Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 88 - Naruto First Real Mission Part 2

-Before entering the Town-

An ambush caught the Quints having there first fight. Sakura was terrified at how happy they were to test themselves. She did not get to see what they did to them. Kakashi, prioritized the mission. The team was ordered to get Tazuna pass. Tazuna, protected all sides by Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Shino breeze through.

"Stop them. Kill the bridge builder first!" The unknown ninja called.

"Hah!" Jorro threw a kunai at a fleeing man. The man reeked of the drug they were here to destroy. As the kunai sailed through the air, it was interrupted by a small object.

"Ding!" Someone threw a shuriken to intercept. This changed the trajectory of Jorro's attack.

"Woosh!" Four cloaked figures landed. Members of another gang or ninjas in disguise. The Quints couldnt tell, nor did they care. Scent said enemy. So, enemy they were.

'Fire Style: Fireball Technique!' Jorro used the move after jumping at the nearest one. The ball of fire shot off fast. But not fast enough to catch them unguarded. His sister Rea right next to him, went after them with a palm thrust.

"Boom!" The fireball was blocked. But not the palm thrust. "Bam!" The assailant was sent through the air dead before taking off the ground. His lungs and stomach destroyed. The one close to him lunged at Rea with a kunai.

"Schup!" Runt jumped in with a high kick straight to the assailant's chin. "Crack!" The bones broke in his face, followed by the head exploding. They had no restraints.

"You little monster!" Screaming before attacking was a stupid move. Before his shuriken could leave, his arm was ripped off. "Ahhhh!"

"You are noisy." Anui was behind the man. Her legs pressed in his back as she pulled. "No valuable intel found. Disposable." Her hair just finished searching over the body. With a snap, the life of the ninja was over. "Darn it." She was upset as she looks to the side. Nines had the last hypnotize. "Took the last one."

"Yup." Nines made the woman kneel down. She started running through his memories and any possible intel. Finding what she needed, Nines made the signal for her other sister to finish. A closed fist. "This is what I found." Standing right in front of Arianna she transferred the info mentally. "They are one of the targets."

Kai closed his eyes and scanned the surroundings. Several clones of the Quints were on standby. Spreading out to find any others. After a certain distance, they dispersed. 9 minutes is all it took for them all to disperse. The Quints looked at Kai in disappointment. They found nothing.

"So they have come out." Kai looked at the bodies in intrigue afterward. The actual Quints checked over the bodies each. After a check, they alternate then compared notes after securing everything a second time. "Smart moves. Natives from the Land of Volcano. Matches the Hidden Village of Stone ninja fighting style and mannerisms. They played the long con really well."

"Is this the beginning of a war?" Nines asked. Her mother, Arianna shook her head no. " Then what is going on?" She watched as a sound seal went up. They were all hidden from sight, and the bodies put away. "Stop the building of the bridge, to keep the Leaf Village from gaining a stronger foothold maybe?"

"The Villiage Hidden in the Stone pushed up their plans for the future. A result of your father declining them in the past. And his d.e.s.i.r.e to wipe them out." Arianna said plainly. This was known by the older members of the family. Those who worked in politics and Chunin rank on up. The children turned serious listening in. "Destabilizing the Land of Sea, Land of Water and establishing the Land of Volcano as its own, is just a precursor."

"They want the Village Hidden in the Mist as their own? With their forces weakening years ago, it opened the way for a lot of things." Jorro said. Kai did take in most of their promising ninja. And their future Kage. "Ah, the blasted Aka baka! The old man Onoki has hired them in the past. With their people and forces, he should have a good idea of .. well everything."

"Yes, he does." Kai said plainly. "The Leaf Village will be caught on both sides in a pincer. All just in case it wages war like the paranoid little dwarf thinks."

"Why let them think that way?" Rea asked. The little girl did not like the sound of things. "You want them to think that don't you."

"Yes." Runt answered. "If they militarize from a misguided view it helps us. Working to build forces for when the war actually happens. All to fight the "enemy" forces. Why waste our people, when we can send our energy to use their own."

"But that only works if they do not side with them." Arianna said. "That is one of the reasons we are here. To see where they stand."

"If they are, we make our move. Acquiring another Village is just a means to an end." Kai gave them all a look over. None said anything. "Our forces are growing. Soon, I will not be in the Leaf Village at all. It limits our options. But it is a good place to train and raise you all."

