-A few Months at the meeting-

The delegates from most clans from the village were inside the room. A few countries that were at hostile or borderline hostile intentions were there as well. A few hidden villages that Kai knew nothing about had made it. It was now a few hours into the second half of the meeting when things started to get problematic.

"We just think it would be prudent to do so." A lesser clan head said. He was from the VIllage hidden in the Sand. "I think it would help build better ties between nations."

"Uh huh," Kai said leaning in the chair. "But yah see, it is my house and I say no. As long as I am head of my family... no."

"That's unacceptable!" Another lesser clan head said. He was from the village Hidden in Stone.

"Oh dear me, you forget yourself." Kai arched an eyebrow and opened an eye. The purple haze of Cruelty already clouding over. "I am so close to wiping out your entire clan. Do you know that? You have what 63 corpses or so?"

"We have 75 people, Lord Senju." The lesser clan head said trying to remain confident. "They are not corpses!" He believed with his Kage backing him up all would be well.

"Of course they are. Their leader just made them one. I have offered to give you all crops to help with your situation way above the normal levels in a trade. And the first thing you ask for is a marriage alliance. Why.. it is just absurd." Kai eyebrow came down as his other eye opened. "People's lives only have as much value as others deem to have. Your peoples lives weighed as much as several shipments of food to help them get through a drought and hard times. Now because of marriage.. it has no value. Tsk tsk a shame, such a shame."

"Are you threating my people Uzumaki!" The old Tsuchikage said.

"Of course not," Kai said grinning. "I am just talking. Heavens knows I dont want to start a war and kill innocent people. That is more of your thing."

"Why you little brat!?" The Tsuchikage started fuming.

Kai waved his finger at the man. "Ah, ah, ah. I am older than you by far little man. You forget in your senility it seems. Well one couldnt tell really with your posture you littl..." His voice was cutoff by someone else speaking.

"I think we should take a break." The Raikage said. He was trying to cover a little favor since that last exercise that the previous Raikage had done with the Leaf village had terrible results. The others agreed. The room cleared out of a few people. All that was left was the Leaf village members.

"You didn't have to antagonize the old man," Tsunade said looking at Kai. "No good can come from it."

"Right," Kai said neutrally. He actually didnt care. The Stone village needed to be dealt with heavily handily. For the last few months, he felt pulls coming from the place. A few Uzumakis were alive and kept hidden in various locations. Traces of Kryptonite had found its way mixed in the stone there. Making it difficult to get in and extract them. But a plan was started to get them out. Kai alerted Danzo to do whatever it takes to get his people out.

"So why did you do it?" The Akimichi head asked.

"Because I wanted to." Grabbing his drink Kai took a few sips. "No real reason I guess but to piss him off. It would be nice if he died. Or he was found dead with the rest of his surviving clansmen. I just cant let go of what he did to my clan. Hard enough burying the Mist village involvement." His voice had a little edge to it.

"You cannot mean that?" Tsunade asked. "Our family is not about that."

"Pftt, how many Senju are left again? Exclude all the ones from my family. Let's see you have had how many children again? How many siblings and family members alive? F.u.c.k.i.n.g none! Policy and ideals like that are good for idiots in time of peace." Kai was angry for the weirdest reason. "Blasted.."

"Let it go Tsunade," Jariya said. "Anyway Lord Senju, I was wondering if you would allow me to train Naruto for awhile. Spend some time with him."

"No." A simple answer from Kai, as he rembered the reports of the last month talking about Naruto was getting trained by Kakashi like what was agreed upon. But Jariya also would show up to teach as well.

"Any reason why?"


"Care to share."


"You know I am his Godfather right?" He hoped that would work. It did not matter.


"So you should let me train him."


"He would be the third generation that knows my techniques."

"So what. Just go have your own kids and train them. Or go and adopt. I have and they are just fantastic. Heaven knows there are quite a few children in the orphanage still." Kai was thinking about food for some reason. He was hungry all of a sudden. Hungry for roasted something. "Ahh, frog legs! Fried frog sounds good right now."

"Lord Senju, if I may," Kakashi asked. He was trying to keep the peace as the Hokage wanted him to take a stronger approach.

"Go ahead." Kai snapped out of it and answered back.

"It would be good for Naruto to know more about his father." Kakashi paused before adding in what he thought would help. "Jiraiya did train him when he was younger."

"He knows a great deal about him. From stories from others and from the people who actually knew him best. Such as the Hokage." Kai shook his head at Kakashi and looked back at Jariya. "You were just his teacher after the Academy. From what I remember you spent only the standard time with him after that. Especially after he was wed. The fourth is dead because of your lack of training anyway. So it cannot have been that great."

"I have a right as his godfather!" Jariya was a little upset at Kai's last statement.

