Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 59 - Clash of Brothers & Gods

-A few weeks later-

"Take us there," Pakura said. "Please, we have to be there."

"I agree," Oreo said. The others voicing right along with them.

"Fine but you must stay in the stands. The is something must of you are not ready to deal with." Saresha said. Her eye went to TenTen noticing a weird fluctuation. 'He couldn't do that to the child. Could he?' Before she became lost in her thought's she felt the presence of Carn-La's wives nearby. They had shifted to a different dimension. 'Shit, I cant risk them interfering in it either. Time to go.' She waved her hand and they all disappeared.

-In the arena-

"So I didnt have to marry them all? You bastard. Why make me care for so many people?" Kai said getting angry as Kari had stopped him one day and told him to confront his brother.

"To give you a chance at humanity. You already lost bits of it back home." Carn said walking back a bit. "You needed a human connection. Especially with the way your mind works. It was all designed to keep you normal will ish anyway."

"What the hell did you think I would do?" Kai question keeping his anger in check.

"Go and kill everyone who stood in your way and threaten your peace. Heck.. I almost started you over in the Sand Village after you married Oreo. You were drifting to a direction that was not.. good. Which would have been a lot. Now you have people to keep you caring. A Deity that gives no shits, is worse than a Devil." Carn's voice came out heated. HE knew more than most what that could spell for a world.

"Grrr," Kai just growled. Something was telling him their was more to this. "What else?"

"We are God's and Devil's stuff is at a higher level. I had to manipulate your memories to do so. But hey.. you have a family." Carn said like it was no big deal. "You were guided a little bit. Just a bit." His own divinity started to act up. 'Shit, it's rebelling again. I understand he is the rightful owner, but still.'

"Tch.. who did you choose for me?" Kai asked the question he didnt want to be answered. "Just tell me."

"No one really. Pandemonium chose Pakura. As well as Ouroboros, Chrysa, and Hisa. Their lives would have ended without you. Fertility chose Anko, Tsume, Hozumi, and Shuba. As for the others... Cruelty chose them. That is why it hurts more when it involves them." Carn said shaking his head. Mostly to clear it. "If I was not careful.. you would have snapped."

"So my feelings for them are false!" Carn knew it was wrong the moment he said it. But he was hurting inside. "It cant be all lies." His head was swimming as the few divinities that were drawn to him already were trying to help him.

"No, you idiot. You were just led to them is all. Just a matter of chemistry. You could have just as easily gotten with other women." Carn stared at his blockhead of a brother. Then something caught his attention. "Where is your heart? I am not talking about your regular one either."

-The world shifted as Saresha brought his family and inner circle to the arena.-

"None of your beeswax," Kai said looking up to the sky. "I feel tired all of a sudden. Think I will go to bed."

'I know I know.' Carn watched as Kai started walking to the others. He had to think fast about what would piss Kai off. Looking to the woman he settled on the one that looked most pained by the conversation the were having. "I touched your wife you know?"

"Fwoosh," Kai grabbed his brother by the throat his eyes already burning. "Your lying! She would never do that. Any of them!"

"You know which one dont you? Oh, but didnt the other do it? Step out on you, back home?" Carn's hand grabbed against Kai's arm. He couldn't budge it without circling his spirit energy. 'He is becoming stronger. Faster than I thought possible. His breakdown will be even worse if we dont stop him.'

'Yes dangerously so. Your brother is a monster. More so than you will ever be.' She paused for a bit. 'I am glad for it, that way he can go fight and we can take our rest. We have several centuries to make up for.'

'Yeah, we do. Tch, I cant hang onto Pandemonium any more. It won't obey me,' Carn grabbed the power and pulled it all together. 'You won't obey your false master anymore? Fine then!' Kicking Kai in the c.h.e.s.t, he jerked free and threw a ball of pink and purple energy at him. "Here take your energy."

"Bwooom," the ball distorted real space as it smashed into Kai hungrily devouring anything that it felt didnt belong.

"Kuff," Kai started coughing up black bile as the energy worked it's way inside him. It pushed out all the useless energy he had absorbed from his training. A small energy that he absorbed by accident completely disappeared thanks to it.

"Hahaha, this was mine the entire time. You bastard." He felt the knowledge work into him. "Hahahaha," laughing Kai looked down at his brother The d.e.s.i.r.e to kill him growing stronger.

"I did take it sorta. When I made it to that level of power she came back for me. Pandemonium gave the power to me to hold untill you were ready. Fertility is my first I did not lie about that. However.." Carn released his spiritual energy. The black-red energy encasing his body as his hollow mask spread. He looked like an armored scorpion. The tip of his tail having the appearance of a Soul Reaper's Sword. "...I earned the aspect of Carnage."

