Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 83 - Leaf Village Doomsday Part 1 Kara & TenTen

"Rahhh!" TenTen fired her heat ray at Kara that she just punched across the field. She did not hold back as the young woman's clothes were scorched.

"Oof!" Kara grunted as she slid through tree, after tree. She came to a stop as a foot stooped her in place. 'How did I end up like this? First we were getting along, now this!'

-A few hours earlier-

"So try it out." TenTen said. She was instructing the teenage girl on the use of her powers. "If you cant control yourself, we have to seal away your powers. Which shouldnt be a big deal since you just acquired them."

"Its pretty hard." Kara said. She had a piece of metal and was practiving bending it. The metal was made of Tungsten Steel. With a little more focus she bent it in half. "I did it!"

"Good job." TenTen smiled at her. 'Papa's was right. She does absorb light chakra faster than most of us. Haaa she does it better than Karin. But not better than me and Kimimaro. Why is that?'

"What is your dad doing?" Kara turned to look at the other pod that was attached to her own. Even she didn't know what it was. 'Dad did not say anything about anyone else coming. I hope him and mom some how made it off the planet.'

"Checking to see if it is a threat." TenTen respond calmly. Her eyes were checking over Kara's body and she could see a chakra network already formed. It was at the stages of one her siblings. It reminded her of Pakura's son Porin specifically after she looked closer. 'Does that mean she will have an affinity with Wind as well? Karin's research on chakra nature and flow patterns needs to hurry up.'

"And if it is?" Kara asked a little afraid for what is inside.

"We destroy it duh." TenTen tone shifted when she saw Kara body wince. Her body language said she disapproved. "We are not in the habit of letting uncontrollable things live Kara Zor-El. This is not your World anymore. Do not cause problems and you will be with your family again. That is my word as well as my Father's."

"Right." Kara nodded and worked on controlling her powers again. Her eyes kept going over towards the fight between Kai and the creature Doomsday. 'He looks to be toying with it. Even what he is saying seems wrong. I need to control my powers more to stop him and save it.'

"A few minutes later-

'Hmmm.' TenTen shook her head and created a few shadow clones. "Alright go and check on everyone else." The clones nodded and disappeared. 'She seems determined. I have a bad feeling about this.'

"Gor it!" Kara said. She turned in the direction towards Kai and Doomsday fighting. "This has to stop!"

"Fwoosh!" In a gust of speed, she tried to go interrupt. The keyword is try.

"Fwoosh!" TenTen sped over and put her hands on Kara's shoulders. Stopping her in place.

"Woah there. Where do you think you are going?" TenTen stared at her smiling. "You will get yourself killed getting in between that."

"Ugh let me go. Your dad is toying with it." Kara said. Seeing TenTen not let her go she became angry. "Let me go and stop them. This is not right."

"No. Now calm down before you hurt yourself." TenTen said. Kara did not listen and continued to struggle. 'Huh papa said It might be one of the hard headed versions of her.'

"I said let me go!" Kara eyes lit up and she blasted TenTen in the face. "Oh by Rao no!" She cried to her God.

"Chish!" The blast destroyed TenTen's face. It then turned into dirt. It was a clone made of dirt.

"That was not very nice. Not at all. See you have no control either." TenTen said calmly. "Just calm down and this will be over soon."

"Look I am sorry I blasted you, but you dad needs to be stopped." Kara turned away and prepare to go stop them again.

"Haa." TenTen sighed and cracked her knuckles.

"Crack!" She then sent two kunai's at Kara. "Fwip!" Both travelled at the same speed and hit their targets at the same time. "Splurt!" blood gushed out and fell on the ground.

"Ahhh!" Kara screamed in pain and rolled in the grass.

"See you have not absorbed enough light chakra yet." TenTen walked over slowly to her. Eyes observing as Kara's body tried to heal and force the kunai's out. 'She is instinctively kneading chakra. How intresting.' TenTen did not remove the Kunai's still. "Do not make me get serious."

Kara grabbed the ground and threw dirt towards TenTen. With a side step it was evaded. Kara then pulled the Kunai's out and hurled them at TenTen with everything she had. The kunai's went into TenTen's stomach and disappeared.

"What in the world!?" Kara asked shocked. TenTen was actually upset now and went on the offense. Staring at Kara she kicked her in the ribs. "I will beat you into submission if I have to."

"Wham!" Kara's body went up into the air and sailed for a bit. "Woosh!" TenTen appeared above and stomped right into Kara's stomach.

"Kuff!" Kara threw up the meal she was given earlier. Her body hit against the ground and stopped. "Ughh you are not gentle at all."

"Nope." TenTen Floated down slowly. "You cannot be foolish enough to want to fight. I suggest stopping now."

"Ugh fine." Kara climbed out the hole and the two turned civil again. 'I need to figure out how to get stronger. I cannot believe she could fly as well. But she did say I can do that as well. But how?'

"Hmmm." TenTen thought for a moment and turned bored. 'Papa said this girl can become a great powerhouse. I should show her the way to use her powers and if she acts up I can get a ittle workout done.' Smiling to herself, TenTen threw down a few seals to speed up time in the area she and Kara were in. She walked over and guided Kara in all her powers.

"See you got it." TenTen smiled at Kara. "You are about the level my little sister is at."

"Thanks." Kara said happily. 'I did not know we were so powerful. And it's all thanks to the sun up there and this stuff called chakra?' She looked at TenTen and frowned a little. She knew the girl had to be up to something. "You know i am going to try and stop them right?"

"The keyword here is.. try." TenTen beamed a smile back at her. "I tell you what, I will only use 25% of my power. Just because I think you are alright."

