Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 67 - TenTen Fishing.. Uchicha future (Not Edited)

"Ok good class. Head home for the day." The teacher said.

"Hey! TenTen wait up!" Sasuke called. "Want to walk home with me? I have a cool weapon to show you."

"Hmm, can I bring my friends to?" TenTen asked inquistively. Her eyes watching him intently for any ulterior motives.

"Nah, just want to show you." Sasuke said normally.


"Eh, really?" He was a little suprise.

"Of course. If my friends can't come, then no point. Later Uchiha." TenTen left to go towards here group of friends.

"Name.. Is.. Sasuke." He was talking to air as TenTen walked away. "Tch, I will show you how you made a mistake."

"She made no mistake." A voice said from behind coming closer.


"My sister's does not make mistake like that. You should tread carefully." Karin said behind him. Ino was on his otherside. "Little, Sasuke please do not cause problem for my sister. It will not end well for your clan." Her tone was a little cold. Not something one would expect from a child.

"Hmph.. I..I. Am not scared of you." Sasuke said trying to sound tough.

"Really? Maybe I should read from your journal. Tell the whole class what it says?" Ino whispered into his ear. "You mess with one of us, you mess with us all."

They both walked away leaving a very embarrassed Sasuke behind. The teacher watched from the side. To him, it looked little kids experienceing their fist love interest. Later on he found out it was blackmail an threats.

"TenTen!" Rock called from ahead with the others. "So what are we going to do today?"

"I want to go... fishing how about the rest of you?"

"Hmm, I wanted to play tag. But fishing does sound like fun." Rock said nodding.

"But we don't have rods or reels." Another kid said coming over. It was an Aburame branch member.

"We just need stick and string. Work on our chakra control for some of us. We can manipulate the line with it. Better control will make class easier later on." TenTen said smartly.

"Ugh, don't want to train." The Aburame said.

"Ok then don't." TenTen shrugged and kept her head held high with a smile.

"You serious?"

"Yeah. If you don't want to train then don't. I was telling what I will be doing." TenTen shrugged at him. A few of the others thought she was joking till they saw her genuine smile. "Anyway, meet at the pond in... Let's say 20 minutes."

"Right." Several kids shot off. One things that was installed in them by TenTen was to always run where every you are going. Easy way to build stamina.

"You seem a lot more laid back." Ino said next to her.

"Well papa said let them do what they want. If I want to be A leader, I have to balance things. Frankly it's poppy c.o.c.k." TenTen put her hands on her h.i.p.s and grimaced. "But I rather not lose my friends. So I will continue my training myself."

"Hmm I guess." Karin said smiling. She looked to Shikimaru and Choji. "You two coming with? You can see some amazing clouds by the waterfall."

"Sure." Both nodded agreeing.

"Back in 10!" The rest of the kids said before leaving.

"Papa!" TenTen yelled. Kai heard from his location in the forest. "We are doing plan 367!" Feeling Kai pulse his chakra in response, she looked to the others. "Ok we are good to go."

They were at the river with the founders monument not to far away. Kai and the not so little jaws were at the bank snoozing. The food was placed by them while the others stated fishing.

"Hey old man!" Shikimaru said near him. Kai popped an eye open and looked at the young Nara. "Your alright. Thanks for making my aunt smile. I have never seen her happier. Which keeps my old man happy that also makes my mom smile to."

"No problem. She is a good wife and friend." Kai answered. His thoughts were something else however. 'I thought I was doing crappy with her. She never really smiles but smirks. Only time I saw her genuinely smile was at that ceremony when we signed the registry. Man I feel hyped and jealous of a kid. Hmm we havent had a good talk me and her to. A little tension was in the air for some reason.''

"Right." Shikimaru moved closer and sat by the fox. He couldn't help it. He laid his head down on its tail and went to sleep. Choji and a few others joined. They lived up to their name as the lazy brigade. All total of 5 kids not including Karin.

"Ugh this is so hard." Sakura said. "I can control maybe five feet before I lose control. How are you able to move all the way through the water."

"I have a lot of chakra. But my control is not as good as yours." Naruto said. "Maybe you should try to fish a little closer. That way you don't have to spend that much chakra?"

"Good idea." Sakura pulled the line back closer to the bank. It didn't take more than three minutes before she got a bite. "Ah! I got a nibble. What do I do?!"

"Pull back slowly. Don't spook it" Naruto said calmly. He watched as she did so. "Ok now pull it back a little harder to make sure the hook gets in there really good." Sakura did a jerk really hard. The fish actually popped out the water for a bit. It was a biggin.

"Ah to heavy and wild. Ah, I am sliding in!" Sakura screamed as she was loosing the battle. Her toes made it right to the bank. "Nooo my fish!" She screamed upset. Then she felt someone grabbed her. Naruto had wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled back. His chakra surged as they moved.