"Booom," the resulting shockwave blasted into the stands clearing away millennia worth's of dust.

"Spiritual Arts: Orchid Sky," Carn said smugly.

"Wooossh," a giant winding tornado of wind, blasted Kai away into the ceiling. He stopped and turned himself before he hit. "Tap, tap," he danced disruptng the momentum. "Woosh," he then burst forward with his super speed.

"Two can play at that game!" Carn said circlulating his spirit energy. "Air Walk." He then slowly stepped into the sky before speeding up when he felt his brother actually had killing intent.

Both disappeared into a high-speed battle. Chakra vs. Spiritual energy.

"Cero!" Carn yelled firing a blast of energy at Kai. In response, Kai flexed his hand and punched it back towards him. He didnt stop there as he went through the hand signs with that same hand.

'Fire Annihilation Technique!' Purple fire sprawled from his mouth. Carn tried to dodge but was stopped when a hand grabbed his tail. Sliding it free, he broke from Kai but it cost him dearly. The fire engulfed him for a few seconds before he escaped to the side. "Raaah!" Kai fired his heat ray full blast.

The ray caught Carn completely before it disappeared just as fast as it arrived. "Sizzle." Cooked flesh could be smelled in the area. Carn left side and arm burned under the intense heat.

"Damn you got me good there. But your hand looks recked." Carn stared at his brother's hand. His tail didnt allow it to heal fast at all. He was shocked at what his brother did without hesitation. "You cant be serious?"

"Wham," the stadium shook as another blow rained down. "Wham," the flesh on Kai's hand tore as he went at the face this time. "Wham," his finger's broke from the mask. Turning into a spin, he launched Carn into the opposite wall on the other side. Kai was already doing hand signs as his chakra built.

"Crash," Carn's body stuck in the ancient stone. Pulling himself out of the wall, Carn found himself face to face with a fox spewing white light at him. It was Jaws.

"Illuminating Gaze." Just like that, Carn was placed in an illusion. It wouldn't hold long with his training. As well as the different ways his mind worked.

"Hah!" A blast of spirit energy and he was free. All around him a different elemental dragon looked at him. "Oh shit!"

'Get away from them! They are infused with something deadly.' His sword wife yelled from within.

Dodging the first one, he caught sight of what she meant. The stone was decaying at a visible rate. "You..!" Carn started to say but stopped once the next Dragon came around. "Tch, Hate using this. Moon Piercing Wave!"

A white light flew from his swung tail wiping each of the dragons out.

"You are that mad about it arent you? Jeez, it was a joke. I did not sleep with your wife. In fact, she tried to kill me from doing so." Carn said rubbing his cheek. "Check with your aspect and you will know it is true."

Kai paused and did just that. He smiled once he knew the truth then became angry when he realized his brother had lied about having no choice in another matter.

"Screech," his next swing tearing at reality. Like little ripples visible in the air bending around his fist. Carn eyes looked at it with interest."Screech," Kai felt resistance as Carn mended the fluctuation.

"Wham," Kai's fist hit once Carn did the mend ending the fluctuation.

"You left me!" Kai said punching him again in the face. "I know that now. For what? To go to another world. Just because it was to save my life doesn't make it right." He tried to kick Carn but missed. Carn grabbed him and flipped him onto the ground and put him in an armbar. "Ughh," Kai grunted.

"Your ungrateful," Carn said. "I was the older one, it had to be done." He tightens his grip as he tried to break his little brother's arm.

Kai thought it stupid. The hold that is. "Heh," he chuckled. Flying up and immediately back down.

"Boom!" Carn was forced to let go. Before he could stand up, Kai had come down with a heel drop straight at his abdomen.

"Boom!" His foot made solid contact. The ground spidered as the pressure was to much for it. "Crack," the surrounding area gave way. Carn's body made a crater.

"You were always the Golden Boy," Kai said bringing his foot back down again.

"Boom!" Carn went deeper.

"Spiritual Arts: Strike!" Carn's voice rang out as the red pressure wrapped around him. "Spiritual Arts: Locking Bondage Stripes!"

"Ahhh," Kai raged as he tried to break free. he chains just moved around him tighter as he did so. "Arrgh, mmph." It wrapped around his mouth gagging him.

"Tch, you were the youngest..." Carn said stepping out of the crater. His voice coming out pained but firm. "I couldn't do that to them. You know how it is." He watched as his brother had blood drip from his mouth from the sides.

