Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 81 - Snow Country Part 2

-A few years later-

"Kimimaro you did what again?" Kai asked wanting clarification.

"I told Koyuki I would marry her if she grew up to be a strong woman." Kimimaro just looked at Kai weirdly. "Was I not suppose to do that?"

"I mean... if you like her then yeah... but.. why did you do that?" Kai was beside himself.

"Is that not why we are here?" Kimimaro asked. "Over the years I thought that is why we are here."

"No." Kai said flatly.

"Not at all." Hisa added in.

"Who told you that?" Kai just had to know who put the idea in his head.

"I figure that is why father was always having her around me." Kimimaro stared at Kai looking for answers. "That was not what you wanted is it?" His face turned a little odd.

"Boi!" Kai just pointed his hands at him. "I just had her around because of age and you have similar traits. That was it. For you to have a friend. I mean you hang out with the other kids and Garra, but you seem to prefer people who are calm and collected mostly."

"Yes, but she is not that." Kimimaro shook his head a little in dismay. "Well she is always practicing her acting so it is hard to tell."

"I am aware. She is a friend of the family. If you didnt want to hang with he,r all you had to do is say no." Kai just looked at the boy.

"No, I am accustomed to her. I want her around. Gaara has gotten more into training so I have the free time." Kimimaro thought for a few seconds before replying. "I am not against the meetings we have. Also Hinata enjoys her company as well."

"Yes, I do." Hinata added in. She stopped playing with the fan she was making and came over. "I think it will work out. You are overthinking things." She pat Kai on the head as if he was an old man. "There there, mama said that everything is ok to."

"Ha ha ha." Kai just laughed warily at the girl. "Yeah, your right. Overthinking things. Where is your mother by the way?"

"Outside with some of the others. They were talking about building something." Hinata smiled and walked away to her table. She went back to working on her fans. "La la la la." Humming a little tune as she worked.

"Oh my god, I have all the peaceful kids here really." Kai just looked at them before getting up to go towards the nursery. "They are receiving training. That is what matters. Well, and they are happy." As he walked a little blur passed by his feet. "Easy there, you little roadrunner." Picking the baby up, he watched as the nanny came over out of breath.

"Ha..ha..ha.. he. has... gotten faster.. husband." Kaeko said. "I dont think the seals are working on this one."

"Come let's check it out in the nursery." Kai walked back with her following along. "You can walk beside me yah know."

"I like walking behind you. It feels safer this way." Kaeko said lowly. She was one of the wives from the village of women that was very timid. She gave birth to 6 kids before Kai said that was enough. She has been a full time nanny for the longest. As well as a very powerful ninja. "If you insist I will do so."

"Ha if it makes you happy then so be it." Kai shook his head as they entered. Inside there were over 33 infants. He no longer even felt shocked anymore. Well, sometimes he did. "Ok let me see here." Laying the baby down, he checked over the seals. "Found the problem. Someone removed the seal. And I know who."

"Who?" Kaeko asked.

"It was me." Horus said. He was one of the sons from Oreo. At five years old, he was turning out to be a pain in the a.s.s. "I dont think they should have them on."

"Really now?" Before the boy could blink. Kai grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. His aspects telling him of the problems that were forming if the boy was left uncheck again. "What stupidity is this? How many times do I have to explain it to you, before you understand?"

"I.. I.. just think they should be free father." Horus said. "Why suppress them like this?"

"I dont know Horus, to keep them from killing the other kids. From not flying off into bloody space somewhere. To keep them from taking a crap and destroying the house." Kai looked at the boy, he was quite upset. Horus knew it as well. "You cannot keep doing this! Eventually something bad will happen. Something I cannot fix."

"We won't die, just the weaklings." Horus pouted and looked away. The moment he said it, he regretted it. "I mean.."

"Smack!" Kai hit him across the face.

"Are you that stupid?" Kai did not like the entitled attitude he developed. Oreo had explained the old ways to him to much. He felt everything was his plaything. That and of his siblings. "Your mother and I agree on some things. But this hell no. I am not allowing this anymore."

"You hit me.. you have never hit me.." Horus said shocked. A few of the nurses smiled. Even they knew the boy was unchecked. Spoiled and very close to becoming a rotten little shit.

"You deserve a little disciple it seems." Kai was extremely angry. "I will be out for a while."

"Fwoosh," in a quick burst of speed they were gone.

"Oh dear.. who is telling Oreo that Kai is about to kill the boy?" Kaeko said. She was already tending to one of the others. "I think you should Konna."

"Not me." The other women said. Konna shook her head no. "It is her problem. I have tried telling her that boy needs help. But no. No one listens to me."

"What's going on?" Pan asked coming inside. "I heard a very loud noise. In fact, I think most of the village heard it." Temari was walking around looking at all the babies. Something she always enyoyed doing. On her shoulder were two little foxes.

