Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 61 - Back on the island

"Woom," Kai and Kari stepped out of the seal back into the living room. Kai sent a message to everyone then shot off.

"Kai wait!" Kari yelled. "Damn it! I am sorry."

"What is going on here?" Anko asked from the couch. They both had appeared a little away from her while she was feeding. "Why do you look so upset?"

"It did not go well.. not at all," Kari said as she sat down. "We fought. We have never fought before. It did not go well. I.. I screwed up and he did not take it kindly."

"It can not be that bad," Oreo said from the kitchen with Hisa. They both walked in and saw Kari's face. She was actually crying. "What in the world did he do?"

Kari then explained the argument then what she did and what he did. Then for how close to a year, they barely spoke after that. "Oh just wow."

"So the cabin," Anko said next. "He made the cabin by hand from his chakra. And you burned most of it down. That can not be the real reason. That seems to small."

"I would be pissed if I burnt our cabin down. I rather he breaks it bending me over something. Hehe." Oreo rembered the amount of damage they did inside the place. "But I would be upset about the lake. I really like the lake. He likes it to."

"Knock Knock. Bad ladies, bad," Saresha said appearing. "Hi, all. So who do I owe for this bout of miserable chakra you call it." In her hand was a murky gray chakra that you had gathered. "Your husband is leaking it out while flying over my oceans. Thankfully I got him to stop and stay still."

"Are you stupid woman?" Saresha said with a sneer. "Why does he like you so much, I can only wonder. But Kari I understood."

"Actually she is right. You tend to have his ear more than we do. Well, interpret him better than we do." Oreo said.

"It is because you all havent been good wives," Kari said. "I guess I am in that group now to."

"I am a good wife!" Hisa said adamantly. "Have not screwed up since the first time. All though I am mad him and Kimimaro cook better than me Hmph."

"Ok, maybe not all of you," Kari said smiling wrily. "But how much have you asked of Kai. Personal like. Do you know his favorite color? He definitely knows yours."

"Its..." Oreo said thinking about it. "I do not know actually."

"Shit I dont know." Anko

"Its different shades of blue," Hisa said. "Almost all blue, except periwinkle. He does not like that one." She then got up to get a drink for herself."

"I know his favorite weapons. And that he really likes water and fire. But not poisons. He hates poisons." Oreo added. "It has been busy is all to learn the simple things. Ugh, that sounds bad now that I say it."

"Wait, if it disppeared what would happen?"

"He would forget you duh. The area is most likely full of his power and contained a memory of you two togethor or something meaningful you inspired. If the cabin disappeared then the place would most likely disappear as well. Along with his memories and feelings for you." Saresha observed her intently. "It will be fine. Just new marriage blues is all."

"Would he forget about Karin as well?" Kari asked.

"No." Saresha shook her head. "His feelings for her and the others are different. I told you to be careful just the other day. Then you screw it up! Ugh, I have no idea how to fix this. I hope he does not go devil."

"Come on it is just an argument," Pakura said.

"The problem is what she means to him dum dum." Saresha put her hand up and several different orbs appeared in front of them each. "Your energy, or "chakra" as you call it. It has been growing exponentially here. Part because I allowed chakra into this world from him, also because he has been subconsciously sending chakra to you all."

"That is why I am healthier," Haruka said. "But I am not his wife or one of the women he is sleeping with."

"It is because he wants you to live. Passing thoughts of new gods. The excess power they have passes over to people they want to live. Your chakra just makes it to easy. Although.." Saresha looked her up and down. "You would make a good woman for him. Same traits as Hisa with a dash of what Pakura has."

"Why is Oreo's one bigger than mine?" Pakura asked. "I have known him longer."

"Yeah but mine is getting small as well," Chrysa said.

"You two are not close, that is why. The closer you are to him the bigger and stronger it is. That and the closer to you are becoming divine yourselves. It would be wise to raise your chakra like I told you all already. Stop slacking off." Saresha grumbled. She thought about yelling at them but remember they were new half-gods. 'Enough children for several pantheons. Guess Carn did something right.'

