Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 82 - Snow Country Part 3 End Doomsday Part 1 Shu-La resolve

"Hmm which version is he?" Kai questioned. The seals he placed around the pod slowing the creatures awakening process. Two kunai lodged inside its c.h.e.s.t cavity laced with Kai's chakra removing the genetic enhancements it acquired over the centuries and deaths. "So much blasted Kryptonite!" Firing his heat blasts all around, he made sure not to destroy any next to himself. Without knowing which version from the many different alternate realities they were from, he was cautious to keep from blinding himself.

The World of Naruto was already accepting the different meteorites as its own. New chakra had formed over the years since his Ka-La soul fully arrived. The different reality of what Carn-La has done was taken in by the World completely and changed its history on its own. When Kai turning stronger the World compensate by making itself stronger. The original God's such as the Sage of sixth paths, Edo Tensei Madara, Kaguya, and a few demigods had strengthen. However not strong enough to keep up with all his children that were to offset everything.

His family was able to wrestle away the increase in power and take it for themselves. Pandemonium power came out in full force in doing so. Which in turn made Kai-La himself stronger but would cause problems as well. Test over the years already showed that ninja could use synthetic kryptonite stuff to boost themselves. But it also accelerated their death.

A killer did not need to live long anyway. The plan was to take out the factory ran by Gato in a few years. The former Mist ninja had found almost every hideout and taken as many civilians out the area over the years. They were extremely happy with their duties. Kisame lead the operation with extreme vigor.

Mastica and Hozumi had kept track of the pieces that already fell around their territory. Sending clones to collect each one with the help of the Hyuga recon unit. Hisa transmitted to them multiple areas from the base using her 'Shutter Eye.' Back at base she was hooked up to a telescope unit. It reacted with several control rods placed inside the country to help. Chakra receivers that Kai created from the prototype that was used to control a few Inuzuka's a few years back..

"Hmm this stuff is toxic to the kids right? But how toxic?" Mastica asked again. "I can feel him getting stronger from here as we work. Why is Kai not weaking?"

"It can slow their regeneration abilities down, as well as weaken their bodies structure." Hozumi answered. "But from the artificial stuff that he made, all of us are fine. But the red sun would still zap the enhancements down a bit. We would be just Kage rank then. And those drop like flies. In the future anyway. As for him, I think he said he almost through with his evolution. and understanding. Just one last trial to go through."

"He..he..he.." Mastica chuckled dryly. "I never thought I would see the day Kage' would be consider weak." Thinking about the strength of the future enemies, Mastica was glad they had taken several forces from Akatsuki and Orchimaru's people. That and the training was fun in its own way. "Huh, glad we kept training with restrictions. Never to careful." Hozumi gave her a nod in agreement.

"Oh crap!" Hozumi cried out. As they had talked the area changed a bit from before.

"Bam! Bam!" Doomsday had broken the pod and pushed it apart. "Creeennn!" The metal screamed loudly as if warning others to get away. Several mechnisms reactivated applying additional metal straps.

"Raaahhh!" He screamed at Kai in rage.

"Shut the hell up!" Kai punched Doomsday in the jaw. He watched as its face turned a little disfigured. Looking back at Kai, Doomsday smiled. Its face fixing into place. "Oh yeah this will be a good time to test myself. That is why you are here maybe? My Brother is a bit of twat and didnt warn me enough. Actually he only said to protect the person from house El. You are not from that house. Only if you are from the reality in which.."

"Creen!" Doomsday removed itself from the pod and took one step towards Kai."

"Raahhh!" Doomsday took a swing at Kai who simply dodged to the side. Soon as the blow missed, Doomsday change the way it was going to strike. Watching as it raised clasps arms up next, Kai flew back giving himself some room. He fired a quick burst of heat blast at large kryptonite pieces that came down.

"Fwoosh!" With the distance he started to preform a few hand signs to test the might of his techniques. Pushing his chakra outward, the surrounding snow started to melt.

'Frost Style: Thousand Frozen Needles of Pain!' Instantly water needles formed from the melted snow. The needles refroze and shot towards Doomsday. Countless pieces bombarded the eyes blinding it. Some flooded into its noose and went inside damaging its lungs.

"Pit! Pit! Pit!" The needles started to melt from the intense heat Doomsday emitted. That was one thing he could scratch off the list. High resistance to the elements. Then again, it could just be internally. More test to try. "Shish!" It's feet sunk into the ground melting the recently formed ice over the ground.

"Raaahh!" Doomsday howled and clasped at it's own eyes. The type of heat was now under its control it seemed. In a quick flicker, the generated heat melted the ice instantly. Kai looked slightly shocked at it.