"Well you see.." Kaeko said slowly. She then explained what happened.

"Well.. that is long overdue. He has explained over and over that the seals are there to keep the babies from hurting someone as well as themselves." Pan said. "Why he choose to remove them placing his brother and sisters in danger, is beyond me. I will go tell his mother."

-Over and out the village-

"Ouch!" Horus said as Kai dropped him onto a mountain. "What was that for?"

"For you being a little shit." Kai did a few hand signs and released the seals on Horus. "There you go. Your free now."

"What do you mean... ahh. ahh.. I am flying." Horus tried righting himself in the air. It didnt work as he flew up the side higher up the mountain side. "Ahhh I cant stop!"

"No shit." Kai floated by him as they kept going up.

"I am scared. Stop me!" Seeing Kai not helping, Horus began to panic. "Your not going to help me?"

"Nope." Kai said plainly.

"Why not!?"

"For you to know what the others feel like when one of your siblings disappear. When one of the nannies panic when they cant find the baby they are watching over." Kai's voice was cold as he spoke and getting lower. "That sense of powerlessness is what you are lacking. Sense of empathy is not there for some reason."

"You cant just let me float away."

"Yes, I can. The hard truth of the matter is.. you are a danger to everyone. Your uncheck and arrogant. You are not better than everyone."

"We are better than everyone! Stronger, faster, smarter, and invulnerable!" Horus yelled. He felt he teeth bulge in his mouth from his voice. "Oww that hurt."

"If that is what you think, then you will survive this." Kai said. They floated up higher and higher. Horus was actually gaining speed as they did so. His body was absorbing more chakra. "Your body is hurting itself. The seals were to help you get balance. You could exert to much strength smacking a fly and break your own arm. All that strength and no control."

"Waahh wa I am sorry father!" Horus cried.

"But you are not though." Kai said. He was right as his aspect informed him the boy would say anything to get out of this. They flew higher and higher before someone arrived. "Hello Oreo."

"Kai.. seriously. I think he has learned his lesson."

"You know he hasn't. He needs to learn the consequences. You have spoiled him majorly. I understand you were so worried to lose him, but he has developed in the wrong way." Kai said as he watched as Horus sped up again. "You will reach the sun in about 3 hours. Or less seeing as your taking in charka like a drowning man."

"Humph, I will just get stronger then. Then I will pay you back shitty father."

"Horus!" Oreo chastised the boy. "This is why you are in this situation."

"But mother I will be so strong it won't even matter. Father may be afraid of the power but I am not."

"Pfttt Ah ahaha Haaa ahahaha. Your f.u.c.k.i.n.g stupid arent you? Holy moley you really are. You have the book smarts but not anything else it seems. Your way smarter than I was at your age." Kai had to control his laughter. Horus smiled at the praise but was angry at getting called stupid. "But you are just so arrogant that it hurts to see. I do not fear power boy. If I want I could be unbelievably powerful but it would cost me my sense of self. As well as all of you. I rather not be forced to leave this place. You would not have been born if all I cared about was power."

"You are not afraid of the power? Then you should fly closer to the sun."

"Horus when you were three, you father told you a story on your birthday. Do you remember it?" Oreo asked.

"Of course I do mother. The story of.. Icarus." Horus' eyes went wide as he started to panic again. "But I won't fall as he did. I dont have meltable wings."

"You should look at your arms then." Kai said.

"My arms?" Using his x-ray vision, Horus was surprised to see his cells exploding. "What.. what is happening?"

"You are dying for one. You are not invulnerable. There are several ways you can die." Kai said plainly.

"But.. but the sun gives us strength."

"To much strength it seems. Your body cannot handle it. Soon you will break apart and become one with nature." Kai said matter of factly. "This is definitely not the future I wanted for you. You took to many of my bad traits. Well, my disregard for people I dont view as my family. However, yours is towards everything you believe to be inferior."

"One with nature... I dont want that."

"Kai.. I think he has had enough." Oreo said. Kai just shook his head at her. "I won't let our son die." She reached out and grabbed Horus. "It will be ok I promise." She turned to see Kai shaking his head at her. "Kai he can change."

"Here since you believe he can change." Kai floated a sphere over to her. "Good luck." He floated away from them. "I can do nothing if all you do is make excuses for him."

-Inside the view-

Horus stood over the corpse of several people. There was nobody left alive. In a gust of wind, Oreo and a person in a mask appeared.

"All have been killed according to plan. Good job. We move to the next World to conquer." The man placed a chain in Horus hand and left just as quick.

"Come mother time to go." Horus pulled on a chain that was fixed to Oreo's c.h.e.s.t. Flying up they floated above the ground. "To think this was all the fight they had in them. So weak and useless."

"This is enough Horus. When will it end?" Oreo asked her child.

