Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 75 - Uchiha Massacre Part 3

"Mom!" Sasuke yelled. He ran to his mother seeing the blood on her. "You ok?"

"Yes." Mikoto put on her mother's smile. Kai knew it to be fae now. But her kids wouldn't after always seeing it. Tsume snarled but said nothing.

"I am going to look around. Stay safe." kai said after a quick scan.

"Woosh !" Kai was gone.

"Father you may want to go help." Itachi said. He watched as his father fussed over his mother. 'What is wrong with me? Is it because of the vision I saw? I have to ask kai about this later. As well as what happened with my eyes. I need to know why that man's chakra so distorted.'

"Right. I am trusting you to keep our family safe." Fugaku then left. "I have someone else to deal with. No one comes after my family or my clan." Fugaku had received a transmission from kai. He was told about an intruder at the family's archives.

-Uchiha Courtyard-

"Glad we decided to patrol the area again." TenTen said. "I didnt think it would go this bad."

"Yeah me either." Ino second her. She scanned the area and noticed a weird chakra build up not to far from them. "Something is coming from that direction." A man could be seen coming there way.

"Arietta dont touch them." Karin said. "I dont think it is wise. Besides, from TenTen's chakra we are getting ready to have to fight."

"Ok sis!" Arietta listen happily.

"Suit up!" TenTen ordered. Each girl then circled their chakras at the base of there necks. Clothing turned into Reinforced Kevlar chakra armor. "Threat level SSS detected."

"Oh man!" Ino pulled out several talismans. She sent ten out that turned into little paper people. "Go get reinforcements at once!"

"Firestyle: Fireball technique!" Arietta launched her attack in the direction of the energy spike. One giant ball of fire went straightway. From her sleeves, she sent of 15 shurikens around that same direction.

"Water Style: Mass Water Clone Technique!" Karin took a breath, stealing the moisture from the surroundings. When she exhaled, a large fountain water came out. It took shape into several copies of Karin. Inside the clones was a little ball. It was trap placed inside.

"Tchk, tchk!" TenTen cut her forearms before slapping the ground.

"Reverse Summong: Big Bro Ku-La!"

"Poof!" Out appeared Kurama. He was dressed in a bathrobe and slippers.

"What the hell is that thing!?" Kurama yelled at the mass of fire that burned a man's skin off. Not waiting for an answer he gathered his chakra. "Time to get to work!" Circulating his chakras his clothing changed to that of an anbu member. Smacking his hands togethor, Kurama burned through the chakra that was provided to him. 'Uzumaki Style: Vajra Sealing Chains!'

Red chains made from his chakra, went out wrapping the man. The man's movements stopped immediately.

"You cannot be serious with this level of strength. I am a God." The burning man said.

"Right.. and I like mashed potatoes with vinegar in it." Arietta said jokingly. She threw a kunai at the so-called God's head. Her job was to annoy and keep the enemy preoccupied.

"Fwip!" The kunai travelled in the air before stopping a foot away from him.

"This is nothing compared to to.." His voice was cut off.

"Boom!" Attached to the kunai was an explosive tag that detonated. The shuriken thrown earlier lifted up and went straight at him next. "Sching!" Each connected at the exact same time.

"Go!" Karin ordered. The water clones jumped into the air. Making contact with the flames, the fire turned green. "Ha!" She grunted activating the seals. The trap was sprung and the fire grew even higher. It turned a white color as it burned hotter with an increase of pressure as well.

"Poof!" Kurama disappeared. Along with the chains.

"Tch, something drained his chakra." Ino said. She was concentrating as her senses touched the surroundings. "There is something helping this man. Someone else is hiding nearby. They are out of my range.

"Keep your guard up." TenTen gave a look around and could only see a few flickerings going on. 'Something is wrong here. Something else. Is this man a Zetsu? No, that cant be right. He is something else. I will have to go with that other option.'

Once the fire died away. They watched as the man reformed.

"You cant kill me brats!" The enemy god said.

