Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 77 - Uchiha Massacre Part 5 End

"Soo.. my wife was a puppet?" Fugaku asked.

"Umm by my standards yes. But she is still the woman you fell in love with. However she may have started acting different." Kai said. His face was a little twisted as he tried to explain things. "I mean, if you are happy and she is.. what ever, just be whatever togthor."

"Haaa all these years." Fugaku looked at the saucer of wine in front of him. "Here I thought she was devoted to me."

"Wait now.. just .wait. She has been devoted to you. Not like she cheated on you or anything. And you have not been cuckold. So points to her. She just was forced to do things that .. well I think she wouldnt do herself. I mean come on man. Your not gonna throw away your marriage for this are yah?"

"Would you?"


"Would you end your marriage over this?"

"Ah no. I mean dont get me wrong, I would be upset but I am generally upset about things. So there is that. They say I get to lazy at times so I put a scowl on to distract them sometimes. Karin and TenTen have caught onto it though." Kai had a small smile on his face as he spoke. "Let me tell you a few instances about me and my wives."

For the next few hours Kai talked and Fugaku listened. Fugaku face never stood the same more than two minutes before he was either laughing or slapping his face at what Kai told him. What story pissed him off enough that he threw his wine at the man. As each story unfolded, things turned to the point that Fugaku actually cried at one point.

"I see. Sorry you had to bury some of your children." Fugaku said.

"It is in the past. However it did change me a great deal. Never have been the same since then." Kai swishes the alcohol in his saucer for a bit. "I use to love this stuff."

"Oh! I wanted to ask why you never really drink?"

"Ah it reminds me to much of bad things. Also does nothing for me anymore. Then again.. guess I should let things go now." Kai took a sip of the drink before putting it down. "Still tasted better."

"Its an acquired taste I suppose. So you really gave her the silent treatment over a cabin?" Fugaku shook his at Kai's nod. "You are something else. But all of us are.. for certain things. I want to think you for saving who you could. Especially my sons and grandchild."

"Grandchildren. That girl is pregnant again. Such a feisty Uchiha. Itachi better learn to keep up with her. I swear I saw her destroying a straw dummy earlier." Kai smirked at that.

"That is good news. I will wait till they are ready to tell us. You are right though. I dont know what I would do if we were to part. I still loathe the fact I almost lost her. I hate what has happened to my clan!" Fugaku clenched his fist tighter in agitation. "This is not what I wanted."

"Just focus on recovery and getting better. People will ask what happen, have a United front with those who remain and all will be well. Dont falter after coming fo far." Kai said.

"Haaa your right. I will keep moving forward. With this clan and my family there is nothing I will fear in the future." Fugaku smiled. It was strained but it was there at least. "Arianna can come to the clan more if she likes. I know a few of the others would love to see her."

"That is her choice. Just do not cause her trouble." Kai said.

"Everytime I talk with you it is something more to learn." Fugaku stated. "If you were born an Uchiha I wonder how things would have been?"

"Would you like to see?" Kai asked.

"Oh you practice more with your illusions finally. That is good." Fugaku smiled happily. He saw Kai float a sphere over to him. "This looks weird. I take it I just circulate my chakra through it?" Kai nodded at him. "Ok."

For an hour, Kai sat in silence waiting for the man to return.

"Ha that was something else." Fugaku exhaled. "I think this is something that would be nice. Would you like to see?"

"No. Some things are better left not seen." Kai smiled as the sphere was dismissed. "Congrats on your eyes."

"Hmm my eyes?" Fugaku looked over to a mirror and saw the change. "Ah there blue now. And have tiny dots in them. Something to play around with later."

"Haha yes I suppose so. Listen, I hope you can move forward I really do." Kai spoke softly at the end. Fugaku nodded. Before he could speak again the door opened.

"Crkk," Mitoko entered with Pakura and Molina. The latter woman was a member of the village of women. She was a fair decent chinin that married Kai. She was here because of her small ties to the Uchiha clan. Born from an Uchiha man during his time on a long mission.

"Oh who is this?" Fugaku asked. He saw her eyes and were shocked. "Another Uchiha? Where do you come from?"

