Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 86 - Naruto Graduated

-A few years later-

A large part of the family was gathered at the Academy. The ceremony had just ended for the fresh graduating Genin's. The secondary testing by the Jonin instructors were passed this time. There was no point considering every Genin had gone through an additional course correction during the summer that tested their resolve and morality. Over 437 had moved on as full Genin. 27 would remain as support staff inside the village. They could not be trusted.

"Congrats on your test." Kai said. He looked at the kids and cheered again with the others. "Your life as ninja has truly started."

"You better believe it!" Naruto cheered the loudest. "I wonder who our teacher will be?"

"Hmm yeah me to." Sakura said next to him. "Maybe it will be Might Guy! or Inuzuka Aki."

"Settle down you two geez." Sasuke said. "I wish my brother would come out of retirement. That would be great."

"We will be fine no matter who it is." Shino said quietly.

"Your teacher will be me." Kakashi appeared in front of them. "Greetings team 7."

"Eh we get the future Hokage!?" Sasuke asked. Naruto and Sakura just stared mouth agape. Shino just shook his head. To him, they should have known with how close Naruto and Kakishi were. As well that they had the same teaching group.

"Yes." Kakashi said. "We will meet tomorrow around noon at the training grounds. Until then relax." He looked at Kai for a moment. "I still want to do a special thing for them. Especially with squads now having four ninja."

"It is your group, I can not interfere in it." Kai said plainly. He still did not get over Kakishi botching the Uchiha affair a few years ago.

"Hey cuz," Naruto called towards Kai. "Can Kakashi come to celebrate?"

"Sure." Kai nodded and walked off. A few of his kids walking with him. Asking about graduation gifts. Their teacher was already at the compound since they received info from him directly about it. "Try not to break anything."

"Haaaa this will be a major pain." Asuma said. He looked at his team and realize it was different than he expected it to be. Choji Akimichi, Shikimaru Nara, Pierre Uzumaki, and Vega Senju. 'Part of the special combo. Well, cant be helped with Ino already having made it to Genin years ago.'

"We can just go to my family's compound to celebrate. No reason to spend extra money Jonin Asuma." Vega said calmly. The boy was very.. off putting at times. Vega had no idea what his mother Anko trained him under.

"Right." Asuma sighed and they joined the majority of the others. 'Old man what is going on in the village? It has changed so much since I came back.' His head swiveled over to another group. A few were a bit older but were held back on the recommendation of Kai.

"We are heading to my place to eat." Kiba said. Behind him, his teammates Sai Shimura, Rock Lee, and Neji Hyuga smiled. "Teacher Guy should be meeting us there."

"Then let's go. I am really hungey." Rock Lee gently rubbed his belly. "Training has been really intense lately."

"Swoosh!" Four ninja appeared. It was Ino, Karin, Arietta, and TenTen. Each had a Chunin vest on. They had just comeback from a special assignment and missed the graduation itself.

"Training has gotten to intense eh?" TenTen said to Rock Lee. She walked over and grabbed his face. "If you do not get stronger how will you keep up with me? Eh dear hubby?"

"Gulp.. well yah see." Rock started to sweat just a bit. He looked to his partner Neji for help. Neji looked the other way. "Why you!?" Rock Lee grumbled at the betrayal.

"Well since you want to stop... maybe I should marry just Neji then. Have him as husband number 1?" TenTen tapped her chin in thought. "What to do?"

"Stop teasing him." Karin walked over giving her smack on the back. TenTen shook coldly. Karin's hands were glowing with visible chakra. She place an Ice streak on TenTen's back. "Rock Lee pay her no mind. Most days she mumbles in her sleep about she cant wait to marry you two."

"Really!?" Rock Lee looked at TenTen who refused to make eye contact. Steam left his nose at the sight. "Dont worry TenTen, I will train even harder in the future!" He said with passion and energy.

"Hmm you better." TenTen gave him a peck on the cheek as well as Neji. "Have fun with your celebration. I need to go report in." she looked to the others, "you three are relieved of duty. Go have fun."

"Fwoosh!" TenTen left instantly.

"Hmmmm." Arietta just looked around for a bit before excusing herself. "I.. am gonna go for a walk. Bye."

"Ehhh what's with her?" Ino asked Karin.

