Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 60 - Kari Interlude

"Can you return us to the island Saresha?" Tsume clone asked. Without wait, Saresha did just that. "That is much better. I didn't like that place." Tsume clone eyes checked over everything. It then took off and swapped with the original that had returned. The clone was not undone since it would waste time.

Kari and Hisa were going over Kai making sure everything was ok. The amount of chakra his body was generating made it hard for them to handle. Aria came over and placed her hands on his c.h.e.s.t. Slowly the chakra, slowed down.

Pakura and Mastica looked at Oreo. They couldn't figure out why the woman didnt help.

"Cant you leech some of it off him?" Chrysa asked.

"No, it's to much. His body is fine though as well as everything else I see. Just leave him be for now. He needs the sleep." A smile formed on her lips. "It is going to be quite hectic when he wakes up. Hope you all are healed up."

"Ehhh, you dont think he will want to do that really?" Tsume asked. She knew the answer already though. "Of course he will. One day of rest and now another marathon. Oh sister no."

"Haha, it will be fun dont worry," Mastica said Grabbing her hand. "Just do some new tricks and bam." She smacked her fist together, "he will be out like a light."

"Hah, glad you think so." Kai said opening his eyes. "Dont worry I wont move from this spot." Moving his head side to side he felt he was home. "So go ahead and start the yelling. Perfect time for it." He waited and nothing happen.

"Right. I will try to." Kai said with a grin threatening to come out on his face.

"I am so yelling at you later though." Kari said. Hisa nodded her head letting him know she would be to. "It took a while to get the kids to go to bed. As well as calm down Ku-La. He wanted to go finish the job of killing your brother. I was inclined to let him."

"Yeah holding back didnt really work to well for any of us. Considering how TenTen rushed in I was glad had already worked out how to help her." Mastica said smiling at the woman. "But you were right. We do need to get stronger."

"I have a few plans for that when we return," Pakura said. "Saresha and a few of your brother's wives told us of ways already."

"Right, but we have to wait to get home first to do so," Chrysa said. Immediately she felt Kari's chakra spike. "Listen... you are going to have to get use to me. I am not going anywhere anytime soon."

"I can only pray later comes faster then." Kari said. She then looked to Kai. "I will find you when you are alone or done for the day. I wish to talk to you in private." Standing up, she headed to her room. "Goodnight everyone."

"Ok.. so I missed something between you all didnt I?" Kai asked looking around.

"Yup, we will tell you later." Mastica said coming over. She gave Kai a kiss and headed out the door. "I have to much energy. I think I will go for a run and check over the island."

"I will join you." Said Tsume. Pakura got up to go as well.

Chrysa and Hisa were the only ones left. Hisa was not going anywhere from what Chrysa could tell.

"I will help you move him to a bed." Chrysa lifted Kai from the other side. "You may be perfectly fine but indulge us."

"Thanks for the help," Hisa said smiling. The two lifted Kai up despite his giving and took him to one of the rooms. Giving each other a look they tossed him into the bed.

"Hey!" Kai exclaimed. He was tempted to fly but remember he said he would take it easy.

"You will be fine." Hisa slapped his t.h.i.g.h and started to walk out. "I will be back in am hour. Tell him whatever you have to by then."

"So.. how do you feel?" Chrysa asked worried.

"Good. Besides making everyone worry, I am fine." Kai shrugged.

"You killed your brother... that is very.. abnormal you understand? I mean you revived him but still."

"I know. I took a risk. The same way he took a risk with lying to me." Kai was unapologetic. "If I wanted to just kill him, I would have been able to. But I hesitated with the others watching. I didnt want TenTen and Karin to see me do it. They.. ugh they were the only reason I think I didnt leave him dead. I dont know really my head is so mixed up right now."

"Nothing," Kai said plainly.

"What? You cant be serious."

"If I would have died it would not have mattered anyway. They would have been fine." Kai sat up in the bed and looked at her. "Saresha would take them all in. Each of them would have had a choice in returning or staying here. It was an insurance policy. Well a living will anyway."

