Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 70 - Your whose daughter? (S.e.x.u.a.l Content)

-Back when they were still on the island-

Kai and Aria had just had some very uncomfortable s.e.x. Her robotic movements and dry tone bothered him so badly he couldnt finish. Well, he could but he would most likely throw up afterward. She decided that it was best to tell him her secret finally.

"I am a clone of Madara technically. He used a forbidden technique to split himself. Then using the body of his brother's lover, implanted me into her. So I am both him and his daughter." Aria said flatly. "My real name is Arianna."

A long three minutes passed before Kai was able to get his faculties in order. "That.. what in the 9 hells." Kai tried to sit up, but she pushed him back down. "What!?"

"Are you disgusted with me?" Seeing him say no she smiled. An influx of chakra left him and entered her. Blood tears started coming down from Arianna's eyes. "Ughh," groaning slightly she rubbed them. Kai already placed his hands next to her head trying to fix what he could, but he found nothing wrong. "I am ok. Better than ok. I feel.. "

As she opened her eyes, the Sharingan was there. The longer she stared at Kai, the more they changed. Soon another state developed, and then another. That was not what shocked him. What shocked him, was the fact they were blue and the pinwheel was golden.

"Woah! Are you ok?" Kai asked with concern. She didnt respond. Lifting up, she sat right back on his c.o.c.k. "Mmm, time for that later we need to.." He g.r.o.a.n.e.d as his voice was cut short by her eyes spinning again.

"Forgive me." Just like that, he was put in an illusion. A very powerful one at that.

Inside the illusion was only darkness. His mind already at work breaking it apart. With his defense, he could only be placed in the strongest of techniques. This one was defintely one of them.

"Please stop." Kai looked up to see a young Madara speaking. Maybe 20 or so. Behind him was the Uchiha woman he would assume was his brother's wife. The similarities between her and Arianna was scary. "I mean you no harm. This is just a message to inform whoever gets my daughter attention."

"Ok," Kai said relaxing on the surface. But in his mind, everything was set to break out at a moment's notice. "Continue."

"I was approached by someone when I was younger. They placed me an illusion so strong I couldnt even break out of it. Expending almost all of my chakra...." Madara said slightly pained. "I .. stopped resisting and adapted to it. It changed me in ways I would never have imagined. It also lead to the first of my experimentations."

"Listen, usually I am all about learning stuff but I want to make sure she is ok," Kai said stopping the man. Madara smiled at that. "Also to not be in f.u.c.k.i.n.g illusion!" He was angry. Which is understandable. However, his power of Pandemonium was keeping him here. But also making him stronger.

"Good, you care for her. She will need it." Madara completely ignored the last part. Once Kai calmed down he continued. "Then I will make this brief, she can inform you when she wakes up. Fist do you want her eyes."

"No. I think she will need them to protect herself in case she decides to leave. Also from blasted .. well you actually."

"Good. She won't. Trust me on that. Second, will you keep her by your side despite what the village or anyone else thinks of her."

"Well, that is a very loaded question. As long as she doesn't start bringing harm to the family and those around us, then she can definitely stay."

"That... is acceptable. As far as her emotions go, they were all suppressed. The woman she always wanted to be, will start showing. That is what her watchers were tasked to do Good luck in the future." Madara started to vanish. "Oh, I am glad it was a Senju that obtained my daughter. I look forward to her future."

"If that just doesn't beat all." Kai mumbled when he came to. "Her Watchers... does he means Danzo's wife?" He looked at the blinking Aria. "Never put me in an illusion ever again."

"Of course. I knew you would be fine, I couldnt risk whatever was happening getting f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y stopped."

"Could have told me."

"I couldnt. Was not strong enough. Anyway..." Seeing Kai's raised eyebrow she clarified. "..whatever defenses you had before are way more powerful then earlier. Also, my bloodline ability sorta copied onto you. I think it gave you a low-level resistance against eye techniques. Father's memories are still unraveling."

"Ughhh this is so... ughhh. I am slightly cringy at this." Kai wanted to get her off of him, to at least think about there arrangement. "Ok get up."

"Do not want to. I want you to try it again this time. I mean we should do it again. If you stop and think about it.. you may not want me anymore." Arianna said with a little hope in her voice. "I have come to far to go back. or do you think I am unappealing?" She asked in a coquettish voice.

"I mean you are not wrong.. Haa this has turn into a blasted night.. mare." Kai stopped once she took her hair down. Her body felt more alive and her movements seem more real. No longer like a robot. "Well shit... I am game."

"Good." Arianna started to move slowly as she rode him. "It hurts now. This is new. Before I could feel nothing. As if my nerves were mostly disabled."

Kai grabbed the back of her neck as he sat up and floated off the bed. He walked them slowly to the porch. Bouncing her up with each step. Arianna seem to enjoy it as she relaxed her legs and let him support her weight.

Setting her tight little a.s.s on the railing, Kai hooked his arms around the back of her knees.

"I am going to go really fast. Then hard. Tell me which you like more." Kai thrusted into her faster than she could respond. The s.e.x was a lot different as she seems to have tightened more around him this time. "You have more control down there now." giving a few fast thrust he stopped a moment.

