Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 90 - Naruto First Real Mission Part 4 & 5

A few weeks later things had gone better. However, the Stone Village made their next big move. Hanzo had delivered the update of the situation. They left to make it to the heart of the matter.

-Rain Village Assault-

Kai, Hanzo, Nines and the Quints went to provide aid to the Rain Village. A chance for the kids to show their skills. While Arianna stayed behind to help heal the people of Tazuna's village.

Mei and Zabuza lead attack squadrons to help reclaim key areas around the villages. Kakashi and company made sure to defend the village core since that was the actual mission they were on.


-Battle Zone A-


Rea had two chunin by the throat as she brutally slammed them into the ground. 20 feet from her, Runt provided range support. As well as taking out any fleeing ninja. With his new wolf companion guarding any ambushing attacks, he was able to focus more on making sure none escape.

"Crack!" Both Stone chunin heads caved in from the force. Rea used excessive force to make sure the enemy did not survive for a single counter-attack.

"Tap!" Rea kicked against the ground pouncing on another ninja. Her eyes glowing with chakra.

"Earth Style: Mud Wave!" The chunin yelled in fear. He did not want the same fate as the other two. A flood of jagged rocks made its way toward Rea. So compacted togethor that one couldnt see as it came down. "Got her!" As the rocks carried Rea away, the chunin tried to retreat.

"Scrrrch!" Rea's feet dragged into the ground as she fought against the force. Pitting her strength against the wave testing her limits. The momentum was just to much for her little body.

'Being little still bites! But puberty is just a few more years!' Rea's thought cleared instantly. The thought of having more chances to grow was the best feeling. She shoved her self ahead of the attack and then..

"Baammm!" C.o.c.king her fist back, she bashed through the technique.

"Booom!" A large explosion echoed in the area. Pressure caused the dust to scatter in the area.

'Passing Fang!' Angered that her prey was escaping, Rea pursued with utmost speed. A quick twirl and she was spinning at insane speeds. Her wolf companion following behind her as support.

As everything was destroyed in her path, Rea felt a sense of danger up ahead. Rea turned around spinning in the air. She released the technique landing on her partner. The wolf dashing madly away from the area once she was secured.

"Crack!" The trees in the vicinity gave way. Two large stone slabs rose from the ground and closed shut around the Chunin. He sacrificed his life to try to take out his enemy.

"After her!" A jonin yelled. Several chunin launched out of the thickets of the remaining trees. The 230 something odd ninja were out for blood.

"Humph!" Rea snorted as they followed her. She moved back towards her brother to regroup. She spotted Runt falling back as well but he gave her a signal of what was ahead. 'Good!' Rea was itching to keep fighting.

Once the four made it passed a mark, they swung around to get ready. In each of their hands were large greatswords. For the wolves, in their teeth.

"Hah, how stupid. Ninja do not really use such c.u.mbersome weapons." The jonin commander taunted. He did not move forward out of fear. Letting his chunin test them instead. "Go and bring back their corpses!"

"Yes sir!" A five-man group shot forward.

"These are weapons of war!" Rea yelled. A seal released off her arms and legs. Her body burst with chakra. Healing all the damage on her body. The little girls fangs protruded as she turned bloodthirsty. "I am going to slaughter each and every one of you!"

Two chunin tried to block her advance from the group. In their hands were poisoned kunai at the ready. Gifts from their backers.

"Fwoosh!" Rea shot off, her wolf companion and cut through both chunin. She moved faster than any of them could respond to.

"Sccrrch!" She stopped in front of the jonin leader and turned. Sword touching the ground as she whipped it around.

"Descending Slash!" Swinging in an arc, the sword glowed red as several blood wolves were launched out. They pounced and ripped out any exposed flesh of the enemy ninja. "Now!"

"Arroooo!" Rea's wolf howled. Its fur standing on end from the high volume of chakra. The distinct howl made a sound attack. As the sound traveled, it hit the freshly injured ninja in the area.

"Ughh! Something is wrong with me!" A stone ninja yelled. One by one, the others were feeling the same thing. "Ahhhh!" Each wound started to leak blood like it was water.

"Help me captain!" A young chunin turned and ask. His eyes went wide in panic as the leader was bleeding from his ears. "An illusion! Kuk!" Those were his last words, as a blood wolf ripped him in two.

