Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 65 - Kids and family decisions

-Following day Leaf Village Inuzka Compound-

Kai, Karin, Kari, Tsume, Kiba and Hana were with the animals. The day had been mostly spent there after lunch and a walk around the village. Hana wanted Kai to help with a few animals so they ended up there. The morning was a little bad as TenTen and Karin got in a fight at school. Which Kai expected to happen with Karin being a hothead like himself at times.

"Ok, just seal him up and everything will be fine after some rest," Kai said reassuringly. Hana finished the suture in record speed. "Ok, next time dont rush. There is no emergency and this was a simple procedure."

"But in battle.."

"In battle speed is crucial. But we are not in battle." Kai leaned down and pressed his gloved hand to the wound. In her speed she covered the b.a.r.e area needed. "See here at the end, if you would have come three stitches out it would have helped in case a small injury would have occured. That slight tearing could lead to something bigger."

"How could have not notice that." Hana was angry at herself. "But the new threads would have helped sealed it up."

"That is true. However, you are training to be better than the thread. In case you dont have any available, you want your mind and hands trained even then. For the field, I give you an A- and B- minus outside of the field." Kai said as he rechecked the sutures. "I think you should.. no nevermind. With a good nutrient meal, I think the recovery would be even faster."

"Mmm thank you." Hana nodded somberly. "Wait what were you going to say beforehand?"

"Ask your mother." Kai gave the ninja dog a rub before backing away. Karin went past him and started to rub him to make the dog feel better.

"Haa," Tsume sighed. "He thinks you should take some courses as a doctor. Precisely a nurse. You just became a Genin. I rather you focus on your grade E assignments."

"A doctor.. wait why not a medical ninja?" Hana asked looking up.

"Because you are better at the treatment of animals. You care to much and that is very dangerous on the battlefield. I rather not hear you were placed in danger unneeded from helping allies." Kai shook his head after speaking. He was a little off put since info from the manga and show were offputting compared to the preteen in front of him. She was a great veterinary and Chunin he thought. But he could be wrong. Jaws moved out of his hair and licked his face. "Oh sorry, was lost in thought." The little fox always was more present around certain people.

"Mom if I.. if I ace my E assignments.. can I start taking a few courses?" Hana asked her mother a little scared. Tsume was intimidating whenever it came to clan matters. Well just in general anyway. "No, I will take the courses!" Hana stood up looking at her mother. A look in her mom's eyes matters calm down instantly. 'Ehhh to scary!'

"If it does not interfere with work then sure. You have to keep up your work in the clan as well. But you are my daughter you can take care of it no problem." Tsume grinned. "I will help when I can."

"But what about your work?!" Hana asked not wanting to cause problems.

"Do not worry about that. That is my business." Tsume gave her a rub on the head. "Now finish up for you can help your brother with bandaging Akamaru." They looked to the side and saw them both tangled up in wraps. Kari just looks amazed at how the rambunctious duo did it. "That boy is definitely not gonna understand this."

"Um, big sister Hana.." Karin called her attention. ".. what are these spots right here mean?" Her little gloved fingers touched a few spots by the lower neck.

"Oh! That is easy. Let me get my notes to make sure I explain it right." Hana grabbed her pouch on the side and pulled out a notebook. She moved to Karin and started to explain.

"Let me help my little dysfunctional pup." Tsume walked over to help Kiba. Kari moved to Kai and grabbed his arm. Jaws moved onto her shoulders and wrapped around.

"What is it?" Kai asked.

"Nothing. I just want what we had before. I am not gonna stop." Kari said while interlocking their fingers togethor. "No matter who I unnerve or offend."

"I understand." Was all Kai said. He gave her a small smile before looking around the entire area. A few members of the Inuzuka clan were closeby watching and listening. High tensed and worried about something or another. 'Hmm, do I unnerve them that much? Or is it how fast Karin is learning the techniques she sees? No matter. Tsume will set them straight soon.'

"Buahhh so many bandages!" Kiba yelled getting everyones attention. Tsume just stared watching. Even she found it impossible how the boy got so tangled. "Help me already you old bat!"