"I have no idea. I will ask her later. Are you going to check on your cousins or no?" Karin asked.

"Nah. I am going home. We have been gone to long." Ino gave them all a wave and left.

"Well guess that leaves just me." Karin looked at the others for a moment. Sai was arguing with Sasuke about something. And Shino just stared at Naruto who kept holding on to his headband smiling at it. Sakura came over to talk with her. "What's up Pinky?"

"Eh same old Red." Sakura shrugged. "I think they are going to fight again. Why are they so imm.a.t.u.r.e?"

"Who knows. How are things going with you and Naruto?" Karin asked quietly after putting a sound seal up. Sakura just smiled sadly a little. "What happened?"

"Haaa it's like this." Sakura told her how TenTen caught Naruto training with Kakashi and Jiraiya. As well as finding out about the state Minato and Kushina were in. Naruto told her everything and didn't know what to do. "He is starting to resent Kai a little."

"Hmmm, that is problematic. Not the resentment part. The fact that he talked about something he was not suppose to." Karin frowned as she said that. She noticed Sakura started to panic and didn't want her to lose it. "Naruto was not meant to discus that with anyone. Telling you was dangerous. That means most likely Jiraiya and Kakishi told Tsunade. If at any point they blabbed to anyone else, that means the enemy might know as well."

"What do I do?" Sakura asked.

"Nothing. Be there for him." Karin shook her head. "I will talk to TenTen and have her help me bring it up to the old man. If he knows and has not acted on it then all is well. If he doesn't know then... that is worse."

"I..I.. want to come as well." Sakura said. A look of determination on her face. "If he gets mad then so be it. But I want to be there when you all confront Kai. Maybe it will help."

"Umm sure." Karin agreed. She didn't think it would, but it couldn't hurt. "Let's wait till after the party." Sakura nodded and they rejoined the group.

-Late that evening-

The party ended involving several other clans that kind of gravitated towards the Uzumaki compound. Kai said nothing and left it to Pakura and Anko since they are the ones who caused it. The two were such social butterflies.

"I wanted to ask you something old man." Kiba said to Kai and Tsume when he caught them alone. Seeing Kai nod he stopped fretting and just spat it out. "I want to marry Ino! Will you give me your blessing?"

"Ummmm, shouldn't you ask her dad first?" Kai said a little surprised. Tsume just smirked near him. "I mean are you two even dating or is this.."

"We have been dating since the last trip to the island a few months ago. Before she left to go on that special mission with the others. I am ... I want to make her happy and.." Kiba started to say outloud. Voice getting more passionate as he spoke up. Well till Kai pointed behind him. "Gulp... she is right behind me isn't she?" Kai nodded. It was the reason Tsume was laughing. She saw the girl Ino move in ear shot and noticed the way Kiba spoke to fast catching Kai off guard.

"So you want to marry me huh?" Ino smiled mischievously. She wanted to tease Kiba just a bit first. "You sure about that? When we were young you destroyed my flower bracelet. Thought you were just playing around with me for now."

"I would never. The old man would kill me if I did." Kiba looked over his shoulder at Kai who nodded. "I am serious about you Ino. I will prove to you in front of everyone. Kiba reached into his b.r.e.a.s.t pocket and pulled out a flower bracelet. "This is the one you made for me after I apologized. I kept it close since then. With Kai and Chrysa's help I was able to learn enough about nature chakra to preserve it."

"Its so full of energy." Ino said a little misty eyed. She grabbed the bracelet and felt the chakra radiate around her. As the chakra surrounded her it showed images of when Kiba thought about her. "I love it."

"Then.. gulp.. when we grow older marry me." Kiba said serious.

"Ok.." Ino said lowly. Her ears were red as she couldn't look up at him. "I promise. I will only love you."

"I will only love you as well." Kiba placed his head against hers. His mother smiled with approval at her little pup keeping the old customs alive.

"Fwoosh!" The bracelet dissipated and made a small tattoo on their fingers. A small bond formed as two aspects formed in Kiba. Kai didn't know what they were but left it alone for another time.

"Well now, you are a bold young man." Inoichi came up with a serious expression. "He was just about to mess with Kiba but stooped when he saw the anger from his sister Chrysa, Chrysa was talking to a few clan members nearby but had focused in on the conversation when Kiba mentioned Ino. "You have my blessing. Just treat her right hehe."