"Geez thanks." Kara said sarcastically. She took a deep breath and exhaled onto TenTen. "Haaa.."

"Rustle, rustle." The leaves near the two pulled towards Kara. "Wooosh!" With a deep exhaled a power breath of air went out and froze TenTen in place. Kara smiled happily that they didnt have to fight.

"Ping!" TenTen flexed her mucles and destroyed the ice instantly.

"That wont work on me or anyone in my family for that matter." TenTen smiled at her. "You will have to better than that. I tell you what I will not even use my high level ninja techniques on you."

Feeling offend, Kara grabbed a tree and threw at TenTen. "Huup, hiyah!" TenTen caught the tree and sped back to put it in the ground.

"How rude, what did the tree do to you?" TenTen asked jokingly. Kara sped up behind her to try and put her in a hold. "Your to slow." TenTen sidestepped and backhanded Kara across the way. "You are also untrained."

"Ahh!" Kara yelled after the hit.

"Rahhh!" TenTen fired her heat blast at Kara that she just punched across the field. She did not hold back as the young woman's clothes were scorched.

"Oof!" Kara grunted as she slid through tree, after tree. She came to a halt as a foot stooped her in place. 'How did I end up like this? First we were getting along, now this!'

"Raaah!" The two looked to the side and watched as Kai was knocked into the air by Doomsday. Kara took the time to get from under TenTen.

"Your papa is having trouble." Kara said mockingly. "How old are you anyway?"

"16 like this but I act younger in the village. Ninja must always keep people confused... as well as I like having my fun." TenTen smiled at Kara. "Why do you ask?"

"Well you call him papa, and you are to old to call him that dont you think?" Kara was trying to by time as she figured something out.

"It is just a name. I call him dad in public, papa around family and friends. During meetings I call him Kai. If someone has a problem with it..." TenTen eyes turned cold. ".. they can take it up with me. I am the second strongest creature on this planet. All I lack is experience. Who ever thinks they can tell me what to do can come and try it."

"Woom, wooom!" The air vibrated around TenTen as her Aspects acted in response to her. She was not lieing. As the the fights against Doomsday waged on, she was growing stronger as the World was removing the limitations on her. She was no longer bound by the fate that was originally set for her. It was happening the same way across the World with her other adopted siblings. Even if Kai died right now, the World could no longer turn back.

"You sure are arrogant." Kara said. She was slightly scared of the energy TenTen had around her.

"Call it what you want." TenTen shrugged as she calmed herself down. "I know what I am, that is all that matters."

"Oh yeah.. and what is that?" Kara remembered her dad told her about the Phantom Projector that was added to the ship. In case things grew to dangerous and she had no choice but to escape with Kal-El.

"TenTen La Senju, 1st General of the La household." TenTen did a bow and smirked. 'You have your opening, I wonder what you are going to do?'

"Fwoosh!" Kara flew straight to her ship and grabbed the phantom projector. She turned and fired it at TenTen. She planned on getting her out after she had a better understanding of what was going on.

"Peeew!" The ray fired at TenTen who just stuck her hand out. "Zap!" TenTen disappeared as a red gateway swallowed her completely.

"Haaa." Kara sighed as she slumped to the ground. "I can not believe I did that. But these people are dangerous."

"Yeah I cant believe you did that either. What horrible thing to do." TenTen said next to her. Kara looked at TenTen's smiling face. It sent a chill down her spine instantly. She scampered away creating some distance. "Ah, ah, ah." TenTen wiggled her finger before grabbing Kara by the foot.

"Fwoosh," TenTen swung Kara above her head onto the ground. "Bam!" Kara hit the ground so hard her shoulder broke on contact.

"You were going to send me into that hellhole, what a bitch move. I was just gonna rough you up and help your learn the world is not so pretty as Krypton was." TenTen said still smiling. She spun in a circle like a top. She moved through the forest destoying trees as she did so. "Look what you are making me do, I will have to fix all of this later."

"Ugghhh." Kara g.r.o.a.n.e.d as she spun. Getting her wits about, she used her other foot and kicked TenTen's fingers. "Ahhh!" She screamed as TenTen's finger's were stronger than she thought. "Raah!" Kara fired her heat blast full powered.

"Bam!" It smashed into TenTen and sent her flying into a tree.

"Oof! that was a stupid move." TenTen stepped out from the tree and created a few clones to start reparing the damage they caused. She looked at Kara who was on the ground laying down weakly. "Your all tapped out idiot. The first thing I told you about using you heat blast is never use all of your power."

"Ughh." Kara shook herself trying to get up. She stared at TenTen who walked over. "Umpf!" She grabbed her mouth at the sight and swallowed hard. TenTen flesh was burned and her face looked disfigured. "I am so sorry!" Kara cried out.

"Umm from what?" TenTen asked in wonder. Kara pointed to her face instead of speaking. Touching the sides of her face, TenTen smirked. "Oh that little damage is nice. My little brothers do worse when they start fussing."

"Schlick!" TenTen raised her palm glowing in chakra and moved it over her flesh. In seconds se was back to normal.

"Feel better now?" TenTen asked Kara who nodded dumbfounded. "Good. Time to lock you up now." Before Kara could say anything, TenTen covered her in talismans and summoned a chained that binded her body.

"Mmmpf!" Kara cried out.

"Shush you cannot behave so no freedom for you." TenTen smirked. She wanted to mess with Kara a little more but the fight between Kai and Doomsday had worried from the vibrations she felt earlier. "We are going to sit here and wait till Papa is down with his test."

"Rumble." Out of the ground a chair formed from dirt. TenTen sat down and looked towards the side at Kai fighting. She then created a few clones to go and check on the others again.

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