"The village of women. But my bloodline is not that thick to be consider an Uchiha." She blinked and her eyes returned to normal. "I will keep my Uzumaki name. Thank you very much." She was angry and did not mind letting it show.

"What can I do for you?"

"I wish to visit the grave of my father. There are some things I want to yell at his tombstone." Molina was very straightforward about what she wanted.

"That can be arranged. However, can you wait a few days? We have to clean it up some more. Someone did a little fighting there." Fugaku looked to Kai.

"He he he.. it was your wife who was fighting. Some barely destroyed any tombstones. I just roasted the bodies." Kai scratched his nose. A habit he picked up from Kiba.

"Of course that will work just fine." Molina stepped back and move to sit by Kai. "I want some time today. Just a small amount."l

"Ok. We can go away for a week if you like." Kai said directly for only her ears to hear. The sound transmission turned out to be the most used ability of his he noticed. She nodded that the was fine. "Ok, so what bad news do you have Pakura?"

"What?! I dont have bad news." Pakura looked away and whistled a little. "Mikoto has the bad news."

"Oh just stabbed the kunai deeper why dontcha!" Mikoto exclaimed. "Haa it is not bad news per sey. Just need to know Fugaku."

"Hmm?" Fugaku looked at her curious.

"I am still allowed in our home or do you want me to leave?"

"Huh stay silly woman. Just had a little trouble wrapping my head around things." Fugaku said. He gave her a smile that caused Mikoto to blush.

"What in .. nope not questioning that. Just chalking it up to Uchiha Charisma." Kai said under his breath.

"That is good because I am pregnant. We confirmed it this morning." Miktoto smiled as she told him. Fugaku mouth was opened so wide tou could fit an ostrich egg inside.

"Huh didnt have do anything. Regular old nature ran its course." Kai mumbled.

"Your chakra has been affecting him. As well as a few others around the village. Especially areas you spend a lot of time at. Like the park. There is a large influx of bunny rabbits that the Hokage had to make several rabbit catching missions. As well as for deer." Pakura chuckled at that .

"Hehe good for the genin." Kai didnt no what else to say really. That did give him an idea about something else he wanted to do.

"Another child. I wonder what we have this time." Fugaku looked dazed still but he was happy at least. "I cant wait."

"Good." Mikoto smiled and tentatively grabbed his hand. "Better smiling than brooding."

-Another hour goes by-

"Think it best we leave now. Do enjoy tourselves." Kai made to leave but stopped when he saw the door open. "Oh it is you."

"Hello Kai." Itachi diverted his attention for a bit. He gripped his hands tightly before he looked to his father on the side. He was momentarily stunned at his parents holding hands. "Father, Mother there is something I want to say."

"Hmm go ahead." Fugaku said.

"I wish to retire from Anbu. As well as take a smaller role as a Leaf ninja." Itachi said quickly. As if he would lose his nerve If he didnt get it out.

"Ok." Fugaku answered. "However, help train your brother and the others more. The clan will still need your strength to help rebuild."

"Are you serious!?" Itachi asked. He was expecting to argue a bit.

"Definitely time for us to go." Kai said. "Bye bye now." Grabbing his wives hands, they sped out of there quickly. They stopped at the Senju compound.

"Whoosh!" Pakura spoke first as she was used to it.

"You think what Tsunade wants is important?"

"Meh." Kai shrugged his shoulders. He turned to look at Molina. "Still not use to it yet?"

"Ugh nope. I rather we take it slower next time. Ohh we are here." Molona looked at the Senju compound in wonder. "Are we scoping it out to take over it?"

"Nah she can have it." Kai said. "No reason in taking aonething when I wont be staying."

"Pity. I like the architecture. I miss my house. Can we take it from that place next time?"

"Why do you want that mansion here first of all? Second where are you going to put it?"

"In the new village of course. You bought a good portion of that sand territory. I dont see why not." Molina pouted. "Besides I can defend it just fine." She released her seal and displayed her chakra. "I am at least low Kage rank. With the others it will be a cinch."

"Haaa fine. We will discuss it later. I rather you dont start counting your chickens before they hatch however. Still have to finish determining safety there." Kai smiled at her.

"Chk," the door to the gate opened. Jiraya was standing by the door with Tsunade. Kai felt the presence of a few others by them.