"Concentrate really hard! I will send you my chakra to keep the line from snapping." He gritted his teeth as that was harder said than done. "Heave ho!"

'Chaaa!' Sakaura yelled mentally. With herculean effort they both lifted the fish from the water and watch as it flew in the air. "My fish! Oof!" she fell back onto Naruto.

"Koof!" Naruto had the air knocked out of him for a bit. He watched as the fish flopped in the air. "That's a big fish!"

"Double Hair Net!" TenTen and Ino yelled. Both their hair stretched out and grabbed the fish before it landed.

The hairs wrapped around the fish completely as they moved it to the rack.

"Thump, creak," the table strained under the wait. Before it broke one of the kids placed there hands down and created a clump of dirt underneath.

"Nice catch!" Rock said as he looked at the big fish. Walking over he jumped back when the fish mouth creaked opened. "Waaahh! It's so ugly!"

As if upset by his statement, the fish mouth open as it shot water out. Caught by suprise Rock was doused in water. Soaking wet he watched in horror as a few of the others starting laughing at him.

"It wasn't on purpose guys. Jeez stop laughing!"

"Easy Rock. They may be laughing, but it is good fun. Besides we did plan on going swimming later. You just happened to start before us." TenTen hip checked him grinning. Seeing him smile a little she grabbed him and threw him towards the lake. "You dropped your guard! Hiyah!"

"Wash to higgh!" Rock yelled before hitting the water. "Waahh it so refreshing!" He broke out of the water smiling.

"Papa.. can we have swimming clothes?" Karen asked sitting up. She watched as Kai pointed his hand towards two stalls. "Oh the same as the.. thanks. Hey the changing room is over there! Swimming trunks and the like are inside!" Her yell was loud enough to wake everyone who was napping up. Outstrethcing her hair she picked up each member of the lazy brigade. "We can sleep later. Time for fun." She ran towards the changing stations tossing the boys into one while she and the two girls went in the other.

"Ahhh," TenTen exhaled coming over to Kai. She laid her head down on his stomach and grabbed his hands. "Papa today has been fun."

"Hmm it has been that. How are you doing with things?"

"Good. Learning just enough to not go crazy at school." TenTen turned over and looked at everyone playing. She smiled seeing the happy faces. "Ah Naruto is playing with Sakura again. Poor Hinata thought they were great togthor."

"Hahaha whatever. You match maker now?" Kai laughed. "Dont worry about things like that. You have an entire future to worry about those things."

"Yeah your right. I cant wait to grow up!" TenTen turned back to Kai. "What do you think I will be like?"

"Strong, smart, determined and lovely." Kai said with a smile. "I look forward to the day that you grow into the woman you want to be."

"Cant come fast enough!" TenTen jumped up. "I have so much energy. I am gonna join them swimming after training!"

"Alright." Kai smiled and watched as she took off.

"Tsh, tsss," water started to evaporate. Her chakra was fire based in a way. Taking in the moisture and creating steam. This continued for a few minutes till she let go drenched in sweat.

"Hah! Reserves only left. That was better than last time." TenTen exhaled as she sorta sunk in the water before circulating a little chakra to get out. "Next step!" Taking out a scroll she gathered all the steam into it. "Yes! It worked!" Sealing it up she tucked the scroll away before walking away with her fox climbing back into her hair.

Kai watched everything unfold. Smiling happily he frown when his ear wiggled. Picking up some ninja that moved there way. TenTen turned that way as well. Picking it up a few seconds after. A group of Uchiha by the chakra signatures. Turning that way he knew the lot of them. Itachi and his people. "What could you want boi?" He transmit directly to his ear.

"Just to come and relax.. Teacher." Itachi said back startling the others. They had know idea who he was talking to. "Since you already detected us might as well hurry up."

With a burst of speed they landed nearby. Itachi put Sasuke down and told him to go play with the others. The Genin with him put down the other kids as well. All were branch members beside Itachi and Sasuke.

"Greetings Teacher." Itachi said formally.

"Stop that. Along thing we do is talk philosophy and the like. And a little ninja theory." Kai shook his head. Jaws growling nearby. "Just relax and enjoy yourself boi. To much duty and you might as well not be alive."

"See even he thanks so." A female Uchiha said next to him. Itachi had a little red on his cheeks as he nodded. "Great! I am going swimming g with the others. Somebody has to play lifeguard to these kids!" She shot off with a few of the others joining in.

"Hah swear she just wants to play." Itachi said next to Kai. He walked over and gave jaws a pat. "Such a good fox. Makes me wish I got along with my cat summons."

"Try not to be a stick in the mud. They are weapons yes. but also companions and friends. Screw what others think. Half fun and laugh with them." Kai looked over at him seeing the boi nod in understanding. "That is good. On to the serious things now." Kai waved his hand up creating a second sound seal just near the three of them.

