Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 72 - Snow Move Out

-The next day-

"Leader I will stay in the village," Gemini said after some thought. "I think it best in case the Aburame clan tries something."

"Very well. It will be different without your counsel but I understand." Purple-haired Kai gave a nod and then left with the snow family, Kimimaro, Hisa, Mastica, Hozumi, Shuba, and some other Inuzukas.

The Mist ninja were at the gate waiting. Kisame was the most excitied to get going. Zabuza and Mei wouldn't settle down till they arrived. Haku bounced around at the idea of getting to play in the snow. Is sister was off somewhere with their mother.

"So care to explain what is going on with your clansmen?"

"Of course my Alpha." Mastica smiled. "They are the exiles from the clan. Most have broken some laws, others could not deal with the way we were treated by others and attacked them. We are more feral as Kari would say." Mastica watched for any disapproval before continueing. "Mostly clan traditions. They are loyal, but it has been put to the very limit. With the clan compound having been the only place they will stay for the last few years.. some cannot take it anymore. This is a good way out for them."

"Tch," an Inuzuka man smacked his teeth in annoyance.

"Speak up if your brave enough," Mastica said not even turning around. "You think you can do better? Go ahead and beat the clan leader and take over." It became quiet after she said that. "That is what I thought. I offer this pack of misfits to you. To help you set up our clan in Snow Country."

"Aye.. well shit storms. Fine but you have to stay in charge of them as the family head. " Kai said with a firm tone. Then he caught sight of a few others down the way. People from his clan. "What now?"

"Greetings my lord," Hikaru said bowing. "The Hyuga are ready to depart with you. All but Hizashi and his family that is. He will wait till you are more establish and try to protect those who stay behind."

"We are ready to," Pan said. "As one of the heads of the village of women, I think it best I go with. Besides, the cold will work wonders for my little one." She rocked Gara in her bosom a little. He was sleeping again. Despite being close to the same age as Naruto he was treated like a toddler due to his size. He was getting bigger, just was slow. Shukaku stood by the side smiling as he waved them off.

"Alright then," Kai said. "Well, this is a bigger group than I thought would come. But let's move out."

"Take point and clear the way!" Mastica barked out the order. Several Inuzuka's spread out. Then a few Hyuga, two Mist Jonin, followed by a few of the women. "It will take us four days if we full run. 2 weeks by boat with all the people."

"Yeah, we will be their in a week. Once we arrive at the ocean I will get us there faster." Kai said as they walked. Hisa was on his right, with Mastica on his left. "I think this will be a good move. As well as have a good environment to train certain ninja arts."

"Right." Mastica agreed. "Also a good place to have our kids. Way more space and we get to raise those exotic ninja animals more openly."

"Swoosh," Domo Iburi appeared to his front. His little brother Dosu behind him. At least 43 members of the Iburi clan furthur behind them. They finally left the undergrounds with hope in there hearts to be able to live in the sun again.

"My Lord, we are not to late are we?"

"Huh, you want to come to?" Kai asked surprised. Hozumi was in the back smiling as she marks something on here ledger.

"Yes. With our ability to turn into smoke, we will be perfect in the snow. I offer my clan to you. In exchange, we just want a better stabilizer."

"Done and done. When we get furthur out, Hisa will explain your duties. Give your clan roster to Hozumi." Kai smiled and looked back to Hisa once they finished a brief chat. "Now what were we talking about?"

"Haha about the area," Mastica said. "The cold will help defintely."

"Ehh, you think?" Hisa asked. "Then again our biology will change so there is that. I wonder how much snow there will be?"

"Nothing but snow." The snow-head said. "Haa can only push forward with my plan still."

"Right your device to bring spring. Some upgrades from us for autonomy. My village will be it's on sovereignty in snow country." Kai watched as the man took it in and nodded. "I will make sure those bandits get taken care of. As well as help your dream come true. Do not worry old friend."

"Thank you." Sosetsu said. "To bad none of your daughters came with."

"My daughter Hinata is up there. She may be a little younger than Koyuki, but I think they will get along." The snow Daiymo nodded. "For now I think we just need to get their and be ready for any dangers."

"Lord Senju!" Yuri said coming over. She was riding on top of a giant fox she named Frost. One of the exotic animals that Kai had been raising. Sora and Thorn running right up next. Kai gave her a nod and she spoke. "Thank you again for everything. I am very happy to be free of the village."

"That is good. Hope you are ready to do a lot more. You are part of the first ninja group I personally trained." Kai gave her a smile along with the others. "As for you Sora, this place will cause your chakra to change. I hope you are ready for it?"

"Of course!" The pink-haired kid was very excitied. "When I get back I am gonna teach my cousin all kinds of things."

"Good. Thorn, you will get the chance to have a lot of peace and quiet between missions. As well the cure for what inside you." Kai said.

"Thank you, Lord Senju." Thorn said. His voice was devoid of most emotion. However, there was a little happiness in there this time. With a signal from Yuri, they took off.

-A few hours later-

"Already is everyone ready Mastica?" Kai asked.


"Hozumi everyone accounted for?"

"Of course."

"Ok then. Shuba activates the seals." Kai started to walk away before he disappeared all together.

"Seal up." Shuba said plainly.

"What is going to happen next?" Koyuki asked. She looked to Kimimaro who smiled.

"We are going to make to your country in a day or so. Father is a little hasty." Kimimaro smiled.

"How is that going to .. ahhh." Koyuki became scared as the ground started to shake.

"Rumble rumble." The ground beneath them shook for a moment. A slight breeze passed everyone. The seal flicked again and the air became still. A majority of them looked around and felt the sky was different. All across the seal edge, a jonin stood at the ready.