"Once all the lower lifeforms are dead everything will be set in order." Horus said with a righteous tone. "Come, we are doing a great service."

"I should have stopped you long ago." Oreo whispered as tears went down her cheek.

"But you didn't. Killing father and TenTen made this all so easy. There power added to my own paved the way for an unlimited future." Horus pulled on the chain again.

-View end-

"Mother I... urp." Horus threw up in the air. The sphere floating above Oreo's hand. "I would never do such a thing."

"This cant be." Oreo said.

"I dont know what you saw, but can you give me that back already? I need to put it away. Unless you want to watch it again?" Kai said plainly. "Why in the world are you crying now?"

"You do not know what was in the spheres really?" Oreo asked turning to him. Kai shook his head no. "Good!" Oreo crushed the sphere and felt herself become slightly weaker. "Ughh that feels bad."

"Yeah.. you can only destroy those if you have the resolve to move forward and face what happened. See, it is already reforming." Kai pointed at the new sphere. "I recommend not breaking it again. Well until your resolve is better."

"I am sorry father!" Horus yelled.

"Ummm ok." Kai scratched his cheek. He was slightly curious about what they saw. But since the sphere was still there they did not accomplish anything. "What did you see to change so abruptly?"

"I dont want to say." Horus said. He grabbed Oreo's clothes tighter." Mother, I will be good I promise."

"I.. hope so. I really do." Oreo looked at her son then back at Kai. She sent the sphere towards him and watched it disappear. "Do you think he has been punished enough?"

"Yup. My power says he has actually learned his lesson. Good luck putting the seals back on him." Kai said. "The sphere was supposed to be destroyed, since it still exists there is still a problem."

"Cant you do it?"

"Yeah but Mr. smart guy will just remove my seals. Until I better them, there is no point. "

"I won't I promise." Horus looked at Kai and offered his arm out. Kai floated over and reapplied the seal. It was in the shape of a shield. "Thank you, father. Do you hate me.. after what I did?"

"Mmmm.." Kai paused.

"Kai!" Oreo yelled.

"What!? I was thinking. Jeez! The answer is no. I dont hate you, little shit." Kau gave him a pat on his head. "I just disapprove of your choices. If you would have hurt one of the others.. most likely. Have to be honest kid." Floating down they returned back to the house. "I can raise you how I was raised. It will not work. Your intelligence will not allow the manipulation that parents do. So meh."

"You could have just said no I love you son." Oreo looked at him upset.

"That would be lying which would be bad. I had to think about it. So bleagh!" Kai blew raspberries at her before sitting down. "You are free to lie to him all you want. I will not be. If the kids can expect anything from me.. it can at least be that from me."

"Haaa your impossible sometimes." Oreo sighed before sitting. 'Then again, you were right about him. He turns into a monster. It was just me and him. He even killed all of his other siblings. I don't know how to proceed with this info.' She racked her brain trying to figure everything out.

"I think you mean improbable," Shuba said. She pulled out a folder and gave it to Kai. "The updated chart on the medical results."

"Thanks." Kai took the folder and leaned back. "The results are not good. It will work to improve resistance but not at high levels for regular people. We are going to have to train harder or develop a better .. vaccine."

"You are a bad man." Shuba hit him on the head with another folder. "You were going to let him fly into the sun."

"Well yeah.. you do realize the boy is not a regular human right? None of our children are?"

"You mean to tell me.. that gods just kill their kids?" Shuba looked at him.

"Well.. they tend to let them live. But that results in a lot of death. Or them killing there siblings. Or destroying whole.." Kai stopped when he saw Oreo's face. "What now?"

"You would kill one to save the others?"

"Yes. If the one was in the wrong. Now if one was in the right and it meant killing three others who were in the wrong, I would save the one in the right." Kai said offhandley. He went back to reading the report again. "There has to be something I missed."

"Kai.. why not seal them away?" Pan asked.

"Because it is an insult to the people they killed. That is why." His brow furrowed for a bit. "Soma come here please." He sent a sound transmission to his daughter.

"Fwoosh!" The girl appeared in a few seconds. She had long black hair like her mother Shuba. She was a thin little thing but she was only 4 years old. But smart as hell.

"What is it?" Soma asked with a little anticipation.

"Did you..wait have you brushed your teeth?" Kai changed his question. The girl looked away from his eyes. "Brush your teeth now little one."

"Fine!" Soma put her hands in the air like it was to much of a hassle.

"But their teeth dont decay." Oreo said.

"Yes, it does. On a smaller level it does. That is why I trained a dentist. The kids have gotten in the habit of... biting things they shouldn't. Also, remember to have everyone back inside in five days." Kai said.

"Everyone in the village knows. But why is it so important again?"

"Because they will all lose a good portion of their strength for a bit." Kai said matter of factly. "The sun will be experiencing... a change. Well, this planet will be hit by a solar flare. It will mess with everyone's powers. Well, not mine anyway."

