Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 89 - Naruto First Real Mission part 3 (Not Edited)

The next day.

"No wonder Zabuza and co left this place. It is the pits." Naruto said. "I dont like this at all." He couldnt help getting tense from the condition of the people. They reminded him of those stricken with poverty and desperation. 'I need to think of ways to help them. But where to start first. Think Naruto think! What did Kai-La teach me about the less fortunate?'

"Tazuna... what did you ask us to do again?" Sasuke asked very impolite. "Be a little more exact."

"Very well. You are to guard me and my crew till the bridge is finished."

"Your crew consists of the town itself right?"

"Well yes that's tight. The whole town is in on this project for the most part." Tazuna stated looking away from them. He left that out when he hired them. 'Surely they wont get to upset. From the rumors, the Leaf village is the most kind of the big villages.'

"Great." Sakura did a little cheer. "Kakashi sir, may I lead an op?"

"Go ahead." Kakashi was told by the Hokage to start letting everyone run little small operations. Best way to train future leaders and find out flaws in young genin. 'She has the aptitude to read situations quite well. It should be.'

"Great. Sasuke and Naruto make many combat effective clones as you can." Sakura ordered. She then made two clones of herself. Both clones shot off into a direction of the outskirts. "Hurry you two!"

"Ok!" Naruto said first. "Shadow Clone Technique." 9 Naruto's appeared behind him.

"Ok." Sasuke said second. "Shadow Clone Technique." Four appeared behind him.

"Here, we are doing a restoration mission. It's a Grade D repeatable mission all Genins can take. But only for allied places." Sakura handed a scroll over to each of them. "Your clones are to find any bandit outpost, drug trafficking, weapon cache, and bingo book members under chunin and deal with it."

"Right." They shot off to take care of it. Shino stared at her waiting for his assignment.

"You are to help me find the best places to grow things. The fertile land mixed by the sea water can help us with particular plants. I am sure Mr.Tazuna won't mind it. A good way to keep relations going." Sakura had a smile on her face but her tone was slightly intimidating. "Right?"

"Of course. We even have a few villagers that we can spare from the bridge project." Tazuna said. His back was sweating profusely and it was not from the sun up high. "Please take what you need."

"Come on Shino." Sakura shot off and went to work. Shino was happy for the better assignment.

Arianna saw nothing wrong with Sakura's plan. So she said nothing. It would make for great experience for the team.

-Sakura & Shino-

"Wow this turned out great!" Sakura said. The field was cleared out mostly and would work wonders for what the village needed. "Just need to do a little planting and go from there."

"Hey Sakura.. we have company." Shino said walking over. He was looking towards a group of men coming from the water on a small boat. "Looks like trouble." In the distance a few other small boats could be seen. All full of people that did not look to nice. Mostly thugs and gangsters.

"Yeah... Send a bug clone to talk with them. I will send word to.."

"Sakura deal with them yourself." Kai transmitted to her ear. "They are good training for you and Shino. Still send word but just on what is happening. Do not mark it urgent."

Sakura gave a nod and finished writing the message. She gave a whistle and a little canary came from the trees picking it up. It took of at a slow speed dispearing in less than a minute.

"What do you people want?" Shino's bug clone asked. He spoke to the first person that stepped out the boat. "You have entered the illegally, I suggest you get back in your boat and leave."

"That is no way to talk young man." The man gave a sorry expression. "We are refugees from the east. We could really use your help and charity."

"No. Now go back." The bug clone said. Shino recited word for word to Sakura. Each response was determined by her. The first refugee took a step back, looking over his shoulder revealed most of the others were no where close to landing.

"I heard the Leaf Village was nice than this, why the hostility when not even in your own country?"

"Right now, we are representing them. I suggest you leave before it is to late." The clone started to rattle a little bit.

"Sakura they are showing killing intentions. My bugs are picking up on it. They are stalling." Shino said alarmed.

"We should provide help." One of the Elders said. "They looked to actually need it."

"Elder if that was true.. then where are the women and children?" Sakura asked. The Elder said nothing in response. 'Something is weird about this old man. He didnt really help like the others. In fact he was more a nuisance than anything.'

"Well it wont hurt to show a helping hand. Our village has been known for such things. As for the children and women, they may be furthur back in case the first people they met were hostile."

"Only one way to find out." Sakura did the creation for a quick ciewing clone. Red lines formed down her eyes with the use of a special technique. She could see through the eyes of the clone like it was her own. "Go!"

The clone shot across the water with ease.

'What a talented girl!' The Elder said.

A few more of the villagers came over but kept a safe distance from everything. Only two were actually ninja in disguise.

