Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 62 - Returning home

"Fwoosh" everything returned back in its place. with the added chakra used to do so everything went off with out a hitch.

Stepping out of the house Kai scanned the compound once, twice, three times over. He then signaled for the others to check every location and check all the seals as well. 30 minutes later the all clear sign was given.

"Ok everyone, we are back. Please spend the day getting reacquainted with everything." Kai sent to everyone. Waiting five minutes the barrier was brought down.

"Fwoosh," Kakishi appeared in front of him.

"Lord Senju, did everything go ok?"

"Yes. The surgery was a success. How is the village?" Kai said unsurprised. Of the few people that actually enter the barrier, Kakashi was one of them. "A lot of ups and downs but nothing to major."

"Can you come to the Hokage tower in a few days?" He was a little nervous as he asked the question. Something was up.

"I will come in a few hours. Just let me get everyone squared away." Kai looked around giving everything another look over. Kakashi nodded and left.

"We are going back to the clan for a bit." Tsume said. Mastica and the other Inuzuka's were behind her. "Should be back in a day or two." Kai nodded as she and the others left. Mastica stood behind.

"I rather stay here my mate." She nuzzled her head under his before pulling back reluctantly. "You will always make time for us yes? I will make a great partner on the battlefield."

"I would like that. But no, I would not want to return nor would I want to stay away from you. I just needed to here it. I will make sure to bring you a strong clan tie. Also make sure our pups will be as well." She rubbed her stomach before sprinting off.


Kai was out doing a run along the border with the Inuzuka members. Several of them at that. They put him through the paces trying to see how far he could push. They were impressed that he kept up. Hozomi and Mastica stood close to him during the run. Mostly to be near and to knock away and clan women who tried to get his attention. Several had succ.u.mbed to the heat and the only way to get through it was exhaustion as well as the little medicine Kai provided. Right now they were working on a balance.

"Ha...ha..ha." Tsume stood taking a break after noticing a few members almost collapsed. Taking three she was calm again. "Alright, everything looks good. Head back home and we can go for drinks. Lord Senju is paying since he wanted use as guinea pigs"

"Arrroo," the Inuzuka clan howled and sprinted off with newfound energy back home.

"I did not know you were paying for that," Mastica said looking him over. Her hands flexed at her side as she thought about what she would do to him given the chance. "Grr but drinks are nice."

"I agree. Drinks are nice." Hozoimi said walking behind Kai. "But there are better things that right here." She jumped at Kai's back trying to pin him down. With a flip, she was tossed effortlessly to the ground. With a turn, she fixed her self and entered a crouch. "Ohh so full of energy."

"Kai she has never been with anyone during the heat. It is strong. It is not to late to back out." Tsume answered seeing the expression in his eyes. "More primal response for our kind even if there is blood dilution." She then shrugged. "My bloodline is a little more volatile.

"Not backing out. I owe them both this much. As well as your clan." Kai grinned under the mask before sending it away with his suit. Dressed in a black shirt and shorts, his interest was completely focused on them. "Besides I already made my decision on them."

"Woosh," they passed right by Kai who just stepped to the side on the first pass. "Boom!" Hitting thr ground watch as two more appeared. "Woosh," all four came at Kai who jumped out of the way. "Booom!" All four hit the ground and create another set. Each time they hit the ground it was pulverized making a hole. Kai caught sight of the fact no rocks were left.

"They are making clones each time they hit the ground. But I do not see chakra flow in any of them." Kai found it strange but then again, chakra in of itself was strange. Seeing them coming all at once at him he wanted to jump up. "Huh?"

"Crash!" Underneath him, two more drills popped out. "Thump, thump," both hit against him. The first was Hozomi. She was faster but less damage. He was knocked a little to the left. Next Mastica hit him causing the wind to get knocked out of him.

"Kai it is going to hurt if you dont get out of the way." Tsume said as she watched from the sideline with the ninja dogs.

