.p. "You know what will happen if you stay on me right?" Grabbing her h.i.p.s she shuddered. She was extremely s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e.

"Mmh, stop!" Oreo said. Kai froze immediately. She stood up and sat down in another chair. A slight blush on her. cheeks. "I love how you still do that every time we say it. How strong is the technique you placed on yourself?"

"Damn near impossible to break. Just wish it would work to get rid of my as well." Kai said grabbing the water placed in front of him. "I will figure something out."

"You can take Aria," Oreo spoke up. "She is my second after all and from what I can tell, she has been trained in that way as a female ninja." Kai shuddered disgusted by it. That thought made him look to Hisa. Hisa smiled at him, letting him know it was ok.

"Just no. How old is she anyway?" Oh and about that female training that is done... I really do not like it. I want to abolish it or increase the age and maturity check till it is done."

"We know. But it is a requirement. The males go through it as well. Just fewer times something untoward happen." Pakura said looking down. It is only for the more.. physically attractive of a ninja. We cant ignore the fact they have a better chance at seduction."

"She is 26 more than old enough," Oreo said.

"Ughhh, just change the policy and inform the trainees before you start. Increase the damn age as well. I will not tolerate 8 years old going through that. And thats the bottom line." Kai said coldly. He looked at Tsume. "I cant do anything about what goes on in your clan, however, I hope you can consider a change."

"Of course. It has merit." Tsume said. "I will talk to my mother. There is a way to help convince her. I will discuss it later when we head to the hospital to finish the deal."

"Thank you," Kai said. "Chrysa, when we return, you are to inform the Yamanaka clan about a mission I would like done. I want them to develop a method to help gauge who are mentally ready for that type of training." Chrysa nodded in understanding.

"I do not think any Hyuga women would be acceptable to you. I also think they will have trouble with you from what my cousin has said." Haruka spoke softly. "But I will talk to Hizashi about it."

"That is true," Tsume said agreeing. "You have worn out all your wives and mates. But what else can we do?" Rubbing her own b.u.t.t she remembers the fun time on the beach. 'Mmmh I want to so bad right now actually. This place is heaven on earth. The most dangerous things they have are guns and missiles. Both things we can stop with the barriers in place.

"She is not interested. And I will be damn if do it with an unwilling woman." Kai said looking up. He felt his aspect of Cruelty kick up. Anything that he dislikes was always increased to a new level. Acting on it would cause him to feel sick. He found that out the hard way when he picked a bottle of Vodka up and drank a little. Next thing he knew he was curled up on the ground in pain.

"Thump, thump," a knock echoed on all of their heads. It was the Deity of this place knocking this time. Compared to the last time when she popped in after him in Pakura finished a nightly session. She didnt have much care for personal space.

"Uggh, come in," Kai said tired already. "If I am home, just knock on me. Not them."

"Very well," The green-haired woman said appearing. Two men dressed in tuxedos appeared behind her. Blindfolds covering the eyes with wide sabers attached on the hip. "Dont mind them, they are just Guard husbands."

"Guard husbands?" Mastica asked.

"Yes, dear. What you are to him most likely." Kai just shrugged not knowing what she was talking about. "Anyway, I wish to help you with your problem."

"Eh, what the heck do I guard?" Mastica question and started to think about it.

"Oh, and how do you know about my problem?"

"Because we are both Fertility Deities that's how. I felt it at the club last week." Greeney smiled like a devil. "Well I am several but that is what I was first."

"Meh, it was for like an hour or a few. I only stopped because she called to me."

"What kind of call?" Hisa said staring at him.

"Just a call that I was nearby." The Greeney said. "I wanted to invite him earlier but he was busy with his thoughts." Seeing Kai just stare, she continued, "you are so close to full divinity that is scary. Your power is burning up and from what I can tel,l from your wives tired state, you have been busy. So I wish to offer a proposal."

"Ha, I am listening. It better not be the same as before." Kai said feeling aggravated.

"No. Bless my husbands and I will bless your women."

"In what way?" Kai asked eyebrows furrowed.

"Pass them your seed and.." She stopped once she saw Kai's face and that of his wives. "You dont have to copulate with them I mean. I miss spoke. Just touched them instead and will them fertile."

"Right.. the drawbacks to doing that would be what?"

"There are none. Those who would be upset by, it are all dead already. Losses of the war. I would get your brother to do it, but he won't. Especially after I caused him and his wife to get in a fight last time."

"You are really potent. Dangerously potent. Gulp." Taking a deep swallow of her saliva she stared at Kai. "My name is Saresha, a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you personally." She bowed and then stared back at her Guard husbands. "I will come back later to bless them." She walked forward and had already started undressing before she disappeared with the men.

"Fwoosh," she was gone before anyone could protest.

"So, if you are not gonna sleep with her, can I?" Chrysa asked.

"I dont care what you do really," Kai said rubbing his temples. "I have the feeling this will get really awkward next time she comes back."

"Oh, what do you have to feel awkward about?" Hisa asked.

"Pftt, not him," Pakura said. "He means her. She is about to go exhaust those two men. They won't last, telling from that look in her eyes. Sigh, if I wasn't sore I would take you for a spin dear husband."