Out on the water, Sakura's clone checked each boat quickly. The first 30 or so had no females at all. But the 50 furthur out had one or two. But no kids still.

'Maybe they are actually refugees?' Thinking she might have been to critical, Sakura turned to head to the side. Something caught her eye however. 'What is that shine?'

On the boat to her far side a bit of metal shined. If she dodnt turn or the waves weren't getting rougher she would have missed it.

Jumping up, Sakura dropped something in the water as she landed on that boat. Using her foot she saw what it was, a ship cannon. Blood all over it.

"This.. is just.. " One of the refugees said making an excuse. Sakura jumped to the other boats nearby doing the same thing. Blood soaked pipes and metal parts to make something dangerous she thought.

'She found the siege engine. It is now or never.' The first refugee on shore signaled the others to make their moves. His slightovement was caught by Shino's clone. "Kukk!"

Shino's clone had stabbed the man in the c.h.e.s.t. The bugs immediately invaded his body taking it over.

"Attack!" A man called from the boat. Those on the water attacked Sakura's clone. She barely had time to break the link.

"Bastard!" Sakura cursed. She turned just in time to block the village Elder near here. Shino was already fighting the other people that made it to shore. "You will pay for this!" Jumping back she did a release.

"Wooosh!" Out on the water, a giant whirlpool formed. What she dropped in the water was a special Seal Bomb that Kai gave her for emergencies.

"Aaahhhh!" In less than 30 seconds the entire area was s.u.c.k.e.d in. Each boat and person in the water disappearing into the seal.

"You monster! You killed them all!" The Elder cursed. Sakura stood pale on disgust. She didnt think that would happen.

"I.. I.. didn't mean.." The countless faces flashed in her mind. Sakura mentally cursed at her ability to retain memory so well.

"Woosh!" Naruto and Sauke appeared from the side. Kakashi appeared out over the new open area on the sea. He picked up the scroll and hastily ran back as the water rushed back in from all sides.

"Sakura are you ok?" Naruto asked seeing her shocked face. Both he and Sasuke had rushed over after the messenger bird arrived.

"Snap out of it! You are still in charge of an op!" Kakishi yelled. Rembering her duty, Sakura got ready. "Good, now take them out!"

It didnt take long for them to remove the problem and interrogate the Elder that betrayed his own village. Kakashi was dealing with what happen to Sakura.

-A few hours later-

"Hey there Sakura." Kai walked over to the smiling girl. Arianna right beside him enjoying the walk on the beach. Hear you are having a bad day."

"I.. killed a bunch of people today. 100s if not thousands using the emergency weapon I was given. I can still hear the screams and the look of hatred on that Elders face." Sakura looked up doing everything she could to keep from crying. "Did it have to be this way?"

"Meh." Kai shrugged and received an elbow from Arianna. "I mean.. yes and no. You knew in the back of your mind something from my family would have that kind of result. As a leader you did nothing wrong. You made sure a threat was taken care of as soon as possible, securing the mission of keeping the people safe and yourself."

"But all those people.. they had families to."

"So what?" Kai shrugged his shoulders. "The moment they attacked that went out the window. Or do you think them killing you and Shino was ok? And the few villagers helping you? Would be ok for them to die as well?"

"No. You are right. But I wish there was another way."

"There is. Get stronger Sakura. Strong enough to stop instances like this from happening." Kai gave her a pat on the head. "We were able to gain a lot of intel from that Elder. They will attack in a few days. This was just a small force. Can you continue?"

"Yes. I am a ninja to!" Sakura looked up wiping away her tears. "I want to be stronger!" A small green light shined in her eyes before fading.

"Good. Now rest easy. Here is another one in case you run into that situation again." Sakura stored it away with only a small hint of hesitation.

"Oh Sakura before I forget, those people are not dead. They are receiving torture." Kai said with a smile. He tossed a scroll over containing the plans of what they planned on doing to the village. "This is what you prevented. Take solace in that."

"Thank you." Sakura unfurled the scroll and started reading right then and there. "Monsters..."

Kai and Arianna continued there walk.

"I suprised you told her about it." Arianna broke the silence as they walked.

"Why not. Not all soldiers need a cold visage. We have enough of those already. A few hearts to keep everyone from going crazy is a must."

"Ha! Are we your heart by chance?"

"Yes." Kai swept her up and walked out onto the water. Arianna wrapped around him happily. "Some of my children carry my heart, but each of you help maintain it. I do not think I could do this with out you all honestly."

"Good. You know our worth." Arianna grinned and bobbed him on the nose. "Have you seen the end yet?"