Thump, thump," two more caught against the top half of his body. "Thump, thump," the next two attacked against his shoulders knocking him down to the ground. His toes sunk in the dirt. "Thump, thump, thump, thump," the others hit against him causing his feet to sink a little deeper. The drills hit the ground and double again.

"Fwoosh," all of them shot into the air and turned into a giant spinning missile. Wing started to pick up pushing grass and dust outward.

"Grr, ready Mastica?" Hozumi asked on all fours. She looked over to see Mastica giver her a nod. "Super Fang Wolf Fang!" The two then spun togethor creating a pressure drill of wind that went towards Kai as the other attack made it down.

Kai raised his hand and struck up at the upcoming attack. "Boom!" It hit the move and broke it apart. Kai then took a small breath, "ahhh." Waiting for them to get close he exhaled. "Haaa."

'What is that in front of me then?' His thoughts were answered as he saw two plums of smoke. "Ah, clones again. I am so envious." Kai said taking a breath first. Looking at both the women he saw they were only a little frosted over. "You two are holding back. That is good way to test me I suppose. It is what I do. Well, when I am in control anyway."

"Hah!" Mastica kicked the ground as she charged at Kai. She used no hand signs as she used her next technique. "Earth Style: Earth Spear!" Her hands and feet gained a dark substance as they became as hard as diamond. Her attack and defense skyrocket.

"Boom!" Her fist collided with Kai's. "Splurt," it was tough enough to break a layer of Kai's fist. Mastica sent a roundhouse kick that was easily grabbed. "Crck!" Kai squeezed down and caused her leg to start to break.

"Guh," a little blood came from Mastica's mouth. She did not have enough time to get free as Kai picked her up and slammed her into the ground. "Boom," a small hole was made. She was then picked up again and slammed even harder into the ground forming a crater. "Kuk," she lost her breath and threw up a little. Her back bent into the crater as she felt a few of her organs move around inside her.

'Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!' Hozomi let lost the technique with one hand. Her other was at work on another already. Her aim was to get Kai away from Mastica. It worked as Kai lifted Mastica up and threw her away to the side. The flame shot out in a straight arc. It missed and landed behind Kai. Another then appeared turning a lighter color as it fired. It went straight at him.

"Hmph," Kai backhanded the technique and watched as went flying in the air before dissipating. "That flame was higher than the first one."

"Ugh," Mastica grumbled as she hit the dirt. She was already standing up healing herself with the little bit of medical she knew. She learned her last from the last mission that she needed to expand her arsenal.

"Rahh!" Hozomi growled putting more chakra in the next one. The flame took the shape of a hellhound. This flame was white as it came over. Not pressing his luck, Kai moved to get out of the way of this wound.

"Ping," a hand came out of the ground grabbing his foot. "Ping," then another. Looking at the hands he could see they were two different female ones. "Fwoosh!" The flame hellhound caught Kai and burned at his skin and clothes.

"Tssh, tssh," two explosive tags attached to the hands. "Kaboom, kaboom," they both exploded blasting Kai back a little. His two arms received abrasions from the explosions.

"You are going to want to push harder," Tsume said watching. Her ninja dog growling as it looked over. "I know I know. I want to fight him to. But this is for them, not us." Petting his head she looked back to watch the others. 'I am actually feeling the heat myself. I want to get in their and help them fight him. But I can beat this. It will also help when Hana comes of age if I can beat this. Especially if what the records say about us having a stronger heat when strong prey is nearby.'

Pushing their chakra both women's muscles expanded. Fingernails turned into more claw-like. Hair grew down their backs in ridges. Hair also grew across there body as they took on the appearance of human wolves. "Forbidden Technique: Beast Out!" Finishing both ran and tucked into a roll as they moved out. "Fang Rotating Fang!" They both growled out.

"Fwoosh," they shot passed Kai at high speeds. Rolling across the way they crossed and came back around. Mastica was moving a little slower. One from her injuries. Two because Hozumi was faster than she was.

"Do not die from this," Kai said flatly. Gathering chakra into his left palm he pulled it back as he watched her sped up. With his vision, he watched for the perfect time to strike. 'Light Style: Heaven's Palm.' With a burst of speed, he appeared to her side as she spun and sent his arm inside.