"Pblt," coming all the way out, he slowly went back in. Arianna lips clinging all the way. He couldnt back out this time, however.

"Umm yes. The fast is just ok. I like the slow thrust." She bit her lips a little before pulling Kai into a gentle kiss. Kai pulled back slowly as he felt her tighten again. Her cheeks a rosy red. "Yes, defintely the slow strokes."

Kai gave her n.i.p.p.l.e a twist. "Ah, no bad," Arianna said wincing. She didnt wait for him to do it again before protesting. "Defintely do not like that." Kai moved his thumb on her other n.i.p.p.l.e. Pressing down softly, the little pink nub hardens. "Mmh ok that I like."

"So soft again. You are just a big softy arent yah?" Kai leaned down and gave the one he pinched a slight lick.

"Ah..ah.. I.. am not a softy." Arianna m.o.a.n.e.d. Her n.i.p.p.l.e received a a light suckle and that did it for her. "Ok.. I am.. a big softy. Is that bad?"

"No. Everyone is different." Kai moved up and gave her a few butterfly kisses on her neck. Once he reached jw he gave the side of her mouth a squeeze.

"I.. am.. c.u.m.m.i.n.g." Arianna shook for a little before her heels hit his back. "Ahhh.. that was embarrassing."

"Hahaha..." Kai started to chuckle. Arianna hit him in the c.h.e.s.t. "Easy there."

"Dont laugh at me!" Arianna pouted. Her h.i.p.s moving slightly making it more awkward for her. "I.. its.. my first time feeling it like that. Usually, they are more controlled."

"Most likely due to the changes in your body." Kai said. His voice was calm as he wanted to reassure her.

"Are you going to help change me like the others? I rather you didnt change to much about me. I like being an Uchiha fully."

"Just cellular boosting for healing. As well as making you more healthy. Still cannot see anything wrong with your body though. Your sensitivity has to be a mental thing." Kai stopped and stared at her. Seeing her c.h.e.s.t rise and fall, he couldnt help but push into her slowly. "Your b.r.e.a.s.t are a very beautiful C cup. Very .." He stopped talking as he put his mouth on her left b.r.e.a.s.t.

"Ah it feels very good," Arianna said. "I do not care what it is. But this is nice. Seeing as you like my b.r.e.a.s.t size, makes me happy. I do not being less than others." A flash of pride passed on her face. "If this please you then that is something I can scratch off my list. You are very devoted to s.u.c.k.i.n.g aaahh."

Kai gave her b.r.e.a.s.t a firm suck before moving to the other one. "I am devoted to well I guess hearing you m.o.a.n. Hell knows it will be difficult keeping you each happy."

"Long as things are at least the way they have been for me I am happy. The s.e.x is just a bonus. Oh! I can become a mother.." Arianna realized she was like a normal woman now. "I can have everything the others have. But you are not getting any more Uchiha women you said."

Stopping Kai looked up. "Yeah, I am not. You will be the only Uchiha women in my family. Well, tell we have kids that is. Not one besides you." Kai looked at her possessively before he relaxed into a smile.

"That.. gulp.. I like that look." Arianna said. "I want to be shallow and be the only Uchiha woman you have. That is the look I want from you. The others already have theirs."

"Hmm still have no idea what yall are talking about when you say stuff like that. But then again I dont see what you see off me seeing you." Kai shook his head as he confused himself a little. "Have you gotten use to everything more yet?"

"Yes. You can stop holding back. I can bear it now." Arianna braced her self as Kai started moving again. "I.. think I am going to have trouble.. getting use to this."

"Then a lot of practice is needed. We are going to be here for a while." Kai smirked at her. "I want to see you loose it more." Pulling out quickly, Kai knelt down. "We skipped this part earlier. Which I am now glad for."

"Wait.. wait dont .." Arianna didnt like that he pulled out. Looking down she saw where his face was. "Umm, that.. can.. ahhh."

"You have a very pink p.u.s.s.y. It is just leaking like crazy. If I didnt know better I would say you were a dirty woman." As Kai spoke he watched as she twitched. A little more seeped out. "Oh, you are one of those maybe?" Leaning forward he gave her a soft lick. "Mmh you taste very sweet."

"That feels to much. I think I am having trouble now." Arianna said trying to get him to stop. Kai just gave her a gentle lick before his tongue pushed inside. "Ahh that. I quit tap out! Stop!"

"Haha, this is going to be fun." Kai stood up looking at her. "Enough for today yes?" Arianna nodded her head demurely. "Good, time to go inside. You may not want to bite off more than you can chew next time."

"Hmph, I will get better at it. Just to s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e right now." Arianna grabbed his arm as she continued to look down embarrassed. "Will you carry me inside?" Her face flushed a bit more.

"You are just adorable you know that?" Kai lifted her up and carry her inside.

-End of Flashback-

'So many different women I swear. But then again she is a little like Tsume. Which is defintely different and surprising.' Kai wrapped his thoughts up as he suppressed his and got ready to greet his children. 'TenTen's mission went fine from what I could tell. She was able to prioritize the survival of her team while working on the mission I had her working on personally.'

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