Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 63 - Hizumi & Mastica (S.e.x.u.a.l Content)

Hizumi grabbed his c.o.c.k and slowly worked it up and down. Feeling the heat from it already causing her body to tingle. She had waited a long time for this. Now that it was getting closer she started getting overeager.

Her grip tightened while working it. Moving forward she bit the side of his c.o.c.k. Testing how tough it was. Another nibble and another. Seeing the skin barely changed if at all, her breathing became ragged. She went in again but for a bite.

"Chk," she broke skin a bit. Seeing that she lost it. Pulling back she opened her mouth wide. Her canines visible causing Kai to flinch. Mastica had to hold him down from behind. Her b.r.e.a.s.t masagging his back as her rubbed as he moved a little. Mastica leaned forward l.i.c.k.i.n.g the side of his face.

"Mmh, you taste good. Are you afraid?" She asked running her hands over his c.h.e.s.t. "I hope not." Her voice contained an edge to it.

"Tch, whatever. Go on, Hizumi. Do it!" Kai smacked his teeth. 'Oh, this better be some test thing. I swear I will lose it if not.'

"Ahhh," Hizumi opened wider as she moved her mouth over Kai. She took his entire c.o.c.k inside. Reaching down, she moved her mouth and put his balls inside as well. "Mmm, mine!" Her voice sending a buzz. She felt him jerk a little. Moving her tongue around, her throat open as she took him deeper.

"The hell?!" Kai's eyes went wide as he twitched. Who the hell does stuff like this in s.e.x? "That is defintely different."

"Mmmh," Hizumi hummed her approval.

"Glad you approve." Mastica moved around and tilted his head to face her. "If you give us your loyalty, we will give you ours. It is all about trust. You would be suprised how many men would take off at that sight."

"Considering how.. ughh." Kai grunted as Hizumi pulled back but kept her throat tight. "Bloody hell. Your teeth are as strong as weapons." His hands reached out and he grabbed Hizumi by the side of her face. His thumbs on the side of her jaw as he applied a little pressure.

She took that as encouragement. And started f.u.c.k.i.n.g her face against him. Her throat becoming tighter on every thrust. He let her go and allowed her to do her thing. She needed no incentive anymore. Feeling a bit of anger build-up, he grabbed Mastica by turning and lifting her into the air.

"Ehh what are you doing?" Kai pulled her down and sat her on his face. His tongue going deep inside as he tasted her. He was not gentle with his probing. "Ahhhhh what are you.. not there!" Mastica grabbed his head trying to push him away. She did not have enough strength to do so. Placing her legs on his back she tried to steady herself. "Ohh yes, that feels so nice. Mmm, dont stop... please."

Hizumi pulled back trailing her tongue along the side. She went for a quick bite drawing blood. "Chk," the skin ripped again. She licked the blood filling a d.e.s.i.r.e that had been building. The heat was getting satisfied. She started to get wilder. Her movements started become o.b.s.c.e.n.e as she started rubbing his c.o.c.k all over her face. She moved down her neck and trailed his prec.u.m all over. She stuck her tongue out at Kai as she rubbed his c.o.c.k head aginst her Dark pink that she pressed them togethor around him.

Dribbling her saliva down she watched it slid down his shaft. Once she felt there was enough tiled him up and put his c.o.c.k back in her mouth. She expertly s.u.c.k.e.d his c.o.c.k as she moved it slowly at first. The faster she sped up, the more o.b.s.c.e.n.e it started to become.

"Gukk, guk," she started to gag just a little. A few mistakes as her t.h.i.g.hs rubbed togethor. Her hands went to his balls as she pulled on them. Hizumi was getting close and her focus was changing.

"You taste.. good," Kai said between probing. Mastica just settled for m.o.a.ning as she moved. Her h.i.p.s bucking when she could. Every few seconds Kai relaxed his hold on her. Just enough to feel her struggle. Pulling back he looked at her from between her t.h.i.g.hs. "What else do I need to do to claim you two for myself?"