"Crckk," his palm went out and connected with her ribs shattering the left side. "The rotation stopped as she went to the side hitting the dirt. "Thump," she didnt bounce due to the force as she slid in dirt unmoving.

"Fwoosh," Kai shot over to go head to head went Mastica.

"Vroom, vroom," Mastica added all of her chakras causing the air to vibrate as she spun. Right before she contacted with Kai, she broke out of her spin launching into the air. As she came down her right arm was covered in chakra. Her skin had actually looked like a diamond in the moonlight. Her fur glowed white.

"Hmm, approving during battle. That is something worthwhile." Kai stared in awe at her as she came down. He saw the feral grin on her face. Right before she got her hit, he dropped his stance to take the blow. "Give it your all."

"Aroo," Mastica howled. It was of disappointment as she thought Kai would have been a better fight.

"That sounded like pit there luv." Kai taunted. "Light Style: Heaven's Break." His voice came out colder than he wanted. A clear chakra gathered around his finger tips. His right hand went out faster than Tsume and Mastica could see.

"Thump," Mastica dropped to her knees losing her transformation. Her eyes were vacant. Kai had punched her in the solar plexes. The shockwave went out in two waves. The first tore her muscles, the second shattered her bones.

"Foosh," he sped over and grabbed Hozumi. Bringing her next to Mastica he gave her a quick once over and she was fine. Breathing already turned to normal.

Squatting down to Mastica's level. He grabbed her by the head as his eyes searched her own. His chakra from the attack was already at work repairing her body and improving it. Kai did not look away watching every cellular detail.

"Have fun Lord Senju." Tsume waved with the dogs. "I am still putting the bill in your name. Bye!" She kicked off the ground and a technique went off. It was Earth Style: Mud Wall that appeared around them like a box.

"Mmmh, that was fun," Hozumi said getting up. She looked at Kai and then Mastica. Seeing him watching over her she felt her chakra grow and her body healing faster. She sat silently as it went to work. 'I chose wisely. I wish Mastcia would hurry up. If not she will have to share at the same time then.' Her thoughts became stronger as she watches Kai work.

"Ah, that was a great hit."

"Yeah, you got me pretty good. How are you feeling?" Kai asked feeling he may have went to hard.

"Hey!" Hozumi said jumping over. "You are injured. Wait till later."

"Not that injured," Mastica said back.

"So we should head back. I have no idea why Tsume put this wall up." Kai looked around at the walls. "Did she think it would be difficult for me to get you both back? I barely used much chakra."

"No, it is because of the second part," Hozumi said removing her clothes. " We mate now. We keep going until we can not anymore." Mastica just ripped her clothing off.

"I am sorry what now?" Kai looked back and saw both women were stark n.a.k.e.d. He looked straight to keep from getting lost in how stunning they looked. "You two are injured we can do that later."

"Nope now," Hozumi said as she crawled onto him. "Part of taking care of the heat."

"You should be happy." Mastica jumped on his other side. "You have two women. My cousin was one of six men that had to deal with one of the elders during her heat."

"Wait what?" Kai was regretting not finishing the blasted book. But then again it was so worn and torn.

"Those who help take the person down or impressed them have to sedate them when they wake up. That elder thrashed the six men so badly that she felt bad it took all of them. But then again, she was impressed that they were able to beat her down so hard." Mastica smiled as she looked Kai over. "She f.u.c.k.e.d them into a hospital bed for a month. She gave them each a litter of pups over the years."

"They are quite strong men and women," Hozumi said as she grabbed him by the balls. "These are so full. I can not wait anymore." She started biting Kai left bicep leaving marks.

"You are way different than you are in the office." Kai looked at her.

"This is more of who she really is. Just the Sarutobi half in public. If you, want she can like herself all the time if you want." Mastica said between biting the side of his face. "Inuzuka are very territorial. As well as over-affectionate at times. Just a warning."

"Just act as.. ah that felt good. Ok talking later then."

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