Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 71 - Promotion to Genin

In the Hokage Tower

Ino was talking to Inoichi, who was going over different escape methods. He was so proud he couldnt help to talk, much to Ino's happiness. She gave Kai a wave and mouthed a thank you. Chrysa stood just chuckling a little.

Karin, TenTen, Kari, and Pakura just talked about the property damage. TenTen was looking out the window. To her, it was a test so who cared about the damage. Karin was getting chewed out for not trying out her poison arts more. Her defense was that she didnt want them to die.

The Hokage, Danzo, Shukaku, Fugaku, and Kakashi were going over paperwork. Marking down what needed to be improved on. The biggest thing they only had a little to write about. Mostly TenTen. Danzo knew she was holding back since he taught her Illusions techniques. He explain that she could have done one that put them in cardiac arrest. Kakashi and Fugaku had a cold sweat that went down there backs at that.

"Hah.. we are done." The Hokage said. He placed the approval pile to the side. The disapproval was a little smaller than he would like. But it was for the best of village relations. "I am getting to old for this shit. Kakishi, do hurry with your training."

"Ha..ha.. I am trying." Kakashi said slightly apologetic. 'You try keeping with all that psycho training. The worst is my father's training.' As if feeling his thought's Sakumo arrived at that time.

"Fwoosh," Sakumo was still recovering but was at least high chunin. Anko and Hayate were with her.

"That was good work Sakumo. Who knew you were so good at talking to Cloud ninja." Anko said smirking. "Lord Hokage the chunin exam went well. several of the proctors enjoyed it. Until the mountain collapsed that is." She gave TenTen a slight glare.

"Hmph not going to apologize. Not my fault the mountain was weak." TenTen pouted and looked at Kai. Seeing him smile, she didnt worry about the others. "Also I could have just destroyed the entire mountain range. Yall should be grateful."

"Hehe," Karin laughed at her sister's boldness. "We were told to show case our skills. Soo... yeah."

"I wont sugar coat the damage.." Shukaku said. "It will cause problems but thats for later." He shook his stressed. 'At least Shikimaru hangs out more with Karin than TenTen. If that unmotivated boy was to get in to explosions.. The forest wouldn't stand much of a chance."

"TenTen Senju, Karin Uzumaki, and Ino Yamanaka step forward." Danzo said.

"We hereby award you the rank of genin." The Hokage passed them a certificate each. "I believe Kai has your headbands ready."

"Yeah, I do." Kai pulled out the headbands and walked over. He placed one in Ino's hand, then into Karin's. Stopping in front of TenTen he grabbed her right arm. "This will go here for you." Fixing it to her upper arm, he made sure it was secured. "Good job girls."

"Thanks, Teach!" The girls said altogether.

"Teach?" Fugaku asked.

"That is right. I taught the girls self-defense though mostly. A lot ways to escape mostly. made a game of it." Kai smiled at Fugaku.

"Who is going to be there jonin instructor?" Sakumo asked.

"Kai is of course." The Hokage said. "His genin team was already promoted to chunin a few months ago. Anko and her squad will stay his jonin squad. Considering three of his chunin are going on a long assignment everything is fine."

"Oh the snow mission," Fugaku said. "Hmm, that does work for the best."

"About that," the Hokage said. A sound seal went up as extra precaution was put in place. "Inuzuka, Yuri aka Lucifer. Rock, Sora aka Little Dipper. Thorn aka Big Dipper are assigned the SSS rank mission project Snow. On paper they are helping with the escort mission. As well as scouting out there. Off paper, they are assigned to you for furthur training."

"Works perfectly for me." Kai nodded.

"Inuzuka Yuri.. why does that name sound familiar?" Sakumo asked.

"It is best you do not look into that Sakumo," Danzo stated plainly. However, a little edge could still be found in his voice. Sakumo nodded and started to think to himself. "Lord Senju, I assume you have a party or something to get to now?"


"We will go celebrate at the restaurant," Kari said. "See you there later."

"Umm so how do we address you now?" Ino looked at Kai.

"How you always addressed me before." Kai squatted down to her. "Ino we are gonna take our time with training for the future. However, does not mean I am gonna be any stricter on you three. In fact, it will be about the same. I already treated you like full-fledged ninja beforehand. Can you guess what your first mission was?"

"Umm no." Ino shook her head.

"Them." Kai pointed to TenTen and Karin. "It is a lifelong mission with a lot of rewards. Dont you think?"

"Yes, it is!" Ino gave Kai a hug before running to her dad.

"TenTen stay back with me. We need to talk about the explosion." Kai looked at her warily. Everyone else left. Only remaining members, were TenTen, Kai, Danzo, and the Hokage. "Do it now TenTen." Kai signaled the girl.

"Already on it." TenTen threw out a scroll that then dropped 20 more scrolls. "Hmm, this one has a little damage." Picking up the one scroll with a centimeter scratch on it, she placed it to the side on a sheet of paper. TenTen Style: Seal of viewing!"