The sound wave was both an attack an illusion. The initial damage to distract them to the mental probing. Inside the illusion, the Stone ninja were shown a very different battle than what was outside. They slaughtered the Quints and moved into the Rain Village to secure it.

Using brutal tactics to wipe it out, more than govern or create stability. Resources were plucked and sent to the Sand Village. No plans divulged in any way. It was apparent orders came from somewhere else in real-time. The pausing and pulling out chakra receivers was a pain to adjust to.

"Hmmm no real good intel on them." Runt said lowly. His wolf companion hovering over him. "Even the captain doesn't have anything good." Ending the illusion, he watched as his sister cut the man's head off.

"Schlick!" The jonin head went flying in an arc. All the blood swirled over to Rea's sword.

"I need to practice this technique more. Why is it so hard to vibrate the body so much that the blood cells turn to that of water? Keeps staying sticky." Rea pouted angrily. Her wolf came over and nudge her face. "I know I know. Practice practice practice."



"So many of them." Jorro said. Looking at the large wave of people had him troubled. 80 Genin ran non stop through the area. A little furthur and they would enter the trap zone. "Almost there..."

A few more feet and the trap was sprung. The entire ground lit up. A dome of chakra encased everyone inside and started to drain away their chakra. Since they were Genin, it wouldn't take more than five minutes.

Anui floated above hidden in the clouds. Her sensory abilities outstretched to give her a good overlay of everything. Detecting another Genin squad coming around towards her brothers, she alerted the others.

'They are coming from sector E. Operate as if no reinforcements are available.' Anui was tempted to go down in help. But her job was to crucial. 'Please be safe guys.'

Down on the ground, Jorro's wolf took a defensive stance. He could not move himself. Unless he wanted to abort his task. And disobey orders. To the side, his brother Toma gave a nod.

"I will handle this." Toma went through the hand signs and pulled on the bit of sage chakra he had control of. 'Magma Style: Warlord clone army!'

"Poof!" 30 males and females appeared. Blazing red eyes. But facial features that resembled villagers he knew. The likeness was to sell that they were not clones. Upon destruction, the clones would burst into a surprise.

"Ha.. ha.. man this is brutal." Toma had to catch his breath. Out of the Quints, he had the lowest amount of chakra. "Need to kick my training up."

"Heh, you will be fine. When we get back, let's go do the waterfall training again." He watched as his brother's face went pale. Shaking his head, Jorro got ready. Seeing ten genin leap out. "Time is up!"

Several of the magma clones shot off. Five circled the area while three engaged the genin. Attacks just giving enough pressure to disorient the genin. They were not ready for this battle. But orders were orders.

"Ahhh!" A Stone genin cried in pain. The strength of the clones were at a low chunin level. The feet and hands were extremely dangerous.

"Hiyah!" Another swung a sword cutting the hands off the clone. Before she could cheer in victory, she noticed the hands. "what is this!?" The clones' hands dripped magma. Reacting to get away didn't help. The clone sprayed flecks of magma all over.

"Ahhhh!" Several Stone genin screamed in pain. Rolling on the ground trying to mitigate the damage didn't work. Several fresh genin jumped out trying to help. They missed the other clones sneaking past them. but not for long. "Help me!" The girl screamed.

Running into the thicket of genin, the clones were attacked by volleys of kunai. The stone ninja were scared and attacked with abandon.

"Boom!" The magma clones started to detonate. The magma flying everywhere disabling the genin. The chakra draining from their bodies as ash covered them up to the neck.

"Woosh!" Kai flew down wrapping them all up. The countless genin loss would be devasting to the Stone Village future development. Anui scanned one more time before descending. She immediately started treatment on her brothers and their wolves.

"Haaa! That was exhausting." Toma said. he was covered in cuts and slashes. He used the reverse blade style and didn't take a single life. His swords were badly damaged but still useable. "Oh man, mom is gonna be pissed."

"Hmm, maybe so." Kai just looked at the damage in the area. Channeling chakra through his feet, the ground started to restore. In seconds, one couldnt tell if there was even a battle nearby. " good job. Are you sure this is how you wish to proceed?"

"We agree papa. I mean Leader." anui said slightly embarrassed. "We rather do snatch missions and suppression. Not killing ones."

"But we will kill if we have to." Toma said. Kai gave them a simple nod and shot off. "You think he is upset?"

"Umm, he said he wouldn't be. No matter what happens. So.. no." Anui said lowly. Jorro and his wolf looked off to the side. They stared intensely getting in a fighting stance. "What is it?"