"You need to.. not gonna answer so easily," Mastica said from up top. She looked down and stared at him. "Not that.. ugh." She lost her words as Kai went back in. He bit down on her c.l.i.t to punish her. "Ohh that is not..." Her legs kicked onto his back as she started to shake. Her shaking stopped all at once. Kicking her legs out she used all her strength to pull Kai's head forward. His nose mushed against her c.l.i.t, as his tongue buried into her. She started to contract around his tongue. Legs kicking back her enough she left bruises on his back.

God damn, this hurts!' Kai was somewhat enjoying himself till that happened. Then he felt his balls get pinched. 'Ow!' Hizumi bit them and licked the blood away. He tongue not missing a single spot. 'I have gotten myself in deep shit.' Grabbing her with one hand he placed his c.o.c.k into her mouth. That bit of pain she caused set something off in him.

"Slurp!" Ramming his c.o.c.k into her mouth all the saliva she gathered spilled from the side. "Squelch," pushing deeper inside he felt her throat contract. For the next 3 minutes, he f.u.c.k.e.d her mouth till he felt her tap the side of his t.h.i.g.h. Even then he barely stopped. "Pop," with a sound, Kai pulled himself free and sat Mastica down slowly.

"Oh crap." He said lowly. Hizumi was on the ground scratching the ground. She was an o.r.g.a.s.m. A very intense one. That or .. well he might be in trouble. "Are you.. ok?"

"Ahhhh," with a final kick to the ground she arched her back and started c.u.m.m.i.n.g, her scream was very close to a howl. Close but wasnt. Kai was disappointed actually at that. "Good ha.. good try."

"Well damn, this is going to be difficult." Kai looked at her. She writhed a little in the aftershocks staring at him unblinking. "I have got to step my game up." Pulling Mastica onto his c.o.c.k he thought of a bad idea to solve this. It was worth a shot in his mind. 'Gonna flood them f.u.c.k it.'

"Oh, you have some fight in you after all." Matica teased feeling Kai's c.o.c.k start to enter her. She was anticipating it just as much as he was. Her nostrils flared as he pulled out and rammed against her c.l.i.t. "Ah dont you dare tease.. shit!" She stopped talking as he rammed into her.

"Damn that is freaking hot!" Kai said as he slid deeper into Mastica. She was definitely the hottest woman he ever been in. "This is bad. I will get addicted to this." Digging his toes into the soil he thrust forward. His balls slapping against her asshole. Warm liquid coming from her p.u.s.s.y drenching his balls as he built up speed. 'S.e.x should not be this good!' Laying her down in the dirt he felt her body start to calm a little.

"Yip," Mastica made a little noise in response. Her claws digging into his back pulling him in deeper. "Deeper please." With another thrust, Kai bottomed out. "Yes!" Her legs wrapped around him as she thrust upward in small motions.. His chakra responded to her d.e.s.i.r.e, strengthing her even more.

Slowly she squirmed underneath him. Then at a medium pace. Her face pressed against his c.h.e.s.t as she rubbed against him. Teeth biting breaking skin. She was marking Kai as well as making sure her body kept his scent. When Kai thought she smelled enough like him, he pulled her up a little on his d.i.c.k before slamming her back down.

"Ohh, do that again. But slower." Pulling her up, he did slowly. He did manage to keep himself fully in her. "Fwap," Kai rammed her down so hard, the last of his hold left him. He started c.u.m.m.i.n.g powerfully inside her. Something was different. Something changed as he did so. She was already half Kryptonian.

'She changed before becoming pregnant! Must think..' his thought became erratic. "Ughh shit!" He starts bucking his h.i.p.s and kept f.u.c.k.i.n.g her through his own o.r.g.a.s.m. It was painful but different. rope after rope continued as he kept thrusting.

"Squelch," his c.u.m oozing out the sides. He kept going unable to slow down. That is when he felt the change. The heat was inside him. The biting and the tasting of each other led up to this.

