Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 94 - Chunin Part 2 Clans and the Forest of Death

"Listen up everyone." Asuma said. "The task is for you to gather two scrolls. One of Heaven and one of Earth. This year, there is a bonus. A scroll called the Hell scroll."

"If you manage to to get this scroll you get the chance to be trained by any ninja in this village. That includes even the Hokage." Kari said across the crowd.

"Oh man that is so kool." A rando ninja said.

"Yeh so nice." A ninja from another village said.

"What do you think Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"I want to get it." Naruto said. 'With this, Kai can't say anything from whoever I learn from.'

"It would be worth the risk." Sasuke added in.

"You guys dont stand a chance." Zabi said. "The scroll is coming with the Frost ninja." As the son of Zabuza and Mei, he had a lot to prove. Despite both ot them telling him it was fine to just enjoy life.

"There is no snow here idiot. How will you use your techniques?" Naruto countered.

"Guess you will have to find out cousin. Try not to get knocked out by then." Maya looked at him intently. Daughter of Mastica and Kai. "Hope you aren't to much of a pushover. Dont bring shame to the name."

"Ok leave him alone sister." Nina said. The little girl may be small but she had power in her voice. The others obeyed quickly enough. "Do not worry Naruto, we won't hurt you to bad. You, are still family after all."

"A lot of talk for a shrimp." Sasuke said.

"A small comeback for a little guy." Nina pointed with her pinky and did a little wiggle. "Trying to compensate for something?"

"Tch! Why you little brat!" Sasuke growled.

"Droom!" A large bloodl.u.s.t descended on the area. Some were unaffected. While others threw up.

"Enough squabbling." Kai said as he descended. "I want you to give your all inside the forest. I rather you not get killed here." He was looking at Nina but was speaking to Sasuke. "Stop giving your Proctor so much trouble."

"Thank you Kai." Asuma said. "If you may. Please stick around. These ninjas are a little rowdier than what was expected."

"Very well." Kai stood behind Asuma and waited as the man finished things up. A small speech and a little of rules. Or lack thereof and they finished.

"2 hours till the test begins." Asuma said before dismissing the candidates.

"Fwoosh!" Six ninja appeared in front of Kai. Asuma didn't even flinch. Hos smoke was already wrapped around them from his cigarette.

"Lord Uzu!" They said in unison and kneeled.

"I am Kouo. We are surviving members of the Uzumaki clan. We were told to alert you as soon as we could. "

"About what?"

"That your mother is alive. And that we need your help."

"She has been where all this time?" Kai didn't believe it for a second. He met the majority of the clan and helped them after the fall of Uzu. That is what the memories told him. 'Is that traitor making a move during this time I wonder?'

"Cant say." Kouo said.

"Cant help then. You should do the chunin exam and stop wasting my time."


"Our people are in danger. You won't help them!?" Another member asked. A young girl by the looks of it. Slight resemblance to Naruto Kai thought. "I am Narki. Closer of kin to you than most."

"I dont believe you little brats at all. You are not my clansmen. So buzz off." Kai waved them off.

"Tch you traitor!" Kouo yelled. He grabbed a kunai and made to attack Kai. "Ukk!" He dropped to his knees as a weight landed on him.

"Oi, leave fool." TenTen appeared from the side upset. She was not alone as Karin, Ino, and Arietta were there as well. Ino passed a scroll to Asuma about them being added to security for the exams. "My father says your no Uzumaki, so your not. Get lost or get kicked out of the exams."

Karin walked over and ran her chakra over them. Their assumptions were right, these were not members of the high clan members. 'Not even regular Uzumaki.'

All the survivors had a marking inside them by Kai. Each Uzumaki would be able to feel a kinship with another upon meeting. These were clones by someone. The faces did match a few files Kai showed them on surviving clansmen and potential offspring.

"It would be best if you forget your plans and back off." Karin said. Her eyes glowing dangerously. The so called Uzumaki ninja backed away. "Hmph! Good riddance."

TenTen walked over to Kai slightly worried.

"You ok?" Kai asked her.

"Yes. Just wanting to know if you were."

"Worried about this old man. Defintely a fantastic kid." Kai rubbed her head gently. "Proud of you and your sisters, always remember that. The boys seriously need to chill out though. Just not like Kimimaro. I swear, his Zen drives me bonkers a little."

The 2 hours passed by quickly. Various ninja were dropped off all across the place. Several left from the different gates. The second phase had begun.


-Sky of Forest of Death-


Kai floated up above coordinating with several members of the clan. Various targets had been found but they made no obvious moves. Pakura had flown over-worried causing a small change. The others went to move elsewhere. They were used to certain ques by now.

"You are not going to ask?" Pakura probed.