"Something is coming. But it is really far off. I... I .. want to fight it." Jorro hair started to stand on end. He released the seals on his body restoring himself. He didn't move since Anui was in charge of this part of the mission. "Orders?"

Anui and Toma let loose their seals and got ready. They stood ready as something erupted from the ground. It then split into three. Before they were three Stone ninja. The trio knew who they were instantly. They were in the family kill book. Iwaji, Iwakyō, and Iwazō. The three brothers.

"Well look what we have here." Iwaji taunted. He was tall and lanky. The book said he had anger issues. But also states he had high speed. His brother, Iwakyo muscle bulged. He felt threatened. "What is it brother? Not scared of kids are you."

"Tup!" Jorro shot off and knocked the third brother Iwazo out into the distance. His wolf companion coming down in a pounce.

"Thump!" Landing, the ninja recovered and shot back to get away. From his side, he launched several kunai. Jorro did not dodge and let them bounce off his skin.

'What a dangerous defense! Need to try actual techniques instead.' Iwazo was trying to form a plan as fast as he could. Not catching that all three of them had been separated from one another.

"Damn brats!" Iwaji said angered already. He blocked just in time to meet Toma's foot. "Not that easy brat!" Pushing away, he disappeared into the earth. Barely escaping the wolf striking at him.

'Great Breakthrough!' Anui launched the big brother into the air. Her wolf circling underneath ready for the fall. She launched several explosive tags into the air next. 'Detonate!'

"Booom!" The tags exploded in the air. But away from the ninja. Right before the explosion, he fired a technique to push them away. Bits of dust circling around him.

"Tch!" Anui clicked her teeth in frustration. Feeling a presence behind her, she dodged to the left. "Missed me!" She blew raspberries at the ninja.

"Stupid brat!" Iwakyō ignored the spittle that landed on him. Charging forward, he felt his hands go numb. As well as his face. "You.. gassed .. mee. Was.. it the.. explosive tags?" Now frozen in place, he was prime bait for the wolf. It bit his arms off, but left him alive. Even his blood flow was slowed.

"Why in the world would I tell you?" Anui moved forward and sealed his chakra away. She then tied him up and watched her brothers fight. 'Should have killed but.. it just felt wrong to do so. Good thing my saliva poison was strong enough. I need to think Mr.Hanzo for teaching me.'

"Brother!" Iwaji called. Seeing his brother missing his arms pushed him over the limit. Toma was left opened from the speed of his opponent, and the wolf couldn't cover in time. "Earth Release: Golem Technique!"

Out of the ground, a stone fist appeared. It grabbed Toma and slammed him around to the side. Dragging him in the dirt, he was then thrown into the air.

"Kuk!" Toma coughed up blood as he fainted. His wolf companion went wild and ripped the arm apart. Anui shook before gaining control of herself. She sent her wolf to provide help.

"You are next brat!" Iwaji was so focused on getting to Anui all other things were lost. Using the skills the brothers were known for, he slid across the ground circ.u.mventing the wolf. Mid performance through the next technique, he felt a pain in his side. "When?!"

In his sides were two shurikens. A quick look showed Jorro's wolf had thrown them. Taking a few steps the ninja collapsed. The venom inside working in tandem with the fast chakra circulation. The wolves had him pinned down snapping anytime he flinched.

"That looks awful." Jorro said coming out the tres. He dragged the third brother behind him. The man was bruised all over with the majority of his bones broken. "Anui you are the most ok out of all of us. i almost lost my right eye. I think Toma will be out for awhile."

"Yeah. We may need to train a little more. Didn't expect to run into any specialize in the area." Anui secured the others again and they shot off toa safe area. 'Glad papa was not here for this part.'

Up above Gemini, eyes flickered. She came to a decision to not tell Kai what happened. He would most likely kill the three brothers. But intel was more important. Then she would tell him.


-Battle End-


With the battle finally over, Nines spoke what was on her mind. Her siblings not only gave her the cold shoulder, but almost ignored her. Runt had stood back mostly to provide assistance to her. That was the tactic used when dealing with a troublesome client. Runt, the most understanding to point to keep feelings from getting hurt to bad. The other four moved to do the fighting mostly.

"You all do not like me very much anymore. Why is that?"

"Why like someone who does not want to be with us?" Rea countered. "Out of our siblings, you are the one we like the most. We all work together the best with you."

