Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 73 - Uchiha Massacre Part 1

-A few years later in the Leaf Village-

"I still think this is crazy." Tsume said as they walked to the Uchiha compound. Supringsly, she held Kai by the hand. Not caring what anyone thought. "We should just handle it ourselves and crush the problem."

"I agree with you a 100%. However, they want to do it themselves. And Arianna said it's better that way." Kai looked to the side at Tsume as they walked. "If it goes wrong, they have only themselves to blame. We can walk away with clean hands."

"Hmm, I guess so." Tsume pulled his arm tighter as they walked. She sent a sound transmission to his ear. 'I want to be safer Kai. I want our pups safe. I agree with what Hisa said, about you doing whatever it takes. But I cant leave the Leaf village. This has always been my home. With Mastica and the others gone, the Inuzka clan needs me more than ever.'

'I figured as much.' Kai sent back nonplussed. 'I know Anko has not changed her mind on it as well. Most likely Chrysa won't want to leave either. You are not alone my mate.'

'Won't you stay?'

'I cannot. But if you call for me, I will come to you as fast as I can. Or you can call me directly.' Kai felt her grip loosen for a second before he added in. 'You are not what I am leaving. The village is. There is a place for you in the villages I am creating, you know this. I will do my best to push the body splitting more. Once I grow stronger I will have a me really close to you all.'

'It won't be the same. I just know it.' Tsume stopped walking for two reasons. One because they arrived. Two because she wanted to look him dead in the eyes. Kai looked back at her as his eyes turn to their normal brown. This made Tsume smile. "Your brown eyes I like most of all. It lets me feel as if I am looking at a loving man more than anything else."

"Mom we are in public!" Hana said hiding her face and Kiba's eyes. Her thoughts were a lot different. 'You go mom!'

"A loving man. Hmm," Kai grabbed Tsume by the bottom of her back. He was surprised when she didnt pull away. She was not one for public displays. "Muah, I will give you a lot of loving later. So much you will get sick of me." With a quick kiss on the lips, he felt himself become stronger.

"I will hold you to it." Tsume responded with lidded eyes. She leaned over and bit his neck. "Grr, mine." She left a bunch of bite marks that were very visible. "Time to go inside. And see if they screw this up somehow. I cannot believe Pakura convinced me to wear this useless yukata. Then again you wearing one to. So I am not alone in this ridiculousness."

"What nah, they will do fine," Kai smirked. Kiba gave him a sly grin before walking to him. "What's up pup?"

"Nothing.. dad. But glad you are here with us. Even if it is temporary. I will keep the pack safe in your stead." Kiba gave him a look he only saw in TenTen before. A quick flash of an aspect forming before disappearing.

"You bet." Hana added. "Besides we are family even if we are apart."

"Lord Uzumaki and family, come in." Fugaku said from the entrance. He was quite jubilant especially with the news of his wife becoming pregnant again. "Let's get politics over and enjoy ourselves."

-A few hours later at the table-

"It is a shame that Arianna couldnt make it." Elder Fujin said. "It would be nice to see her and the little girl. To think she adopted."

"She is happy. That is what matters." Kai responded. He was not about to tell them she was their daughter. It was good for the child's safety. Even more so he was not going to tell them about their other daughter. A little more talking and the elder left. Leaving just Kai and Fugaku to sit in silence for a bit.

Especially since she was older than she should be. One little mishap in the dimension traveling had him and Arianna trapped for 6 years. During that time she gave birth to a little girl. Arietta they named her. She was defintely a mommies girl. They made it back right as Arianna's water broke the second time for the other daughter. This one was named Nines.

Kai tried to change the name but was unable to. Then he rembered the vision he had during the picnic. Nines was an Uchiha girl that was with them. But he felt it was off, since it was hard to tell if she was the same as that girl then. He spent a lot of time with her and felt the presence was exactly the same so it was left alone.

"Our daughter is growing well since her treatment. A bit of a daddy's girl but no matter." Kai smiled before relaxing. "How do you like being a grandfather?"

"It is... fun. I never thought I would enjoy it so much. My wife says it suits me. It also caused more of the elders to join my side." Fugaku temped his fingers together. "They believe Itachi and Izanagi to only be 13. This works in our favor, since they believe they care solely for the clan itself. But I am glad you found a way to age them for 4 years. Only myself and the wife knows."

"I am sorry what!?" Kai looked alarmed. "You should not have told her anything about it."

"My wife is trustworthy Kai," Fugaku said. He was surprised at the man's outburst.

"Haa but her uncle is not in your faction. Small conversations can give away a lot of information. Where is Itachi and Izanagi right now?" Kai asked. He had not seen them since arriving. 'His wife is a very unknown element. Everything has shown no problems on the surface. However... she was nowhere to be found on the night of the Ninetail's attack. It is bullshit to think she did not have a hand in it. Fugaku was accounted for, but not her.'