"Ahh my turn to play with it again," Hizumi said s.e.xily with a slight pout. Her eyes were on fire. "Ah and here I thought it was going to droop a little. But it didnt." this caused her smile to turn feral. "You will please me mate!"

It scared Kai to think what would happen if someone got in the way of her and his c.o.c.k. 'Gulp, how scary the heat is. I rather fight an army then try to get away from this. These women are dangerous.' Releasing a few chakra seals, he felt himself become calm.

"I will please you yes. And I will take my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e from both of you. Do try to keep up." Kai's voice was stern and filled of confidence. He had to remove certain mental blocks he placed on himself. More and more he found the women of this world were different the ones of his old.

It took a few hours to get the job done. He was exhausted. THey scary thing was that they both turned half Kryptonian. That made it almost impossible for him to keep up with them. Combined with the Heat, he was ready to tap out.

"Haaa," Kai exhaled laying in the dirt. 'I do not envy people in threesomes.'

"Ah, I want to do more of this later," Mastica said biting his neck. "First for me. Getting satisfied. Only took you 7 times. Not bad."

"Heheehe thanks." Kai chuckled. "We should do one on one. That way it is more .. easier.. no.. screw that. I do not want to lose my bloody mind trying to make sure I dont come up short." Kai felt his body becoming stronger. 'That is just great! Strength after it is over. Why not during?!'

"Is this your first time with two women?" Hizumi asked.

"Yeah. not really my thing. In fact I rather one on one to make sure I dont leave a partner unsatisfied. Haaa my life is just .. great but weird." Kai rocked his head side to side. "It was nice though."

"We want this.. togethor," Hizumi said quietly. Kai heard her loud and clear. "Mastica is my partner in various things... only ones who know are Shuba, Tsume and now you. We are not s.e.x.u.a.l partners though." She hastily added. "Emotional support for each other. She keeps me from losing control keeps my instincts locked away. Shuba keeps me calm in my day to day. It is the reason I have been single. But you can handle us. Handle me."

"I will do what you want my mate. But I would dislike to not continue this." Mastica sat up. "I need this. Tsume has the Leaf Village and the clan. I need you to help me keep my friend safe and with me. The Third Hokage knows she doesn't have ties with the village to much. It is a front, her work that is. To keep her from looking the traitor. Best disguise, look like a loyal soldier."

"Hahhh," Kai exhaled. "Alright then. The others in your clan that may feel like this, make sure they do not rebel. Not lose it or anything like that. I understand the customs are causing them to suffer. It will take time to facilite a better option. Especially after my recent activities."

"Good," Hizumi added. "I hate the village. My family was captured during the last war. Wouldn't get them back. Couldnt pay the trade. Hyuga's were more important. Aburame were more important, mixed clans not important enough." Her hatred was their beneath the surface. In an instant it was gone. Tucked away. "I will keep doing my work as needed. I will count the days till we leave. Do not make me wait to long." She gave his balls a squeeze.

"Hah, glad you are strong-willed enough to stay all this time. Give me nine years and I will have something. It will be hard to do as needed."

"That is fine. It will give me time to give you as many kids as it takes to build a strong clan. The Sarutobi and Inuzuka clans mixed will give you a lot of kids. Lots of strong kids. I will not allow clan politics to run us." Hizumi said sternly.

"Very well. Just talk with Pakura. She is in charge of making sure the clans mix well with Hisa."

"I will. Thank you again for this." Hizumi snuggled into him. Her legs shifting in the dirt. Reminded Kai of a dog's tail wagging. "I will make a good mate."

"Of course you will. Took you long enough to get a man." Mastica said grinning. "However shouldn't we leave now?"

"Dont want to move." Hizumi g.r.o.a.n.e.d out.

