Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 95 - Chunin Exam Part 3 Dealing with a snake

Shino came for the rear attacking. A launch of senbon launching from his sleeves. The body of his trench coat no longer had moving shadows. His insects had spread out before the attack.

"Ting!" Shino's senbons diverted the nets. The net stuck against the tree dissolving most of it in seconds.

Naruto shot forward with Sakura. 10 feet away from the ninja he was thrown. Sakura launched him forward in a spin. The hair on Naruto's head spread around his entire body as he curled into a ball. As hard as steel, the edges cut through the first ninja like cheese against a grater.

"Ahhh!" His blood coated the ground and the others. Even for a trained ninja, getting flayed was a bit much. especially at that speed. "He is mine!" He broke from the group and chased after Naruto.

"Come back Fon!" One of the ninjas yelled. Feeling a threat he turned in time to see a rain ninja getting rammed into him. Grabbing his comrade, he flipped him into to the air to disperse the momentum. Then his hands started to perform seals to get ready. But his hands no longer responded. "Get off!"Flailing about was only recourse.

The rain ninja had countless insects on his hands. Shaking them off Finally revealed countless red marks. Nerves shot and chakra network already poisoned buy the bites.

"Naruto, hit them again!" Sakura ordered. She then smacked the ground activating a trap. Several wires came up across the area. Signaling Sasuke a problem happened, and to release a sleeping agent. 'Haa, why did they attack us in such large numbers?'

Coming from the edges of her vision, 6 more squads of ninja headed their way. Different villages aligned togethor. A big problem for the unready.

"Shadow Clone technique!" Naruto shouted drawing attention to himself. Several clones appeared rotating. The five new ones tour the ground up towards the new teams that arrived. The sleeping gas was pulled along with it.

A rain ninja reached into his pouched and threw out several smoke bombs. The area turned cloudy forcing Sakura and Shino to jump into the tree.

"Sching!" A wall of shuriken fired from the tree Sakura landed on. Taking them into the back, she grimaced in pain. Her knees touched the branch for just a second. Sakura turned and threw a kunai at the Stone ninja that came out. Halfway through the technique to separate from the tree prevented the ninja from defending himself.

"Shino... go get help!" Sakura ordered. He shot off leading a few ninja away with him. He left a few bugs that crawled onto Sakura. They would help heal her and transfer chakra from the ninja he stole from. 'Earth Style: Tree Army!'

"Crack!" The tree Sakura was on as well as the two next to her uprooted themselves. She was not a master in the technique to make them more humanoid. The shaping of legs and arms was all she could do.

"Sakura!" Naruto stopped spinning as his clones dealt with the rest that came. Seeing the large group head her way he panicked despite his training and the obvious trap Sakura was performing. Sakura was forcing the enemies to waste chakra. "Wild Lion's Mane Technique!"

"Fwip!" Naruto's hair extended to the surroundings. At the front of the countless strands, animal heads formed.

"What the!?" A sand ninja jumped back dodging the hair. He quickly attacked to keep the hair from getting his comrades. 'Firestye: Fireball technique!' The countless fireballs barely made a scorch mark. But they recoiled back towards Naruto. 'Shit!' Having act quickly bought him time. "Fall back!"

"Ahhhh! Help me!" One of his comrades called out. The hair already had him wrapped up. S.u.c.k.i.n.g him into a mix with the others by Naruto. "Noooo!" The hair was laced with a toxin derived from toad oil. It would seep in and make the target fall asleep.

"Damn you!" The free ninja ran for it. To his eye, Naruto killed them all. 'This monster will require more work than this!' Fleeing into the trees to gather more was his next course of action.

"That idiot!" Sakura cursed as she attacked. Her voice however carried a sweet tone to it. Inwardly she was happy Naruto didn't kill them all. That and he lost thinking she was in danger. 'But what the hell is going on with everything? Sasuke is still missing.'

"Haa. haa. Sorry about that Sakura." Naruto said tiredly. The mental strain to control all the hair strands was mentally exhausting. "At least we have all the scrolls we need now." His smiled broadly pocketing the few scrolls. A few extra just in case for bribes.

