Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 58 - Sandcastles (Rough Draft)

It was now after noon time. Everyone was in full swing enjoying themselves as they moved about. A slight problem with the rules. Earth and wind based chakra users were given less time than others. TO balance it out, water and fire were limited on resources. It barely worked out.

"Ok, everybody ready?"

"Yeah!" The crowd of villagers yelled.

"Go!" Kai yelled. He watched as they all got busy. Sitting down he was flanked by Oreo and her second Aria. "Whats up?" He didnt look up as he was given his youngest son. Checking over the baby, he noticed it was doing even better than before.

"Have you thought about it already?" Oreo asked.

"Yup, I will do it. Obviously not right now."Kai said rocking the baby a little. The sunlight already helping the complexion as it absorbed the solar energy. "Bloody greedy thing I swear. Started up faster than the others. You are going to be trouble arent you little Kaiden?"

"Yes he will," Oreo added. "Just like his father. Thank you for making sure they all lived. I cant imagine what I would have done if he died."

"You would have died as well. I would have went crazy for a bit before calming down. The others would have been depressed. TenTen and Karin would have been neglected. Kimimaro would have worked himself to death trying to fix everything." Kai plainly. "That is the reason even more so we needed the doctors and others to help from here."

"You are a good father," Aria said. She was holding the other two who slept peacefully. "A lot of clans would have left them to die if it was to much work. To expensive."

"I am ok," Kai said shaking his head. "I can ignore things easily. The connection is not really there at times. Thus the need for an outlet. You and the rest have done an excellent job with the transitions. I rather not deal with postpartum depression and the like from the others. I am starting to think Kari has something going on. But then again she won't talk to me currently."

"Just give her time," Oreo said. "I am getting over what happened. I am stronger for it. Think you for getting me the help. That is why you need to take Aria here." She smiled at her assistant. "She needs it."

"That would be nice," Aria said with little emotion. "I think the experience would help me."

"Right," Kai said smiling. He gave the woman a look and thought about it some more. 'Maybe this will help give her some emotions. God knows therapy is not working. HAhhh maybe I will just talk to her again.' Checking over what he had to do the upcoming days. His schedule was empty. "Ahh, yeah relaxation."

"Hmm, that is good." Oreo reached over and picked the baby up. She then hands the child to one of the nurses to take care of. Sitting back down on Kai she fell asleep almost instantly. "Moment time."

"Oi, are you a blasted Terriemon now?" Kai said wrly. "Uhh need to cut back on the shows I bring back. Bad enough Gai and Kisame think that there should be a play of Game of Thrones."

"I think we should bring back more. Especially the Young and the Restless." Anko said walking over. She sat on a blanket not to far from them and started to work on her tan. Which was almost impossible to do. Kai just didnt have the heart to tell her again. "Kari said she is taking back the rest of the show Scrubs and House."

TenTen and Karin had teamed and were making the Sistine Chapel. Mostly Karin doing the sand piling while TenTen did the shaping. The base was done already. To the side of them was a mountain of sand. Karin moved small traces of water particles in. Very precise on would say.

"Ok, TenTen," Karin said happily. "The next batch is ready."

"Right. Just give two more minutes to harden the base!" TenTen responded. She then ran her hand across the top smoothly. White steam left the surface everytime she moved her hand. A sheen of sand could be seen a minute later.

"Not to hot," Pakura said walking over. She had a big sun hat on she watched. "I swear I have no idea how she started to learn the basics of my technique. IT is not at my bloodline level. But she is getting there." She then looked at Kai. "You didnt do anything to her again did you dear husband?"

"Nope. Just spent more time with her. The same as Karin. Both of them tend to ask a lot of questions when they are togethor and know that my attention isnt elsewhere." Kai said shaking his head gently. Oreo had wrapped her arms around his neck at this point and started to drool on him. "Also remember to spend a little more time with her sometime this week. I understand you want to spend time with the babies, but she still misses her mother. Well, mothers actually."

"I..I know. It is just.."

"No buts. You have to do it or I will force you somehow. I won't let your worries for one child cause you to neglect another."

"I am trying."

"I know. That is why I am not really mad. But if you slack off I will crack the whip, so to speak."

"Let me finish this right quick."

"Now TenTen," Hisa said again.

"Almost done."

"Now young lady!" Hisa voice became firm.

"Ughhh ok ok," TenTen said after remembering last time she didnt stop when she was told to. Her b.u.t.t hurt for two days. She shot over and grabbed her drink and sat with Karin. "See I stopped." She said to Hisa.

"Good," Hisa said smiling. Here is your two's favorite snacks. Dont tell the others. I am rooting for you two to win." Giving the girls a wink, she walked back and sat with everyone else. "Ahh, this is nice."

"Hehe, you are doing great," Anko said. They are so stubborn at times."

"Yeah but, would you have it any other way?" Pakura asked.

10 minutes passed before they started up again.

"Continue," Kisame said. He walked over to Kai and the others. "Yoh, boss man and family. How is everything going?"