"Mofo please, I can kill anything with time." TenTen pulled her special Kunai's out and threw them at the enemy. They pierced right through his new formed flesh. 'Arrogant prick!' Threads of hair was attached to the kunai. TenTen's eyes glowed gold with her aspect. Determination infused the hairs. "You do not belong here!"

"See child there is nothing you can .." The enemy god stopped once he felt his energy was leaving him. Then the threads began to vibrate.

"Light him up little sis!" TenTen yelled to her little sister.

"You got it." The little girl jumped up and took a breath. As if the very air itself was her meal for the taking. 'Fire Style: Burning Vortex!' Her mouth opened and black blue fire traveled down to the shifting wires.

"Swish, swish, swish," the added flame caused the threads to cut through the creature's flesh and burned it away. It was unable to regenerate. It was a soul technique that hurt him this time.

"Ino you ready?" Karin asked to the side.

"Yup!" She entered her sage mode in a split second. Opening her mind's eye to see the flow of chakra travel. "Around the core of the stomach!"

"Right!" Karin grabbed her medical needle and wait just as TenTen's threads would overlap. "There!"

Karin threw the needles laced with her most deadly poison. "Tsh, tsh, tsh," the three needles caught there target and pierced the creature's soul.

"Ahhhh who taught you soul techniques of this level?"

"My mama chump." Karin ran through hand signs and started disorienting the soul. "Uzumaki Grand Sealing Technique!" The needles started to vibrate at different frequencies and caused the soul to break apart next.

"Done!" Ino finishes her technique and pulled at the creature's mind. The frequency the needles vibrated at, allowed her to find a weakness in the thought process. With the burning of the flames TenTen, threw out three scrolls to finish the job.

"Summoning Technique: Old Man Reaper!" She cut her forearm in three locations. Three drops of blood went to the scrolls, then turning to lines that started to form a body. "I offered this trespasser to you."

"Raah!" Out came the reaper. It was tethered togethor by the three bloodlines from the scroll. The reaper reached out and grabbed the body remains. He was unaffected by the threads and burning flames. Next, his left hand whirled around like it was making cotton candy. It raised to the mouth eating the mind completely. The right hand went out and dragged the struggling soul. In a shriek, it was over.

"Eeeekkk! How can this be?!" He squealed in fear.

"Good job old man." TenTen stared at it. The very moment its eyes turn to her, she activated the scrolls. "Bad Reaper punishment time!" TenTen grinned like a dirty old man. The scroll ripped the Repear in three and dragged him inside the scrolls. It looked terrified as it was dragged away. "Bad things get punished." The symbol of cruelty shone in her eyes as it was pulled and sealed. "Hah, glad that's over."

"Clear here as well." Karin said into a radio. "Moving to help the injured."

"TenTen time to go!" Ino said. Her pulse quicked when she saw TenTen let loose a wave of chakra.

"Tch, the creep is here." TenTen called out. She grabbed her sister and threw her towards the others.

"Retreat!" Karin yelled catching the girl.

"Bam!" TenTen sent a back high kick to the figure that appeared. The mask on the side of his face breaking instantly. It was Tobi Uchiha.

"Urgh!" Tobii g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he was sent sailing into a house. 'That kid dumped a massive load of chakra into that. She should be empty.'

"Tch, I want to fight him. But family first." TenTen was already running to the others. With her seal unlocked, her superspeed had her caught up to them instantly. She pulled out her special Kunai's and placed them in her mouth. Next, she grabbed her new smoke bombs from her side pouch.

"Bweem," 15 feet in front of them a swirl appeared with Tobi swirling out of it. Soon as he arrived TenTen threw regular smoke bombs. "Pat pat pat," The girls then ran to the left. "Bweem," Tobi appeared again in front of them. TenTen threw out her next bombs.

"Kaboom!" These exploded and started to collapse space around him. Using his eye technique he fought back restoring space.

Seeing this TenTen and Karin grab a person each and let the Uchiha compound. But not without leaving a present behind.

"Swish, swish, swish," three Kunai's Tenten had, went directly towards Tobi.

