Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 64 - Some parenting

-A few days later-

"Ha..ha..ha.. ahh so tired," TenTen said. She looked up at the tree everyone else stood atop of. "Me and my big mouth. I should not have said I could climb all the way up. Especially to the top of the tallest tree." With a loss of focus, she started to slide back down another foot. "Ugh darn it!" She yelled.

Ino looked at Karin sadly. "Why did you antagonize her? You know she would take the prodding as a challenge." Out of the three of them, she was the sympathetic one. Karin was the most concerned about them having fun. And TenTen was the leader.

Squinting down below over the edge right quick, she was happy. Karin then looked back at Ino once she saw TenTen started climbing up again. "Sigh, because her dream is to be the strongest. I will do my best to help her." Looking at Kai staring below, she looked behind to the others. "Go and head back. We will not leave for a while. You should probably go as well Ino."

Shaking her head, Ino plopped on the ground. "No. I will wait. I think I will take the time to work on expanding my chakra. Stupid sage arts! I swear my dad is an idiot for agreeing to this."

The other clansmen stared and then left under the guidance of Yuri. As the one in charge of the kids she took command.

Two hours passed till TenTen finally made it up top. Exhausted she started to pull herself over the last branch. Her fingers were cut up and scarred from the climbing.

"Chk," her fingers stabbed into the branch. Her foot loosening, sliding back some.

Karin started to run towards her but stopped. She looked at her crying a little. "Come on TenTen, don't you want to be the best? You can't be the best if you stop right at the destination."

"Huff.. huff.. yeah yeah. I am gonna be the best." TenTen opened her eyes and started to pull herself up. A thick dense chakra appeared around her. The symbol of Cruelty in her eyes as well as Determination. Again she became stronger right before Kai's eyes. "I will never give up!" She stood over and stepped forward. Her eyes then went dim as she walked forward one last time. Her legs were wobbly and her breathing shallow.

Walking forward mechanicaly, Kai knew she no longer had consciousness. He did not go to her but watched. As soon as Karin made it up to him he reached out and tried to stop her. He pulled back and decided to watch. Karin wrapped her hands around TenTen and checked her over. Walking up he passed his chakra to Karin who worked on TenTen. He could do it himself but felt something was about to happen between the two. He could not interfere if he wanted it to resolve as he wanted.

Kai closed his hand and Ino opened her eyes standing up. She smiled happily. "Ahhh, that was long." She yawned and blinked at Kai and the others. "She is ok, she has done worst to herself. Let's go. I want to eat already."

"Fine," Karin said. Her hair extending out lifting TenTen up and wrapping her safely. She dashed ahead with Ino and Kai following behind.

"What is wrong? You have that look Karin gets when she has a question but doesn't know how to ask." Kai asked looking over. "You are free to ask whatever you want. You should know this by now."

"Ughh. As long as you don't say anything it is fine." Ino looked to the side then back forward. "I sensed the Chakra platform you had underneath her. Karin would have noticed it to, if she was paying attention. Why didn't you tell her and the others you had that under everyone when we trained?"

"I didn't see the reason to," Kai said lulling his head side from side. "I want her to know I trusted she could do it. As well as the others to trust as well. I also wanted to have a backup plan ready. I would not forgive myself if somthing happened that I couldnt fix. Always have to have a backup plan ready."

"Hmm, I don't understand you at all. But as long as you don't harm my friends, I guess it's ok." Ino said before becoming quiet. While they traveled her fox met them and jumped on her shoulder curling around her. Giving it a little pet on the head she checked its teeth. Bright and strong. "Are you cooking dinner today?" She asked Kai.

"Yes. Same as always I cook when the training is intense like this. Why?"

"Making sure to show up then," Ino said before speeding up and getting escorted by two Jonin ninjas from her family. "I will be by later.

Kai stepped harder once more. He caught up behind his daughter and picked Karin up. "Are you ok?"

"Yes. I fell great as usual. Papa, can I quit... being a ninja?" She shivered instantly after asking. She did not want to hear him say no.

"You can. If that is what you really want." Kai said not surprised.

"No. I don't really know. Keep this from TenTen. I don't want her to hate me for thinking about quiting."