"Brripp," a large amount of chakra left from TenTen's arms. It was a dark purple that pinned the scroll down with spikes. Around the scroll, a figure of five foxes in different colors appeared. Up above a purple eye appeared. Reflect in it was a white creature screaming in pain. "Thump!" It hit against the eye trying to get free.

"Oh no, you dont. You do not even get to wiggle. You deserve to be punished! Chompers!" TenTen said to her fox that climbed out of her hair. The little fox grew to about 4 feet. Its tail split into 5. Each tail going into one of the illusionary foxes providing more chakra. "Mmhm good to go." TenTen then sat down meditating.

"Is this that creature you warned about?" Danzo asked. He activated the Sharingan to observe the entire event. "TenTen seal's have improved again."

"Yes, this creature is called Zetsu. The list of things it can do is disgusting." Kai frowned. "Currently I have been running tests to destroy the thing. From bioweapons to chakra destabilization. You have to wipe every last trace of it. Leaving nothing behind and suck in any remaining chakra left over."

"Haa this thing is a problem. So resilient. And all these scrolls contain one." The Hokage was not sure about the future anymore. "What did you leave in there place?"

"TenTen replaced them with fake substitutes. Whoever comes to check on them or if they leave the area, they are in for a big surprise. I have clansmen looking for the traces." Kai said neutrally. "The establishment of the village we will have in the snow will help for the future."

"As well as the other I take it?" Danzo asked. Kai said nothing but the Hokage seemed pensive about it. "So you have not talked to anyone about it then. That is good. The fewer people know about it, the better. I say e move up in training Kakishi more. You need to have Jariya show him the way he trained Minato."

"Agreed." The Hokage let his pipe and took a puff. "Next order of business is the Uchiha incident. They are getting antsy again. However, there are a few dissenters thanks to Itachi and Shisui. With Fugaku giving his support, a lot is making way. But there is a small hiccup. Opposition from someone. No clues yet so far on who."

"that is not good at all." Kai stated plainly. "I have no clue myself. To busy with my own family affairs."

"As for these scrolls.." Danzo's eyes spun before changing. Each scroll was s.u.c.k.e.d away by a black ink like substances. "I will have them drained completely and the chakra byproduct furthur sealed away."

"Hmmm Danzo, how is the family?" The Hokage asked out of the blue. TenTen stood up as Chompers shrunk back down and went into her hair.

"Umm, it is nice. Just so much crying." Danzo scratched his chin. "I have trouble sleeping."

"Hahaha welcome to the club." The Hokage laughed happily. "You could stay at his home with all those kids in his compound."

"Huh I sleep fine." kai said as he picked TenTen up. "Just use a silence seal on them. Babies cry for no reason most times. Check them over for any problems, then diapers, then feeding. If they are still crying it is just for a stupid reason. Pick them up and hold them. No reason to listen to the endless crying."

"Oh you cannot be serious?" Danzo asked.

"I see nothing wrong with it." Kai shook his head at them. "Anyway, later." In a burst of speed, they were gone.

"I think that cannot be the right way." The Hokage told Danzo.

"I agree." Danzo walked to the door. "Have a good day Hiruzen." Danzo didnt wait for the response as he left. 'I am defintely gonna use those seals. I miss sleep.'

"Hmm ah yes goodbye.. oh he left already." The Hokage went and sat back down. He removed the sound seal and called for his students.

"Fwoosh!" Jariya appeared in no time. Followed by Tsunade afterward.

"What do you need Teacher?" Tsunade asked.

"I want you to release the archives to Kai. He needs to check on something. You can either allow him to go inside or I can have some jonin transport a few of the doc.u.ments at a time to him." The Hokage said neutrally. He expected no problems with this. "Jariya I need you to teach Kakishi some higher-level techniques."

"No problem. But I thought he was learning from you and the others already?"

"He has learned what he can from us for now. With his father recovering more, he can learn from him as well. This will also give him a break from the council affairs and enjoy life a little more." The Hokage smiled. "A family mission I suppose we could call it."

"I do not think I should give Kai access." Tsunade said. Seeing the two expressions she elaborated. "Kai.. may be Senju but he does not have the same mindset as we do. I am grateful for all the new family members and that he found others in the Leaf village with Senju blood. But with access to the archives, I think he would learn to much of the village and take control."

"Would that be so bad?" Jariya asked. "Wait yeah it would. i am with her on this."

"Exactly. He should not lead the Leaf village." Tsunade shook her head.

"I see." The Hokage took a hard puff of his pipe. "Haaaa the hard ay it is. Two jonin will start going in and taking scrolls to him. If you interfere there will be a problem. He will not take over the leaf village. Because he plans on leaving it. Since you two do not trust me I will not go into the details or when. This is regarded as a strict secret. Try not to blab while peeping in the hot springs or while out drinking." Hiruzen was slightly angry as he pulled two scrolls out and handed it to the two. "I am going to a party."

"Fwoosh!" The Hokage was gone. Leaving the two staring mouth agape.

"He plans on leaving the village.." Tsunade said.

"I need to spend more time with Naruto," Jariya said stroking his chin. "He might be the one I have been searching for."

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