"Get up Naruto!" Sakura was alarmed by a few fluctuations of chakra. A lot of ninja were already on their way to them. "We have to move. Start trying to locate Sasuke and Shino!" She picked Naturo up and carried him on her back.

"ok.. geez this is not kool." Naruto said embarrassed. He started to spread his senses out to located the chakra signatures as needed.

"Quit complaining. If you fart like last time, I am so throwing you into a tree." Sakura flinched in memory the last time she carried him this way. "We need to cover our rear and front dammit."

"Hehe thanks for covering my rear." Naruto chuckled.

"Smack!" Sakura smacked his but not gently at all.

"Yeowch! Ok ok, I will stop playing around."

As the two moved things did not go easy. A lot of ambushes bogged them down. Forcing them to attack nonstop. Never really getting ahead. Sakura was grateful for Naruto grabbing a lot of the scrolls. A lot of squads were bribed into attacking the others. Especially after Naruto threw a Rasengan surrounded by fire at a Stone ninja group.

They didnt die but the burns left much to be d.e.s.i.r.ed. The few Leaf teams they came across helped as they could but the tide seemed endless. The duo finally got away a day later.

-Trouble of the past-


"Ha..ha..ha.." Sakura felt tired finally. The fact Naruto fainted from exhaustion was surprising. Sasuke still did not return or showed any signs of his presence anywhere. Shino never returned with help from Kiba's squad. But that was most likely futile with he way they were targeted. But his bugs were still in Sakura's back replenishing her chakra. So he had to be somewhere nearby.

'Keep it togethor. Remember what TenTen said, you only lose if you give up. I need to center my mind.' Popping her emergency chakra pill, Sakura replenished herself. She tried to get Naruto to wake up but he pushed to hard with Nature chakra. He was currently healing from the side effects. 'He was better with the fox style. The toads' way doesn't seem to have stamina boosting.'

"Kukuku." A voice chuckled coming out of the treeline. "What have we here?" Orchimaru asked. He was still in his disguise as he moved closer to Naruto and Sakura. "I will make it simple, hand over the scroll and the boy."

'He is here like I was told. Only thing to do is make sure I stall long enough.' Sakura remained quiet for a little bit longer. She watched her enemy slowly approach. Looking at the trap to help fool him. 'Almost there yah creep.'

"Oh, a trap how cute." Orchimaru taunted. He threw a kunai disabling it and the one behind it as well. "Is that the best you can do?" Taking another step the trap that he disabled actually triggered the trap that was behind him.

"Fwip, fwip!" Two kunai went right pass his backside. He dodges them with ease. They flew straight for Sakura who grabbed them and used a quick hand seal.

"Reverse Summoning Technique!" With the two kunai cutting against her thumbs she smacked the ground. As the seal spread out, Orchimaru felt a sense of dread. He charged at Sakura wanting to kill her quickly.

"Poof!" Out popped TenTen. A quick look around she took in the situation.

"Sup little snakey?!" With a quick kick up, she shattered Orchimaru's bottom jaw. "Oh, I have been looking forward to this for a very long time. She might be mad but he won't be, and that is what really matters." TenTen pulled out her greataxe. "Sakura, take Naruto and go on. Sasuke is to the east of here about a 1/4 mile."

"Chish!* The greataxe dripped magma that melted onto the rocks beneath her.

"Right!" Sakura grabbed Naruto and pulled a string. The scroll Orchimaru had in his stomach was ripped out. "Thanks for the scroll. Bye!" The entire time Orchimaru appeared, she was controlling a thin thread of chakra to find the scroll. Just to make things difficult if plans went awry. Her training had paid off greatly.

"Kuk! That little wench!" Orchimaru said. He was seething in anger but impressed. 'She learned from a medical ninja. But from Tsunade, I doubt it.' His eyes snapped towards TenTen who charged at him. "Humph you will pay brat."

"Srreechh!" TenTen had stopped a few feet away from him. The speed at which she move, sent a sonic boom out as well as send a signal out to their forces. Instantly several Jonin moved to observe from high up. Their orders were clear. Allow TenTen her training. Move-in if Aka baka made an appearance.