"But you dont want to be with us." Runt added. "You want to be with big sis TenTen's group."

"As if we are not good enough." Jorro said next. "I love TenTen and the others, but we feel the same way you feel when you doubt that you are not good enough for them."

"Not staying with us, is the same." Rea clarified. "The same as saying we are not worthy."

"We are not good enough for you. It is fine." Runt said serious. The others shot off to do the mission cleanup. "Do not worry about it. Everything will be fine when we return to the village."

"I am sorry. I didnt know." Nines looked down a little upset with herself. "I was focused on getting with them."

"That is what makes it worse. You keep looking at their group. Others have thought the same. But they have moved on. We thought we could change your mind. But this mission proved otherwise. You even turned down Papa's present for you. Each of us with a Wolf companion stood out even more so. But you said no."

"I just.." Nines started to cry a little.

"Haa just clear your mind." Runt sighed. He created a few clones to help with things. His wolf on high alert for any troubles. "This is why we are here now. Field testing our emotional states for fighting. We are a lot younger than the other groups. Papa thanks we are ready. But our mothers do not think so. We learned to fast. It is almost scary."

"I will make it up to you all. I promise." Nines said. Runt gave her a nod but looked away. It was already put out of his mind.

Up above Kai watched with a critical gaze. His focus was on his kids and any Aka baka members popping up. So far, everything went ok. Gemini left his shadow and hovered in place. She would not allow anyone to harm the kids. Seeing this skirmish wrap up, Kai shot towards the Capital.

Gemini watched Kai leave a little longer than usual. A passing thought of abducting him and taking him away from the World vanished. Sensing someone's gaze she turned to the far East.

"What is it Lady Tsume?"

"Woosh!" Tsume floated not to far away feeling a little embarrassed.

"nothing. Just.. couldn't help myself. Why can i never sneak up on you?"

"Not telling." Gemini's eyes glowed under her cowl. Several chakra seals shifting inside. Massive amounts of information fed into her in real-time. "I am not here for your use."

"That is not what I meant. I am just trying to relive your burden a little." tsume said a little helpless. Gemini shook her head in disapproval. "Why are you like this?"

"Because a "tool" needs only one master. Nothing else." Gemini remained quiet after that. No matter how much Tsume tried to engage her.


-Kai and Nagato-


"So Nagato.. you live. How miserable it must be to just breathe?" Kai looked at the emaciated man. Death was close to him. Really close. "No longer on the toying of the Zetsu's?"

"Hee.. hee.. yes." Nagato stood up from the chair and kneeled on the ground. "I.. he..heee.. Am sorry. I did not heed your warning. Hee.. I should h.. kuff!" The blood he spilled on the ground was worse than his body itself.

Kai watched as it withered away on a cellular level. This was beyond over-drafting of chakra. Thinking how Kimiaro was on this path at one time, helped reaffirm his own beliefs.

"Please help him!" Konna said next to the kneeling man. Her lavender hair messy and blocker her eyes. Kai could tell she had been crying a great a deal. "He is still an Uzumaki!"

"What does that matter?" Kai shrugged. "When I approached you those years ago, I warned you to not stick with Aka baka." It was just a meddling on his part. He helped Hanzo and couldn't help but keep an eye on the Rain Village afterward. Trying to undermine the fate of Naruto World was exhausting. "Should have killed you then and there. Might have been better."

"Even you would not break a blood agreement." Konna said. Kai just shrugged at her. She was right, but that did not mean others wouldn't try. Enough changes pushed new enemies their way. Such as the Stone Village moving to take over places.

"The other Uzumaki's are making their move I heard. Have the Zetsu's found them yet?" Nagato gave him a nod. "Then they are going to have to die. If you serve, you can live I guess. Not really a charity anymore. That is all I will offer you. Nothing else anymore. Achieve peace through blood. That is my way."

Inside, Kai felt the Aspect of Pandemonium grew in strength. His chakra reserves growing stronger and more plentiful.

"I.. will.. serve." Nagato looked up lost and confused. The temporary eyes withering taking away the light with it. "Everything I worked towards is gone." Konna held his hand tightly to soothe him.

"Maybe." Kai wrapped the young man in chakra. Funneling some stored from his pocket dimension was getting easier. "But failure is not the end. You can help rebuild or help others live better. I won't stop you from preaching understanding to others."

"Woom!" The chakra built into a crescendo. Nagato and Konna were bathed in light and remade. Kai copied the genetic traits that gave her abilities while overwriting here DNA. He turned her into an Uzumaki.