"You cant lose papa!" TenTen yelled. "You are the strongest!" She screamed.

"Thats right. Kick his butt!" Karin yelled. Kari grabbed the child to settle her down. "Why mama?"

"Just... I .. I dont know dear." Kari mumbled. She felt a sickening feeling inside her. She was connected to Kai and could feel the intense emotions he was going through. More than anything she wanted him to stop fighting.

Saresha was no longer looking at the fight. She was looking at the young woman next to her. 'Oh, dear. Kai won't like this. She is affected by his Cruelty. What could have happened? What did she lose?'

"Crunch," Kai's teeth broke the chains. His daughters were watching, and he didnt want them to see him loose. Especially with what they would see in the future.

"You took my choice away! It should have been me!" Kai screamed his voice going hoarse. His focus was split as Pandemonium was fueling him. He was saying everything that was bottled up inside him.

"Fwoosh!" A small blur appeared right in front of Kai. It was TenTen. "You won't hurt my papa!" The girl had moved though a divine barrier with ease. Karin would have went to if Kari wasnt holding her.

Kai didnt think as he ripped himself free severing his arms and legs in the process. He appeared right behind TenTen. With his broken teeth, he grabbed her by the clothes and flung her high into the air. Anko already appeared to grab the child. Pakura had sent what little chakra she could to help shield when Anko went after her.

The blast tore into Kai engulfing him completely. The entire arena bathed in a golden glow. Seconds turned into minutes as it slowly dimmed.

"Are you ok?" Pakura asked when the Two appeared back in the stands.

"Yes. But TenTen..." Looking down they saw the girl was staring at the light.

"You promised!" TenTen yelled. "You cant go!"

When everything cleared Carn could be seen standing in the center. A piece of clothing in his hands. Slowly he restored himself. He looked down sadly.

"Splrt" a hand went through his c.h.e.s.t. "Shit," he looked behind to see Kai standing there. Nothing but half a skeleton. His one eye glowing in his divinities. "Good.. job.. littl..e brot..her." Carn's eyes slowly closed as his knees gave way.

"Tch, you are not leaving me with your crap." Kai's voice came out grisly. Infusing his brother with the little aspect of Carnage he developed, he dropped him. "Get your a.s.s up. You aren't dead." Focusing his sight on his family Kai smiled. It looked disgusting considering his appearance. Circulating all of his energies his bones regrew as well as his flesh and muscles. Which needed to speed up considering he couldn't fly at the moment.

"Tch man, dramatic effect. Jeez." Carn said opening his eyes and standing up. The hole already closing as his heart healed. "You really killed me! You are a monster yah know that? Who the hell kills there brother and feels no remorse?!"

"Yup. But you deserve it." Kai said not looking back. He kept walking to where his family was. He looked at the others then to TenTen. "Hey there, my little General. That was really reckless." Kai stared at her. His eyes a light brown. "I am sorry. I didnt .. no... I just had to fight. I couldn't not do it." Looking to everyone else, he told them all the same. "No. I would not walk away from something like this. Thats the bottom line." It was a shitty thing to say. But he rather they would here it now then later. He also felt something changing in him. A presence a lot stronger than before.

"I speak for the family when I say this," Pakura said to Carn's wives. "Stay away from our family. At least for a year or three of our time. I dont think this can be settled so easily." The woman nodded in understanding.

Kai wanted to say more but was pulled in the stands by Karin's hair. Kari had to help her as the little girl was shaking. "No more fighting today," Kari said instead of her daughter.

"Most defintely. The others are gonna be upset they didnt see this." Hisa said.

"Yeah, Mastica may very well have a stroke." Oreo chimed in. "Tsume should.. be ok. I think. Yeah, I elect that I am not telling them. Oh crap Shuba will chew him out for this."

"I can tell them both if you dont want to do it." Aria offered. "I think it will be fine."

"Umu, I am tired.. so tired," TenTen said falling asleep. A radiant chakra washing over her. "Umu.. papa is the strongest.."

"She is out like a light," Anko said. She looked at Karin and saw she was as well. "What is going on?"

"Mother... I am.. I am sleepy." Kimimaro added. He fell asleep standing up.

"Right.. just gonna take a little.. nap." Kai went out cold next.

'The children are closer to the divine than what should be possible. How much time has he been spending with them?' Saresha had a look of worry on her face. But her thoughts were happy. She was happy for her new friends and couldn't wait to get home to wear out her spouses. She was in a bigger baby-making mood thanks to Kai. "They will be fine." She said hoping to alleviate any concerns.

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