Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 69 - Genin Test TenTen, Karin, Ino (Rough Draft)

-Later that day in the Leaf Village testing area-

"All ready you three?" The Hokage asked.

"Yes!" Karin and Ino said together. TenTen nodded. She reached into her pocket and grabbed her kunai. Each were dressed in basic ninja gear. No advanced ones like Kai usually provided for them. If they were going to do this, he wanted to see them at a handicap.

"You have your assignment from the proctor?"

"Yes. Proctor Anko gave us everything we needed." TenTen said neutrally. She turned to Karin and Ino for confirmation. The other two gave a nod. "We are ready to go."

"Then go!" The Hokage said. All three girls rushed into the mountains. Hiruzen turned to the parents on the side and addressed the women. Kai had his full sight on the girls. "It is not to late to stop them."

"Ino is the most gifted our clan has produce in the last three generations. I will not stand in her way." Inoichi said resolutely. His wife held his hand with a death grip. "My sister said she is ready. As her teacher, she knows her best in the ninja way."

"Karin won't let them try it without her. I rather not deal with that headache after, if I said no." Kari said. She turned to Kai and waited if he would say anything. He did not. "Besides they have trained with him for the longest as well. It must count for something."

"As well as training with Kai's Genin squad. And a chunin squad. Let's not forget Kage ranked ninja as well." Anko said. "If they fail I am gonna kick their a.s.s."

"Right..." Pakura added. She looked at Kai who still said nothing. Baby Arietta in his arms. 'He is constantly running chakra through her. I understand her immune system had dropped because of the poison used on her mother but when will it be enough?'

"She will be fine soon. Her older sister is doing great so.. time is all that is needed." Kari told her as if reading her mind. "He is just making sure every last bit of it is out. Dont worry so much."

"To think I would see the day three young girls, would try the test togethor. Ahead of Academy graduation, a few years early should not be that bad." Sakumo said. "Lord Senju you have some intense training I take it?"

"Tad bit." Kari answered. "But the entire clan goes through it. As well as friends from other clans."

-In the mountain-

"Ino take point!" Karin said. There foxes keeping pace with each of them. They were backup in this formation that kept them a little further apart. "TenTen how many more traps ahead?"

"Tch, 57. They went overboard I swear!" TenTen grumbled. "I have disabled most and sabotage the ones that take more than three minutes to disarm." As she ran her hands were templed togethor.

With a flick of her wrist, the kunai went out towards an unusual stone formation. Attached to it was a paper bomb. Ino seeing it from Karin's signal changed there path about 90 degrees. A minute later things changed to a new level..

"Kaboom!" The paper bomb went off. The girls were long gone, but the hope was that it alerted whatever ninja teams were nearby.

"Fwoosh!" A team of genin appeared at the location. There Jonin captain right behind them. The Jonin was observing the area intensely.

'They couldnt have gotten far.' He thought to himself. He watched as his team checked over the traps that had been placed. Each doing it carefully and precise. "Hmmm, they did pass through here? How can these "special candidates" move so fast?"

"Taka sir," a genin called to him. "I think we have a problem."

"Sching!" A given considering what happens next. Another genin that followed the normal checking method found himself dodging the activated mechanism. He only started looking it over when it happened.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Three projectiles fired out to pass the ninja.

"Wahh!" He screamed in shock. "I didnt even start disabling it yet!'

"You sure about that?" Another squad member asked.

"Yeah, he didnt." The third teammate said. "Look at the dirt. It has changed some."

"Could that be how it was tampered with? Who is that skilled of an earth user?" The second member asked.

"I dont know any as well." There jonin leader Taka said. Right as he was about to speak again, the mountain start blowing up everywhere.

"Boom!" A small explosion went off.

"Kaboom!" A much bigger explosion went of sending several birds flying. Then a few deer could be seen running through the pass. This triggered more traps.

"Kaboom, kaboom!" Everything started to chain togethor resulting in the area turning into a small armageddon.