"I seriously doubt they do anything to them." Fugaku said. His c.h.e.s.t then tightened a little. "However, he has asked to spin a lot of time with the child. I thought nothing of it since.. well he is family." Fugaku thought for a moment and dismissed the notion. looking ut in the crowd of people, he froze. Seeing a member he didnt recognize he called him over. The sound seal dropped. "You come here for a second."

"Yes Lord, how can I be of service?" The person asked.

"Who are you? I do not recognize you. Which is extremely weird." Fugaku stared.

"Umm its me Iro. I just came back from the mission your late father sent me on. Me and the others have been at it for the last few years." Iro said. "It has been a day since we came back home."

"How many of you came back?" Fugaku asked.

"7 out of 10." Iro said a little uncomfortable. "I understand long mission's have there problems. But you dont remember me at all cousin?"

"7 out of 10.. that is not right." Kai said shaking his head. "There was suppose to be only 9."

"How do you know that?" Fugaku asked.

"A lot of information gathering. That.. and I broke into the mission center and read who was where. That team was only composed of 9 ninja. 3 genin, 3 chunin, 3 jonin special." Kai said not caring if they were upset. Which Fugaku actually wouldn't care about, since he had broken into the mission center more than once. However, he didn't go to the deeper vault floors. "Deployed to the land of Rice for the long haul."

"Umm then wait." Iro looked at him for a bit. "wait there is Rosho. He was one of the jonin."

"Rosho! Come here quickly!" Fugaku called. The man ran over then stopped.

He then dropped to the floor in slight convulsions. "Grrkk." Kai gave him a slight burst of light chakra when he hit him in the c.h.e.s.t.

"Ahhhh!" All across the room, people started to drop. "Gurrgle." Foam coming from there mouths. Good news no blood mixed in. Bad news.. they were foaming at the mouth. They then went to sleep?

"Swoosh!" Gemini dropped in.

"All across the compound, Uchiha members have dropped." Gemini looked at the man Iro. "You are the only one unaffected. However, they have had food and water since coming back."

"I cant eat right now. Medication is preventing me from doing so. Lady Tsunade's orders. I received a really bad sickness in Rice country." Iro said shaking his head. He was not intimidated at all. "Fugaku ate and he is fine! How do you know it is not his doing?"

"Hmmm you little punk! Wait, no time to deal with you. I need to check on my family!" Creating several clones, 15 shot out the room. 2 stood behind and went to work on the people in the room. "Kai.. I need your help."

"Already on it." Kai's eyes were glowing with chakra as he searched the compound. "Your family.. is nowhere on the premises. Sasuke is with Kiba in the back. They are checking on the kids who have dropped as well." Gemini left to go back to Kiba and inform him. "Your people are under an illusion. Which is extremely different than any I have come across." Kai stopped his scan as he had found Tsume with Mikoto. They were heading back to the compound. "Why did Mikoto and Tsume leave the compound?"

"They were called to the Hokage tower." Iro said. He was kneeling checking on an Uchiha as well. "It happened about an hour ago when she was talking to my father."

"Your father?? Well just crap on a cracker." Kai started walking away. "I am gonna check on Tsume. Ask her where Hana is."

"Hana?? The girl with the three dogs?" Iro asked.


"She left with Itachi and Izanagi."

"When was this?" Fugaku asked.

"Uhh, I have no idea. I am not there keeper geez." Iro said exasperated. "Maybe... right before you called me I saw them." Iro started shaking his head as he felt slightly irritated.

"That does not sound right at all." Kai said. He walked over and poked Iro full of chakra. He watched as the man eyes dilated before he came to. "He was under someone's control. The information he gave us most likely is false."

"Ha..ha..ha.." A ninja came in out of breath. "Lord Uzumaki, Lord Uchiha we have trouble! A weird purple mist has come into the compound. We can't get out. Also, a man with a mask has been seeing over the residential area."

"This is turning into a circus." Kai left the hall and headed outside. He was surprised he couldnt see in front of him. Even with his enhanced vision. "Tch something is in the mist. But no matter." With a wave of his hand upward, the mist spread out of the way. "Holy crap balls." All around the people who attended the party were out cold and asleep.

"Who the hell are you?" A man asked from atop a building. "You look promising though." Before he could say anything more Kai let loose a burst of super speed and flew behind him. He snapped his neck and f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y read his mind.

"Crack!" Even with his neck snapped the man still managed to blink his eyes. He tried to resist the forceful read of his mind, but Kai was not being nice as he ripped through his mental guards.

"An outsider playing around. How stupid. To think you would aid Akatsuki. Now just need to find that brat Tobi." Kai stored the body in a pocket dimension and looked towards were Hana was. She was actually with Itachi and Izanagi. They were fighting against an Akatsuki member. One that Kai did not recognize. "Not happening." Kai ran to get in front of Hana, as she was shielding Itachi's baby from an attack. Around them a few other Uchiha were dead.

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