Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 84 - Leaf Village Doomsday Part 2 End Kai-La Power fully formed

-Over in the Land of Fire-

Kai was already in battle with a different Doomsday. This one had bone armor over most of its body and moved faster than he thought possible. When ever he caught sight of were it stepped indention were made in the ground. It was heavy in a very bad way.

"Fwoosh!" Doomsday delivered an uppercut to Kai, directly knocking him into the stratosphere.

"Fwip!" Kai's clothes fluttered in the wind as he floated. Down below Doomsday kicked off the ground and came right at him.

"Boom!" The force from its legs caused the area they were in to crumble. The Jonin nearby had trouble keeping the barrier maintained in the area.

"Raaah!" Doomsday had its hands raised as it was getting ready to stab Kai in the back. However it was not prepared for Kai who could fly.

"Thanks for coming up." Kai said. Slipping behind it, he gathered his chakra before striking. His arms bulging in power from the added effect. '100% Punch!' Kai released all the strength from his current seal and sent it towards Doomsday.

"Bang!" The bone armor fell completely of as Doomsday was sent flying towards the moon.

"Thump!" It landed moments later on its surface sliding across the area. "Fwoosh!" Kai appeared right after looking at it. His eyes watched in fascination as Doomsday lungs ruptured and eyes exploded in its head.

It did not take long before the creature's heart beat started again. The bone like material encased its organs and its face. Doomsday was now smaller and looked even deadlier. By its spine it now sported a bone like tail. Kai fired his Heat blast instantly destroying it.

Doomsday screamed into the air but no sound was heard. It took a step and floated up into the air from the gravity difference. Kai watched as it somersaulted over him.

'Just wow... that is.. ah well.' Kai looked at it and watched the area that it would go to if he punched it. 'Hmmm in the desert area. Not bad.' Kai rammed into Doomsday and started punching it back towards the planet.

As soon as the reentered the atmosphere Doomsday struck back. "Wham!" It smashed its fist into Kai's back and changed the course. "Wham!" It delivered another blow sending his spiraling to the side.

"Ughh that is smarts." Kai righted himself and took stock of the correction. "Tch it is heading right back to the forest. Back towards .. Kara and the pod. That shock wave would injure TenTen and the others!"

"Boom!" Kai took off past Doomsday. Turning to look at it he fired his heat blast sending it back a few hundred feet. He bought himself a few more seconds and head straight to the ground next. The cellular changing was taking much longer he noted against Doomsday. Something was tampering with the change. Slowing it down some.

"Fwoosh!" On the ground Kai threw out over a hundred chakra rods. He formed them into a seal to absorb the volatile chakra that Doomsday was about to produce from the impact.

"Raaaaah!" Doomsday roared in triumph as it came down. The creature knew the amount of devastation it would inflict instinctively. Right before it would hit the ground however, Kai appeared in front and punched it in the head with all his strength.

"Wham!" The impact caused the trees and dirt to fly away from them both. Off in the distance the teams were having trouble dealing with the blowback. The majority of the force was neutralize, Doomsday's special chakra had eaten away at Kai's own life force, he was bad off. The blow was not enough to kill Doomsday however.

"Raaaah" Doomsday gave a headbutt that fractured his skull.

"Crack!" Feeling the pain Kai floated back a little. Activating the seal, a dome appeared over himself and Doomsday. With a flicker of his wrist two jars containing his light chakra was returned to him and the chakra rods floated into the air.

"Haaa your ability is just bad for the environment." Kai shook his head and restored himself. Feeling his body regain his strength, he flexed his muscles and decided to push on with his next plan. "Guess I am going to have to drain you a bit more for my plan to work properly."

"Rarr!" Doomsday stomped towards Kai destroying the forest as it did so. Well what was left of it anyway. The downed trees withered beneath it's feet and the soil corroded.

"Fwip, fwip!" Its first two punch were dodged with no problem. Kai slipped pass them and raised his hands and boxed Doomsday's ears. His hands were glowing with chakra as he destoyed the creatures cells now.

"Wham!" Doomsday raised its knee into Kai's stomach this caused Kai to float up a little. Grabbing him by the back, Doomsday tried to slam Kai into the ground. "Smash!" Kai's body hit the ground.

"Poof!" The Kai that hit the ground then turned into a tree. "Pssh!" The tree then turned into dust.

"Constrict!" Kai yelled. Out of the dirt, several hands appeared grabbing at Doomsday. It was only for a second, as Kai performed a close line on the creature and flipped it over. As it hovered onto its back, Kai appeared above it. 'Forbidden Technique: Barrage of Gentle Fists Closing!'

Kai rained down hundreds of punches destroying Doomsday's chakra network. It was a move he picked up when they raided the Hyuga compound a few years ago. As his fist picked up speed, his power of cruelty picked up and gave him additional chakra to fight with.

"Fwoosh!" A maelstrom of air picked up made of force and chakra. The more he punched out the more powerful he felt. Kai heard fighting come from behind him, the area TenTen was in. From the sound of the blows it was someone powerful. This broke him out of his attack.