"I wonder how she tastes?" Asked Chrysa.

"Ah," yawning Kai said off handley, "like sweet mint and tea." Putting his head down he was going to take a nap. It was one of the few things that pushed back the need. It was very easy to sleep on vacation.

"How do you know that?" Hisa asked.

"Ahh, I did forget," Hisa said sniffing the air. "I should most likely train that more."

"I can help you later on," Pakura said. "If not Tsume or Mastica could. Thier clan is pretty great at it already." Looking to the two women nod, Pakura was happy they didnt mind.

"Why are you staring at me?" Chrysa asked Kari.

"Why are you here still?" Her tone was very unpleasant. "I dont like you." Her chakra already gathered from when Saresha appeared.

"Well, I am not here for you to like princess," Chrysa said with some sass.

"Your useless. Havent even done your job properly." Kari's tone dropped lower. "To busy clubbing like a whore to do that properly." She stared her down. "His agitation is your fault. Cant even help."

The room became quiet as everyone stared at the two. Kai didnt wake up as he continued to snore.

"Tch, what do you know?" Chrysa said. The smug look caused on Kari's face had pissed her off. Way more than it should have. Reaching into her sleeve she threw a kunai at her.

"Woosh," it traveled faster than most of them could see. Only because they weren't paying attention.

"That will teach you to mouth off," Chrysa said. "Schlk," the kunai fell out of Kari and onto the floor. Right as it did so, that Kari turned into water.

"Grip," thin threads latched around Chrysa's neck and lifted her up. "Tic, tic, tic" small incisions were made down her back by the same thin threads.

"Ahh!" she screamed as Kari appeared Grabbing her side with her hands. The delicate hands clamped down tightly on her kidney. It will take only a little force for it to rupture.

"You shouldn't move so carelessly. I might slip and kill you." Kari said leaning into her ear. "The hair's around your neck can sever your head from your shoulders in less than 5 seconds. The hair's down your spine can leave you crippled for the rest of your life." Looking to the others daring them to make a move. None of them did. "And as for the grip on your side?"

"Ahh," Kari gave it a little squeeze. "Well, that is just your kidney. I am thinking about destroying it just to punish you. You have another one, so you will be fine."

"Kari that is enough!" Anko said.

"You cant order me around. Only Kai can. Well, guess Oreo can give me suggestions." Looking over she stared at Oreo. "Do you have a problem with this?"

"A bit yes. I rather not have to explain why to Kai when he wakes up. I believe you made your point." Oreo said never looking away.

"Hmm, have I?" Kari's voice came out a little sing-songy. "You need to train more. There is no place for weakness in this family." She then dropped Chrysa on the floor.

"Huff, huff, is that what you have to tell yourself? To get over your personal loss?"

"Girl are you stupid?" Tsume asked incredulously. Mastica just chuckled behind her.

"Hehe, I believe she is. Who would have thought."

"No, just trying to figure her out." Sitting up Chrysa stared at Kari. "Is that why you train so hard? Out of everyone in this household, the only one who trains as hard as you are, Kai and TenTen."

"I do what I must, that way I ensure the future of this family," Kari said as if it was a matter of fact.

"Heh, are you sure it just isn't to hog hubby?" Chrysa smirked. "To make sure he doesn't find out?"

"Pftt, you dont know Kai at all do you?" Kari said looking down at the woman. Stepping forward she tapped her foot. In a matter of moments, the marks on Chrysa's neck disappeared and she was right as rain. "All you have to do is tell him you want to spend time with him, and he will. It's just that simple."

"No way it is that simple!" Chrysa yelled. "With everything, he is working on. He wouldn't have the energy."

"But it is." Shrugging as if she didnt care if the woman believes her or not, Kari left to the door. "Whatever, it is your short life. Sooner or later, what you are doing for him won't be enough. The sessions are to short and sparse. You can be replaced.. very easily I might add. He might forget himself one day and hopefully kill you."

"Huh, Kai sleeps out of habit," Oreo answered. "He does not really have to sleep beside a few minutes to relax the mind I guess." Rubbing her chin she thought about it more. "Especially here. He only sleeps when we get tired of s.e.x. And that is only till we fall asleep. Then he goes and spends time with the babies. Then the kids... then a walk around the place."

"Thunk," the door closed.

"That could have gone better," Pakura said trying to break the ice. "She was really upset."

"Yeah, she has been for the last few days," Hisa said. "She didnt like what happened at the hospital." Sitting down Hisa wanted to just sleep like Kai. "Also from something else that happened."

"What happened at the hospital?" Chrysa asked.

"I suppose you dont know actually." Tsume said leaning back in her chair. "Kari was assaulted at the Hospital. Nothing came of it obviously, but Kai was pissed. So pissed he broke a guys arm and dangled another over a balcony when the surgery finished in an illusion."

"Why was Kai pissed?" Chrysa's voice came out in a whisper. 'Is that what he wanted to tell me the other day. Crap that is why she gave me that look."