"What is going on?" A genin in the squad asked.

"Splash!" Out of the water, a few water clones appeared. A copy of Ino, Karin, and TenTen. "Fwip, fwip, fwip!" Three stones launched from the clone's hands and targeted the bottom of the bridge. Each hitting the same location. A beam under gave way.

"Hup!" The team jumped but found out there chakra was gone.

"I am out of chakra!" A genin yelled. He then fainted. His teammates following suit afterward. There jonin teacher the only one left standing.

"What kind of techniques is this?" Covering himself after a scent passed through his nose, he found it was to late. "Ugh, I cant move." Next his c.h.e.s.t started to get heavy. 'A strong odorless poison!'

"Thump," dropping to the ground his vision started to fade as the bridge was actually collapsing as well. Water completely enclosed the area in a dome before sinking. All that was left was a giant hole.

"Teacher Taka .. I am scared." The second genin said as he tried to move. "What is going on?"

"Fall back now!" Taka commanded. Voice laced with chakra to get them back in focus. His team already on the move. Dragging there one teammate. Taka stepped back and triggered a small disabled trap. There was a problem, however. It was disguised as having been disabled. "Ahhh!" He screamed as a disabled trap activated.

"Spring!" A platform popped up launching him back towards the avalanche. Turning over in the air, Taka was no slouch as he feet caught against some rocks. In three jumps he was almost back to his team. Almost.

"Poof!" One of the rocks turned into a ninja. It was TenTen. She gave him a look before smirking. A single thread left her hand as she pulled a scroll off the man.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" A blast of wind sent Taka back into the thick of it. "Thanks, bye-bye!" With a kick to the falling rocks, she shot off. To catch up with the others.

"Fwoosh!" An Anbu ninja grabbed him before a rock crushed him. The Anbu then left them. They were now disqualified since he was saved. Having been carried back to his team he looked at there disgruntled faces. "Hehe have no excuse."

"That is not the problem. That is." A genin pointed behind them.

"By the first..." Taka said.

"Rumble!" The mountain collapsed as far as they could see. Not just small pieces but large chunks. A large dust cloud covered the entire area.

-With TenTen-

Karin had Ino stopped as they checked the area. All three focused on there surroundings. TenTen noticed them first do to the bloodl.u.s.t of one. Karin noticed the others. Two teams were headed towards them.

"Fwoosh," TenTen threw two scroll's to Karin. She then walked to another exact copy of herself. With a touch, the two fused together.

"Hah getting easier and easier." TenTen smiled. 'Gemini bloodline technique works great with Papa's technique. No wonder the Aburame wants them.'

"TenTen your up!" Karin said stepping back putting the scroll she just finished away. Creating a quick seal.

"Right. Taking command." TenTen put her kunai on her wrist. Pulling out the handles on her side, she undid the seals. She now had two hand axes at the ready. Her fox companion already biting at the teeth. "Easy no killing today. Just disabling. Maybe...."

"Plan?" Ino asked.

"Tag'em and bag'em," TenTen said. She surprised them. "Haa I know it would be easier just to beat the tar out of them. However.. it will be more difficult to keep them alive and captured. We still need to train and they are perfect test subjects to try capturing against."

"Hmmm, can me and Ino take care of one team with our companions? You and Chompers take care of the others?" Karin asked TenTen. On her arms were two sleeves full of senbons.

"Sure. That sounds like a good chance for me to see something. Nothing like a little pressure." TenTen agreed and shot forward. Right as one team came out.

"Fwoosh," three genins ran towards Ino, Karin and their fox companions.

Ino jumped at the female in the group. Her fox taking on the one girl. Karin's fox dealt with the other that they couldn't make heads or tails of. This was due to the genin being covered in bugs. Karin herself was on support.

"Fwoosh!" TenTen and Chompers appeared in front of the other team. Chompers shot passed and went to hunt down the Jonin team leader.