"Do come in. No need to wait out there, cousin." Tsunade said. "There are things to discuss." Not waiting on ceremony they entered inside and sat in a hall. The others were members of the Aburame clan.

"Well this is about what?" Pakura asked.

"We will would to try to mend things between the clans. Specifically the Aburame and Akimichi clan." Jariya said.

"Ahhh. Rather not waste time on this. Tsunade stated. "Let's just cut straight to it. Will you allow trade again with the Akimichi clan?" Pakura said no. "Will you allow the Aburame clan to talk alone with Shura?"

"Over my rotting corpse." Kai said coldly. Inside his shadow Gemini was seething like a raging puma.

"On what grounds do you think to keep a member of our clan?" The Aburame Elder asked.

"Shura was adopted into my clan a long time ago. She is also engaged to one of my people. Why should I even care what you have to say? She is Shura Senju, not Aburame."

"This is not over." The elder was upset at Kai's tone.

"Hmmm." Kai thought a little about it. His eyes glowing hot as his chakra rose. The plan was to wait a few more years before leaving the Leaf village. His aspect of Pandemonium was reving up at the possibility of wiping the Aburame clan out. "Haaa yes it is." Kai just sighed at the matter.

"What does Shura have to say?" Jariya asked. "Surely she should have input."

"She said for them to leave her alone." Pakura added. "A restaing order was filled out with the Hokage for you to cease pestering her. What is it going to take for you to leave the child alone?"

"The Hokage only granted that due to his relations with your husband. The council did not." The Aburame elder stated.

"Hmmmm, so let's do this then. If any Aburame member besides the few that have been approved by myself come near her, they will be killed. It is not like my clan doesnt love a good fight." Kai said plainly. "How many it takes for you all to understand does not matter anymore."

"Lord Uzu you go to far!" Jariaya said. The man's disregard for life unnerved him.

"Not far enough." Molina added. "If they left it alone everything would be fine and dandy. they are worst than stalker. Filthy little bugs."

"Grr you little." The Aburame Elder started to lose his cool as his insects started to become agitated.

"Enough!" Tsunade slammed the table. Destroying it in the process. "Both sides have been heard. That ends here and now. It would be best if the Aburame clan let this go. No need for it to escalate any futhur." The Aburame Elder said nothing in response.

"If I may speak now?" The Akimichi Elder asked. He was give a nod of approval. "The way you help increase plant growth as well as animal birth, we would like your assistance in the matter."

"Hmm nope." Pakura said. "Negotians have gone through several times with you not agreeing to our terms over the years. We have no real reason to agree now."

"If we hand over the recipe to our clan oills would that help? It is not the main one, bit something the clan would be able to tolerate another group knowing." The Elder stated.

"No. As was said before, we are no longer intrested in it. We had to develop new nutritional ways for our family. The amount of work we put into can no longer be recouped. As well as replace the lives lost." Molina stated.

Even with all there different abilities and strength, some things such as death still happen. Miscarriages and accidents still claimed a few lives of the children as well some members.

"Lives lost.. how many?" Tsunade looked to Kai who had a blank look.

"Too many." He said. "If this is all we will take our leave."

"Kai await a bit more." Tsunade said. "The others discussed a little more before departing. With Tsunade and Jariya on one side. Kai, Pakura, and Molina on the other. "Did the.. did they suffer?"

"Haa some but only for a moment." Kai said plainly as possible. 'Regrowing organs and pumping them full of chakra was not enough. Death still claimed them. If I could understand the aspect of Death more it wouldnt be a problem.'

Seeing his forlorn look, Tsunade remained quiet. Jariya took the time to speak. "This is not the right time but.. about Naruto. I would like to give him something."

"Hmm give it to him then." Kai said standing up. "I am.. tired. Pakura and Molina are more than capable of handling this."

"Fwoosh!" Kai was gone before they could blink.

"That was.. not what I wanted. How bad has it been?" Tsunade asked.

"Not that bad. A few of us kind of ignored some medical treatment. He want us to go more the modern approach. Some preferred the natural way." Molina said. "A few babies were lost in the process. Tradition over practicality caused to many problems."

"The children are buried where exactly?" Jariya asked.