"Thump, thump!" Doomsday heard the sound of Kai's heart and grabbed a piece of its ship. With unnatural battle instincts it turned and smiled.

"Fwip!" With a brutal throw it hummed the pieces right at Kai. "Ding!" Kai grabbed the piece of metal and spun in a circle. Adding chakra to the metal he was suprised in how receptive it was. "Fwip!" It was then launched right back at Doomsday and smashed into the creatures neck.

"Splurt!" A small trace of blood came out before dissolving instantly. "Thump!" The remainder of the piece falling down on the now visible ground.

'This durability is high. Even with my chakra added to boost damage to objects. Another thing to scratch off.' Kai thought calmly. His d.e.s.i.r.e to fight building at the thought of the damage it could do. 'Have to get to work though. Give the others time to complete their operations.'

"Wooosh!" Kai turned his head taking in a deep breath. "Haaaa," S.u.c.k.i.n.g in, he pulled the snow as far as the eye could see and whipped his head back at Doomsday exhaling.

"Haaaa!" With the added snow and frost Doomsday was pelted and started to freeze in place. Its eyes still restoring in its head. The front of it's c.h.e.s.t froze in place followed by it's neck and t.h.i.g.hs. In seconds it was a giant statue. The head finally froze last. Kai's eyes watched as the strange heat moved around inside Doomsday's body.

"Hmm how long will you freeze for I wonder?" His question was short lived. For a split second, Doomsday stopped moving. Then it let out a deafening roar. "Eh." Kai shrugged. "Not long at all."

"Raaaahhh!" A piercing sound blast smashed into Kai and shattered his eardrums. He slid back in the air about two feet from the initial contact. Immediately after, Doomsday ran up fist raised. Saliva dripping down it's mouth that froze instantly.

"Humph!" Kai swung back with a left jab. Both fist made contact in equal strength. A few strikes were dodged by Kai till Doomsday picked up speed. The two started to match blows and intensity. "Your slowly gaining strength. Taking in chakra as fast as a Kage does." Kai said as his eyes observed Doomsday's chakra network that formed. "The ultimate weapon it seems I am dealing with. How interesting." Revealing another of his seals, Kai felt the increase in strength take affect faster than it did before.

"Bam!" Kai fist smashed into Doomsday's jaw again. In the exact same spot as last time. "Bam!" Another into its throat. Both blows were aligned with new information as he was changing Doomsday's cell structure more. The creature moved its chin down at Kai's next punch and cut his arm with the bone like protrusions on its face. "Scrtch!" A cut about an inch deep appeared. Kai looked at it for a second before he raised his leg in a kick.

"Raaah!" Doomsday swung with a devastating hook that caused the air to vibrate. "Splurt!" The swing went right through Kai. Doomsday smiled as his other arm pierced Kai's body.

"Poof!" Kai disappeared into a snow covered boulder. Kai used a Substitution Technique. He reappeared behind Doomsday and smashed both legs with two quick stomps. "Krack!" Both legs bent in a different direction, bloody and bones sticking out.

Doomsday smacked its hands into the ground and stabbed Kai with its destroyed legs. The bones scr.a.p.e against Kai's arms as he dodged out the way.

"Hmph." Kai scoffed and slid forward in the air. "Take this!" Kai punched Doomsday into the ground again. Right after his fist made contact, he performed his next move. 'Mind Body Disturbance Technique!' A part of his mind went into Doomsday disrupting it. Kai was trying to figure out how resilient its mind was. Doomsday struggled for bit but was unable to move to much besides the way Kai willed it.

'Free me!' Doomsday's mind screamed at him. Kai performed some hand signs with his body and with Doomsday's body. He wanted to see how well it could use chakra.

'Frost Style: Frost Dragon Bullet Technique!' Kai had summoned an ice dragon from beneath Doomsday. It swallowed him whole and traveled up to the sky. Now that Doomsday was a few 100 feet way. Kai made it finish the technique on it's end.

"Ping!" Doomsday let loose a fire dragon that broke the ice instantly. It traveled directly towards Kai who just outstretched his hand. "Fwish!" The fire dragon was broken apart easily.

"Well, not bad. To bad time is almost up." Kai watched as Doomsday righted itself in the air. It came down feet lowered. The creature planned to smash Kai through the earth itself. "I wonder how strong that will be?" Going through the motions, Kai planted his feet firmly on the ground. 'Frost Style Barrier: Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness!'

"Crack!" The ground ripped apart around Kai as a dome made of snow and ice formed over him. Under the ice a thin wall of dirt was formed as well.