"Hmm, why has mine become so large?" Mastica asked. "It is just a little smaller than Hisa's."

"You two have spun a lot more time together recently. You are a horny little thing." Tsume said smiling. "I take it also shows how much he can count on us for some things?" Saresha gave her a nod. "So out of everyone here, he has the least amount of trust in Chrysa. The most in Oreo, then Pakura. Everyone else about the same. Guess medium from the size of it."

"So it is shrinking because he can not count on me anymore?" Kari asked.

"Wait.. Kai always told you everything right? So you screwed up finally. Hah, that is rich." Chrysa said laughing at the woman's misfortune. "Finally you are no longer his favorite."

"It is not funny child!" Saresha said with a little coldness in her voice. "If she has screwed up, it means he is weaker. It also means he lost his support for moving forward."

"He has us," Pakura said.

"Not all of you can bear the weight. She can. Well, could anyway. It makes no sense. You have already awakened your divinity." Saresha just kept thinking for a few minutes then stopped once she realized something. "Are you going to fight in the war with him?"

"Who is going to fight in the war with him out of all of you? The culminating battle that decides your world's fate." Saresha looked at the raised hands and frowned at that results. "Oreo, Tsume, Mastica, Hisa, and Hozumi. That will not do at all. Haa, its Pandemonium at work that is why it went so bad. Kai has just jumped to conclusions. I can fix this now."

"Wait, the final battle of our world. The great enemy he has talked about I take it then?"

"Yes. Kai has already altered the future for you all. Several of you are supposed to be dead already. I am not gonna say who, but if it stays like this." Saresha shook her head. "He will die and good bit of you all as well.

"I will not let papa die!" TenTen said coming down the stairs. She had been eavesdropping since Kai first returned. Karin and Kimimaro were with her. "If Mama won't fight I will. That is why I am training."

"Her chakra orb is.. massive." Pakura said.

"So is the other two. About the same as.. Kari's but brighter." Anko stated.

"I see. That is where his heart is." Saresha stood up and walked over to TenTen and the others. With a quick tap, they were out cold. "Do not worry they will not remember this conversation. What three powerful children. They have been raised well." She handed them off to Hisa to deal with. Who then left. "Each have one of his aspects already. Glad he placed the seal on them to slow it down. Have it happen more in your world than here."

"Wait, they have it but the babies dont. Why is that?" Chrysa asked. She finally noticed that they dint appear over the babies. SHe thought it was just because Saresha didnt allow it for them.

"Tch, you do not want to know." Kari said as she started to shake.

"Haaa, it is because they have no value," Oreo said getting up and bringing her sons to the nursery. She came back and looked at everyones faces that were blank. "You had to have known. Babies to him are weak and can die easily. Something that if he looks away from might die. He can turn around and they will be dead from a little accident. That is why there are so many safeguards around them. He spends time with them trying to form some type of attachment."

"Then why did he try so hard to make sure they lived?"

"Because we care. He did it for us. That and it is expected of him." Hisa said answering with a smile. "We matter more than the babies. Because he knows nothing about the babies. How they will act. How they will turn out. Unknown variable. Possible chance to ruin everything if he screw's up with them."

"That is cold. Monstrous. He should care about his blood. His children." Anko said as she had trouble wrapping her head around it. She then remembers the people in the village. "But the people in the clan, he helped them get better and healed them."

"Remember it was because it was to help him at first. Now he does have genuine affection for him. By nature, most of our kind are like this. You cannot expect him to be the exception to everything." Saresha answered neutrally. "Around the time they are 3 it will change. Do not worry about that."

"Hmm so since you think he is monstrous, can I have your place as his wife?" Mastica asked. "I will gladly take your place."

"How can you ask that?" Anko retorted a little afraid for some reason.