"Hi, try not to die!" TenTen smiled at them. In a second her demeanor became deadly.

"Ugh, such blood l.u.s.t!" A white-haired kid said. He was shaking like a leaf. Taking her bloodl.u.s.t full-on since he was in the front of his two teammates. "Where did everyone go?" Looking around all that he could see was a shifting figure coming towards him. A civilian dressed in ragged clothing came towards him. "What a crappy disguise. Hmph!"

"Woom!" Thw white hair kid circulated his chakra and broke the illusion. "Fwip!" He threw a kunai directly at the civilian's heart. Right after.

"Poof!" The disguise disappeared.

"Ahh!" It was one of his teammates. "Why the hell did you do that, you idiot?!"

"But I thought..." The white-haired turned around looking for his other teammate. "Where is Chonin?" He turned back right as his teammate bite him. "Ahhh get off me." Pushing what he thought was his teammate off, he watched as chunks of his flesh went with it.

"Grrrr," his teammate growled and jumped back at him.

"Why you?! Die!" The white-haired kid attacked with a lunge. The kunai was caught by his teammate's hand. Drool and blood dripped down its c.h.e.s.t. "Your trick won't work on me again!" With a kick of his feet, his teammate went down. "Haaa bblleaahh!" The kid spat out some black liquid, dousing his fake teammate.

"Sizzle!" It was hot tar. He watched as his fake teammate was covered and then nothing.

"Heh." He smirked. "Huh?" Turning around just in time, he back kicked another civilian. "Another one. You are just as badly dressed as the other.. one." All around more leaf villagers came out. Several people he knew personally. "Mom!"

"Grrr!" His mother growled. Opening her mouth, maggots feel out. "Grroooo!" Along with the others, she shambled towards her son and attacked.

"Aaaahhhh!" The white-haired genin attacked. He gave everything he had by kicking and stabbing.

"Wow, he is really just trapped in there." TenTen just stared at the three genins. Each were trapped in an illusion still. "Well they are out of it so might as well capture them." Taking out her scroll once she believed they were deprived of chakra enough, the three genins were stored inside. Twitching and drooling was all they did. "There! Now Chompers should be back soon."

"Yiiip!" Chompers hollered right before appearing in front of her. A large laceration down his side. "Enemy has snuck in." The fox said rubbing against TenTen.

"Someone just wants to die it seems!" TenTen said angrily. "Sniff sniff," with a few checks with her nose, she knew the smell. "It is Ro from the Hyuga clan. I am gonna enjoy this." She twirled her hand axes as she ordered her fox companion to stay back and focus on recovering. Feeling the jonin in range she kicked the ground and launched a group of rocks his way. "Ha!" Three large rocks 3 feet in diameter traveled through the air.

"Wind Style: Gale Surge!" Caught off guard, Ro used the defense technique as soon as he saw the danger. A strong force of wind stopped two of the projectiles. The third was dodged. 'This brat is not that bad. That had to use a lot of chakras.'

"Tap." Ro stopped not to far away. His guard was low thinking the elders couldnt have really thought these children would be a threat. But orders were orders. Injure them enough to show a warning to the clans. Let them know the Hyuga clan was not weak.

"Tink!" Ro blocked with his kunai just as TenTen came down with a double strike. "Scrrh," her strength was enough to make him slide back. Pushing her off with the use of his height advantage, TenTen was forced to the ground. "Schlick!" A quick cut to her back was all he was able to do.

"Humph!" Ro grunted as he was kicked in the c.h.e.s.t.

'That one attack should be enough to convince them I had trouble with this.' TenTen thought as she was already on her feet. 'Now time to show them there place.' With a kick she shot forward. "CrissCross!" Swinging her axes in front in a cross strike, she blew right through Ro's next guard. "Ha... ha.. ha.. out of chakra. Time to to go chompers."