"Too late. I already heard." TenTen said lowly. Kai could hear the hurt in her voice. TenTen started to struggle to get free. Her strength already breaking Karin's hair hold that was designed for recovery.

"Stop wiggling!" Karin said. TenTen strength was no joke as she was breaking the hair wrap bandages.

"Let me go." With a feat of strength, TenTen broke free of the hair. Before she could fall Kai had grabbed her. She stared angrily at Karin. "I can't hate you for wanting to quit, but it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it." She was a little calm as she spoke.

"I am... sorry sister. Just let me.." Karin pleaded.

"Shut up!" TenTen yelled angry.

Kai sped up arriving home in an instant. He placed Karin down but held TenTen tightly. "Head inside Karin it is late. I will talk to your sister for a bit."

"But..." Karin started to say before she saw TenTen crying as she gripped Kai tightly. A faint glow of white in her eyes scared Karin. Turning to leave she ran inside quickly. "I am sorry!"

Kai held TenTen till her tears dried up. "Feeling a little better?"

"No!" TenTen said staring at him with puffy eyes. "How could she papa?! How could she?! She promised me! We do not break promises! That's the family motto!"

"I know. Trust me I know. But.. you have to look at it from her point of view." Kai gave TenTen a soft smile. "Think a little about it. Your mind must remain in control once your emotions have run its course."

"What do you mean?" TenTen asked wiping her eyes. "I am in control!"

"She does not like combat. Not even close to liking it. She trains to spend time with everyone. That includes you." Kai said smiling gently to her. "She knows what the future can hold for ninja. It scares her. Death is not something she.. well most are not use to."

"We all do papa!" TenTen yelled. "That is no excuse." She looked down angry but let it fade when she felt Kai hold her tighter. She felt another pair of hands touch her head. Looking back she saw Pakura staring at her. "Mama.. what are you doing here?"

"I came to see why you were yelling. Tell me what's wrong?" Pakura looked at her fondly and motherly. She waited to hear what the child would say. "No need to yell anymore."

"She gave up on fighting with me! She promised to always be there with me on the battlefield. Through thick and thin." Seeing Pakura face she stared up to Kai. "Papa we can't be the three musketeers if it is just me and Ino."

"Heheehe," Kai chuckled before remembering the situation. "She didn't betray you. Wait till you know more about what is going on. I will speak with her to make sure everything is clear. Never make your final judgment until you know everything if you can help it."

"I will try," TenTen said still upset. Her fox Chompers jumped down from on top of the house. "Hey, Chompers. I need hugs. Lots of hugs today." TenTen climbed on top of the large fox. Feeling its owner pain it nodded. It curled its tail around her and walked inside.

"You have to do something," Pakura said stepping in front of Kai. "She will listen to you if you tell her to make peace."

"Nope. I will tell her to think it over and sort through her feelings. I am not going to order her to make peace as you put it." Kai gave her a stern look. "I will talk to Karin and do the same. They both need to realize how they feel about the situation and go from there. You go ahead and be that parent that tells her to go apologize for speaking her mind. Especially about this here, something they love so much."

"Tch, no way. I just think she should. The parenting books say all kinds of things to do." Pakura said looking at the ground. She then looked up to see Kai looking at the moon. Stepping forward she pulled his face down. "You are so weird. I want to spend time with you."

"Hmm, you have me."

"I want to know your favorite food. I want to know your favorite song." Pakura started to tear up a little.

"Woah what is with the waterworks?" Kai looked on puzzled. "Did I forget a birthday or some weird anniversary? I knew I should have locked up the Cosmopolitan magazines."

"I was the first and I dont know several things about you. Thanks to those seals you make, we spent maybe a total of three years togethor. I barely know certain things a regular person should know about their spouse." Pakura felt a little ashamed not knowing. "I want everything a normal couple would have."

"Hahahaha ahah ok."

"It is not funny."

"Yes, it is a little," Kai said. "I have spent my time with you talking about our family matters and clan relations for a reason. Other than that, we went to places like hiking and spearfishing. You know plenty about me that the others dont know. You have seen a lot with us sharing eyes." He looked down and gave her a kiss. Lifting up a little he shot off before he changed his mind. Up above where others couldnt see, they floated amidst the clouds. "You are worrying for nothing."