"Very easily. I am a soldier." Mastica shrugged. "So is he. Most of us are. We play house all day but in the end, Kai has to fight against a few other Gods. One as strong as the Sage of Six paths. Let me think, there are Pein and his disciples as he calls them. Tobi Uchiha that Kakashi is supposed to take care of. The members of the bingo book that are working for that organization in hiding. The Zetsu creature that is in the shadows. The Tail Beasts inside several hosts. Oh and the other's I have forgotten all about. There is a lot."

"Why doesn't he just go kill them right now then?" Chrysa asked.

"In what way?" Pakura asked.

"Destiny changes. The purpose of others change. When it is over in.. let's see, when the boy Naruto reaches 16 or so. And when ten tails get revived anyway." Saresha moved her hands in the air and looked into a mirror. She viewed the events and closed it. "That can not be avoided. Only weakened in power. He has been doing that, so good on that. Slow and steady. So far the future looks nice for all of you."

"But not him?" Kari asked. "Is he in our future?"

"No. He is dead." Saresha said smiling. "But he does move on to somewhere else. With a few going with. But only two stay by his side that are wives. And only one child."

"TenTen, it is defintely her," Kurama said coming into the room. "She is the most devoted child and I can see her standing by his side. The others won't."

"You can see the future?" Chrysa asked looking back at Saresha. "Can you tell us.."

"Nope. Not telling you jack. I have told you what I felt I needed to. I think it better if I leave for now." Saresha stood up and looked out to the distance. "He is back and good to go. Just had him remember what he needed to know. Bye-bye." Just like that she disappeared.

"Fwoosh," Kai entered the room. He retracted his suit and mask. Going for regular clothing. "Foosh," Kari grabbed him into a bear hug. She was waiting for him to return. "Crrk," she squeezed enough to break a few of his bones.

"Oiii let go jeez. What did I do now?" Kai abruptly asked. He looked around and saw the faces of those in the room. "Any help would be nice. Ku-La, a little help man."

"Hehe, no way. Let her hug you for now. You took off without explaining enough." Kurama chuckled and watched Kai's misery. He enjoyed getting his little payback. "I wonder if Shu-La wants to go drink?"

"Put him down already," Mastica said with a slight snarl. She was upset. Knowing that most of them were not fighting against the threat to their home unnerved her. "His chakra is spent for the most part. You will break something."

"Ah right." Kari dropped Kai and looked him over. "You are healing faster than normal."

"Heee, yeah. I figured another way to keep my powers. People with enhanced strength can only cause me pain when I spend all my chakra now. Our people like yourself. Good to know you are one step closer to that level." Kai wheezed as he waited to fully recover. 'She is already at my strength when I fought against those Sand Ninja. The rest are just at standard Krypotnians for the most part. I think. Head hurts. Spent to much chakra earlier. Stupid earthquake.' Rolling over to his back he looked up. "So did I miss a lot?"

"Yup a whole lot," Chrysa answered. She then said what transpired in the last hour or so. "That is the gist of it."

"You could have not said that." Oreo looking at the woman with a grin. "I think you are a glutton for punishment." Chrysa shuddered a little fro her statement. "But at least everything is out in the open. So care to explain about the amount of future tampering?"

"Hell no," Kai answered.

"Why not?" Anko asked next.

"Because it is not a nice one. And I do not want to."

"We want to know." Tsume said.

"And I want a giant.. lobster. Actually a regular lobster." Kai sat up and circled his chakra. "I recovered already fully. I am going to miss being here. Chakra level is gonna drop back home."

"So.. about the thing we talked about." Tsume walked over. "I want to keep my last name."

"Alright. Figured as much." Kai checked the radius of the island again. He was slightly paranoid. "I am really hungry. Time for something to eat."

"Easy than I thought." Tsume smiled. "Thought you would fight me on it. Glad you didnt though."

