Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 76 - Uchiha Massacre Part 4

-Back at the compound-

"He escaped! He escaped!" Kai looked at Kakashi ready to kill the man. "After all of that prep, you let him go." He lifted him into the air ready to smash him into the ground.

"Lord Senju enough! Let my son go!" Sukmo yelled.

"After all, I have done for you boy, this is the thanks I get? I told you what happened to your teacher. I told you about Naruto and that blasted girl Rin. I was tempted to get her back for you but screw that." Kai's eyes burned hot. "All you had to do was stop your blasted friend. Who was responsible for so much. The reason Naruto has no parents. Did you forget that!?" Cruelty gaining more power from his words. Slowly, hower the aspect of Compassion was bringing him clarity.

"I know. I just couldnt do it." Kakashi said slowly. "I am sorry."

"Cousin enough!" Tsunade said coming in. "I need your help with Fugaku. All the medical ninja are busy. Please help me!"

"Tch!" Kai gritted his teeth and left with Tsunade. Tsume remained and listened to the rest of the details of what happened.

-In the infirmary-

"Ughhh ahhh!" Fugaku was screaming in agony. A barrier around himself as well as restraints holding him down. A few other Uchiha had been done the same way. "Just kill me already! I won't betray my family!"

"Easy now, easy my friend." Kai walked near him and sent his light chakra out. They took the shape of hands and burrowed into the groups of ninjas bodies. "So much of this crap."

"What is it?" Tsunade asked. She didnt go near it on instinct after what happened to one of the nurses. "Will they be ok?"

"All will be well." Kai said calmly. His voice laced with a tone she never heard before. It was soothing and full of confidence. A blue chakra washed out next pacifying the patients as they were put to sleep.

Several tears opened and the masses were thrown inside isolated from each other. The hands went back inside the group cleaning every nook and cranny of the body. It did one more pass breaking down remnants into cells that attacked any residual left behind. Any cell that had been tampered with was now absorbed by the breakdown and restructured to a new healthy cell. Zetsu cells attacked Zetsu cells. Even with Kai's strength it was difficult. Each cell of Zetsu had a power of its own. It fought the change.

Three hours passed before Kai was done. He signaled for the barrier to be dropped around Fugaku. Walking through he touched the man's eye and saw it was gone. Focusing some light chakra he grew a new one on its place.

"They need rest now. If anything strange happens let me know." Kai looked to one of his medical ninja. The woman nodded and went to the others and started treatment. Turning to Tsunade he answered her question from earlier. "It is a creature created from a dead baby and busload of chakra and craziness. A bioweapon technically."

"A bioweapon?" Tsunade contemplated with her head down for a bit. Looking up she saw Kai had made it to the exit. "Huh? Wait for me!" She caught up in no time and followed him.

"What is it?" Kai asked her.

"You.. were amazing back there. I dont understand why you dont do medical full time. In fact I dont understand why you do most of the things you do."



"People fundamentally do not understand each other. Ninja even more so. One of the things that make life worth living, is trying to understand each other." Kai said peacefully.

"Hmmm, why cant you be like this all the time. It would be great if you were." Tsunade said softly. "I think.. I think I want to get to know your family more. Not just the other Senju members but the Uzumaki's as well. Especially since they are distant relatives."

"Dont cause problems and everything will be fine." Kai said. He turned to give her a once over. He made sure she was not infected. "Do try to sleep more, the stress will kill you."

"Fwoosh," Kai left. He headed to the Inuzuka compound to check on the others.

"I was not done.. ahh talking. I used to much chakra. Time for bed." Tsunade yawned before walking back home. In the shadows two Senju Jonin watched over her. They were two from the village of women that tailed her exclusively.

- Inuzuka Compound -

"How is she?" Kai asked the medical ninja upon entering.

"Good. Whatever you gave her is working wonders. Her fever broke already. She was up for a little before going back to sleep." The medical smiled briefly before going back to work.

"That is good." Kai spoke softly as he pets Hana's hair. Feeling his presence she rubbed her head against his palm. "You will be fine Hana, I won't go anywhere till you wake up."

"Your here!" Kiba yelled coming in. "I thought you would be at the hospital still."

"No. I took care of all the business there. Now back here. How are you doing?" Kai asked looking at the boy. "Heard you took out your first enemy. Proud of you pup."

"Hehe it was nothing." Kiba rubbed his nose as he responded. His two ninja dogs sticking there heads out of his hoodie pouch. "They did most of the work. My sis is going to be ok right?"

"Yes she will be. Do not worry " Kai smiled.

"That is good." Kiba climbed on the bed and curled up with his sister. He felt asleep quite fast.

"Kai your here." Tsume said coming inside. A bowl with some broth inside was placed to the side. Tsume sat next to him quietly for a moment. "You.. you rushed to help her. Thank you."

"Anytime that I can, I will." Kai said.

"Yes but you prioritize her over others. That means a lot." Tsume walked over and sat next to him. She grabbed Hana by the hand and gently stroked it. "Such a kind girl we have. To think she jumped in the way to shield them first."

"Hana will be ok." Kai said again. "Just a lot of chakra loss is all. She freed herself from Zetsu all on her own. Glad I scorched the bastard."

"This thing wont be back anytime soon right?"

"I dont know. I have placed a seal all around the compound to make sure. There is one around the village as well. Some scattered around the countryside. I am doing everything I can to find them. It is hard work." Kai said. "Even with all my strength, there is still some things I cannot change. Not yet anyway."