"Right. Here is the scroll I obtained." Itachi handed a small scroll from his wrist band. Kai dodnt read it as he placed it inside his hair. "Haaa I want the rebellion stopped. So many hindrances. Even taking out the few who snuck off out the village has created problems. No more letters to the outside and their contact."

"It would work better if you allow me to interrogate those prisoners." Kai said again as serious as he was the first time they captured them. Itachi shook his head no to that.

"Uchiha problems. We do not want to implicate you. Even though you are a confidant to us. We will not allow it."

"Fine. I will not offer again." Kai looked at those in the water. Focusing on the girl from earlier he thought something was odd about here. Not bad just that she was something I portant to Itachi maybe. "When are you going to talk to that girl?"

"Ah me and Izangi are friends." Itachi hurriedly said. Realizing his mistake his shoulders slumped. "You didnt mention a name."

"Nope." Kai couldnt hold his smile. "If everything goes south do you want to die or have her die not moving forward? I bet your mom would be happy you found soneone."

"It is not that easy. She is a branch.." Itachi stopped when he felt the anger coming off Kai and Jaws."She might not be intrested. There is also my illness. What kind of life can I give her or any kids with this disease?"

"Confess to her and everything might get better. Joy is a medicine they say." Kai smirked. "Do it before it's to late. You could die soon before you know it." His voice came out menacingly as Cruelty infused in his voice. Visions assaulted Itachi showing him of his death to his little brother and a brief image of his parents death. "Foolish boi." Kai finished."

"What was that!?" Itachi said as he rubbed his face. He wiped a little blood tears from his eyes. "I felt your chakra wash over me for a second." Kai just shrugged at him. Itachi turned to look at the water and saw Izangi. 'Ugh.. why does it feel like I have not seen her in years? Screw it time to be bold! Father always said I was a little to cold blooded at times. Then again he has changed since hanging out with Lord Senju.' Looking back to Kai he saw a small smirk on his face that gave him the creeps. "Ughhh I will do it!"

"Fwoosh!" Itachi shot off directly into the water in front of Izangi. "Splash, she was dedintely startled and turned pulling out a kenai from the side leg pouch. Seeing it was Itachi she relaxed.

"What is it!? Did something happen?"

"No! Just want you know I love you!" Itachi said over eager. It did not take more than a second before he released he went to fast in his words and should have said more first. Blood rose up his neck to his ears. Face flushed he turned to look at Kai who stared at him shock. "Oh crap I messed up the order of things!"

"Yeah.m you kind of did... I did not mean for you to do that... I mean good on yah." Kai smiled lopsided. "Umm I should .. well crap boo I do not know."

"You love me.. what are you talking about?" Izangi eyes started to change as a fresh comma appeared. She now had three that spun a little and stopped. "This is not a funny joke!" She stared at him angry seeing him embarrased as well. Turning to look at his best friend playing the water looking gobsmacked as well, she was able to tell this was not his doing.

"Itachi just tell her everything." Kai transmitted directly to his ears. For the next few minutes Itachi spoke very softly to her in front of everyone. A little crying from some of the nearby watchers.

'Well that happened. I have the feeling I will get in trouble for picking on this kid.' Kai was only a little ashamed. Seeing the stars in the eyes of Karin, Ino, and a few others he took note of that. TenTen stared appealingly at Itachis resolve. She nodded her head like a master watching their stood achieve something. "Pft hahaha," Kai snickered at this.

"Izangi, I will do my best to give you a good life. I swear." Itachi say pulling her for a kiss shocking a lot of people. No way was this there stalwart quiet leader. Pulling away he looked at Izangis Sharingan. It was spinning in reverse as her eye colors changed. Background turning blue then black and commas turning gold then red. "Your Sharingan has changed colors."

"So has yours." Izangi responded and pointed to the water. "Look at it." Itachi did as she said and saw the change. He also felt the chakra from Kai still floating around as it jumped towards the Uchiha in the water.

"Ahh," they each cried out as blood came out. In a matter of minutes they looked up with awakened Sharingan. Same colors as the others.

"Good luck on keeping them safe." Kai sent to Itachis ears. "Lead those branch members and you will defintely be able to save your clan."

For the rest of the day things went normal. Around dinner time a few parents arrived to join the .. beach picnic. Fugaku came over to Kai quite happy after talking to Itachi. He was all for what was happening especially since Kai said once Itachi took that role he would heal him.

"It is a great day." Fugaku said to Kai. "Thanks for your help and understanding." His wife was yammering incessantly at her future daughter in law. Sasuke looked confused at everything but smiled when he saw his move was happy.

"Right.. just good luck is all." Kai responded and watched as Aria came over to him. She was appearing more and more normal everyday. 'Hah, this is really all her fault. Cannot even understand that information still.' Remembering his mind drifted to the time they spent there first time togethor on the island.

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