"That is actually smart. It sucks..but it makes sense. Do they know that the contents of your will?"

"Yes and no. I have one in my den. It is upgraded based on my aspect of Pandemonium. They can go and access it anytime they wish. Far as I know, none of them have." Kai shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing I can about them not wanting to know the contents."

"Right I can see why they wouldn't." As if realizing something Chrysa looked at him angrily. "Hey why did you just tell me then."

"You asked," Kai said blinking his eyes.

"That... right nevermind." Chrysa moved over at sat on the bed with her back to him. "I am feeling lost. I dont know what to do."

"Meh, do what I do."

"Heh, funny. Just do what makes you happy. Make a plan and try to execute it. While you wait, just relax. Trust me when I say this, dont focus to much on it. If you do, you will find yourself feeling like crap for awhile. Just relax." Kai's hand already unwinded a bit after saying that. Pandemonium power already made it for him to but it out of his mind. Well on the mental backburner anyway.

"I have relaxed long enough. When we get back.. I will start training again seriously... I dont want her to look at me like that anymore." Chrysa said trembling.

"Who? And like what?" Kai asked looking at her weirdly.

"Kari. She hates me. At first, I thought it was cause of the way I am personally. But it is because I didnt take everything seriously. I didnt take the job you had for me serious. I just partied since we arrived here." Chrysa started to shake a little. "Her eyes are so judging. Full of pity. I think she knows all about what I did back in the village. My lifestyle choices and what happened to make me retire."

"Hmm, possibly." Kai said rubbing his chin. "She most likely despises you from hiding yourself. A slight difference from fitting in and hiding away. Just try to be yourself more. We are a family after all. If you cant act yourself around us," placing his hands on her, he turned her around. She was crying. "You are free to be yourself here. Just be respectful and everything should be fine."

"Thank you .. husband." This was the first time Chrysa said it and meant it. "I just want to wait here for the next few minutes."

"Yeah... no." Kai grabbed her in a hug and pulled her back. She struggled for a while but stooped when she realized he as not going to do anything else.

"Knock, knock," a tap on the door a few minutes later caused Chrysa to stiffen. She didnt want to move. Like the others she fell prey to Kai's warmth.

"Come in." Kai said causing Chrysa to look at him with a pout. In walked Hisa with Kari in tow. Kari took one look at the sight before turning to leave. Hisa blocked the door.

"Fine." For the next few hours, Kai listened to a bunch of things, frankly none of it made him happy. When it was over Hisa took Chrysa away.

Kari crawled into the bed with him. "Use your ability. Take us far away. Just the two of us for a while. Please."

"Ok. Just.. ok." Kai circulated his chakra and did just that. They arrived back at the snow mountain they first spent there time at. Well, the time they spent for there Honeymoon anyway. "It is just us."

"I am sorry I failed you." Kari openly cried holding onto him, afraid he would send her away.

"Hmm but you didnt." Kai said holding her tightly. "Some times we cant save them all. Sometimes .. babies just die. Or in your case a miscarriage. More than anything, I am glad you are alive. Trust me on that."


"No buts. You need to know. I would kill any fetus that threatens your life. Never put yourself at risk that way." Kai said as gently as he could. He was very angry. Not that she had a miscarriage. But because she thought she had to hide it from him. "It may be cruel to some, but that is how I am."

"I still want to do my part," Kari said.

"You have already. You allowed me to be Karin's father. You gave birth to three amazing boys. Heck you even made sure the others are doing well. I am more proud of you than I can ever show."

"Heh, glad someone thinks so." Kai looked to the window and watched the snowfall. "Maybe I should have told her I just abducted her for an entire year." Scratching his chin he hoped she would take it well.

She did not.

The next morning.

"What do you mean we are here for a year!?" Kari said throwing another desk at Kai. She knew it wouldn't do anything but it made her happy somehow. "Take us back."


"I cant stay around you for a year!" She picked up the bed and threw it next. "Now!"

"Hey! Just because I can keep making stuff, does not mean this is ok." Kai stood there as the bed smashed into him. "You are stronger now, I dont want you killing anyone by mistake."