"You got it!" Kiba said and the two walked to join the others. Inoichi decided to sit with Kai and talk to him about something.

"Is he going to take other wives?"

"Ah no." Kai said. "Most of them have decided against that practice. However Kimimaro will be, as well as most of my sons with Pakura. My daughters and sons with Tsume and Anko however, will most likely get two or three spouses." Kai eyes radiate a bright light before he smiled. "Lots of grandkids in the future. Going to need to find some more land soon."

"That is good." Inoichi said. "I rather she did not have to compete for his affections."

"That is something you will not have to worry about with him." Tsume said. "He has been gaga for her for awhile now." The party turned into a very smood sailing for a bit. At one point, Shu-La (Shukaku) found Kai for a talk.

"What is wrong?" Kai asked a little worried. The man had not been right since the Doomsday incident a few years ago. "Go ahead and speak freely, it is safe here."

"Very well." Shukaku said. "The plan for the Tail beast my.. siblings. Are you still going to do it?"

"Yes. They will have the traces that make up Ten-Tails extracted. If it is summoned again, it will be bound into a body to live its life the same as you all have been. The seals I have worked on, will cause its body to release the chakra back into the planet. It will then revive and start anew. Different personality and mindset if the "circle of life" says anything." Kai spoke quietly. "Each of you will be given the chance at life. That has not changed. It is the reason that I dont care that Chomei does not trust me."

"Thank you, for keeping your word." Shukaku's eyes glowed with power. A small connection formed with Kai instantly. Both of their chakra's expanded even more so. "Well drinks are in order!" Shukaku walked away merrily. Happy for the increase in strength, as well as his doubts washing away again.

The Intel gathered from the men he interrogated a few years ago, as well as his own findings left his heart shaken. Information about Kai time as Warlord of Uzu starting to surface again. The things he did while freeing trapped Uzumaki's in foreign countries coming to light. Kari does not need to know what was done to keep them and the others safe. As well as the second Whirlpool Village that was set up.

'Why does he never talk about it?' Shukaku thought. He would pick a better time to ask about it. His hand gripped a scroll saying that the next Chunin exams would be in for a surprise. A few villages were all participating to make themselves known.

-The late hour-

Most of the families had gone home. Each walked off by Jonin from the clan towards the gate. Only ones left were Kai's immediate family and a few genin that were going to spend the night. Kai was in his den with Tsume and Kari when a knock came.

"Knock, knock." Behind the door was TenTen, Karin, and Sakura.

"Come in." Kari said. The three walked in and sat across from Kai who was looking at a map. On the map was the location of the 6 tailed beast. They were forming a plan to go and excavate it.

"Why are you all here so late? Is something the matter?" Tsume asked.

"Well..." TenTen started to say. Karin was surprised at her sister not wanting to get it over with already. If she was this hesitant then this would be more difficult than she thought. "Haaa Sakura has something she wants to tell you. You cannot freak out and must listen to her."

"Alright." Kai relaxed in his chair and looked at Sakura. "Go ahead."

"Gulp ok." Sakura swallowed her spit and told him what happened. When she finished she wanted nothing more than to sit down and rest. "Haa that is everything."

"Hmmmm." Kai hummed a little.

"Kai you brought back the Minato and Kushina with the Edo Tensei?" Tsume asked.

"No." Kai shook his head. "That technique is flawed and I would not do that again. I took the part of his parents souls that were sealed inside of him. I then placed them in "false bodies" so to speak. It requires a vast amount of chakra to power the soul. More than what I had at the time to spare."

"What about now?" Sakura asked. "Can you do it now?"

"Maybe. I do not think about it. So I do not know." Kai said plainly. "I have other things I am working on. Naruto was told to become stronger for when the time comes. He will be needed to get his parents back."

"But Naruto is just a kid. We are just kids." Sakura said quietly. As soon as she said it, she realized that didn't matter. "No... we are ninja. You want him to be ready for the trouble it will bring."

"Correct." TenTen said. "The spreading information of the return of Minato and Kushina would cause all kinds of problems. Naruto needs strength to deal with the ramifications of revealing that. You need to be ready."

"Me?!" Sakura asked surprised.

