Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 91 - What is next after returning

Kai was in the Hokage tower having told of what transpired. What they needed to know anyway. Some of the info was good some was troubling.

"Please speak freely Kai-La." Hiruzen said.

"Hah, alright then. The Chunin Exams are going to be the perfect time to end some things. The Stone Village is sending a good bit of their ninja to participate. It would be smart to kill them."

"We can not do such a thing." Shikaku stated. "The exams have always been a more neutral ground. Deaths happen yes, but we cannot break unwritten rules."

"I.. also agree. The genin need this test to prove they are ready to advance to chunin. If we interfere to much, the other villages may look down or even turn on us." Inoichi voiced concern.

"Very well." Kai said simply. They thought he would fight them more on it. That was not his intent. He warned them and that was enough for now. "It is your village, so do as you like."

"Is that you speaking as a member of the Frost Village or as the Mizukage?" Jiraiya asked.

"Both." Kai yawned and got up to leave. "No members of the village Hidden in the Mist will participate. If they do, count them as those who have abandoned the village. Or just do not know a new leader has been appointed. Handle how you like."

"Woosh!" Kai sped away after that statement.

"He has an entire Ninja Village under his control, that is to much." Jiraiya added. "Especially with all he knows about the Leaf Village."

"What are you suggestingJiraiya?" Tsunade asked a little upset. "Are you saying he will attack the Village."

"Maybe.. I would not count it out. I have information that is quite troubling." Jiraiya took out a scroll and unfurled it. "The Frost Village, the new Dark Village, and now the Mist Village are all under his control."

"The Frost Village has a joint relationship with us. Several of their people are comprised of families from here." Hiruzen stated. He knew of the Dark Village thanks to Danzo. For he was the actual Kage Kai-La appointed for it. "The Dark Village is not our concern. They have not made any intentions known or corresponded with anyone that we know of really."

"That in itself is odd." Shikaku said after some time. "If we can not talk with them, how do we know what to do really."

"For now.. treat them as foe." Danzo stated. "That is the best option." Hiruzen gave a gentle nod of understanding. 'I wonder if Kai will break away from the village now? Or will he wait till that event he spoke about?'

"Then we should just have him give us some intel." Jiraiya said. "If he is really an ally, then it should not be a problem. Especially with him now gaining the Rain Village as an ally for the Mist."

"We will get some. Do not worry. You should take the offer already."

"No. Teaching Kakashi with his father is good enough. he has turned in more studious now. Never seen anything like it." Jiraiya rubbed his chin in thought. Thinking about Naruto improving as well made things even better. 'The two will make great Sages. As well as make sure the Leaf village has great support in the future. I just need to get Naruto away from Kai-La. He just seems wrong.'

"Most likely because of his marriage." Tsunade said slowly. To the Shizune started to chuckle. Her and the Inuzuka girl kicked it off really well. Her friend couldn't stop talking about it for the longest. "It would do you some good to find someone. Before it is to late."

"Are we going to pay a visit?" Shizune asked. Tsunade answered with a nod. "Very well. I will head first."

"Thunk!" The door closed loudly.

"The announcement will be made after the Chunnin exams. A perfect time for it anyway." Kakashi walked in with Naruto, Shino, Sakura, and Sasuke. "But that can wait for later. Go ahead and report Kakashi." Hiruzen turned to look them all over critically. 'Shino and Sakura have changed a good bit. Slight trace of bloodl.u.s.t on them now. Naruto and Sasuke seem the same. But maybe a little more now.'

Kakashi talked in great detail about what happened. Naruto passed a few scrolls containing some the events around the village. Shino released a few prisoners from scrolls. The chakra had all been drained from them. Leaving only a little to speak.

Sakura made sure none used any secret techniques to end their lives.

"It proceeded as Kai predicted. The condition of the small village was not what we expected however. Once we secured the area, I broke the team down. I took a trip around the Mist Village outskirts with Naruto. The amount of devastation from foreign forces was to much. However..." Kakashi passed another scroll over. It contained the list of all the spies that died in the area. "We couldnt reach them in time. Or save them for that matter. "

"Sobu..." Jiraiya said in a murmur. The man was one of his best spies.

"Makes it easier to say the next part since you know him." Kakashi said looking at the man. "He died from defending a few villagers. But the Stone ninja were very dutiful in taking control. The uprising from the members of the Frost Village was well needed."

"Did you two participate?" Inoichi asked. Kakashi shook no.

"So, Kai's forces repelled them, and now what? We just leave control to them?"

"What?" Kakashi looked confused. As well as his team. "I thought they were going to fall under the Leaf Village."

"No. Things changed, the people refuse to. The younger and the old now follow Kai-La. In particular the acting Mizukage Zabuza & Mei. The two are jointly leading the restoration of their home. from whispers, it does not sound like they will stay. For one, their kids only visited and returned like the others to the Frost Village. Only a few staying for added defense." Hiruzen said taking a break.

"Well.. they are much more dangerous now." Sakura said. "Finished. These three can no longer move thier arms and legs. Sitting up right is the best they can do."

Naruto caught that Sakura was not to suprised about what was said. As well as Shino.

"Did you know?"