"So loss of all our gifts." Hisa said as she walked over. She was nursing her twins. Immediately drawing Kai's attention. "You cant have the milk silly. It belongs to the babies."

"Grr they have enough." Kai grumbled. "Haa I wonder why they keep draining you dry?"

"That's what some babies do. You dirty old man." Soma came back and looked at Kai. She held her arms up for him. "Come on come on. I want to get back to my book."

"Settle down." Kai lifted her up and showed her the sequence. "See this should not do that. What happened?"

"Oooh I dont know! A mutation maybe! Can I see the patient?" Soma asked immediately happy. It was short-lived as Kai shook his head no. "It would be easier if you let me see the patient."

"No. I refuse and there is nothing you can do to get me to change my mind. Nor your mother. It is for your safety." Kai said with no room for argument.

"Hmph stubborn dirty old man." Soma pouted before grabbing the folder and hoping down. "I will figure it out somehow." She walked away back to her room. "Maybe if a controlled virus can help correct it? Or maybe just an immune booster. Ohh I can try the bird flu thing we studied."

"Hehehe," Kai chuckled at the girl antics.

"At least you didnt yell at her this time." Shuba said. She leaned over and gave Kai a kiss on the cheek before leaving the house.

"She literally built a bomb in the bas.e.m.e.nt!" Kai grumbled. "Blasted children will be the death of us."

"Dont say that!" Oreo yelled. "I mean.. just dont joke about that."

"Uh huh... yeah no." Kai looked at her for a bit. "You are to rattled. Do we need to go somewhere to talk?"

"Yes.. but after this solar flare thing. I am.. I think the kids are to smart." Oreo said. "Sometimes it is as if I am talking with a peer. Then others it is our child, all vulnerable again."

"Having trouble dealing with it, do what I do. Let him be the bad guy." Hisa pointed at Kai. "He can take it. I know I dont like it. But then again our daughter learned her lesson after she was lost in the snow at that time."

"Shit!" Kai said. He grabbed his head in agony. "It is coming. Go on lockdown now!" Getting up he summoned his suit and mask. "No one can be out of the village. Anyone ask project Doomsday is here." Kai then sped off.

"But.." Oreo want to ask more but he was gone already. She turned to Pan and had to ask. "No one is out right now right?"

"Only.." Pan stopped to think about it. "Kimimaro went to go visit the Snow village with a few others. I will alert the reserve ninja to help double-check everything."

Kai sped through the air, he spotted Kimimaro down below with the others. Flying down he told them to head abck.

"Father whats wrong?" Kimimaro asked.

"Head back to the village now. Double time it!" Kai said seriously.

"Kaboom!" Up high in the sky several distortions opened. Three large objects arrived. One headed to one of the mountains nearby. In a few seconds, Kai realized if hit, the amount of damage it would inflict would be massive. The other two went far off. to the direction of the Leaf village.

"Shits are they locked onto us or something?!" Kai was surprised. For one it should only have been Kara arriving. Why the others? "Kimimaro go now!" Speeding away, Kai head straight towards the mountain.

"Kimimaro we should go see as well." One of the genins said.

"No we are heading back." Kimimaro said with a cold tone. "This is a direct order from your Leader and Kage. We head back to secure the village!" Taking off in a run, he grabbed two of the slower members.

The others watched then looked to the mountain. They really wanted to go see. Noticing Kimimaro didnt give them a second look, the severity of the situation fell on them. Kimimaro was the kindest person they knew. If he didnt hesitate they shouldn't either.

"Boom!" A loud noise rang from the meteorite and Kai impact. The resulting blast sent a shockwave burying the standing genin in the snow.

-The Leaf Village-

Kai just placed Naruto down with the others. He turned to the sky and watched the arrival of the metorite's. "Fwoosh!" TenTen was by his side in an instant.

"The others have been notified. The cleanup team is ready to grab all the meteor rocks across the country. All sleeper agents have woken up. There is a problem, however." TenTen said calmly. "One of Akatsuki is in the vicinity of the project landing zone."

"A pity." Kai said. "Your job is to get Kara. You are in charge of those in the area there. Pakura will make sure nothing happens in the village with Anko. Arianna will look for any other Akstuki members sniffing around during that time. Tsume will keep people coordinated in the field."

"Can you.. can you beat him?" TenTen asked.

"Yes. It is just gonna hurt like hell." Kai said with a little humor in his voice. "There are two of him however. Another went to my other half."

"Hmm then we go all out. I will secure Kara and come help you." TenTen released all of her seals and grew into her full height. "Ugh that is smarts. Glad we spent so much time training." She was now about 5 foot 6 inches. About 15 years old or so. "This is just a stepping stone to dealing with Akatsuki in the future."

"Fwoosh!" Both left at the same time.

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