"I can see again." Nagato said suprised. Looking at Konna, he was suprised. "That is one hell of a change. Your hair is a dark red with blue streaks."

"It has been awhile since I saw you this way." Konna replied. Her own changes did not bother her. Her eyes were only on him. "Healthy and smiling, that is the best Nagato."

'Hmm, how nice for them.' Kai blinked and looked away to the sky. Far in the distance, Tsume was hiding not to far away. She looked troubled. "Do go and save your people, I need to tend to something." He then disappeared to Tsume.

"Hi." Tsume turned to greet him. She was slightly depressed from her tone. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"So so." Kai floated over and wrapped her in a hug. "Tell me what is bothering you?"

"I miss the kids!" Tsume pouted. It was so cute Kai wanted to laugh. Seeing her like this always brought a smile to his face. 'I can not ask about Gemini. That is one of the few things he never discuss with anyone. But what is their relationship?'

"Such a deadly ninja with a natural expression. If people could see you now, they wouldn't know what to think."

"Ugh do not remind me." tsume turned away. Only looking at him through the corner of her eye.

"They are doing fine. A slight bit of trouble with Nines only. Other than that, they have performed well." Kai did not tease and told her what she wanted to know. It was not summarized, as he went in to detail once things went south. "That is about it."

"Well, at least you improve your ability to let them find mistakes on their own. And as for Sakura, it is a bit of a shame she didnt go the cold-blooded route." Tsume rubbed her chin in thought. She looked up a little into Kai's eyes. "TenTen said she wouldn't be able to make that leap."

"You trained her well." Kai looked into the distance. "Hanzo has met with a few Jonin commanders. They are not a match for him, so that will end fine enough."

"Glad when this is over. Oh, congrats on obtaining the Mist Village. Definitely something to keep you busy enough." Tsume didnt like Kai home all the time as of late. He was turning more normal and less aggressive. Her blood wanted the excitement still. "You need to get out more often."

"Ehh I get out enough. Take fewer missions and you would know." Tsume flinched at that. "You do not have to do everything yourself yah know. Lean on me every now and then at least."

"I do not want to. All this power I have, I rather I use it to stop things. That way the others do not have to." Tsume shook her head wildly. "I am used to this and apparently so are the kids."

"Tsume.. I have shown you different paths already. This is not the only life to live." Kai stroked her face gently. He waited as she came to a decision about something.

"When this is over.. in the next few years or after we find their base, I want to take the kids and go away. I know Hina will most likely stay but Kiba will go where Ino goes. And I know she won't stay." Tsume pulled away as she floated off. "I need to cool off before heading back to my mission. Stay safe."

"Woosh!" She was gone in a blink of an eye.

"Hmm peculiar." Kai looked around before heading to his next destination. 'Someone is watching me. But the level is on that of myself. Another "Outsider" perhaps?'

-Cleaning the Rain Village-

A few stragglers kept pushing their advance. They were trying to do as much damage as possible now. Using techniques that had no idea of safety in place.

Kai's sons Jorro and Toma met them head-on. Their wolf companions providing support from the sides.

"Humph!" Jorra & Toma smacked the ground at the same time. A giant wave of mud shot forward. The Stone ninja dived into the ground to evade. Creating holes as they burrowed down. Both boys did hand signs with their other hands and shouted mentally. 'Earth Style:

"Humph!" Kai swiped his hand blasting the ninja into the trees. Before they could recover, he sped over and placed them under an illusion technique. 'My eyes and ears for the present and future.'

"No reason to kill them all-father!" Jorro pleaded. Rea acted disgruntled and annoyed. The others put their head down. Small looks of shame on them. "We have beaten them, let them go to return home."

A few of the chunin & jonin were spared of the hypnotism. Enough to help fool interrogation.

The now brainwashed ninja retreated to the Stone village. Each carrying a few shipments of the drug modified by Arianna.

"Haa.. I guess this is a better time than any. Or I can just wait till after the Chunin exams. Yeah I will wait till then." Kai said.

"KAI!" Tsunami yelled. In her hands was Inari. The boy was missing an arm. "HELP!"

"Settle down." Kai turned and completely stop the blood loss first. "His arm is where exactly?"

"Blown off." Tsunami held back her tears as best she could. "He was helping some of the elders get into the bunker when it happened. An enemy ninja threw an explosive kunai."