"And if.. if The Village of the Stone attacks, you get to wipe them out?" Anui asked, despite knowing the answer already. Kai gave her a nod. "You can't let go of what happened still. They are gone, papa. The Village of Whirlpool is no more. Why not go to the survivors if it means that much? They have their own village Aunt Kira said."

"The same reason she stays in the Leaf Village with Gai. It is a lie. They are lead by a fool they willingly follow. It will cost them their lives in the end." Kai shook his head disagreeing. "You will learn eventually. Some things can never be let go."

"Hope I do not." Anui said sadly. She remained quiet after that. 'Making enemies is just futile. We already have so many. Is papa really a monster like they say?'

"Hope is the road to disappointment." Her brother Jorro said with a teasing tone. He gave her a hug to help comfort. "We have each other, that is what matters." Seeing her settle down, Jorro told to Kai. "What about the Villiage Hidden in the Clouds? And the Empire's on the other side?"

"Clouds will stay out of it. We made sure of that. Diplomatically of course." Kai said with a smile. "The Empire's have their own trouble. They are rebuilding and reorganizing. Earthquakes and a few large chakra beasts rampaging about."

"You did that?" Rea asked.

"Huh, hell no. That is natural stuff. What do I look like causing earthquakes and releasing beasts on people?" Kai looked at them a little shock. He frown when they gave him a look of disbelief. "You little brats... no gift for you then. Taking back your birthday present."

"What no fair!" Nines said.

"Yeah, can you blame us?" Runt asked. Kai frowned even deeper. "Forget I said that." He waved his hands in apology. "Sorry pops."

"Kai do not tease them." Arianna chastised the man. "They need them for the future anyway. For their safety." This made him relent easily. "A form of protection no matter what you all choose to do in the future."

"Pat!" Kai smacked his hand on the ground, he used a summoning to bring their presents out. Six wolves. Not dogs or a side breed. But actual Dire wolves. They had a look of savagery that matched each of their counterparts. But they were extremely intelligent. Each bioengineered to communicate telepathically and actual speak. Trained every day by Kai, Tsume, Mastica, and an actual Animal Trainer from another world.

"My Inuzuka children have foxes. You all.." She pointed at each child. ".. and others if Tsume has more, will have wolves like these." Arianna had a broad smile on her face. She looked at Nines waiting for her reaction. She was not expecting her to remain so silent.

"TenTen's group uses foxes." Nines pouted. Her siblings visibly shook. Most bristling in anger. Runt remained calm. "I do not want it. I think it is time we catch up with the others." She looked away to the ground. Her siblings jumped on their wolves after hugging them. they were already communicating with them. The biggest thing was to bond.

"Oh dear." Arianna shook her head. The dire wolf walked over to her not bothered in the least. "I am so sorry." Arianna want to talk to her daughter but left it alone for alter. She was to emotional right now to make any sense of things. "Move out everyone."

"They will have an argument soon." Kai transmitted directly to Arianna's ears. She gave a nod and kept pace. 'What to do with the remnants of the Mist Village?'

'Wait to hear about what happen to the Kage first.' Gemini said from his shadow. 'I think we should add it to our forces.'

'Eh, you would make a good Kage for it.' Kai thought back.

'No! My place is by your side.' Gemini was not going to change her mind on it. 'Maybe give it to Mei & Zabuza. They are on their way to visit us.' Kai just thought about it.

"Woosh!" Honzo appeared next to Kai. He had news before reaching his previous destination. News that needed to be delivered.

"Forces composed of ninja from Stone and Sand. They have made it to the Rain Village. Not large enough to be a strike force, but big enough to be taken seriously." Hanzo passed off a scroll with deeper details. Kai read it quickly and gave a nod. "I am going to go and see what I can do to stop some of the killings.

-Tazuna's Village-

Tazuna's village was in complete disarray. No one was dead, but countless injured were scatter about. The homes were damaged to the point there was no point in trying to repair them again. Food was gone as well as drinkable water.

"We need to leave, there is no way we can keep this up." A villager said. It was one of the "refugees" from earlier. He spoke to the wounded and tried his best to convince them. To no luck mind you. "We can not stay here."

"This is home. Surely the Mizukage will send ninja to help." An elder said. This caused the villagers to quiet down. Indoctrinated by countless years of tradition and dogma. Elder's lead things. Even if it leads to the death of the villagers.

"If you youngsters would stop giving the merchants trouble, this would not be the problem." Another elder said. He was in favor of the "merchants" doing business. Whether he was aware they were drug smugglers or not, they did not know yet. But there was suspicion.