"Yeah, hold on." Kai sat up again. "Change of better clothes for you both. When you are on.. family business. Circulate your chakra through the collars. I will keep upgrading to make them better." With a burst of chakra, he increased the strength inside the garb that was locked inside the collars. 'Hmm, I will have to work harder on the vacation. At least think on it.'

Lifting them both as they fainted. Kai floated up. Releasing a high blast of his heat vision on the ground. Burning away any cells or fluid that could have been left behind. The Earth walls collapsed enclosing the entire place. The seals in the ground activating turning the area into a dead zone. He would return in a few days to fix it.

-End of Flashback-

'Place will be drowning in children soon. Thank the heavens for my speed. So easy to change diapers. I want my wives again. Stupid fertility libido. Then again.. I do like s.e.x. So many different forms of it.' Kai sped up as he entered the Hokage's office. "Hello."

Inside the room was several clan heads. As well as the new prominent ninja it seemed from the clans. He made eye contact with a few of them and checked them over. They were all still normal so that was good. No signs of tampering or the like. After a few hours of discussion, it ended.

"I hope the few days of your Clans isolation were worth it?" The Aburame clan head said before leaving with a few others of his clan. They whispered amongst themselves thinking none would hear them. "Erecting a dome over the entire compound for a three days. Nonsense, find out what you can Araneed."

"I will do what I can," Araneed responded. He was a little brown noser that had recently gained prominence in his clan for his reporting. He believed Mastica was giving him viable intel. He was right sort of. "We will be able to get the child back if the pressure is applied carefully.

"Lord Senju, when you have time.." The Akimichi clan head and his aids stood up. "I would like to have a sit-down. To discuss food matters for the village."

"If you are handing over the recipes for "food pills" then sure." Kai did a few air quotes to emphasize what he felt on the matter. He has thought over it on vacation and has not changed his stance in any way. "If you agree to my terms then we are done."

"I cannot." The Akimichi clan head said. "That is the end of the matter then." He then left with his aides. The remaining clans left as well. Only the Hokage, Kakashi, and Danzo remained. As well as a few Anbu in the shadows.

"A few months from now. That is when the summit meeting will happen." The Hokage said. "Besides a few, naysayers here and there, things are going well clan wise and across the other villages."

"That is good." Kai responded. "A few more methods to provide defense for the village. This should help your image more." Kai handed over some more scrolls for him to go over. Kai knew all the methods to get in the scroll. Most likely it would be changed by the Council members, but he didnt care really. TenTen would have more study material to break it down then if needed. "If that is all," he stood up to leave. "I will see you when I am needed."

"Are you ok Lord Senju?" Danzo asked feeling something was odd.

"Yes, just vacation was something I did not expect. I acquire a lot of information that I am sorting out. I had a really bad argument with my wife. Made my daughters cry, a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. I found out things about myself that I am ok with.. but the wives might not be. " Kai then vanished.

"No such thing as a perfect marriage," Danzo said. He knew Kai heard what he said. Turning to look at Kakishi he had to ask, "when are you getting married?"

"Hahaha," Kakashi just laughed awarkdly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, I have no idea. Have not been thinking about it much."

"Stop reading that book and you will meet someone," Danzo said as he stood up and vanished.

"Never thought I would see the day," Tenzo answered. "I think he is right Kakashi."

"That is very weird to here you say. When have you gone on a date exactly?" Kakashi asked as he stared at the young clone. Tenzo looked down a little embarrassed. "That is what I thought."

"Haa, to be young." The Hokage took a puff from his pipe as he read through the scrolls. He stopped when he came to the last one. The pipe dropped from his hand. "GO call Inoichi at once!" Several Anbu left to go get the man.

"Lord Hokage is everything ok?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes." The Hokage was all smiles as he looked over Kakashi. "Be happy, your father will be back to full health after this treatment." Kakashi stared wide-eyed at the papers along with the Hokage. 'Haa wish you would stay in the village. How much longer can we keep you here? Will I even stay myself? Hmm, things to discuss with the wife. I have given to much to this village. Time I changed.'

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