"Answer is still no. If we are talking about rights.. I have more as a fellow Uzumaki then." Kai shrugged. "The day I allow you to train Naruto, is the day I leave the village," Kai smirked knowingly. The room became quiet as no one wanted to go there. A few rumors have been circulating about unrest in his people's compound.

"I think we should talk about something else." Said Shukaku. The implications of the other villages finding out he was unhappy would not bode well for the village.

"Agreed." Voiced Inoichi.

"This is something that can be addressed later," Fugaku answered.

"Lord Senju.. about Shura." The Aburame head asked next.

"You should really .. really choose your next words carefully," Kai said almost growling. His anger was not the problem. Gemini was! The moment the Aburame clan head spoke she went on edge. Her emotions effecting him while she was in his shadow.

"Is she doing well?" The man asked with a smile. "Her illness may have started to act up is all I am wondering about is all."

"Do not worry about it. It is fine." Kari said from the side.

"Is that so? May we know how."

"Nope. Doctor-patient confidentiality." Kari grinned at the man. "Also a secret of the trade."

"We are all from the same village. I dont see why you wouldn't want to share." The Akimichi head chimed in.

"Only one that can get us to share, is Shura herself. And she doesn't want to." Kai tapped the table slowly.

"Surely Lord Hokage, this would be beneficial to the village?" The Aburame clan head asked looking over.

"Hmmm, what do you think Kakashi?" The Hokage turned to ask him. More of late he had put Kakashi in a spot that let the others know he had been grooming him to take over.

"I.. think not. If it ties directly to her own personal welfare and clan secrets then no. As the council have ruled before, clan business we can not interfere on. It was made apparent with the Cage bird seal as well as when Lord Senju was denied 423 times to have access to clan records."

"That many times?" Fugaku asked. "Why so intent?"

"Looking for something. I will not ask anymore." Kai then gave him a shrug, "I have wiped my hands with it. Whatever happens to the clans well they are on their own now."

"That settles it. Kai said no and the girl Shura is against it. This is a personal matter. Solve it yourselves." The Hokage said.

"Even if it would risk several of our clansmen health?" Araneed said from the side. "The girl Shura awakened a very needed bloodline in the clan. With her blood, several of our insects can prosper."

"Surely this is worthwhile endeavor Lord Hokage." The clan head asked.

"Hmm," The Hokage just pondered and lit his pipe. "Lord Senju I wonder what would happen if something where to happen to the girl Shura? Would it be a tragic event or just a small inconvenience."

"A devastating event. I fear all those involved would find themselves and there families hanging beaten to death." Kai rubbed his shoulders. "That is such a small inconvenience I think."

The room became quiet for about five minutes. Several leaf delegates left then came back in. A few whispers in the room. Kai hears it all but it was nothing of note. Except for the mention of some people arriving at the city gate.

"Ugh, I have to ask Kai," Fugaku said drawing his attention over.

"Huh, what is it Fugaku?"

"Will you do a marriage Alliance yourself with one of my clansmen? One you have proposed not us really asking."


"I understand you..." Stopping, Fugaku looked at the man. "Did you just agree?"

"Yes. I will take Aria Uchiha as one of my wives. Is that a problem?"

"Hah, not at all." Fugaku exhaled happily to get that out the way.

"That is good because I already did a ceremony with her already a few months ago. She is also with child about 3 weeks along."

"That is worrying news." An elder said behind Fugaku. "We have customs that we do before weddings."

"She was an outcast of your clan. So you can save it really." Kai said with a little anger. "You have your marriage. Be happy or not. I will not take another from your clan. I will not hand her over. She is my wife. I would hate to come to an ugly relationship with your clan. I am quite fond of 9 or so of you people."

"Cousin... have you gotten anyone else pregnant?" Tsunade asked after noticing a few things in the room and around the village in the last few months.



"Shuba Senju, Hizumo Senju, Mastica Senju, and Tsume Inuzuka. Oh and about a 50 or is it, 60 Uzumaki women. They have not really decided to my "ridiculous" terms as Anko put it."

"What!?" Inuzuka head asked. She looked at her daughter shocked. Her face was mixed between anger and happiness.

"I was gonna tell you later." Tsume shrugged. Her smile was anything but sorry. 'Hah, got one over you old bat.'

"Another grandchild." The Inuzuka head mumbled.

"Umm more like several. Someone decided to go a little more than what agreed upon. Grr." Tsume growled at Kai.

"Well, you were.." Kai started to say before Kari placed her hands on his mouth.

"Dont mind him. He is cranky." Kari stated smiling coyly. "He is hungry."

"Wait did you say.. Shuba?" The Nara aid questioned before the Clan head did.