"Arrgh!" He screamed as his heart and left lung was pierced. The worse part was that his Zetsu attachment started leaving his body. "Arrgghh!" His screaming helped wake the Uchiha clan that were put to sleep by the illusion technique.

"Fwoosh," Kakashi, Guy, and Asuma appeared. Kai floated down from up top. His eyes were full of anger as he fired at the mass of Zetsu cells.

"Kill him Kakashi!" Asuma growled. His hand clutched his side in pain. "Or I will!" They fought some weird men before making into the compound. Asuma took a really bad cut to the side.

"He is not the same boy that you trained with." Guy said slowly. He never took his eyes of Kai however. 'His anger is growing. It has manifested as chakra. Why does this remind me of something?'

"I cant. We should take him In for questioning." Kakashi stepped forward. When he was close, Tobi lashed out.

"Kakashi I will kill you before I die!" Tobi raged.

"Just stop." Kakashi pleaded.

"Fwosh," Danzo, Hiruzen and Fugaku appeared. The later missing an eye.

"Traitorsous filth!" Fugaku stepped forward. His one eye spinning dangerously. "I will kill you for what you have done to my family!"

"Stop!" Kakishi yelled. "He has information we need. The safety of the village is at stake."

"Grrrr." Fugaku growled in annoyance.

"Hahahaha you are fools!" Tobi laughed like a maniac. "I will not be stopped!"

"Rumble!" The ground started to shake as it split open. Several Zetsu's broke through. "Chish," their bodies burning away instantly, however.

"How did you do that?" Tobi questioned. He was speaking to Kai who ignored him as massive amounts of chakra engulfed the compound. Burning through the underground creatures.

'Tch they are everywhere. If it wasn't for the seals in place, things would have gone worse.' Kai thought as he worked. He kept providing chakra to boost the effects. "Get real! You think I will allow you to encroach here?" Poring more chakra out, Kai started to glow in light.

"Wooom" the area was bathe in the light. When it finished, the Zetsu's were gone. Looking around Kai stopped when he felt a tug. He shot off to the left, they could handle him easily now.

-Senju Compound-

"Fwoosh!" Kai looked around trying to figure out what could pull him here. That is when he spotted them. Pakura talking to a man in black robe. Stretching his senses he listened to the conversation.

"I will not allow you to stay here anymore." The black robe man said. "It is time to collect."

"It is not your decision. My home is here at his side. My family and my children have no ties to the Village Hidden in the Sand." Pakura said in a cold tone. "Stay away. For your own good. I do not care how you found me. You will not get this bounty. Leave now Kakuzu. The Village Hidden in Stone is not on good terms here."

"Then I will have to take your heart as compensation." Kakuzu declared.

"Bweem!" A blast of white heat ray fired from Kai's eyes. A split second later it fired from Pakura as well.

"You are ok yes?" Kai asked Pakura dangerously. His body grew in chakra at a dangerous level.

"I am fine. Thank you." Pakura grabbed Kai and felt the anger he had. She felt he was close by. But once Kakuzu threated her, that was his tipping point. "Just an old.. acquaintance. He spared my life on a mission. In turn I helped him with a bounty every now and then."

"Well, this is new." Kakuzu stood up. His flesh not regrowing as it should. "Who are you?"

"You get one chance. And only one. Leave now." Kai said. His voice had turned twisted as his chakra rose so high that the air started to warp.

"This is not over." Kakuza said before leaving.

"Kai he is gone calm down. I am surprised you let him go."

"Had no choice. I would have destroyed everything in that direction if I would have attacked." Kai transmitted directly to her ears. "My aspects shot up as I gain way to much chakra just now."

"Hmm, the Uchiha's not killing them?" Pakura asked.

"Yes. My power is feeding off what has happened there. Also, I took out two trespassers. I think TenTen and the girls ran into another." Kai felt his chakra finally settle back. His strength was at a dangerous level as he reapplied his seals to regain control. "Gona have to train up again. Chakra is just crazy."

"No being these gods are." Pakura added. "I like it. I also wanted to fight against Kakuzu myself. I call dibs next time. I am also gonna let him know I married a Senju. That will drive him nuts."

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