"No. You will tell me when you are ready." Kai shook his head decisively. "Worry is one thing, but this was something else I suppose. But you need to speak if you want something to happen."

"It will be fine." Pakura opted for keeping quiet. She floated over and drapped herself on Kai. "How many do you expect to pass?"

"All of the Senju members. Maybe 3/4 of the Uzumaki's. A lot of them have remained to... peaceful." Kai focused his sights on the Uzumaki team fighting. They were getting the lights beaten out of them by two Sand ninja squads. "A kill order on Uzumaki's how interesting."

"They are your kids remember." Pakura grumbled.

"They are a.d.u.l.ts. They decided to go into a place that can get them killed. Take that nonsense somewhere else." Kai dismissed her foolish notion. "If you truly cared, then you should have trained them harder or tried to convince them not to go."

"It is not that simple and you know it." Pakura hands tightened on Kai. Sometimes she hated how much they each had changed. Not all of them adapted to caring lives. The allure of peace was to strong for a lot of them. More and more she wanted to break away from the ninja World. "Knowing there is a better life elsewhere, I rather.."

"Then take the kids and go." Kai cut her off. "I will not stop you from seeking your own path. Freedom of choice has it consequences."

"Hey!" Pakura moved over to face him directly. But Kai moved his head to stay focus on the fight down on the ground. He did not tear his gaze away as one of his sons took it in the c.h.e.s.t. At first he grabbed the blade but left in place. His sister let loose a breath of air freezing two ninja for they could escape. "Smart move."

Kai didnt say anything as he kept focus. Much to Pakura's annoyance at first.

"Booom!" Soon as the ninja broke free of the ice, explosions went off. The shards of ice triggered a trap when they fell. The Uzumaki ninja came back and picked up the scrolls. Each enemy ninja was then placed in seal scrolls.

Wounds were tended to and traps were reset up for any that came to investigate. Then they hid in various locations.

"Hmmm." Kai turned away and focused on another group. Pakura caught his hands unclench. "What the!? What is up with you now?" She wrapped him up and swung him around. "Will you calm down already."

"You big softy. You were anxious the entire time." Pakura said gleefully. She chucked him up into the air like a rag doll. The other clan members laughing at their leader. "You could have just say so! No need to act all cold."

"Ugh!" Kai righted himself in the air after taking out a chakra jar. His own chakra replenished quickly enough to keep from getting tossed around by his exited wife. "Haaa, that was slightly uncomfortable."

The clouds in the sky blotted the sun out mostly. It made natural replenishment slow. Something to watch out for. A black flicker inside made Kai take extra watch. Something about the clouds were not natural.

"Haaaaaaa.." Kai took a deep breath and blew. "... ahhhhhhh!" The clouds barely budged for a second. The other clan members joined in. With the combined efforts the sky cleared. Gemini left his shadow and performed some hand seals.

"What is going on?" Pakura asked. Clouds should not have that much chakra or resistance. "This is not part of the exams." Gemini finished up and flew over. Her face in a frown.

"Traces of Kryptonite was inside. The artificial kind. Charged with chakra, the very air has a weakness for some of the clansmen. But only the untrained. Which would be..."

"The Uzumaki based kids." Kai rubbed the bridge of his nose. "The Senju members will be fine."

"Should we let them continue?" A clan member asked. "This looks purposefully done to weaken us that went that path of Uzumaki. And precisely your children that share the same. But it only brings them down a little. Which is still bit enough to make them job from chunin rank."

"Let everything continue. We will keep up with current safety measures." Kai stopped them before an argument broke out."


-Naruto's team-


"Later Kiba!" Naruto said to the other team leader. A small Alliances while everything was done. Something they spotted other teams doing. Walking back, he spotted Sakura by herself. Two Sand ninja collapsed on the ground. "Where are the others?"

"Sasuke and Shino are hunting them down. But no worries." Sakura wait till Naruto got close before plucking him on the left ear. He winced and gave her a glare. "So it is you. Why did you not spread your senses to find them?"

"Because I... wait a. What is up with the sky?" Naruto pointed at all the clouds that immediately dispersed. The forest had a much better look to it now. A lot easier to see things. Which was both good and bad for some ninja. "Get back!"

"Fwip! Fwip!" Two shiny pieces of metal cut through the air.

"Tink!" Sakura punched out deflecting both with pure force. Naruto took a defense formation with her immediately after. He was sure it was her now. If she would have jumped back it would have been weird since she was in charge currently.

"Target is found. Eliminate at once!" In the lead, three Rain ninja ran forward. Those not part of the actual village revival. They refused to accept the new status quo. Taking it as enemy tricks at the registration area. "Team 2, now!"

Dropping from the trees, several nets were thrown. A small pink liquid around the ends.

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