"Raah take off that mask for I can see your face." Kari reached to the side and ripped the wall off next. "Are you going to do it or not?" Seeing Kai just stand there she hurled it at him.

"Krash," wood and glass went everywhere. Of course, he was fine but he was mad the cabin was damaged. He really liked the cabin. He really liked all the memories he made with her here. Till now that is.

"Calm yet?" Kai watched as she ripped the next piece of wall. "Take that as a no."

"Right again dear hubby." She threw the next piece of wall. "Fwoosh," Kai flew up and out the side and watched the decimation of the cabin.

"Stop flying and get down here!" Kari said from down below. Seeing Kai not move she became angrier. So angry her eyes started to glow. The next second she fired white-hot heat ray across the sky. Kai dodged them and watched as her head turned burning the cabin and cutting across the mountains. She was stronger than the others by far. Only Oreo could contend with her he thought. This was the reason he took her away. He was glad he didnt bring Karin with them. Or the boys.

"Haa, I wonder if that is a symbolic gesture that our marriage has gone up in flames." Kai watched as the house burned. "Can a Fertility god even get a divorce?"

"Divorce??" Kari said looking up. Seeing where Kai looked she turned. "The cabin!" She freaked out and finally calmed her anger. Looking around she wanted to use the snow to stop the fire. "My chakra is all gone!"

"Yeah kind of happens when you burned out your heat vision," Kai said floating down. He sadly watches as the cabin burned.

"Put the fire out!" Kai shook his head no. "Please!"

"No. This is what happens when we lose control. You do something unimaginable. You could have killed someone if we remained back there. I couldn't keep your power from growing any more. I am just gonna watch and hope for the best now."

"I refuse!" Kari grabbed the snow and started throwing it trying to put the fire out. It didnt work but she kept going. An hour later she passed out in the snow from exhaustion the cabin still burning.

"This is not how I wanted it to go," Kai said shaking his head. Raising his hand slowly he hesitated but started to repair the cabin. He realized Kari had way to much sway over him. More than before. It was for the best she was angry at him. Maybe he could find a way to distance himself somehow. The very thought causing him pain. He felt the power of Cruelty kick up a notch. "Dammit!"

Once the cabin was restored he brought her inside to rest. "Dammit, you were the one to keep grounded. Now.. tch.. I cant risk anyone else." Going back outside he flew up and started to meditate. Slowly he revolved his chakra till he was full. "A better control is needed. Superman at one point was one with the universe.. I dont give a shit enough to get on that level.. I need something to focus on.. the babies... no that wont work.. I have already exhausted my emotional levels with my wives... Then my adopted kids then... I choose them.. they accepted me so far... I need to obtained a better grasp of how I feel about them."

2 months later, Kai understood a bit about what he could do now. Do to protect them from himself and each other.

"Kai," Kari said floating in front of him. This was the first time she spoke to him since she woke up. He didnt bother to talk to her until she made the move. Opening his eyes he watched her. "I am sorry about before. You were right to take me away."

"Uh-huh." Closing his eyes, Kai wanted to just relax again. Fall back into understanding.. something.

"Mmm can.." Feeling helpless, Kari just moved under his arms and sat on his l.a.p as they floated. "I am not going anywhere and we aren't getting a divorce." Just like that, she remained for the next month as they both circled their chakras. Togethor they were more powerful and feel into a balance.

Slowly her Sage arts revealed more to her about Kai. The deeper she delved the more scared she became. His life was anything but kind. She touched on his relationship with his brother. They were typical brothers that fought. They grew close when they world older. Then Carn-La disappeared. The looks of scorn from his parents twisted him up inside. It was a while before everything worked out. But Kai held a grudge. A dark one at that. Even normal Pandemonium called to him. It was what planted the seeds of Cruelty.

As for Kai, he only touch the doors of Cosmic understanding. If he was to grade it. He was Genin level at best. His understanding of chakra shot up a notch. It would take time for him to be able to understand it to use it at its fullest. But for now, he could teach his family better techniques.

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