"Yes, brother. You are going to be an uncle." Shuba did not smile as she stood there.

"But how? Thought you were.. we will all talk later." The Nara's head said after coming to from his shock.

"Ah let's finish this meeting then talk about Village matters after," Inoichi added seeing the delegates come back.

The rest of the clans came in and for the next few hours were spent on trade agreements. As well as discussion about cease-fires between nations. A bandit problem had come up lately causing all sorts of trouble. A strange group had been usuing the Mist village and the Stone village to ship drugs. A strange green powder substance made from minerals.

"That is it. I hope everyone can agree this has been worthwhile. We can continue this again next year hopefully." The Hokage adjourned the meeting and watch the people part.

Kai sat back in the chair yawning. He felt something was waiting for him so he just kept an eye out. No more than 10 minutes later he found out what.

"Uncle Kai?" A child pulled on his pants leg. She had the village of Snow decorations on her clothing.

"Oh, it's you. Where are your mother and father?" She pointed and Kai followed it to the two people standing to the side. "Come on over and share now." He picked the child up and gave her a look over. "Look at you. As amazing as your mother, and bold as your father. How are you Koyuki?"

"Good. But it is snowing here. Still, have not seen spring yet." The little girl pouted.

"Greetings old friend." The snow Daiymo said coming over. A few soldiers stood to the side with his wife. "Care to help me out?"

"Hmm, what could you possibly need Sosetsu?" After a few hours of talking, they decided to change the location to the compound. It had turned to a s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e matter really quickly.

"Soo, some bandits are causing you trouble. The ones from before. Why hasn't the Snow Kage taken care of it?" Kai said looking the man over. Sosetsu was worn out and was facing trouble from all directions.

"To busy with keeping the peace. We dont have enough ninja." Sosetsu started fidgeting a little.

"Hmm, Kimimaro come here," Kai called out. A few minutes the boy came over with a bowl with cake mix. "How would you like to go to the Snow Country?"

"I would like that a lot father." Kimimaro beamed a smile. "But what's the catch?"

"The catch you will be separated from the family for a while. As well... the fact you may have to kill. Can you do it?" Kai was needing to push the boy. This was the time to do it.

"If you are asking.. then it must be serious. I will do it. When do I leave?" Kimimaro thought and answered quickly.

"We leave in a day or two." Kai stood up. Circulating his chakras he split in two. One with dark red hair. The other with black purple hair. The two looked at each other nodded and then punched.

"Bam," the blow was even. That was what they were aiming for.

"Ok, son it is you and me. As well.. as one of your mothers... Who do you want to go with us?"

"I get to pick?" Kinimaro looked at Purple Kai in wonder. "That is so hard to choose." He said poking his two index fingers togethor. The cake mix held up by his hair. He did it only when he didnt want to make someone upset.

"Well, we are going to be there awhile. So I rather you choose who you are most comfortable with. I am happy with whoever you choose." Purple Kai smiled.

"Count me out Kimimaro," Oreo said. "I do not like the cold. I would spend more time hanging off your father more than anything." Raising her finger to her lips she smiled. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Hmmm, I think Hisa should come," Kimimaro said looking over everyone.

"Huh, me?" Hisa was surprised. 'We have spent a lot of time togethor but we most go over recipes. That and he usually helps Kai in the garden when I go out there.'

"Reason?" Purple Kai asked.

"No real reason. No that's not true." Kimimaro said shaking his head. "There is a chance, a slim chance that there are kids that need help. She is the most adept at helping in that area. Kari needs to stay here with all the births happening. As well as train with the doctors we have. I think you said she is a little to caring."

"Sound decision," Kai said rubbing the boy's head. "I am proud of you son."

"Ah..hh thank you, father," Kimiaro said blushing. "I need to finish baking the cake excuse me."

"Hahaha, still so innocent." Purple hair Kai said. "I wonder if it will last?"

"Meh, one way to find out. We cant shield them all from it. Might as well give them more happy memories to help deal with it." Black haired Kai said. "Hah, wait we have a bunch of the village of women that will benefit from the move. Not all of them like the warm area around here. They should go as well. As well as a "doctor" of ours."

"We will return to the hotel and rest." The Snow family said.

"Nonsense. Stay here. We will treat you and your wife." Kari said looking them over again. "Kai said you helped him out long ago. Time to repay that favor." Both her and Hisa took both of them away to the back.

"Koyuki I am taking you to meet my daughters. I think you will get along with them. If you dont.. well you dont." Black haired Kai said reaching out for the child. She grabbed ahold and smiled. "TenTen, Kari I have someone I want you to meet."

'I need to inform the others it is time to move.' Purple-haired Kai thought. 'This should help with various plans. As well as the second village project.'

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