"How about I tather your hide for wasting supplies?" Tsume growled. She reached forward and pulled Akamaru out and stared at him. "How did a runt like you survive and I found myself giving you t my son I will never know." The scared pup gave her a lick on the face before whimpering. "Sigh, just cute to get rid of. You better grow strong and protect my son." Tucking the pup under her sleeve, Tsume turned to see her partner walk up and sit behind Kai.

"Hey there bud. Keeping the clan safe?" Kai asked looking down.

"Woof!" Yup, my territory. The ninja dog transmitted. It didnt take much to have it understand speech like a human. Not with all the chakra, Kai exuded near it.

"Good." Turning Kai sent out chakra to cut Kiba free. Using his tecnque he folded the cut bandages up. "You can use these for practice Kiba. Small pieces first." Kiba nodded and started putting the bandages away.

'Kuromaru actually likes him. Even the clan techniques have shown nothing went wrong. He is not under any illusions or manipulated in any way. Why am I always so apprehensive about my relationship with Kai? I am gonna have to tell mother the news. Ugghh that old bat is gonna give me an earful.' Tsume did not realize Kiba called her old bat, because she called her own mother old bat. "Oh, time to go. We have that clan meeting to attend to."

"Right!" Hana said. She gave Karin her notebook. "Here gives to me next time. Later." With that, she turned to go by her mother. Her three ninja dogs came up with a few other clansmen. A veterinary ninja took the recently treated one away.

"Bye, see you all later!" Kiba yelled as Hana snatched him up. In a burst of speed, they were gone.

Kai and company left the compound and walked through the village slowly. Slowly they went to places Kai knew Karin liked. Kari was just happy for the normalcy of it. A few people gave them waves and greetings. No trouble as they notice the family was just enjoying themselves. That and any thought it was a good idea to come mess with them found a kunai held to their throat. Compliments of Gemini following orders from Kai.

"Of course I am a bad guy," Kai said to Karin. "All dads are bad guys. We go crazy when our little girls get hurt by people no matter the age or circ.u.mstances. I just dont have a problem with punching a kid. Cause f.u.c.ks kids!" Kai felt the stare on the back of his neck. "I mean.. ah, you know what I mean."

"Papa your the best," Karin said tackling him. Her mother just stayed standing and laughing. "You are going to keep us no matter what!"

"Of course. Nothing wrong with you wanting to become a doctor specialist. Even if it is not on the battlefield it does not matter to me. Your sister just needs to know that is why you are spending less time with them. You studying all the avenues of medicine is fine by me. Just remember to train offensively as well." Kai rubbed her back as she kept hugging him. "Nothing wrong with becoming the strongest in medicine."

"Thank thank you!" Karin started to squeeze actually causing some pain in Kai. The symbol of Pandemonium and Curiosity shining over her before vanishing. "I won't let you or the family down!"

"Easy my little fireball, you are getting big. Defintely gonna hurt this old man one of these days." Kai was not exaggerating. The kids were becoming more Kryptonian by the day. The seals were increased daily to help them get used to it. So far, TenTen was the strongest with Karin right behind her. "Go and talk to your sister tomorrow, explain to her what you want to do. I believe she will understand."

"Mhm," Karin said rubbing her head against him.

"No need for that," Pakura said walking forward. She moved her hand behind her and pulled TenTen forward. "She heard everything just now. Isn't that right sweetie?"

"Yeah," TenTen said nodding her head a little. "Can I go now." She looked away not wanting to look at Karin.

"Not until you apologize," Pakura said sternly.

"I dont need an apology," Karin said acting the grownup. "She didnt do anything wrong."

"See!" TenTen turned and tried to leave. Pakura grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. "Hey!?" Her feet kicking in the air. She thought about kicking her mother but stop when she realized she loved her to much to do so.

"You sure about this?" Pakura asked turning the girl to her. "It will be harder to do so later." TenTen just pouted and kept her head down.