"Umm, mom. The ground feels weird." Hinata said.

"It is because we are flying dear."

"Flying!" Hinata's eyes went wide. She stared at the sky and noticed the fast pace they were moving at. "We are flying. Can I go to the edge and see?"

"Of course. Come on." Hikaru grabbed her hand and walked over to the side. A Hyuga jonin gave her a nod. "See now be careful."

"We are so high! Look at the birds! Look look Hanabi." Hinata said excide. Her little sister walked over and grabbed her hand. The sisters tared over the side watching.

"I wonder if Kai is bored down there?" Hozumi turned to Hisa.

"Hmm just ask him. Have you gotten use to sound transmission yet?" Hisa found it odd that she hadn't done so.

"No. I cant quite get it down pat. I usually break things doing so. It is so annoying." Hozumi frowned. "Mastica says she can do it correctly most times, but she hates messing up. Her wolf companion does not like the sound she makes."

"Ah, Gaara!" Pan said happily. Gaara was floating on sand. He also had an exact likeness of Kai made up. It showed a sculpture of Kai carrying a big piece of land. For those nearby, it was something they usually seen already. The Inuzukas were to busy looking over the edge to see.

"That is an exact likeness of kai." Hisa stared. "They have been spending time togethor. Him, Gaara, and Kimimaro have been making all kinds of sculptures."

"Sculptures.. he makes sculptures?!" Zabuza asked. He then turned to Kisame. "Did you know?"

"Yeah. We have a small little class every other Thursday." Kisame said. He was looking away not making eye contact.

"Grr I have been looking for people to share my hobby and you had a class?! You jerk!" Zabuza was quite angry. Seeing Kisame not really looking at him, he wanted to get even. It didnt take him long to spot Chomei and Fu. "Hey Chu-La!"

"Hey what are you doing?" Kisame looked at him.

"Yes, what is it Zabuza?" Chomei looked over.

"You know that Kisame has been madly in love with you for a while now? In fact, he even has a..." Zabuza was cut short as Kisame covered his mouth. "Mmmpff!"

"he is joking. i think he is drunk and playing a cruel joke. Mei needs to limit his drinking more." Kisame smiled.

"Huh. Zabuza had better not been drinking in the morning again." Mei walked over with a baby on her hip. A few of the other Mist ninja women with her. "Have you been drinking sake in the morning again Zabuza?" there was a little anger in her voice. His son looked over babbling angry.

"Yes, he has!" Kimimaro said. Right before he tore more lies. Zabuza elbowed him. "oof!" Just enough to get his mouth free. Opening wide, Zabuza bit down on Kisame. "Ahhh you rat fink!" Swinging his arm around, Kisame tried to dislodge Zabuza. It was not working.

"Peh!" Tasting a bit of the man's chakra, Zabuza finally let go. "How dare you lie to her!" Freeing his sword, he got ready to beat Kisame up.

"How dare you bite me! What are you a rabid dog?!" Kisame followed suit drawing his sword.

Both felt a bloodl.u.s.t pass over them. It came from Kimimaro who glared at them.

"If you two fight a lot of people will be hurt. Or have you forgot how strong you to are?" His voice was laced with an icy edge. "Wait till we land if you have to settle a grievance." Eyes glowing with chakra he was ready to subdue the two men as quickly as he could.

"Settle down brat." Zabuza said first. he put his sword away and stared at Kisame. "Just cant believe you kept that from me."

"Haa. You have wives and babies to take care of. So get over it." Kisame placed his sword back as well. "You picked up to many hobbies from that island trip."

"Bah!" Zabuza waved him off before walking to Mei. "I have not had a drink since last night."

"I believe you." Mei smiled.

"So before they get all lovey dovey.." Chomei said. "..what was he going to say?"

"Ehhh, I forgot." Zabuza lied through his teeth.

"He was going to tell you Kisame loves you." Kimimaro said. "Punishment for causing trouble uncle Kisame."

"You little squealer!" Kisame turned to look at Kimimaro who walked over to Garra and was whispering. "What are you telling him?"

"Whissh," the sand moved over to Chomei and little Fu. It took on the image of Kisame and Chomei. Right below them was a tree. The copies sat in the tree and kissed.

"Stop that!" Kisame said embarrassed. The next image showed a baby carriage formed up. "I.. thats.."

"Oh my." Mei covered her mouth in surprise.

"A lovely image Gaara and Kimimaro. Thank you but that is not something he is interested in." Chomei smiled painfully. The image started to fall away.

"Aww did I mess it up?" Gaara asked.

"Nope you did good." Pan said to her son. "It was really nice. Is that some of the things you have been working on?"

"Yes." Gaara nodded.

"Wait Chomei. I can explain. Just come with me." Kisame grabbed her hand embarrassed. "Oh I hope Kai doesn't kill me." He erected a small mud wall around them.

"Why did you do that Kisame?" Shuba asked him. She was whispering so the others didnt hear.

"Part of my aspect. I have Fertility, Love, and Turmoil. The later is a small one. It developed because of what happened in my clan." Kimimaro looked at her with his standard smile. It was lukewarm at best. "I did not like the fact he kept waiting. Father said people who do that will make me stronger. However, just like him, I do not like it. It is insufferable." His face scrunched a little.

"Wait.. your father has them to? Are you saying Kai has the same aspects?" Shuba forgot to whisper it.

"Umm yes. He can ignore them though. Says it is better to let me people try to find their own way sometimes. I mostly think it is because he does not want the hassle." Kimimaro shrugged.

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