"Ahhh!" Ro screamed in pain. On his c.h.e.s.t and arms, large cuts appeared. Just enough to put him in a critical condition and to force him to retreat. "You little monster!" Ro dropped to a knee and tried to recover. 'I was careless. With her, out of chakra I could have done more to her.' Standing up, Ro tried to pursue.

"Splurt!" From his c.h.e.s.t, a large amount of blood came out.

"Tch, I have to retreat at once!" Ro pulled out some medicine and slapped it on his c.h.e.s.t. Turning he left. 'All my chakra will have to keep my wounds in check.'

-With Kai and group-

"Hahahaa way to go TenTen." Kai laughed. Baby Arietta just cooing in his arms.

"What happened?" Inoichi asked.

"TenTen blew up the mountain area to get the enemy to retreat," Pakura added with a grin. "She was also provoked by someone that should not be there."

"Who was it?" Sakumo asked.

"A Hyuga jonin," Kari added as she crossed her arms. "A member of that group that is anti us. How foolish that he would try something here."

"I will take care of it," Danzo stated. "Do you prefer to wait instead, after it is over Hiruzen?"

"Yes. That way we can bring them up on charges. Killing him outright would just create paperwork and unrest in the others." The Hokage started to take a puff of his pipe. A barrier went up separating him from Kai.

-In the mountains-

"We won't let them get away with this!" Ino said. "Cant believe they tried to kill you just now." She stared at TenTen who pushed Kari out of the way. A gash on her left arm bleeding slowly. "They should not have been in here!"

"It is fine," TenTen said. Karin was on the back of Chompers. She was working on her back, healing it to help it along. "We have to showcase our skills remember? Besides, this is no were near enough to kill me. Just enough to injure and slow us down. Makes everything look good and official-like."

"But still..." Ino said.

"No, she is right," Karin added. She hopped off since she was done. Three seconds later she matched her pace to theirs. "Find anything else?"

"No," TenTen said. She was still scanning the area as Karin healed her up. "But we completed our objective already. Captured enemy ninja, retrieved packages and now on our way out."

"Right." Karin nodded and looked to Ino. "Your in charge now."

"Haaa no winning with you two knuckleheads." Ino sighed for a moment. Gathering her chakra she entered sage mode. Her demeanor changing as she became one with the mountain. "All escape patterns are in sight. Let's get out of here. No need to get more points."

The six of them moved out a fast pace. Ino gave the signal for Karin to spam water clones of them. TenTen was to cut down anybody who tried to get in there way. Even if she didnt want to, she had to listen since Ino was in charge at the time.

Two hours later with Ino's decision-making skills, the retreat was easy as pie. Karin for scouting and planning as they moved. TenTen for disabling traps and devising combat strategies. Ino for intel gathering and retreating.

The Hokage met them at the endpoint with everyone else. Kai and Arianna remained at the starting point.

"I knew they would succeed," Arianna said next to Kai. She poked her baby in the cheeks as she watched her coo. "I can not believe we made you. But your sister was a handful."

"Hmm yeah, it was very weird though." Kai said looking down. "You are no doll now. That I am most happy about."

"It was unusual, not weird," Arianna said a little indignant. "I am quite happy with our daughters."

"Aria, it was most defintely weird. But I am glad it happened. Here is the baby while I catch up with the others." Kai handed their daughter over and grabbed Arianna by the face. "Now dont pout and head home. I know you have been training late at night. Go rest or I will tell Oreo on you."

"You hmph!" Arianna stopped pouting and gave him a smile. "Fine, but I want us to go away for a while again. To a long time dimension. Time for us to spend alone. I want her to get to about the age of 6. I want her to be apart of their group. I already talked to TenTen and Karin about it. They need an Uchiha in there group."

"Hmm very well." Kai gave them both a kiss and looked to the side. 5 of the jonin from his clan had made it over. They would escort them back. "Later you two." Kai shot off. His thoughts going back to when they first conceived their daughter.

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