"Dont get in to much of a rush that you forget about your family." Tsume leaned into him. "I am glad for the training we received. I am so much stronger than I ever thought possible before. But I am just one person. I must train the others up as well."

"We have time. 4 or 5 years before we get really active. Then another 2 or 3 for the final big incident."

"War. We will be ready though right?" Tsume asked.

"Yes. Now it is just preparing to reduce casualties and damage control. As well as prevent trouble on our end." Kai reassured her. "Once each of you get to my current level, there will not be a problem. In fact, you may get bored with how easy it will be for you to win."

"Never. I look forward to that day." Tsume answered. "The few women from that village are turning into good allies. Glad you have them. Especially since instinctively the common folk dont notice there strength. They make from great infiltrators."

"That is good. Ritsuko did a really good job working with Hisa and Kari. So many names though." Kai smirked.

"Maybe but it keeps the kids from getting put in any clan restoration acts. As well as keeping you from killing anybody trying to force one." Tsume said. "I have spoken with my mother about it some more. She getting our family to pull back on its customs. She wants to see how our kids turn out first. We will have a clan vote next year and see."

"That is good." Kai said. "The idea of Hana getting forced into a loveless marriage is irksome."

"Heh despite you putting those women in one." Tsume felt kai wince a little. "You should feel pained. Before you defintely didnt give them the time of day. I for one am happy for that island trip. It made you more human."

"Haa, yeah I guess." Kai sighed. "But it is not like they were not given anything for it. I just tried to handle it as professionally as possible. However, the situation gave me power."

"Your aspects suck sometimes. Although some I can appreciate." Tsume snarled before relaxing. "Cruelty to even family and self. It will make us strong. Better than to be weak like lettuce."

"Haha it is weak like cabbage." Kai laughed at the mistake.

"But lettuce is weak to. I rather say lettuce." Tsume pouted a little. She pinched Kai in the side. She got a good grab in. "Just you wait, I will be strong enough to hurt you one day."

"Look forward to it." Kai smiled at her. That is when Hana decided to wake up.

"Stop flirting you two. How can a girl rest." Hana joked. Her wolf companions came over instantly by her feet. She gave them a pet with her feet. "I am ok. Just tired. Nothing has changed."

"Sorry to say Hana that is not true." Kai said seriously.

"What do you mean dad?"

"You have caught a little more up to your mother. The bloodline of my own has awakened more in you. In fact you have an aspect already. Your a little more powerful than when you went to sleep." Kai ran his chakra over her arm. A blue glow of chakra passing between them. "It does suit you."

"it.. is.. Hope?" Hana asked puzzled. She looked at her mother a little fearful ."Mom I didnt.."

"Easy there. I know combat is not for you. I may not like it, but I am proud of the young woman you are turning into. You are by far the best doctor we have and ever will be." Tsume said with a disarming smile. She turned to the nurse walking around. "Of course your no slouch either Chie."

"Yeah yeah. Just dont hog husband next week. I am finished here and leaving." Chie came over to Kai and gave him a kiss. "You dont go destroying any buildings. Night everyone."

"It was an accident!" Kai said indignantly. "It is not like I expected you uncle to sucker punch me. I backhanded him on reflex."

"Yes through a building. Your senses are charged up to much. You went into full battle mode. He was just joking with you." Tsume smiled at the memory. "But you did cause a lot of the men to look up to you. As well as a few women." Her eyes slited at that. "But you have enough Inuzukas in our family already.

"Yes, I do definitely. To many even. Your bloodline runs far. At least 5 of the village of women nd the one's we took in from the sandstone skirmish had your family's blood in it." Kai thought it was interesting. It made doing blood work on the people even better. A lot of families were able to reunite this way.

"I like the idea of reuniting families," Hana added. "It helped in growing our family. So good in my book."

"Yes." Tsume smiled a little. They talked a little more before Hana went back to sleep. Kai and Tsume walked out and went for a little walk. That then turned into him flying off with her.

"Tap," they landed at the Hokage monument alone.

"So you ready?" Kai asked.

"Yes. Show me your chakra." Tsume smirked. Kai inturned released his seals and let his chakra spread out. It was completely under his control as he did so. Making himself glad she was around. "That is good. Same as before you have more control when we are nearby. If you arent mad."

"Yeah. Earlier I almost destroyed a good portion of an area. It was good Pakura was there. I am growing to fast here. By product of accepting the women. Considering I accepted them on the island, it should not have been that bad."

"But you forgot they became stronger to. Your body is responding to our increase in strength." Tsume walked over and grabbed him. "Becoming these.. gods and goddesses will be troublesome. Sooner or later one of the kids will step out of line."

"I know.. just do not look forward to it. They will not get a free pass." Kai said resolutely. Tsume nodded in agreeance. "Anyone of our kids out of control can do massive damage and kill and entire village in seconds. Shit, they can destroy so much, it is scary."

"Fwoosh," Kari landed next to them.

"That is why I will stop them. Me and 4 others will prevent as best we can." Kari said. "I no better than most what the loss of control will do." She gave Kai a pained look.

"I am not mad about that anymore. Geez stop giving me that look." Kai smiled wrly. Kari stuck her tongue at him before smiling. "Anyway, it is a very beautiful night."

"Yeah but we didnt save all the Uchiha." Tsume said.

"Some is better than none. In a few years there losses will be recouped. I think." Kai smirked. "Fugaku is just gonna have to ger another wife. Along with the other men and make some babies."

"Pfft that stick in the mud has not changed that much." Tsume laughed.

"You would be suprised." Kai smirked at her.

"What did you do?" Kari and Tsume asked togethor.

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