"Thump!" Doomsday landed on the ground not moving for a bit.

"Woom, woom!" Chakra pulled in from the surroundings and reentered it. Soon its chakra network and body started to restore itself. Kai raised his foot up before bringing it down.

"Tch!" Kai smashed the smaller Doomsday down into the ground. He watched as it struggled for a moment. "Haaa what a pain you are." Circulating his chakra he healed himself back to full health. "Phew, gonna need to kick it up a notch to deal with you. You are so problematic."

"Raaah!" Doomsday kicked the ground beneath with its monstrous strength. Breaking free, it extended two bone protrusions out if its arms. "Thump! Thump!" In two steps it was at Kai already. Poised to deliver a fatal blow to Kai and incapacitate him.

"Sclick, schlick!" Both bone spikes went into Kai's c.h.e.s.t.

"Ahh!" Kai yelled. He then smiled at it. "Psych! You are going to need stronger than that. You just broke the surface." Looking closely, you could see small cuts. With a swipe of his hands, Kai broke the the weapons. He then backed handed Doomsday into the ground.

"Wham!" The ground shook as it made a crater. Kai floated over and just stared at it. Seeing the creature already regain itself, he then dropped to the ground smashing his knees into it's c.h.e.s.t. "Wham!" Doomsday went further down and the ground shook.

"Grr!" Doomsday stared at Kai with malice. Kai in turn gave it a grin before flying back up. He came back down with his feet extended this time however. "Wham!" Doomsday was pushed further into the ground again. Kai then jumped straight up again. He pulled out a chakra rod and angled it downward. Coming right down onto Doomsday's stomach. "Splurt" He pierced its stomach and healed the rod in place.

"Raaah!" Doomsday yelled loud enough to cause the hole it was in to shake. Kai shot out of it spinning and came back down again. His foot had another chakra rod at the end of it.

"Wham!" He pushed Doomsday further down by the chakra rod. He was happy that the durability level for the things were so monstrous. Jumping furthur up, Kai gathered his charka and performed a few hand signs. Doomsday started to struggle down below. So he went down to push it back in again. "Wham!" He smashed down on it for the last time.

He could have finish the move faster but he needed to try a more concentrated cast time with hand seals against a dangerous opponent such as this.

"Urgg!" Doomsday took the chance and went up to get out the hole. Grabbing the side of the ground, its body shook with raw power.

"Rumble," for miles the forest shook. Doomsday raw power alone was defying nature itself. It ripped two large masses of earth freeing itself and threw it Kai. "Die.. " It spoke for the first time. This let Kai know he was dealing with the more dangerous Doomsday. The one that was able to admit a toxin that destroyed the surroundings. He could no longer afford to train against it.

"Fwoosh! Fwoosh!" As both pieces of land masses went through the air towards him, Kai increased his strength and smashed through both pieces with his legs. "Boom!" Both pieces of land exploded from the impact.

"Hah!" Kai summoned several chains from below the ground. They wrapped around Doomsday and started to drain its chakra. "Light Style: God's Judgement!" A large wave of chakra was pulled from above Kai as well as forming from around himself. His fox partner Jaws, stuck its head from out of his hair, and added its own chakra to the mix.

"Schlick, schlick, schlick, schlick!" Several light blades formed and stabbed into each chakra point of Doomsday. They then connected forming a cross in the air. Doomsday was embedded inside it.

"I will kill you.." Doomsday said. Kai floated over and smacked it across the face.

"Shhh grown ups are doing things. Jeez you have no manners for a millennia old creature." Kai admonished the creature and smiled. He looked back towards TenTen and was happy she had things under control. His Aspect of Pandemonium started to tell him something. "Time for you to pay for your crimes."

Kai placed his hands on Doomsday's forehead and then used his hand to pull a ball from his viewing room that just formed up. Slowly with the help of the Sensing Technique modified, he was able to force Doomsday to view the different people it killed and the lives it ruined. The chakra that went into it from the Naruto World had given it a soul. It was now getting constantly bombarded by the different emotions.

On the outside only minutes passed. However in Doomsday mind countless centuries passed by. Kai watched along with it and felt his Aspects grow even stronger. At the end Kai was disgusted with this version of Doomsday.

"Smite!" Kai said. The cross broke into pieces. Then ripped apart the little bit of mind Doomsday had.

After subjecting it to the past crimes it committed over the course of its existence, its mind and soul was destroyed. Kai's eyes glowed with Cruelty as he watch it enter the cycle of rebirth. He wanted to destory it, but stopped sense the World took Doomsday as one of its own.

"Tch!" He gritted his teeth stopping himself. A thought passed in his mind with the increase strength he had. He almost reached in to pull his family out of the Afterlife. But his Aspect of Death was not strong enough and the Edo Tensei was flawed.

All that was left was a femine body down below. Kai sent chakra and restored the body to a similar state of a woman. The height matched his as well as the hair. Channeling his Power of Pandemonium, he pulled on the soul of his "Predecessor" to the forefront. Carn-La could never assimilate with her but he could have. However he did not want to.