"Booom!" Doomsday went through it like it was paper. "Thump!!" it smashed into the ground creating a shockwave that destroyed the dome entirely. Kai was nowhere to be found. Doomsday looked to the left and the right and found nothing. Its eyes peered into the distance and saw Hozumi and Mastica. It smiled seeing its next prey.

"Crack!" Kai broke through from underneath the ground. His instincts alerting him Doomsday set its sights on the others.

Grabbing both arms as quick as he could, Kai bent them back and tore Doomsday's arms completely off. He threw them to the side into pocket dimensions and observed the creature.

"Raaaaaaah!" Doomsday cried in agony. A shockwave traveled to the mountain ahead triggering an avalanche. Inside it's body strange things were happening from the cell programming by Kai.

"You should have basic understanding now." Kai said floating around it. Doomsday looked at Kai with hatred. "Oh what a beautiful look you have in your eyes. I can feel your hate and malice. But to bad it is created falsely. You hate me just because I am alive, that is.. boring. Now if you hated me for ripping your arms off, that would make sense."

"What.. do .. you want from .. me?" Doomsday muttered.

"I have a good bit of what I want from you already. This is all bonus stuff you see." Kai tapped his arms when he folded them. "I wish to make you normal.. well normal like me. I need the weapon that you are but used correctly. Not this psychotic rambling thing you are."

"If I.. say no?" Doomsday questioned. Kai caught that it's arms were reforming bones and muscles first. The tone in Doomsday's voice was something else entirely. He caught that it was able to form sentences normally already. The pausing came from the creature itself doing it. "You will trap me .. in .. the phantom.. zone.. if I decline."

"What no.. I will just kill you." Kai said matter of fact. "There are several ways to do it. Just need to be creative about it." Turning his head towards a part of the ship, he could see the device inside a compartment.

It was the weird gun version instead of the old movie projector one. The Phantom Projector was capable sending someone to a terrible hellhole dimension. That or a dimension devoid of time and whatnot. You did not need to eat and you did not age. There was also the one from the tv show Smallville that had all kinds of creatures inside that tried to rip you apart.

"Fwoosh!" He arrived next to it and ran his eyes over it countless times. In a few minutes he had the entire thing memorized and could make his own if need be. The idea of sending several enemy ninja inside made him giddy with joy.

"Powww!" Kai swung hard against the surface of the ship. Reaching inside, he ripped out the Phantom projector and sent it away instantly. Doomsday was fully healed and stared at Kai's backside. Kai was aware and did nothing as he waited, Mastica sent him a message that most preparations were done across the area. He could wrap things up now.

"Raaaaghh!" Doomsday roared as it ran towards Kai. The snow as if scared to offend the monster dissipated as he moved. "Raaah!" With a mighty swing that created a snow wave, Kai was forced to fly up out the way to keep visibility. Doomsday "heat" that Kai now knew as it's chakra blocked his sight.

"Huh?" Surprised Kai felt himself get yanked back down to the ground. Doomsday started to spin him around and around and launched him towards a mountain.

"Whaaaam!" The impact of his body created another avalanche. "Rumble!" As the actual rock and dirt of the mountain gave way falling in on itself.

"Fwoosh!" Kai shot out faster than a bullet towards Doomsday. Ramming right into him. "Whaaam!" Kai barely held back as he hit Doomsday in the c.h.e.s.t. "Crack!" The blow destroyed Doomsday's c.h.e.s.t cavity. The ripples then destroyed it's skin leaving the body open to the cold. Kai hoped the air would get it to calm down some.

"You creature are going to ruin your chance." Kai said to it. "I am offering you a chance at humanity." Doomsday sat up and was ready to go back at Kai. "Your time is almost up." Doing a few hand seals, Kai summoned chains made of Frost. "Chains of Tartarus!" Inside the chains were the hands of Zero-Tails wrapping around Doomsday. The creature itself was full of such negative energy. Perfect food for it. Zero-Tail's face popped out and looked at Kai. The mask had turned more human like as it summoned two hands and clawed at Kai's face in frustration.

"Ahhhh soo muchh give me moreee." Zero-Tails said. Kai just stared at the thing and smiled at it coldly. On it's forehead the symbol of Cruelty showed. It was enslaved completely unlike the other half Kai in the Leaf village was holding onto.

"What will you do?" Kai said to the ever weakening Doomsday. His Power of Cruelty wanted the creature on his side. More for the war effort and more for him. "The Phantom Projector is gone. You saw it."

"Kill... me..." Doomsday mumbled out. "Before th.. e.. the pain.. returns."

"Tch! I am through being nice." Kai released a seal and flooded his body with chakra. Fully restored his eyes lit up and he lobotomized Doomsday. His hands went about doing hand signs as he removed the creatures memories and pain of its countless deaths. All of it made him and Zero-Tail's stronger. He forgot about the countless deaths the creature went through during their scuffle.

