Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 92 - Have to do what you have to do

Kai told of the Conversation with the frogs. But the conversation with Nagato interested her more.

-Back at the Rain Village.-

"Why are you here?" Kai asked Nagato. "You have things to do to do you not?"

"I just wanted to talk is all." Nagato said sadly. Kai shrugged so he continued. "I heard you lost a lot of family and just wanted to offer my condolences."

"Hmm ok. Thank you on behalf of the family." Kai gave him a few blinks of doubt. "Oh the people who left, that died. Word travels fast."

"Yes. But you seem ok."

"Haha I suppose I do." Kai gave a hollow laugh. "I have my breakdowns in private or with those I trust. Real good friends real good subordinates to."

"Must be nice. I had that with Yahiko."

"Will you be able to kill him I wonder?" Kai turned to look the young Uzumaki over. "Friendsh.i.p.s have the habit of restricting people from what is right. A foolish white-haired ninja can tell you about it sometime. Do not let that stop you from following orders."

"I understand. I will do what I must." Nagato gripped his hands tightly as he answered. The amused look on Kai's face begged him to ask. "Do you think I cannot?"

"You are capable. Does not mean you will. What happens will happen." Kai started walking forward and beckoned the man to follow along. "We all have roles to play, I can only wonder what your new role will be. However, make sure you leave something behind. Like a child to inherit your dreams."

"Hehe I am trying." Nagato chuckled sheepishly. "Its just Konna is really.. well scared about the future."

"I see. I can guarantee you a safe pregnancy and birth. But that requires you to remain vigilant in the restoration of the Rain Village. Your people have a lot to deal with." Kai and Nagato stopped at the outskirts of the Rain Village. "I will help you with the protection from the outside. The internal is on you now."

"Thank you. I will not forget this." Nagato bowed with respect.

"Eh stop that already. We are cousins. At the least I can fo after all you will do. I do not seek to rule the Rain Village. A person like you.. with the help of others, will make great leaders."

After Kai said that, Hanzo appeared unmasked. He gave Nagato a smile and stood to the side to help out Kai.

"Two Men who wish to protect their home, that is something I can get behind." Kai spread his hands pushing out large amounts of chakra. "Warlord style: Lights of Protection!"

The chakra spread into the air linking with the clouds. A seal formed. The rain increased in volume. Second by second, the area became unable to see through. As if water was rushing to the ground like a raging waterfall.

"I.. cannot see through it." Nagato said. He reached his hands out to touch it but stopped from the inherent danger he felt. "I would have died if I touched carelessly!"

"Yes you would have." Hanzo said. Taking out several jagged kunai's, they were then tossed into the stream. 'Water Style: Aqua Illusio!'

Several images of Anbu rank ninja appeared in the water now. Slowly the number made it to 100,000 before vanishing.

"Uhhh, to much chakra." Hanzo huffed taking a knee. "I should have recovered more before doing that." He looked over to Kai who was grinning. "Ok ok, I know better for next time."

"I didn't say anything." Kai shrugged. He did not stop grinning either. "The entire village has two Kage ranked protections now. The technique from me will attack and defend. While Hanzo's will warn villagers and children of any danger in the area."

"How long will it last? What if one of the kids touch it?"

"It will last... 2 years if left alone without any alterations. If I stop by once a month for the next year.. maybe a decade or so. As for kids or any civilian for that matter, ask Hanzo."

"Those with low level of chakra will just turn away or fall under hypnosis." Hanzo's expression turned serious as he stood up. "The only way things will get better is if everyone ch.i.p.s in and not try to sabotage things. That is why we will make an announcement about what is going on. Any spies will be forced to stay in to help and give us the chance to weed them out."

"I understand but what if they make trouble?" Nagato nodded thinking of what could go wrong already. "What about food and material as well? The attack left the village in even more dire straits."

"I have taken care of that. As long as the people are actively working, food will be provided. As well as medicine and the like. No one is allowed to slack off or skip work. Not if they want to eat anyway." Kai said sternly. "It is up to you two to figure out policies."

"Very well. Just try not to lose back home." Hanzo said.

"That place is not. Home is where the heart is." Kai shot off into distance. Leaving the two looking each other over.

"Hmm, that is something to think about." Hanzo mumbled. Seeing Nagato lost he advised him. "Think about the person you care about the most boy."



"Hmmm, your ears are getting better and better." Pakura said. She made no move to let Kai go. Despite dinner being ready. "Stay like this till night time. We can skip a meal."

"The hell you can. Come eat." Chrysa said from the door frame. They got up reluctantly and moved to the dining room. Everyone was already sitting down waiting. " Anko cooked some decent food this time. It will no longer cause a sugar crash."

"Yeah yeah whatever." Anko said still embarrassed. She was a hit with the kids for treats in the village. Sitting down dinner went well enough.

No food fights this time. But his children with Pakura gave him a hard look. Once it was over, Kai went outside with the children following after.

"Go on, speak brats." Kai said sternly.

"Umm we want to take over the Sand village. Make it habitable for future generations." Rando, the strongest of them said. Pakura had the most amount of children singularly. A total of 15. She was not kidding in wanting a big family. Each one inherited her bloodline abilities as well as the Uzumaki hair Kai offered. "We have studied hard and know all it needs to get better."

"After the Chunin exams of course father. Intel says it will best time to move in." Botan said. She was part of the first set of kids delivered. Very strong-minded.