"Those drugs are poisoning our people. And the land. Surely you understand this by now?" Another "refugee" argued. "Stop turning a blind eye to things!"

"Tazuna brought back Leaf ninja, they can help fend it till the bridge is done." Another elder stepped up. "Once it is done, the Stone village will have no choice but to take us serious. They will not risk causing strife anymore."

"Are you mad?" Kai said walking over. Jorro and Rea, walking with him. They were the easier pair of the Quints for negotiations. "Where are the Lead people of this village? Let them speak, corpses should remain quiet." Kai had heard enough of the people talking. An understanding was one thing but... he did not care to deal with this. A few made way for Tsunami, Kaiza and a few others. The young leaders of the village.

"I swear this is nuts." Sakura said. She was helping with Arianna to tend the wounded. The group looking never-ending. "What all happened here?"

"We will find out soon enough." Arianna said as she worked. Her Sharingan was active the entire time. Her daughter helping as an assistant to her and Sakura. "Stability is the most important for now. Treatment for later."

"Right!" Sakura and Nines answered togethor.


"We are asking for your help! Please!" Kaiza looked at his old friend in desperation. He could tell Kai would not budge on this matter." Tsunami gripped his arm tighter to the side. In worry.

"Kai-La please." Tsunami begged. "Just consider it payback for when you rested here over a decade ago." She was referring to a botched assignment Kai had. He went across the water. Pass the Land of Water.

The Will of the World attacked with abandon. A large portion of its power kept him from turning the area into what he wanted. The longer he stayed the more the place changed. Trying to put buildings down, they crumbled by earthquakes. Trying to practice his skills, chakra beast would find him. He left after fixing what he could. None were hurt by him. But, the chakra beasts remained. They were there to keep things normal.

Something was really happening there that did not involve him. Something weird. He made a note not to come back until he could glass the place given the chance. Which he had now. But that is another story for later.

"Haaa. Kakashi, your call." Kai looked over at the man. It involved his mission after all. "Just a bystander."

"Umm right." Kakashi was caught off guard but recovered quick enough. "If this town swears to become an autonomy of the Leaf Village, we would be bound to assist. As a vassal state there is nothing the other Nations can do. I will send word to the Hokage to implement the process. Hopefully this can end swiftly." Kakashi excused himself to send word.

The atmosphere in the room changed instantly after that. Each of the people in the room, lost the desperate look. Replaced with a stern confidence. Tsunami nodded to a man by the door who activated a sound displacement seal.

Now guarded, the real talks could begin.

"Is there any way you can take over Kai-La?" Kaiza spoke again. This time as an operative. "What is the point in having trained so many of us as sleeper agents? Especially if we all die after you leave."

"To live. Despite the outside appearance, you all are healthy and strong. No deaths really. Besides those foolish enough to take the drugs." Kai spoke in a serious tone. "Maybe you all are just not cut out to live a better life? Mundane and in fear for the rest of your time may be what you seek. After all, not everyone wants more fo themselves or their children."

"That is not it at all." Kaiza said. He was not ready for that to be the life of the village. He just didnt want the bloodshed and for the people to turn into monsters. "We are not a warmongering people."

"No, just prefer others to do it for you. Such an unusual trait in some people." Kai looked over the map. "I will not kill, but I will not stop you from killing. Protect and help me, but do not do it that way." His voice was almost mocking.

"A lot can get accomplished through peace talks." Another villager said.

"Peaceful approach, talking works wonders when your enemy has you bent over the barrel and slitting your throat." Jorro said. He surprised the people with his voice. That and he was a little kid. "As a kid, I can explain to you a lot better how your children feel. We do not like living in fear of the unknown."

"You may have forgotten what it is like to be little and powerless." The girl said. "But your kids do not. Trying talking to them or listening in when they sleep. You will learn a lot."

Several rumors had spread about Kai. A smear campaign the Leaf Village ignored for the most part. The Cloud & Sand kept note of it. Every other village took it to heart. He was banned from most places with a kill on-site order.

"We just can not convince them." Tsunami added. "Even my father refuses to leave. This is home, this is where my mother is buried. He will not leave. To stubborn."

"Hmmm." Kai felt the presence of two others approaching. Members that went to start the Frost Village. "Company is here."

"Fwoosh!" Appearing to the side, were Mei & Zabuza.