"Raagggh." Doomsday drooled at the side like a brain dead idiot. The different chains moved around it's body creating new seals.

"There we go." The symbol of Cruelty on its c.h.e.s.t as the body shrunk to human proportions.

In a matter of minutes it was done. Before Kai was a man about the size of himself. Dark purple eyes looked at him vacantly. Slowly they gained focus and intelligence. Doomsday made to scratch at its throat but was stopped by the chains.

"Settle down and breath. If you want the pain to end, you could always end your life afterward." Kai said plainly as he commanded the chains to recede. Zero-Tails was over fed and was having trouble function as it returned to a doormat state. It would take a long time before the chakra could be kneaded to uselable levels. "Blasted thing is a glutton for punishment."

"I can feel." Doomsday touched at its face. Hands moving about like it was a child. Kai was no fool even weaken the thing could rip apart a jonin with a single grip. He thought about letting Gai and Kisame spar with it in the future. "I... I can not .. remember. How did you do it? The pain feel hollow. Like a slight ache that has been healed."

"Hmm ninja techniques and a whole lot of crazy God shenanigans." Kai walked over and summoned some clothes on its body. "You need a name." His eyes racked over the creature as he observed the cell structure. It now match that of a Kryptonian. The way Kai's own use to be. Cannot name you Doom or Doom-La. That would be simply stupid."

"Fwoosh!" Hozumi and Mastica landed near him. They had their guard up and weapons at the ready.

"Hmmm!" Doomsday sped up right towards Kai and stared at him. After blinking it looked toward the two women who didn't even flinch. "They are strong like you are. You planted laws and customs inside my head. But not a sense of self. Why?"

"Eh to fit in. Are you daffy man?" Kai said. "Look your memorandum big thing was kill become ultimate weapon and all that. Now you do it for me, kill who I say kill. But there is a lot of down time. Find a hobby. Not killing animals and people. Then again..."

"Kai!" Hozumi yelled.

"Right, right. So yeah..." Kai gave her a smile before looking back at Doomsday. "Just a chance to be something more when you are not helping kill other Gods.. and disobedient children of mine."

"Other gods?" Doomsday asked. Kai then started to tell him what was going on. The more he talked, the more intrigued Doomsday became. It was a very weird conversation. As it laughed and then smiled at certain information.

-Off in the distance-

"Here now.. that's the good stuff." Shukaku wiped the remaining alcohol from his lips. He was on standby with a few sand genin behind him. "Why oh why does that old man act so crazed about the security?" Looking out over the area, he was surprised at the way the fight happened in the distance. 'Oh that is why! He is tight about training a team to put him down if he goes insane.'

"Umm shouldn't we inform the Kazekage of this?" A genin asked. "Captain Shu-La?"

"No. This mission is top secret my little genin's. Even from the Kazekage." Shukaku shook his head in dismay. The little ninja all nodded in understanding. The group consisted of a five ninja squad and himself. Each loyal to him over anyone else.

"That fight was crazy." The smallest genin said. "But it looks to be over."

'What is this unease I feel? Kai-La has given me everything I wanted. I have friends, family, responsibilities, and a path to grow stronger.' Shukaku gripped his hands tightly. 'What is left for me!? Am I scared to be happy?' After watching the battle finish, Shukaku shook the thoughts away. "We will keep the watch for any uninvited guests, just as agreed upon. Move out!" Jumping down the mountainside, the genin followed. Inside Shukaku eyes the Aspects of Loyalty & Trust took form.

"Captain Shu-La, there are some ninja in the surroundings. They made it pass one of the openings." The squad leader said.

"Capture them! We need to know where they come from. If you cant do that, kill them!" Shukaku ordered. "Consider this a test." The ninja spread out and got to work. 'The Stone ninja are way out here. How the hell did they get here? Kai is going to wipe the Village out at this rate.'

"Sand Coffin!" Shukaku yelled.

"Bang!" Out under the snow a claw made of sand came out. It wrapped around the different Jonin in the group and pulled them underground.

"Fwoosh!" In a burst of speed Shukaku followed them down below.

"Hi, you are trespassing." Shukaku said as he moved forward between them. Slowly the Jonin were turninf into husk from his sand. Shukaku was draining them of both chakra and moisture as he gripped them. "You will tell me who order you here and what you were told to do." Inside Shukaku's eyes turned to reveal their yellow irides and pupils that each turned to take the shape of a black four-pointed star with four black dots around it. They then spun as he peered into the minds of the Jonin. "I will know everything!"

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