"When Naruto told you, he put you in danger." Kari said. "That boy screwed up big time. The fourth Hokage has a lot of enemies. Then again we could protect him."

"Good luck with that." Kai said. "I told him not to tell anyone for reasons. He will have to deal with those mistakes."

"But your his family!" Sakura yelled. Karin put a comforting hand on Sakura's shoulder to calm her down.

"Naruto has several guards in place. The same as most of you. However they cannot be everywhere at once." Kai said. "He will go on missions and things will change."

"Haa I understand." Sakura said. Her hands were balled into fist in frustration. "I will do what I can to help him." Tsume, Kari, and kai gave her a nod of approval. "If he signed with the frogs, I need to find my own contract."

"What did you say?!" Kai asked her surprised.

"Well.. I told her not to say anything till after we settled down a little bit." TenTen smiled sheepishly.

"Is that bad?" Karin asked.

"Yes." Kari said. "The signing of that contract ties him to the frogs in Spirit world. Only way to solve that, would be to kill them and destroy the prophecy that Naruto is a part of."

"Well damn..." Karin said. "You are not going to do that right?" She stared at Kai who remained quiet. "Papa you cant!"

"Alright settle down jeez." Kai said. "I will leave it alone. Sakura take this kunai. If you are ever getting ready to die, use it."

"Umm thank you." Sakura said tucking it away. "I promise I wont tell anyone about them coming back."

"You are not the problem. You are family so it is fine." Kai said. "The problem is Tsunade or Jiraiya blabbing to anyone. Time will tell what will happen. Just continue to train and everything will be ok."

"I will train her in my spare time with TenTen." Karin added.

"Huh?" TenTen looked confused for a bit. "Who told you about that.?"

"Her knuckles did." Karin lifted Sakura cut and bruised hands up. "They have your crappy healing on them." Karin teased.

"Tch better then most of the people in the hospital." TenTen countered. "Not my fault my chakra is to strong."

"Ok enough girls." Kari said. "I will show you better ways to control your chakra tomorrow. For now, go to bed." The trio left leaving Tsume, Kai, and Kari alone.

"Resurrection... it is not that right?" Tsume asked.

"No." Kai shook his head. "I still cannot reach into the "afterlife" yet. Not with out certain things happening."

"I.. do not ant you to." Kari said. She moved over and grabbed Kai's hand. "The ones we lost are gone Kai. Please do not follow this path."

"I agree with her." Tsume added. "I may not have lost any children giving birth, but I know right now that I can honestly say I do not want you bringing them back from the grave."

"You sure about that?" Kai looked at them.

"Yes." Kari answered first. "I know most of the others would agree."

"I know they all will agree." Tsume said. "We are already unnatural enough Kai. I think there should be things we never cross into." The room was quiet for awhile.

"Fine... however that means none of you are allowed to die in battle." Kai said with a strong gaze. "If someone was able to managed to kill you right now, I would stop at nothing to bring you back."

"You cant mean that." Kari said.

"Yes I can." Kai said. His eyes glowing with power. "I.."

"No!" Kari tackled him and started to cry. "If I die.. let me stay dead. I do not want to think about what you would due to bring me back. I think it was destroy the meaning of everything we ever built together. Promise me you will not do it."

"Tch." Kai clicked his teeth angry. "Fine."

"I think it best you retire for the evening Kari." Tsume said. She gave the woman a look that she knew all to well.

"Your right. I think it best." She gave them a small smile and walked away.

"Haa." Kai sighed in frustration. Tsume just stared at him. "What?"

"The same as you, she thinks about the ones she lost. Bringing them back wont fix her. It is down with Kai." Tsume said. "I think it best you really do not tread in that direction."

"Hmmm fine." Kai said. "But I will still check on the others methods for returning souls that did not pass on still."

"That is good. I have more bad news though." Tsume looked at him grinning a little. "Hana has a date."

"With who?" Kai asked in surprise.

"She talked to him a good deal at the party earlier. Try to think of the person you saw her mostly with." Tsume smirked.

"The person she was mostly with.... you cannot be serious?! Why him of all people?!" Kai remembered the tuff of white hair and became angry.

"Kakishi is not that bad." Tsume said. She gave Kai a pat on the shoulder to console him. "It will be fine. trust me."

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