"Same old.." Kai started to say before stopping. "Actually pretty damn good. Family and friends are nearby, food is aplenty. People are enjoying themselves. What else could a man ask for?"

"Well.. a lot more actually," Kisame said giving him a grin. It usually meant trouble. "So.. bad news."

"Alright shoot."

"Zabuza and Mei won't be making it back anytime soon. They are having to much fun visiting this processing plant." Kisame eyed Kai waiting to see if there would be a problem. Seeing the man still smile he dropped the rest of the news. "Also... Gai was arrested for fighting bulls."

"Yeah, I figured that would happen." Kaisaid stifling a laugh. "Just have someone pay the bail. If that doesnt work, give him the go ahead to break out. Just not flashy. In fact no techniques for him. I dont want to read on the net that a man broke out of a prison by destroying the walls."

"Haa, thanks. THought you would have been furious." Kisame shoulders dropped as he exhaled. "Those are easy fixes."

"No problem. Just remember to take a break yourself. Heck, send a few Chunin to do it." Kai said waving the man off.

"Take some people with you. I am sure a few would enjoy it." Kai said before the man was to far away. Kisame gave hima wave back understanding.

"Wow, they are really getting into it." Pakura muttered. Following her line of sight, the others saw what she was talking about. TenTen and Karin had buil the walls and were working on the steps that lead to the other wing. The moved fast and precise. "Hmm, that is good. I rather see them like this instead of fighting."

"Fighting?" Kari said coming up. She was not alone as Saresha was with her. "Have they started that up again?"

"No," Anko said. "She was just saying about how it was nice to see them not fighting."

"Ok then," Kari said. she then looked to Kai and Oreo and smiled. Taking a seat by Aria she watched the sand building like everyone else more or less. Her thought's however, was focused on something more serious. 'This news.. he won't get to upset. I at least hope not.'

"Ahh," Anko stretched and yawned before falling asleep herself. "Wake me up when it is over." She mumbled.

An hour passed and time was called.

"Time is up!" Pakura said loudly. So loud it woke Anko up. She jumped up with a kunai drawn. PAkura just gave her a grin as she asked "well at least you guard is up." She then looked at the kunai puzzled. "Where did you have that? You are in a bikini."

"Dont worry about it," Anko said. A little pink in her cheeks. "Go make sure they all stopped." She said anxiously seeing everyone stare at her. "I.. I am going to go freshen up." She left in a hurry."

Oreo's eyes opened instantly when she finished. "When?!"

"In a month or so," Pakura said smirking. "So you up or not?"

"I am up," Oreo said hoping to her feet. "What are we doing?"

"Making sure everyone has finished," Kari said. "The others have already started. "She looked at Kai next. "You and Hizashi are to of the judges right?"

"Uh-huh," Kai said standing. With a quick cricrulation of chakra, he was ready to move out. He already found the Hyuga not to far away. "Heading to get with him now." Moving he stopped next to Kari. "You ok?"

"I am fine," Kari said turning to walk away.

"Just give her some more time," Hisa said. "It will be ok."

"Yeah.. just I rather hse not lie to me." Turning to Hisa he gave her a peck on the cheek as she dissolved. "Her and those Shadow clones. So crazy." Shaking his head he walked to Hizashi.

"Lord Senju hey," Hizashi said greeting Kai formally. "It has been a great time for us."

"They are having trouble adjusting still. But they do like it here." Hizashi said not even having to think on it. "Not here the island but here with your clan's."

"That is good," Kai said smiling. "I have something to tell you. One day it will just be one clan."

"Oh.. that is interesting," Hizashi said. "Won't does that mean for us?"

"You can come with me. Or you can stay and go your own way. It is up to you." Kai said neutrally. A regular sandcastle caught his eye. The two boys that worked on barely finishing doing one tower as they looked to have fallen asleep at one point. Seeing two burgers to the side, he knew why. The boys got hit with the itis. Adding in the sun, they didnt have a chance.

"I would hope to come with you. What would be the name of the clan?"

"I dont know yet." Kai shook his head. He really hadn't thought about it. He had thought about how he would need to enact some policies. Ones that did not fit with the leaf village. Well, didnt fit with the council. Hiruzen and Danzo would push for it, but there would be opposition. The Hokage wouldnt want bloodshed. Kai understood why, but couldn't keep abiding by it. The closer he got to divinity, the more he wanted to be free of someone else rule. "Right now just ideas is all." He then stopped and stared at the castle in front of him. "Holy moley.. Disney World!"

"Yup!" Kiba said smiling. To the side of him was a very tired Ino and Sakura. Chrysa was sitting in a chair watching. She gave a wave to Kai and went back to doing her own thing.

"We worked really hard," Ino said laying down on her stomach. She looked exhausted. Sakura didnt have the energy to even move.

"It looks that way," Kai said as he pulled a camera out to take a picture. Getting a few as he walked around, he stopped when he came back to Ino. "You worked way to hard." Putting his hand on her head, he channeled some chakra into her to help her recover. He gave her a check over and she was fine. No heat exhaustion. Which was good. "Stay in the shad till your strength comes back."