"Hah!" TenTen yelled as she swung her greataxe. The force creating another sonic boom. The trees in the area were uprooted and flew a few feet before they stopped. Several clones of TenTen grabbed each one and spread out. They were creating a seal to lock away Orchimaru. "Peh!"

A wad of spit came directly at his stomach. Insulted but not dumb, Orchimaru smacked the spit away with a blast of snakes.

'How corrosive!" The snakes were instantly melted and disappeared in seconds. He had just enough time to cut his arm off from a tiny drop that made it on him. "I will have to get a sample from your corpse for later."

"Pft, try it cupcake!" TenTen vanished on the spot.

"Where did the brat go?" Looking around and even extending his senses he couldnt detect her. He did however hear a strange noise. "What is that sound?"

"Boom!" Several blasts of wind cut against Orchimaru. That is how it appeared at first glance. Looking closer it was TenTen moving at high speeds cutting his body on each pass.

"Fwip!" Orchimaru stabbed out after analyzing her movement patterns after a while. He stabbed nothing but air. "Fwip! Fwip! Fwip!" All of his strikes missed.

"You little brat!" He was frustrated. TenTen had kicked up her speed and came around for another blow. She let to much of her killing intent out.

"Dammit!" Orchimaru ducked her attack and fired his sword from his mouth.

"Ping!" Hitting against TenTen's skin, it shattered.


"I want you dead." TenTen said from behind him. Chains made of flame wrapped around Orochimaru binding him in place as well as burning into his flesh and bones. "Se.."

"Woosh!" TenTen was forced to dodge as several kunai's were hurled towards her.

"Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk!" They followed a pattern and exploded immediately next.

"Booom!" The force was strong enough to up root several trees. When it cleared, all that was left was a crater.

"Haaaa he escaped." TenTen sighed. She was quite angry as she looked at those who interrupted her. So any last words?" It was Kuono and two others.

"No need for hostilities. Just came to talk is all." Kouo said. TenTen remembered the rules and shot up. They did not count as part of the ones she could fight. Only those not part of the exam qualified. "Coward!"

"Oh, to call her a coward is dumb." Soma said from the shadows. Her team appeared behind her. 3 from different mothers but the same as her personality-wise. "The area is locked down, so no escaping."

"Bwoom!" A seal rippled behind them. Spreading out all around.

"You think you can kill us brat!?" Kouo asked. The others looking just as bold.

"Of course." Soma's voice turned sinister as she entered Sage mode. The three behind her doing the same. Green markings wrapped around each of them. "We are going to perform live autopsies. Then kill you of course. Such a small chapter for you all. Your up Tiara."

Tiara was another lithe one. Daughter of Hisa that loved to please her mother. And one that would please her mother, would be to kill the enemy. No matter who it was.

"Already started. The thing about each of you being Uzumaki clones..." Tiara had green sweat leaving her pores. ".. it makes it easy to target you with a specific poison. Sucks when your own body fights against you."

"Uggh!" One of the ninjas dropped down unmoving. His eyes still darted around, however. Kouo took off in a run. He hit the barrier and tried to disable it.

"Kuk!" He coughed up blood the moment he circled his chakra. "You little bitches!" His face twisted in agony. Their screams would echo throughout the forest for the next few hours.


-Snakes at play-


"Haaa gonna have to revise some plans." Orochimaru leaned against a tree as he recovered. The scorched marks slowly healing on his body. Only when channeling his sage techniques did it recover. To the side his Sound ninja had approached with a two vats. "At least some of you have done what was needed."

"Poof!" The Sound ninja clothing exploded as several traps went off. Large pink clouds went into the sky.

"Get them now!" Several Anbu members erupted from the ground. The one barking the orders was Kakishi. Itachi leading a set from the top as well. They jumped off the back of large crows. "Let none escape!"

'Tch!' In the ensuing chaos, a certain snake burrowed underground and escaped. 'Of the forces are mostly here, then the perfect chance to collect my back up prize!'

On his sleeve, a cut opened back up dropping a few traces of blood. Not to far, several Inuzuka members followed. Tsume gave them orders to kill on sight.

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