"Ah, so high." Pakura looked around then back at him. "You are going to start your own village. A few actually. I cannot wait. But I will miss the Leaf village a little. Found a location yet?"

"Nope. But no matter anyway. I am doing fine family-wise if you are still worried." Pakura gave him a slight nod. "Haa I have no idea how to releave any of the minds of you all."

"Just worried. It is a wife right silly." Pakura smiled warmed as she felt Kai hold her tighter at that response. "I am happy not having any more kids. Get to focus on raising the ones we have and helping the others. Parenting is hard. Even with the books the videos and talking to the others for help. Your method is so rough."

"Worked for my parents and my brother. It did not become bad till well we were.. well, you know already." Kai shrugged. "You do it that way I will focus on my way. At least 70% of them should turn out ok."

"Pftt, I well shoot for higher." Pakura laughed. Before she noticed they were back down on the ground. "We could have stayed up longer. But I know why you brought us back down now." She looked back to see Hizashi standing in the back yard. "Continue this later?"

"You bet." Kai nodded at her.

"Then later it is." Pakura gave him a kiss on the cheek. She whispered in his ear. "I love you my sun in the sky."

"I love you sky around my sun." Kai smiled as she walked away. He then turned to Hizashi who walked up. His demeanor shifting to a more stern one. "Is there anything wrong?"

"A little. The Hyugas.. they are getting restless. Our Hyugas anyway." Hizashi had a rough look on his face. Kai gestured for him to follow. They then started walking around the compound. "Everyone had fun on the island. They feel stronger after resting a day coming back. Chakra has returned so no longer feeling a bit of panic. Also, all the women are pregnant. Then men in the clan have kind of lost it. They did not think the treatment was that effective. All have seals to hide the pregnancies for the next few months."

"That is excellent news." Kai walked towards the area the Hyuga were situated in. Touching the ground he infused the land with more chakra increasing the fertility levels. "So morale is good besides that then?"

"Yes. Just ready to start completely fresh is all."

"Haa that is underway. Just wait..." Kai felt the pulse from his divinities. "Wait a little more. A few more months. Something will change. Right now focus on health and training for them. Also, break down the ridigty of the people. They need to get over their isolation habits."

"Very tough," Hizashi said smiling wrly. That was something none had been able to do. "Also my wife is worried about my ex sister in law. She needs to spend time with some more people. Right now her circle is small. Besides when she is with your family. We worry about her health."

"Very well. Just let her come around more. I am the godfather of her child. It won't be a problem." Kai gave the man a reassuring smile. "Also she does have a knack for medicine. So there is always that."

"Thank you." Hizashi opens the door to his home. "Care to come in for some tea? Neji would enjoy talking with you."

"Sure." Kai entered the home and conversed for a little bit, He excused himself when it was time to go home and prep dinner.

"Fwoosh," arriving home he was suprised to see so many people inside.

"Why are all of you here?" Kai asked a little off put. "It can not be for food?"

"Hehe, it is," Mei answered. Zabuza looked on a little embarrassed." Hubby here wanted to eat your food. Said mine is not that great." A throbbing vein let Kai know she was serious.

"Haaa ok then." Kai sighed. "Well volunteers anyone?"

"I will help you," Kari said. Tsume walked over as well. As the three started to prep the food. Kari spoke up. "How did your walk go?"

"Good," Kai answered with a small smile. "Relevant information to make sure I proceed correctly. How is Karin?"

"She is sad.. really sad. When will you talk to her?"

"Before bed," Kai answered. He moved to the fridge to grab some meat out. He stopped when Tsume grabbed his side. "Huh, you ok?"

"Yes. I just wish to grab you is all." Tsume answered demurely. "Tomorrow I wish to take you with me somewhere. Kiba and Hana will be coming as well." She gave Kai a quick bite on his collar bone. "You have neglected Hana some. Not majorly but she did enjoy the time you spent with our animals before we became a pair."

"Hmm, your right. I will remedy that." Kai agreed as he bit her ear and went back to prepping food. "Glad nothing crazy is going on."

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