"Hello, long time no see." Mei said to the people. "We tried to get here sooner. But... well things happened."

"This village will not fall. Not to the Stone ninja anyway." Zabuza said. "Kaiza, what was the point of everything if you all give up?"

"But the others.. We cannot convince them. We cannot turn away or stay." The man lamented from going around in circles. He just wanted things to be over.

"We will help patrol and stabilize the place. The Hidden Frost Village may be far away, but we won't just abandon our birthplace." Mei added. "Frost ninja, those who originated from her are en route. We will do what you all refuse to." The people nodded in happiness. Knowing that is was their former countrymen helped.

"Kai, a word." Zabuza took Kai to the side. "If things turn bad, the others have taken a vote. "Village Hidden in the Mist will be taken over by you. This will give us a broader place to operate, and coordinate with all our allies. In case things go bad." Kai nodded agreeing.

'Everything is working out as needed.' Gemini transmitted. 'Do you think the rest of want you will go the same way?'

'No. I can feel it thanks to my Aspects. A change will be here soon.' Kai relaxed as he listened to Mei's plan with everyone else.

-Smuggler's Make their Move-

A month later. The work on the bridge had sped up quite a bit. Word had got out about Leaf ninja guarding the place. A few thugs passed through but work had drop considerably low for them. They couldnt push the product and it starts to show.

"Listen man, there are only five of them." A thug said to his partners. "Four of them are kids even. We go in deliver a big payout and leave this place to go somewhere else."

"We could always start selling to the stone ninja." Another thug said. "They may not get the same boost from our product, but it does work faster and longer. If we get some of them addicted, we will have a new range of customers."

"Alright. We will follow that plan of yours." The leader said. A good look from Kai or Anko would let them know, it was a plat of Orochimaru. "Get everyone ready. If we get caught, we fight our way out." They agreed and went to work.

-Back with Kai-

"Kai, a friend has sent word." Hanzo spoke serious and quickly. "Nagato, has been abandoned by the masked man. He is barely hanging on to his life. The Stone Village assault force knows of this. How do you wish to proceed?"

"We will move in. Your not fooling me Hanzo. You would go even without my approval. To much of a die hard to save your people." Kai gave the man a smile and signaled a ninja team to go with Hanzo. "I will come with you in a moment. Have to talk to someone."

"Right." Hanzo nodded and placed his rebreather back on.

"Woosh!" The team vanished in a blink of an eye. "Woosh!" Kai alerted everyone of the change and shot off a different way.

-Uninhabited Island, North of the Village Hidden in the Mist-

"How are you ? Do you want anything to eat?" A large Frog asked. Kai shook his head no. He stood floating in the air not daring to land on the ground. He hated the place. Filled with to many frogs. "You may call me Baba the Wise."

"No. Now what is it that you want?" Kai wanted to get this over with quickly.

"To the point. That is good." Baba stated amused. She predicted things would go this way. "I need you to change your ways Kai-La. To many will die if you do not."

"No. Is that all?"

"So quick to answer." Baba hopped along to stir another cauldron. "But what if it involves your children?" She opened a crusty eye to see him flinch a little. "Something you care about. That is good. I will make it simple. When Naruto confronts you, do what you must. But do not kill Jariya.. or Orochimaru."

"Fat chance." Kai's eyes lit up in rage. His Aspect of Cruelty wrapping him up in a dark chakra. This caused a few of the cauldrons to boil over.

"Easy now. I will give you a gift." Baba looked at him a little fearful. "the bodies of those you lost. the family members that you could not find. Surely it is worth the trade?" Seeing him calm down, Baba gestured for the others to bring several bodies over. 21 women and 15 children. All dead.

"Woom!" Kai waved his hand taking the bodies away. They would be placed in the Mausoleum with the others.

"2 years. That is all I will give you. Haaa, "I" will not kill them. But crippling them, that I may do." Flying up, Kai left the place. Dense fog closing behind. Hiding the island from site once again.

"Haa, tell the others on Mount Myōboku we arranged them some time." Baba lamented. "Stupid Gamamaru, Great Toad Sage my warty ass! Without me, his little plans would have ended. It always Baba cleaning things up. Should have saved Whirlpool. Things would be much easier."

The little frogs nodded and went to leave. A cauldron next to Baba boiled over. Looking at it, she couldnt get over the water completely red. It represented lives lost in an area. This specific area, was the Land of Rain.

"Such bloodshed..." Baba old eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

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