"Yes. It is bloody as of now. But changes are evergoing. Still ready for your role?"

"Yes. When my father arrives.. I will confront him. I will do my best to remove his hatred. If I cannot, I will not stop you from doing what you must."

"I will make sure to make you happy in the end. I promise." Kai leaned down and kissed her. He held it for awhile before pulling away. A trail of spit connecting the to. Arianna laughed. "What is it?"

"Nothing. Put me down." Once she was down she pulled out a fan. Her Sharingan activated shining under the moon light. "Come my husband, fight me!"

"Well.. if you insist!" Kai swapped his clothes for his suit and mask. He took an outward stance used for deflection and intercepting. "That speed you have, I will break it tonight."

"Hah!" Arianna flicked her fan up. Instantly several water dragons appeared. A total of five went directly at Kai's arms and legs. One went straight up however.

"Raaar!" The waterdragons gave a roar stunning him for a moment. An attempt at an Illusion technique. Failing at they tried to latch on.

"Splash!" Kai delivered for palm thrust breaking each if them into water. Looking up, the last dragon ha actually multiple into several. The others were just distractions.

"Careful honey, you might get cut!" Arianna had appeared right in front delivering a slash. The edge of her fan was as sharp as reinforced chakra metal. 'Infinite Slash!'

Several strikes went out. Each minuscule movement of her hand created a slash. Kai sent both palms to deflect each strike.

"Splash!" As the strikes increased, several ripples formed down below. Waves started to build up in every direction.

"Your getting sloppy." Arianna taunted. She was right. Kai was starting to have trouble deflecting the blows. 'Time to put on more pressure!' Up above the multiheaded dragon attacked. Each head turned the length of a sword.

"Hmm." Kai just hummed in intrigue. Releasing a seal, his body was flooded with chakra. A gold ring went out as he activated a technique. 'Warlors Style: Field Zone.'

"Swish!" Each strike from above and from Arianna were drawn into a single direction. Guided by a chakra current that Kai made. His hands moved back in forward like the flow of a wave.

"Ughh!" Arianna stopped her assault and jumped back. Going through the hand signs she went for a big move. She split into 9 copies with a water clone technique. "Dance of the falling Moon!"

Arianna and her clones charged at Kai from every direction she could. But once they were in two feet of him, something unexpected happen.

"Woosh!" Each clone was forcefully pulled into the momentum. Kai sped up his hands and changed course. The clones circled around and shot out towards Arianna glowing in light chakra.

"Dirty!" Arianna cursed. She threw her fan up and went through the signs quickly taking a deep breath. 'Firse Style: Fire Annilation Technique!'

"Fwish!" A large sea of black fire poured out. She had mixed it with Amaterasu. Her eyes spinning as she activated the next stage of the Sharingan. As the black fire reached Kai, it was pulled under his control.

His hands were now moving faster than the Sharingan could keep track of. Pulled into the momentum, Kai drained the chakra away. The fire dissipated in the wind.

"Babump!" Arianna heart beat hard then stopped. She forcefully felt her eyes closed.

"Shit I give up!" Arianna screamed. Kai sprinted over and grabbed her. "You ass!" She smacked his c.h.e.s.t angrily. "You could have been a little more gentle!"

"Hehe maybe. But last time you were angry when I held back." Kai laughed as he sent his chakra to heal her up. She was right as rain in two minutes. "But that took 1/10 of my chakra to do. I still need to improve it."

"Mhm. Why did it look familiar?" Arianna blinked twice adjusting herself back to normal. "Where have I seen it before?"

"Remember the anime I was watching last month?"

"You watched a pot of anime last month!" Arianna growled. "And last week. And the movie marathon to!"

"Well.. I like those things not changing." Kai started to pull back from her. Arianna eas not having that. "What?"

"Nothing. Tell me which one it was."

"Prince of Tennis. Base of the kid Tezuka's Zone thing." Kai floated them back to the shore.

"Gravtiate things towards a fix point. With the aid of chakra I can see how that would work. I wanna spar again. This time pure martial ability." Ariaana said getting a wonderful idea. "I want to put some things into practice."

"Like what?" Kai sat her down and was intrigued with what she wanted to try. Seeing her stance he went on guard immediately. "Seriously?"

"Yup. With the body I have thanks to you, I can dominate with it. Come and taste your wife's Muay Tai skills!" Arianna launched an elbow strike at Kai. It was stopped by his palm. "Do not hold back either."

"Very well." Kai released all his seals. The entire area was bathed in chakra. Arianna pushed back with her own. Eyes glowing in power. "Try not to break on me."

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