"I have done enough fighting in that department. Besides I am trying to change as a little. Considering how I put a few buns in your oven to. Least I can do." Kai said giving her a smile. Tsume actually blushed a little. "Oh how cute. You are explainging it to Kiba. Better he hears it from you."

"Grr shut up." Tsume then turned to leave. "I am going on a run. It feels good to know certain things now. Much to think about."

"I will go.. for a walk to. Goodbye, my alpha" Mastica bit Kai then walked out.

"I will fix you something to eat," Hisa said moving to the kitchen. "I want to ask you something to." She moved to the kitchen pulling Kai to sit at the table. "The plan to relocate is still in the works correct?"

"Yeah. Will make a new village. Maybe two just in case. That is the possible plan anyway." Kai answered as he watched her work. The kitchen filled in with a few others. "Why do you ask?"

"You should do it. The Village of women need one. You need to become a Kage. Our life in the Leaf VIllage has been nice. However, I do not want you to die." Hisa said turning in front of him. "I want you to tell me right now you won't."


"No. No excuses. If you work towards it, you will get it done. I will make TenTen ask you if I have to." Hisa gave him a determined look. "You said for me to ask for what I wan, so I am. Promise me here and now you will do whatever it takes to come back to me and her. Not them." She pointed at the others. "I do not give a f.u.c.k about what they are thinking about. Or their doubts. You come back to me and TenTen, even if you have to turn half the planet into a crater of bodies and wastelands."

"Alright. I promise." Kai said resolutely. "I will come back." His chakra levels shot up a level as his eyes glazed over. The Pandemonium aspect was happy. As if something had been fulfilled in a way. "What in the world is happening now?" Looking down he saw his fingers had a golden chakra around it. "I have not seen this since the .. mountain." In a few seconds, it went away. "I feel stronger again. Thanks a lot, Hisa."

"No problem. That is what I am here for." Hisa walked over and gave him a peck on the cheek. A faint glowing in her eyes. "So here is a sandwich. I do not know how to cook this lobster you speak of. And Kimimaro is sleeping so not gonna wake him to help."

"I can help you," Kari said moving to her. "It is a breeze."

"You have a stupid grin on your face. It looks weird." Anko said looking at him. "Will you be ok?"

"I am just weirdly happy. I figured out something just now thanks to Hisa. So there is that." Kai looked over between bites. "How about yourself?"

"I am getting there. Chakra control is getting better as well as training with Oreo." Anko had a small smile on her face. "If you leave the village.. I do not think I will follow. Is that ok?"

"Yup. I am going to stop holding on to everything. You do what you feel you have to. I will do what I have to. Besides their will be clansmen who will stay behind. Should be able to get a few of them to stand guard. Whether you want it or not anyway. Hell knows I will have enemies popping up." Kai gave her a look before going back to eating his sandwich.

"Thank you," Anko answered.

"Kathunk," the door closed as someone entered the house. It was Hozumi walking in with a bunch of bags.

"Ahh, shopping was fun. Here is the card back. I maxed it out." She said handing it back to Kari. "I purchased a lot."

"There was 3 million on that thing!" Kari stared at the card. Her face plastered into a frown. The edes were worn and the strip faded. "Glad I never spent the money myself on anything really."

"I never knew shopping could be so fun. I bought all kinds of things." She leaned over and grabbed a piece of Kai's sandwich. "This is good. Still can not get over how you eat your sandwich with know condiments on them. But how much longer are we here by the way?"

"We are leaving tomorrow. Change of plans. Need to get started on some projects." Kai said looking at her. This trip has been very beneficial to her. Healthy and stress-free. A regular pregnancy as well. Just like she wanted. "The special project you were worried about will get started when we get back. But very slowly."

"That is great! Are you still going to leave the resources you promised in the village?" Kai gave her a nod. Hozumi smiled became wider. "Yes, home village gets what it needs. And we get started on our own."

"Well about that..." Kai started to say.

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