"Woof!" Nines wolf barked. It dropped it off to her. His daughter wiped her hands over it. She then threw the remains of the arm over. "It was all we could find."

"Good enough." Kai placed the arm to the side and started to use Healing Palm. The nerves and muscles grew back. Then bone and skin thinly connected. "The most intense damage was taken care of."

"He will be fine with rest." Rea said squinting.

"Thank you!" Tsunami muttered. The possible loss of Inari almost devastated her. "Part of me wished we abandoned them. But Inari said we should turn or backs on those who need help. So much like Kaiza before you trained him."

"Haaa. Peaceful people are starting to wear on me. It might be better to just wipe everything out and pray for the best. Or maybe just leave." Kai sighed. Rea jumped on his back and gave a squeeze of his neck. "I am not going to. Just saying is all. A promise is a promise."

"Good. You can not hog all the fun papa." Rea beamed. Her grip turned to a hug on Kai. "Is it clean up time?"

"Yeah. But it can wait till tomorrow. Right now we shouldn't take the thunder from the villagers."

"I like it here. The others might to." Rea answered.

"Good thing we have excuses to visit as we please."


-A few days later-


A few miles into Stone Country. A Jonin commander was meeting with his contact. Out of the trees, a white figure appeared. The jonin was immediately disgusted by the appearance before him. Something about the gold eyes made it worse.

"Sir, we did our best but.."

"No excuses. You failed. Tell me what happened." Zetsu waited and listened. Finding out that the invasion was thwarted by Leafe ninja was nothing major. But finding the involvement about Kai's involvement made things worse. "That blasted fool is getting in our way to much."

"What do you wish for me to tell my lord?" The Jonin felt his heart start to race. the air had turned chillingly bitter. 'Why do I feel so scared all of a sudden?'

"Nothing." Zetsu smiled. The ground opened up and swallowed the jonin whole. "Dead men tell no tails."

"Amazing, stupendous even. But downright treacherous." Lai's voice came from the surroundings. He transmitted directly to Zetsu's ears. "Looking around will not help you. Just here to give you a little warning."

"What would that be?"

"I am coming for your forces and your mother. The little rabbit is gonna get a spanking for giving birth or the failed abortion that you are. She needs to pay for her shitty children and descendants. Well, not really Kimimaro. He is just a delight." kai was high above in the stratosphere talking. Next to him was Gemini. The only one that knew of what was going on. "Your plan to get the tailed beasts and free her.. must be troublesome."

"What do you know!?"

"Enough. Go ahead and keep collecting them. It will do you know good. I will do my best to find them." Kai said darkly.

"Like you did with Shukaku? Where did you hide him?" Zetsu was agitated and did his best to try to calm down. Getting toyed by Kai was not pleasant. 'I can not pinpoint where he is! Need to cripple his forces soon!'

"Have know idea. On my honor. He tends to go wherever he wants." Kai was not lying. he did not know. But the him in the Frost Village did. He looked over to Gemini who gave no new information. She was trying to find other Zetsu's based off this one's chakra signature and heartbeat. 'Damn thing is a pain in the a.s.s.'

"Ugg!" Zetsu g.r.o.a.n.e.d. the jonin he buried had killed had infected him with microbes. A type of change to help Kai track him. But the creature was smart and left nothing to chance. "You did something to me. Who knew you messed with poisons!"

"Raaahh!" Kai fired a blast of heat vision as he flew down. He burned the Zetsu into nothing before it disappeared.

"Calm yourself. We knew this would happen. We still have not been able to capture any of them." Gemini said soothingly. She removed a small band that quarantined the entire area. The chakra rotated and gathered whatever it could. "If you stop scorching it, we might recover some better samples.'

"I know. But I do not want to leave enough that it infects someone. Caution will keep it from spreading hopefully." Gemini gave him a nod in understanding. She rembered what happened to the last time one of their own was infected with Zetsu cells. The jonin opted to kill himself burning his chakra from the inside out. "We may have to just bite the bullet and level the Stone Village."

"Oh, I really do. But, a few things are needed from them still. Plus my kids are.. just.." Kai stopped talking as he spotted someone in the distance. Before he could even flinch they disappeared in an instance. "Damn Tobi brat!"

"We should get back to the others." Gemini was worried for the others. In a burst of speed, they both left the area.


-Road Back-


The group was flying on a light disc high in the air. Kakashi, Naruto, Shino, Sasuke, and Sakura travelled by land.