"Guessed. Enough information was there when treating the villagers. Not everyone was a part of Inari's village. A few of them were ninjas after checking. One of the reasons Lady Arianna stood back healing. Need to have a backup if Kai was wrong."

"You could have said something." Sasuke said from the side.

"You could have figured it out Genius!" Sakura smirked. "Shino provided the clues to help peace things together while we were at the beach." Before an argument could break out, the Hokage interrupted them.

"Enough. We will go through the findings in detail. You are dismissed. Kakashi remain behind." The others left upset still. Danzo got up taking the prisoners to IT department. "As for you Jiraiya, you may take your "friend" here away."

"We need to discuss the Chunin exams." Inoichi said. "New information was recently introduced."


-Kai's Estate-


"Alright, little Genin's, together now. Gather around." Tsume announced. Her voice spread through the entire compound to each member. In a few minutes, the area was packed. "Alright, some of you know already and some of you were not going to get told at all. But things have changed."

"The Chunin Exams are coming up. If you think you are ready to participate you have 1 month to decide." Pakura said walking up. "If you were not told previously, that is because it was deemed you were not ready."

A few of the Genin's started grumbling at that. They believe they were more than ready. Especially since most of them had the strength of Jonnin already. But they lacked experience despite all the training they were subjected to.

"Quiet." Kai said calmly. Everyone stopped talking to look at him as he floated down. "That is the assessment of the higher-ups in the clan. If you are so disgruntled that is also proof you are not ready. But you are soldiers and we do value your decision. That is why she said a month to decide."

"Talk with your friends and family. Talk with them how they will feel to never see you again. Or you to never see them again." Chrysa added soothingly. Her voice laced with chakra to help ease their minds. "An informed decision is the best decision. If anyone is having trouble with this, come speak to me during the month. My door is always open."

"As well as mine." Kai added. "I will be available the entire month to talk. This extends to my children and every member of the clan. I will not hold anything back that you may have found out over the years."

"What!?" Anko was suprised at his statement. 'What is he planning now?' A few other Clan members turned interested at that. Everyone knew secrets had to exist. But how deep was the real problem?

"They deserve to know. It has not been a secret really. Only things they do not know is personal stuff really. That is the reason the Greater information has been available to those vetted already." Kai shrugged helplessly. 'If they betray they betray. I can only try to prevent it and deal with it at that time.'

"Question!?" A red haired boy jumped up. He had lavender eyes and fair skin. The son between Chrysa and Kai. "If we fail at the exam... do we lose anything. Besides our life maybe?"

"Yeah, you go back through Genin training!" Tsume said loudly. A lot of them grunted at that. "Stop griping already."

"Alright, anything else?" Pakura asked. A few more questions were asked before they were all dismissed.

"Alright, your time is your own once again." Pakura said. "Oh, we are having a crawfish boil tomorrow. Come hungry!"

"Woohoo!" A lot of the kids cheered while the a.d.u.l.ts thought about how to go about deciding for the tests.

"Since it applies to them.. what about us?" Anko asked.

"It has always been that way. So go ahead and ask."

"Fine, have you gotten anyone pregnant outside of our marriage. Including the surrogates." Anko asked.


"Good." She looked to the women from the Village that wanted to know, but were afraid to ask. Gossip around the village started to get annoying since Kaie was gone so long. But they didn't know he returned to the village secretly at times. "Next big question. What happens when the war is over?"

"What the hell..." Kai looked at them like they were nuts. "We live our lives. Travel, take up new hobbies and.."

"How are you going do that with so many wives, kids and grandkids?" This time Chrysa asked. "Even great-grandkids? You are to long lived."

"I have a plan for that. I know a lot of you do not wish to live forever. I will not force you to. I will, however. Unless someone kills me. Even then, I have a plan for that." His voice paused before he continued. "I will do my best the same as everyone else has been doing." Kai watched as they nodded then left. Tsume, Chrysa, Anko, and Pakura remaining. "Something else?"

"Nope. The plan you have, you will not be as powerful as you are now?" Anko asked.

"Correct. But the strength will be enough. Then whenever the person I am with dies, I will return to the others me's. Keeping the memory and all that. A bit like Shura's bloodline ability."

"I see. Long enough to see my grandkids grow old. I think that is good enough." Anko said. Chrysa agreeing with the same. The two left to tend to duties in the Compound.

"I do not know. I want to see how far the clan can grow. If peace can be achieved in the Leaf Village or not." Tsume pondered. Kai just gave her a shrug not telling. "I will leave it up to some things. We still have false Gods to kill!" Tsume left to go and deal with some things.

"I think.. I will have to think about it some more." Pakura had her mind made up already. But doubt started to seep in. "Dying has never been on the agenda. But neither has living forever. You know that already and seem at peace with it."

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? I originally would not live forever myself. But not that I can, I am very happy to. People die and leave your life no matter if you are short-lived or long-lived. I have had to grow up. I will mourn and deal with when it comes."

"You seem so detached." Pakura grabbed Kai by the hands and gazed into his eyes. "Anything bad happened while you were over there? I mean personally."

"It is a long story. But we should go inside and talk about it." Kai led her inside into the study.

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