"Hah!" With a bit of chakra to tide it over, the soul fused instantly.

"Ummmu what the hell!?" Pandemonium stood up quickly wiping her eyes. She was definitely way better at using the power than he was. She looked over the hands and feet. Gaining control of the different abilities was easy. With a few blinks she looked at Kai. "Kai-La are you sure about this?"

"Yup. I wont be able to learn properly by absorbing your soul into my own. I understand that is how it works, but I just cant and wont do it. The power loss is negligible to what I can learn and achieve from you teaching me." Kai gave her a smile "You can also help teach my kids. Saresha is not always available and I can only teach what I have figured out myself. My wives however.. I honestly have know idea what they have comprehended so far. They refuse to talk about it."

"Refuse to talk about it?" Pandemonium rocked her head side to side for a bit. "I can ask and figure out later. So for my identity.. I cant be one of your kids so.."

"Sibling. Considering how you were created and was suppose to be assimilated into me and all..." Kai smiled wrly. "..I think a twin will be fine. Just gonna tell people who pry mind their own business. Besides the confusion and trouble it will cause, should work in our favor."

"Well your not wrong, in the sense of Gods and Goddesses we are siblings." Seeing the look on his face she waved him off. "I will explain in detail in safer places. One with more of your family present who are affected by this."

"Great." Kai stopped talking as his full power came to bear. For the next few moments he was connected to the whole planet. Then to the surrounding galaxy. He stopped there as he tried to find Madara in the blast tree thing he was apart of. As well as the members of Akatsuki across the place.

His understanding pinpointing the future members that replaced Kisame, and Itachi. They were shielded by the will of the World. Switching to another focus, he pinpointed the other tailed beast holders. He sent the message to Pakura who dispersed the teams to pursue them. With a thought he sent a message to Pan aka Karura (Gaara's mother)

"Haaaa!" Kai sighed as he felt the strain on his soul. To much information to sort through as he searched. "That will take some getting use to." Before he could say anything else he received a slap on the head. "Ow! What the hell!?"

"You ready to kill the Deities of this World already!?" Pandemonium said. "Why not ask for the help from me? Ugh you used way to much power just now. You realize you warped reality a bit just then right?"

"Nope." Kai looked at her and smacked her back on the head. She looked at him feeling indignant. "Should not have hit me then."

"Haaa you took to long to reach this level. Your to strong nitwit. But then again you were human orginally and choose a really hard way to power. You reached this state faster than Kal-El did though." Pandemonium smiled happily. "All that hard work paid off to. Follow my hand signs till we get you sorted out." Kai mimicked her and felt his energy return immediately. "Good let's get out of this place and let me meet your family."

"Hmm ok." Kai placed his hands on the ground and restored the land back to normal. Then they sped over to TenTen and Kara. Seeing the wreckage and Kara on the ground in chains with seal all over her body, Kai just smiled.

"Hahahahaha, definitely a child of yours." Pandemonium laughed heartily. "She is definitely worthy of a piece of your heart."

"Ummm.." TenTen didn't know what to say.

"Ok we need to go now. We can talk at home." Kai walked over and picked up Kara. "Give the orders." He said to TenTen.

"Right!" TenTen fired 2 fireworks in the air and created 15 clones to go to each division. They carried out their tasks as fast as they could. "Back to being little." She said with a smile. Faster than one could blink, she was covered in chakra and reverted back to child size. "Buah." She spit out a little air and smiled. "All though it does have its advantages."

"Mmmmf!" Kara fainted from the sight. She realized she was beaten by a child.

"Heh." Kai smirked and grabbed TenTen. The group sped back to the compound and debrief. Kai didnt get a chance to explain Pandemonium. Anko and Chrysa gave the woman funny looks. Tsume smiled since she already knew from the debrief by TenTen's clone. "So everyone I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the family."

"Hello. You can call me Pana-La. Well just Pana really." Pana looked them over and felt the anxiety from some. "I am his sister."

"Sister!?" Kari said first. "Hah thought you were another wife. To be honest you are a little to strong and would cause to many problems."

"Ha, might still cause problems though. A lot of you," Pana pointed around the room. "..your Aspects are dying to get out. This in turn is causing problems in Kai. But we will take care of that in the future. For now I would love to try food again."

"Sure." Kari said.

"Why is your name like that?" Chrysa asked. Anko was thinking the same thing.

"Oh because of my Aspect. We take the name's derived from or strongest one. Pandemonium = Pana, Carn = Carnage as for Saresha she most likely didn't because of the fact she is really the only deity in her World. She has no other rivals." Pana said simply. My real name is Cassidy. But I discarded that a very long time ago."

"So what will yours be Kai?" Tsume asked.

"Uhhh I wont have a name changed. I promised Ku-La that I would not kill the Sage of Six paths. So... it wont really matter." Kai said. "I have grown attached to this name anyway."

"That is good. I like this name." Tsume smiled and nodded. "I will go report in what has happened. See you all later tonight." She then left in a flash.

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