"A place where family can only go." Pakura said quietly. "A very sad place."

-Over with Kai-

"Haa." Kai sighed into the emptiness of space. Below was a planet much like Earth. Scattered around were different gravestones for the babies and the mothers who ended there own lives from guilt. "Cant be everywhere at once."

A tap on his soul alerted him to Saresha wanting to talk. He obliged and the Goddes appeared a few feet to his side.

"Bwoom." Saresha was dressed in a robe like a woman of Greece of old. Minis the sandals however.

"Hello Kai. You are doing better I take it?"

"Hmm yes." Kai's eyes flashed oi k and purple for an instance. His demeanor changing to that of a simple man. "That is getting easier to do."

"Rearring one's emotions is defintely a plus for our kind. But dont do it to much, or you will forget who you are. Your aspects are quite.. dangerous." Saresha said to the young godling.

"Yeah duly noted. At least I have found ways to keep the new ones safe. As well as the current children." Kai smiled a little. "The seals are working fine and limiting them enough for they can learn control."

."When they reach the right age it wont be a problem. But kids do tend to cause trouble. Be careful s I have already foreseen a few of them doing something terrible."

"Duly noted. I will speak with them and try to make sure they understand. As well as those around them." Kai rubbed his arm for a bit in anticipation. "I think.. it well work out. If I push to much the kids will hate me more. Which might not be to bad. More aspect of cruelty already giving visions of possible conflicts with them."

"Yes but you have been able to savage those relationsh.i.p.s. It is not easy juggling your as well as you what you want to happen. If you are not careful you will turn into a Devil. Let them make mistakes and punish them accordingly. Your children are the same as regular kids in the way that they can grow up to be killers or saints." Saresha said in a teaching voice. "It is there choice."

"Yeah.. your right." Kai nodded. The two talk for a bit. Mostly Saresha explaining divinity to him. After an hour or so, Kai stopped her. "Have to go. Taking a few to pocket dimension for a week or so."

"Glad you found a way to manage that. Your brother wishes to visit here. Is it ok?"

"As long as you are here with him fine." Kai said neutrally. The two still were in the outs. "Just make sure nothing happens. I may be cold hearted but I dont want this place messed with." After that he left.

"Haa at least you havent go crazy." Saresha sighed. A few seconds later, Carn appeared with his family.

"Bwoom." Out step the God and about 30 others.

"Hello Saresha." Carn said.

"Hi, do not tamper with the place and everything will be fine."

"We just came to pay respects. A lot of us would not be alive if it was not for these babies. I just want to bless them for their next life." Su-La said. She walked forward and started to pray.

"Haaa so much effort to get this far." Carn-La sighed. "But it was worth it in the end."

"Ypur family is very dangerous you know that?" Saresha stated more than asked. "Your little brother is going to cause problems in the upper worlds if this is not handled right."

"Nah it will be fine." Carn said with a smirk. "When he finished there, him and those family members of his will be able to deal with a lot more than I deal with. I will cause more Torment to get them ready if I have to. I rather they hate me than be dead." His eyes flickering with the aspect of Torment.

"You to share that in common. You tampered with the world of Naruto a lot. So many people aged and move to different locations. At least he never messed with the Star Village. But Oreo did which was good. Just need him to handle Kara Zor-El."

"What in the hell do you want him do with her?!" Saresha asked alarmed.

"Huh just to watch over her for a little while. Sending her ship that way was easy. The problem is what went that way as well." Carn-La smiled.

"What else went that way!?"

"Just project Doomsday." Carn-La said still smiling. "He needs to experience it to help grow. If Akatsuki gets ahold of it.. well that is just the pits."

"You sick bastard." Saresha was beside herself. "If he dies.."

"If he dies... he dies.. And so will I. I have that much faith in him." Carn-La said a prayer with the others.

"I cant help him unless he asks me. You know this. Is this why you made it so difficult for him? To make sure he was strong enough to move forward." Saresha spoke out loud but was mostly talking to her self. Down below a soul lifted up and floated to her. It was the soul of a little baby. It had traces of Kari in it. "What do you want to say?"

"He wont lose." The soul said resolutely. It floated back down having exhausted its little strength.

"Hope your right."

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