"Otay," Ino said muttering. Her tongue had a little sand on it.

"Kiba, do you mind putting her under the umbrella?" Kai asked.

"Yeah no problem," Kiba said walking over. He lifted her with one hand easily. Seeing Sakura not moving much he picked her up as well. "I might have rushed them to much at the end."

"Hiii," Sakura squealed. "A little warning next time."

"Right warning next time. Got it." Kiba then walked them to the rest area. Chrysa followed along behind them.

"Heh, that boy has changed a good bit," Hizashi said smiling. He then looked at Kai. "Glad you came around. I would hate to see the son of my friend go down a bad route. Inuzukas do not do well without a pack. Or any friends for that matter."

"Hmm, things to work on. I noticed that when I visited the compound once. a lot of the boys travel by themselves. The girls are always in groups. Why is that?" Kai asked as they moved to the next group.

"I couldn't say specifically. But from what I have witnessed, it is because of aggression. The males have trouble reigning themselves in. The hormones shoot up higher in puberty if they havent found a good group to hang out with.The girls dont have that problem till there older. Like that one ninja your in charge of." Hizashi said as he looked at the castle in front of him. "What is this?"

"Huh, oh. That is a Saltun's palace. It looks like the one from Arabian nights. I think." Kai said giving it a once over. He was listening intently to what Hizashi said and didnt notice the castle till the man stopped talking. Thoughts about the Genin Lucifer plaguing his mind. 'I need to check on a way to get her to open up to me. Even Tsume refuses to tell me. She said the girl must tell me on her own or not at all. What could have happened?'

"Its Agrbabah" Naruto said walking over. Hinata and Neji sat in the sand exhausted. "Its from the story you read us. What do you think?"

"It looks amazing. I love it." Kai smiled as he walked around taking pictures. "This is really neat."

"Hehe thanks," Naruto said rubbing the back of his head. "The others really helped me a lot." Neji just gave a thumbs-up not moving. Hinata didnt even budge. "Hey, can I play with Jaws later?" He asked hopeing Kai would agree.

"Only if Jaws agrees," Kai said. He then felt the fox pop out his hair and nod at Naruto. "well I guess that is a ys then But first make sure your friends are ok." Seeing Naruto nod and check on them, KAi and Hizashi moved on.

"Lord Senju... I have to ask you something." Hizashi said as they stopped at a castle with a moat. The front entrance that of a skull. "It is about the policies in the clan.. do you plan on implementing the Clan restoration act or doing the arranged marriages?"

"No. To both those." Kai said giving the man a hard look. He then went around taking pictures. He stopped as he came to the back of it. There was a wooden door in the middle of it. Walking up to it, he gave it a knock.

"Knock, knock," it held firm.

"Who is it?" A voice came from inside shocking Kai and Hizashi a bit.

"It is Kai and Hizashi, may we come in?" Kai asked. He then looked to Hizashi as the man still was stunned. They didnt nce to much chakra in place. Just enough to keep the wood and a few other parts there. Using his vision Kai saw how compact the sand was. "It.. is as dense as granite.."

"Who buit this!?" Hizashi said alarmed.

"Up here!" looking up top, the two saw Kisame and Gaara. "Hello, father. Hello Lord Hyuga." Kisame said politely. Gaara just gave a wave to them. He was looking better by the day. In a month he would be just as healthy as Naruto and the rest. "We cant open the door, unfortunately."

"Ok.. just.. be careful." Kai said amazed still.

"Ok," Kimimaro said before disappearing back over the wall. Garra just gave Kai a strange look and waved again before following Kimimaro.

"What is this?" Hizashi asked.

"It is Castle Grayskull," Kai said smiling. "He loves hearing the stories about He-Man and the Masters of the Universe," Kai remembered it would be a good idea to get the boy the books for his birthday. Especially since he finished all the appropriate books in Kai's den already.

"I see," Hizashi said. "I heard your stories are always fun to listen to by the kids. A few a.d.u.l.ts as well. Hehe, ever thought about being a storyteller?"

"Oh, they are not my stories. They are someone else's. I am just passing them along is all. In fact, I will make sure I gift a copy to you." Kai said rubbing his chin in thought. "In fact, it will give you a chance to bond with Neji. Well, an excuse to spend more time with him anyway. I can tell he is having just as much as a tough time as you with everything. You can relax a little Hizashi, you have done nothing wrong."

"Thank you, Lord Senju. I would mean a lot." Hizashi said.

"No problem. Oh you know you can call me Kai right?"

"I will do my best to remember to do so," Hizashi said smiling happily. It was if a mountain was lifted off his back. THen he remembered something. "If I asked you to allow my clan to have the same policies as yours, would you allow it?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't I?"

"No reason." Hizashi shook his head adamantly to keep Kai from prying. "Nothing that cant be discussed until later. We should finish the judging." He turned and moved to the next sand builds.

"Umm ok," Kai said weirded out a little.

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