"So.. did we do good playing the good guys?" Nines asked. The event from before was to show a little discontent in front of the others. As well as help sell letting the Stone forces go.

"Yes. Good work all of you. Those sleeper agents are something we will not talk about when getting to the village. Security here is the best right now." Kai said as he debriefed everyone. "Only those who know of this, are right here. As well as Tsume in the strato."

"EH?" Jorro looked higher up. He had to squint to spot his mother high up. "Ehhhhh!"

"Settle down. She is fine up there." Rea said nudging her brother in the ribs. "Come down mom!"

"Fwoosh!" In an instant, Tsume sped over. She grabbed Rea in a bear hug. The girl was the most like her attitude and beliefs.

"To tight!" Rea tried to struggle free. But her mother was to strong. "Help you lug-heads!" Runt came over and hugged Tsume with Jorro grabbing the other leg. Anui looked on a little sadly.

'Hah, maybe it is better to be a little more aggressive?' Anui felt her wolf nudge her head up. "Huh?" Tsume was in front of her with a present. "What is this?"

"Well.. I had to search for this for a while. I know lately, you think you are different from me. But you could not be more wrong. We share aggressively arguing with people remember?"

"Yes." Anui said a little off put. 'Just we all get like that at times. Almost every Inuzuka does.'

I was quiet when I was younger. Did so till I figure things out more. I choose to be aggressive since it allowed me to travel more." Tsume passed over a wrapped box. "This is my little explorer kit. I mixed it my self. Nothing major but.."

"I love it!" Anui yelled excitied. Looking over the pieces, the little girl started to cry. "I am not so odd after all."

"Told you." Rea smirked. "So you lead exploration and I kill whoever tries to mess with you."

"Hey! What about us?" Jorro asked. Toma looking over-eager for the answer as well.

"You are to hard-headed once excitied. Best to leave you to your own devices." Rea shrugged. her brother at her ready to cry. "You better not start blubbering!"

"Ok enough teasing each other." Runt said. "We always need to be honest with each other. Anui, as long as you do not mind it, we are your brothers. We do not mind acting the guard for you."

"But that is after all this is over." Toma answered. "A career as adventures sounds fun."

"What happened to becoming a medic?" Anui asked.

"I can do both." Toma shrugged. "We have a solid team for everything. Almost every base has been accounted for."

"You need a Sensor, or some one good and noticing small things." Nines said walking over. She was quiet for the most part on the light disc. Thinking everything over from the last few days. "Can I join the team? Have everything like before?"

"Umm, I do not care." Anui said. Toma, Jorro shrugged the same. Runt remained silent as he looked at Rea. "Sis what do you say?" Anui valued Rea's opinion more than the others.

"Eh... sure. Just do whatever." rea looked at her wolf then towards Nines wolf. "But you need to apologize to your wolf companion and to.."

"I am sorry!" Nines almost yelled. This caused them all to jump. "I know my mistake, just do not ignore me anymore."

"Who was ignoring you? I figure it was best not to bother you with everything going on." Rea scratched her head trying to remember everything that happened. "Maybe I did do that..."

As the Quints and Nines talked things over, Kai talked to Tsume and Arianna.

"So what do you think?" Tsume asked Arianna.

"They are above standard Chunin mentally. But a lot of characteristics of children their age shows when not in combat. Other than that, I approve of them all."

"As long as they switch to that mentality easily on mission, it is fine. Might need to cut their hair for infiltration missions." Kai said. He could feel Tsume get angry from that statement. "Ok, I will not cut their hair. Jeez."

"You better not." Tsume hated the kids hair short for some reason. "Official leaf ninja or.."

"No. Clan ninja for the time being. You can recommend them for leaf ninja if you want, but my vote will be a no." Kai spoke sternly. "I refuse to allow them into the Leaf village politics while I am around."

"I can agree to that." Tsume answered faster than she would have liked. "But when you leave... I will have to change things."

"Do as you wish. But I know they need a little more training. A lot of the trouble s they faced were from experience and age. The benefits of our bloodline helped greatly." Kai felt a small pang in his c.h.e.s.t. "i will spend a weekend with them not training. Just spending family time with them. They have grown up well. Thank you both."

"Eh your not bad yourself." Arianna smirked. Tsume teared up a little. "You are so s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e when it comes to the kids." The women started to chatter while kai thought things over.

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