"Will you interfere?" Roko asked. he was a very brash young man. Him and Kai came to blows a lot. Both verbally and physically. But he mellowed after Pakura spanked his a.s.s raw one time. Especially since the reason was his fault. He did not like the Uzumaki's at all. Especially Naruto. It did not help the boy developed a type of Clairvoyance.

"You are all a.d.u.l.ts. I can tell you each have used the Time Seal again. Where did you all go this time?" Kai asked. He was not upset. Just wanting to know where they went is all. "Well?"

"Haa just tell him already." Polla said sighing. She had a habit of doing that. As well as drinking a lot. Before she was of legal age at that. Kai regretted letting her hang out with Shukaku so much. She learned never to drink in front of her younger siblings. "We were gone for 16 years. So we are what.. like 24 or 34. Don't know. Don't really care."

"Move after the Chunin Exams. That is all I ask. What place did you go to?"

"We went to Highschool DXD. You were right. A few other gods are going to places and causing trouble." Botan said. "We took care of them though. None are killed. Just sealed away."

"Yeah... in a very deep hole. Traps after traps that can make even a 100 Deity's cry. We put in new ones and the ones you taught us. Spent a lot of power making it permanent. Left no traces." Roko said assured. "They were part of the group that came here that once. TenTen's group dealt with that one. He was a middle rank of the group. We could not pry the name from them however."

"That is good. An unsanctioned Op of your own design and no one is dead." Kai's eye checked over all of them. Each of them were still growing in strength. At the rank Of Kage Elite. With a few at the next tier. "You are grown and it is your decision. Just do not get yourselves killed."

"Of course not. Shitty old man, have faith in us." Rokko said smirking. Kai suprised him with what he said next.

"I have the utmost faith in each of you. I just do not want to burry any of you yet. If at all. Maybe after 10, 000 or so. Then I will have enough of knowing of your failures and what great deeds you have accomplished." kai leaned from the tree summoning a suit for each of them. As well as a Kage outfit with their names on it. "Wear these with pride or at least a little embarrassment if you must. Both are infused with the chakra of me and your mother."

"Eh, my favorite color." Mira said happily. It was pink for the accents on both of them. It matched her eyes as well. "Thanks, dad." Kai just smiled and watch them inspect the clothing. The Kage outfits were placed in scrolls and tucked away. The Suits retreated into them.

"When the war against Aka-baka starts.. we will be ready." Rokko said serious. "You can count on it."

"Aye, I know you will. Just make sure you keep your eyes open." Kai talked with them a little longer before the children departed. The reverting back to a young age already mastered by them. Which was great for the other siblings. "Hmm so many plans coming out. To think the kids started showing their own initiative."

"Fwoosh!" Someone appeared behind Kai. He did not turn to look. He already knew who.

"What do you think Kai-La, will he really come to cause troubles?" Hiruzen asked.

"He will. The World wills it to be so. His hatred runs deep. I believe he has gotten wind of you appointing Kakashi to the Hokage mantle in a few years."

"Glad that worked. I still believe I can change him. Thank you for giving me the chance. i know your wife Oreo is the one to really convince you. But the fact you still are doing it, despite her moving to the Frost Village is commendable."

"I suppose so Hiruzen. But things can always change. Try not to smoke to close to my flower garden. It took me a while to grow them." Kai turned around facing the man. "How is you wife? The babies doing ok?"

"Yes. A very nice delivery. Ready to put this hat down to live my life somewhat peacefully." Taking the hat down, he gazed up at the sky. "I am getting to old for this."

"Pfffttt!" Kai started laughing. "Not even close. The Chunin exams... bah! This will suck."



In a meeting area in the sands, a few people were gathered under the cover of night. Members of Aka-baka, Orochimaru, and the Kazekage's inner council.

"Are you sure?" The Kazekage asked.

"Yes. The Leaf Village is behind the abduction of your wife and kids. How they did it, I do not know. but a few loose-lipped members from the refugees spilled one night while drinking. She has already been moved to parts unknown. As well as the kids." Orochimaru said snidely. "This has prested you a chance to get back at them. When it is over, the resources of the village can help the Sand Village grow."

"I want who is responsible for this. It has to be Danzo's work!" The Kazekage was upset. The sand shifting behind him in response. "I will have my answers. as well as the location of Shukaku! The Leaf village will pay!"

"We have just the thing to help with that. I assure you." A unmasked man said. His body was completely covered except the eyes. They were a piercing blue. "Just need you to let us move our forces through your area." The Kazekage gave a nod. " Good. We will get started at once."

"Doop!" The masked man turned to water disappearing in the sand. No trace was left behind. The sand didn't even show signs of moisture.

"I will be in touch. Kukukuku." Orochimaru turned away laughing. 'Everything is going as planned. Soon teacher. soon.'

The Kazekage group watched the other forces leave.

"Are you sure about this?" An aide asked.

"Yes. You should be queit. Placing Shukaku in my wind started this mess. You refuse to treat with the Leaf Village before. No, you are afraid to go to war with them? Stupid." The Kazekage was incensed as he walked away.

"Haaa, dark times are ahead." Chiyo stood back by herself. She had no real words to help convince the young Kazekage at the time. "Where are you, stupid drunk."

"Ai hehe hehe." Laughter came from below her. Chiyo was on guard but didn't sense any change in the ground. "You look awful granny." A small raccoon dog formed out of the sand. It was Shukaku of course. "I am here with a personal offer and a business offer."

"What could you possibly have you old drunk!"

"A chance for your family to come back." Shukaku walked around letting his tail move in the sand.

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