"Well, he felt helpless I guess." Tsume said twiddling her thumbs. "I did as well. If we were back home, that guy would have been tortured all kinds of ways then killed. But here.. the law is more trouble then it is worth."

"Helpless?" Pakura mumbled. "Ah, we are in someone elses' world. That means that Saresha woman is more powerful than him most likely."

"All that power we have, and we had to wait until the surgery was over to do anything. Helpless is the best I can describe it as. Kari is in charge of Medical for the family. If she had the knowledge and skills already known, none of this would be needed. She could have treated the babies herself." Hisa said. "I am more for pediatric care. She is the surgeon. There is a lot of stress on her shoulders."

"Kai cant blame her can he?!" Haruka said shocked.

"No, he blames himself. If he was smarter, he would have accounted for the damages to the other babies. If he would have focused, he could have made sure to prepare beforehand to train medical ninja in that category." Pakura said slowly. "I should have caught it myself. Kai lost a son and daughter before. When he almost lost me ...his face.. I won't forget his face during that time."

"A son and daughter," Chrysa said plainly. "I didnt know. He never said."

"I know and Hisa knows," Pakura said shaking her head. He told us before the wedding. As the first wives, it was our right to know. He didnt want Anko to know for some reason." She looked to the others. "I decided not to tell the rest of you. I am still the head of everything else so that is why. Get mad if you want, that won't change things."

"I didnt like that conversation one bit," Hisa said. "He looked weak. As if the very memory could break him."

"You didnt like that look? I hated what he did after!" Pakura said. "Forcefully burying your emotions like that, it is inhumane." As if realizing something her mouth opened and stared at the sleeping man. "Is that why he has Cruelty as an aspect?"

"Then if he can bury his emotion on a dime, then cant he do the same for his feeling for us and the family?" Oreo asked.

"Yes," Carn-La said appearing out of thin air. He was not alone 9 women came as well. "My brother.. has issues. That is why.. I have done some things to him."

"Things like what?" Pakura asked already angry.

"I have tampered with his mind. Also his memories." Carn said smiling.

"Why!?" Anko questioned. "If I didnt know better I said you are a God of lies!" Seeing him nod she felt a little scared.

"What have you lied about?" Tsume questioned calmly once she realized something. 'We cant beat them in a fight!?'

"Because it was necessary. We need another God in the higher worlds. Not another Devil. I won't let my brother turn into one."

"Thunk," Kari had returned with a sleepy TenTen. "You should all be quiet. Hisa wake Kai up. TenTen blew up another building."

"Ah! Right away." Hisa said.

"What happened?" Pakura asked coming over and checking over the girl out of worry.

"The increase in chakra caught her by surprise. She will be fine. I already treated her and put some seals on her to restrict the chakra usage of furthur. No one else was hurt."

"He needs to change her name to boom boom at this rate," Mastica said smiling. "Wait what were we talking about just now?"

"You dont remember?" Hisa asked.

"She does not. Her change is not as high as the rest of you. Which is why you all will have to forget for a while." Raising his hands in the air Carn-La sealed their memories. "Oh, you are able to resist. What did you get from my brother I wonder?"

"Do not touch her," Saresha said coming back. "Stay peaceful or we will have a problem." She looked to Kari and frowned seeing the woman gathering massive amounts of chakra. "Calm down no will do anything else."

"Fine," Carn said as he took on the appearance he usually has of a concerned family member.

"You should have told your brother you are a god of lies," Saresha said disappointed.

"No way. He would have gone ballistic. Anyway, we will be around the beach. Hear there is a sandcastle competition today. I am excitied."

"Yeah for family." Kari snarled. "We trusted you."

"I am family, Do not worry I will tell him everything in a few days. He is so close I dont want to ruin it." Carn and company left. Leaving Kari and Saresha to talk. The others had fallen asleep. Saresha had stopped it a little to late. "I am on his side. Not your side. Well on the side of the children as well."

"You need to listen and remain calm at what I am about to tell you," Saresha said getting the woman's attention. She froze the others in place and just wanted to speak with her alone. "Kai.. is in danger. But not as much as you are. You have spent to much time with him. And.. unlike the others.. you love him deeply."

"So do the others." Kari said fighting a smile.

"Not like you do. I can only guess it's from the fact you were married before, but it has given you an advantage at staying at his side. If he was to fight right now.. against your world's end, he would survive. But only with you. Everything else would not."

"You lie!" Kari said afraid. "He wouldn't abandon them or Karin."

"It is not abandoning them if they are dead."

"Will you help?"

"Yes. Unlike his brother, Kai resisted me. That will make for a good friend. Trust me when I say people like us need friends. I allow this chakra of your's to mix with my world. You will all grow stronger. This is why Kai is so restless. I have let my hold on the divinities we share go to him. Which in turn will go to you all hopefully."

"So chakra can be trained here now?" Kari was surprised. She like the others felt the change the last few days. "What do you get out of this?"

"Just, when I ask Kai for something in the future, help me convince him."

"If it does not hurt the family sure." Kari said feeling a sense of relief.

"It will not. Now let's try to enjoy the next few days." Saresha said smiling at the woman.

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