Kai pushed Karin forward. "Hey!" Seeing the look in his eyes she walked forward to TenTen. When she reached her, Pakura put her down. "Bam!" Karin punched TenTen in the stomach with everything she had. "That is for sucker-punching me like a shitty Uchiha." Seeing TenTen barely respond she smacked her. "Whack," the smack was enough to turn her cheek. "That is for not believing in me. I would never abandon you. Ever!" Karin wanted to hit her again but instead hugged her. "You are my sister, I would never abandon you."

"Promise?" TenTen asked hugging her back. "Papa said the same thing. Do you mean it?"

"Yup!" Karin said smiling at her. "Three musketeers forever." The girls then had themselves a little cry with a little yelling from their mothers from the rowdy behaviour.

Kai just watched as everything worked out according to him. He felt a dull ache in the bottom of his stomach. Pandemonium informing him what could have went wrong. Something he knew he wouldn't be able to change if they didnt work this out themselves. He fell on his b.u.t.t at all the information. Kari looked at him and smiled till she saw the look in his eyes.

"Fwosh," she sped over and grabbed him. Putting her head to his she stared deeply into his eyes. "Everything is ok. It all worked out." Her voice was like cold water laced with chakra. Kai broke out of his stupor.

"Yes, your right." Standing up they all went into the kitchen. Hisa was already there fixing a snack. Seeing everyone else, she just made some more. "Ah, this is nice." Kai said leaning into the chair. He already activated what they called lazy time. Which by most of them the best time to bug him about something or another.

As if to mock him, a knock came at the door.

"Knock, knock," checking quickly, he saw it was Kisame, Guy and a few other ninjas.

"Whoever is behind that door better not have any bad news. If so they are gonna get hit with heat so strong, their bones will melt." Kai said sternly. There was no response. "Haa, moment time."

"Tap, tap," the side door had someone knocking. It was Kisame smiling painfully. A short straw was in his hands.

"Ugh," grunting Kai waved the man in. "Schup," the glass door was open cautiously.

"Hi, bad news," Kisame said rubbing the back of his head. "The Stone village declared well.. hostile intentions. Your refusal was taken as a future hostile intention anyway. They may try something at the meeting in the future."

"Tuk," the main door opened and shut. The other ninjas came in. In five minutes the gist of everything was explained. Marriage alliances again. Which was not gonna happen to the kids.

"You should just do it. No sense in creating bloodshed." Kira, the wife of Guy said. Despite the few years passing, her and Kai still didnt get along. Another strain on his relationship with Kari at times.

"How about you go? You and your son and the twins you are carrying." Kai stared at her then Guy. "I mean if two are as good as any other, why not them? I am against any of our people getting handed over. How about you?"

"I.." Kira started to say. On instinct, she grabbed Gai's hand. "I dont want to go. I dont want our family getting hurt either."

"No one is going," Gai said. "Lord Senju.. no Kai. I understand why you dont want to do it. You dont trust them and rather not give in to extortion. But with the future enemy you spoke of, what can we do? I will fight to keep my family and village safe."

"Good. We can go in and wipe most of the village out and enslave the survivors. Just a few key people have to be spared. But I know that won't sit well with most of you. So we write them a declaration saying we wont pass on their lands or trade with them." Everyone was surprised. "We do this as diplomatically as possible so dont worry about me flipping out. Well flipping out just yet. Is this acceptable?"

"Yes, more than acceptable. This is great." Kisame said. He didnt want to fight over this. He would but didnt want to. "I will let Mei know. This is something she was hoping for." Just like that Kisame left. A few other ninja leaving with.

"I will inform the Hokage," Gai said. Before he left, he whispered to Kira who just nodded.

"How was Kisame?" Chomei asked holding the hand of Fuu who was walking next to her. "It has been a while since he has been around."

"He is good," Kira answered. "You need to talk to him yourself. No reason for you two not to talk it out like a.d.u.l.ts."

"I know, but still..." Chomei was a little apprehensive.

Just as fast they came they were gone. Kai and family went back to just enjoying the night.

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