"Because this kid's bottom line is very clear, it's easy to say anything inside the line, even if he rejects your words, he can listen to it very pleasantly, and after the bottom line, you don't know your mother who beats him

!" "So just

?" "Of course! Look at the camp he chose this time, he doesn't even have a friend, doesn't he show it?"

"Yes, don't worry!"

"That's fine!".

To say that among the people who know Su Chen, Zhao Zhili is really one of the people who knows the best.

The reason why Su Chen didn't choose a friend was that he couldn't forgive the betrayal.

At the same time, he could not accept himself as the betrayer.

Since there are 5 people, there will definitely be betrayers among them.

And there is no guarantee that the righteous side can win, if it really loses, the punishment is too dark.

Therefore, Su Chen resolutely chose to go it alone.

One person's alliance

! That is the righteous side

! Everyone else is an opponent

! They can all be defeated

! This is the biggest advantage over

Su Chen! This time Su Chen brought a hundred people and ten beasts.

The hundred people are all the strongest hundred people specially selected from the Dragon Kingdom Divine Domain camp.

The Ten Beasts are the Nine Dragons plus the Green Dragon.

Ten dragons!

Su Chen gave only one request: "Absorb while playing, you can absorb as much as you can, try not to deform, this is our confidence, it doesn't matter if you want to break through and change the shape of a dragon!"

Although it is a hole card, I don't want people to know that these are dragons.

When it really comes to the critical moment, it is necessary to break through, and deformation is inevitable.

Qinglong said: "Master don't worry, if we break through, you can put us in the beast mountain, the dragon soul is there, we can break through in it, the breakthrough time is not equal, so the beast mountain is the most suitable!"

Su Chen nodded.

That's fine.

The battle continues!

On the hour, on the wave of monsters attacking.

It's not that simple.

Gradually, some of the alliance of friends was broken up.

It's gone!

It's gone!

Some are betrayers, and some are devoured by monsters before they can make a move.

I have been fighting for hours, and I can't rest at all, even if I have a strong mental power output, it is a problem.

In such a situation, only death awaits them....

[Congratulations to the 10 Friends Alliance for Winning the Alliance, Reward Gold Chest*5/Alliance, Special Gold*500, Ingredients*5t, Spiritual Water*5t, Random Resources*

5] [Congratulations to the Demon Kingdom Guardian for reaching the top of the battlefield and becoming one of the top of the battlefield of all races, rewarding ordinary cities in the outer regions *5 (for ordinary people only)] [Congratulations to the Guardian of the Dragon Kingdom on the top of the strategic stool, ranking among the top of the battlefield of all races, and rewarding ordinary cities in the outer regions *5 (for ordinary people only)].

[All failed countries deduct resource life... Dead country...].

There are many failed countries that have been declared dead after they have been deducted.

There are also those who immediately fled their homeland.

No matter how you choose, it is the middle and bottom who suffer in the end.

They didn't even have a chance to escape.

And in this battle of hundred stars, the guardian of the Dragon Kingdom is undoubtedly the most concerned.

Most watched.

There is no other reason for the greatest amount of envy.

Reward exclusivity

! Jealous of them!

But you can only watch.

The winner is based on 5 rewards, after all, the friend alliance is generally 5 people, so the reward is better to score.

Now there is Su Chen's anomaly.

He was a coalition of his own nation, and he won.

One person has five shares alone!

The others can only watch and look red! People

also rely on their own battles, and if they are allowed in, it is really difficult to say how many waves they can withstand.

Bluestar was completely immersed in a sea of joy.

This is not just a matter of the Dragon Kingdom.

It's a great thing for the whole Blue Star.

Just now, the other five countries of Blue Star have conducted friendly consultations and discussions with the Dragon Kingdom, and reached a direction of multi-faceted win-win cooperation.

The Blue Star Alliance, headed by the Dragon Kingdom, was established, and the other five countries were partners and served as members of the Alliance.

As the leading country of the Blue Star Alliance, the Dragon Kingdom has a veto power.

Of course, on the premise of not violating the principles and the bottom line of the law.

The alliance fee paid by the five countries to the Dragon Kingdom every year is not detailed.

These don't need to be known to the people, they only know that they are friendly countries with the Dragon Country, and they can be covered, and that's enough!

If they don't join at this time, when they become famous on the battlefield of all races, it may be more than just a matter of paying ordinary alliance fees.

The happiest person was the president of Bala Yang Country, and he was the first to agree.

Is the guardian of Bala Yang Country strong?

It's okay to look at it in the Divine Domain, but when you see the Hundred Stars Battlefield, you know that it's not enough to see that it's not strong at all.

Now that there is a cooperative alliance of the Dragon Country, it will be a little more relaxing.

At least you

don't have to go up and die! The guardians in the Blue Star Alliance can come and go freely, and they don't need Su Chen to mention anything, just introduce these things, which is the biggest point.

The battle is over.

Su Chen also received a big gift.

It's from the League of Friends.

The four guys took Su Chenfa as a bet.

As a result, one missed.

Su Chen, this guy did not follow the usual path, and single-handedly achieved the existence of the only alliance on the Hundred Stars Battlefield.


transferred all the bets to Su Chen.

Su Chen: It's too polite, then laugh and accept!

Friends: Don't accept it, even if you refuse, they can take it back.

As a result, this guy just accepted it all, and he didn't deal with it.

It's so shameless!


is important to have resources?

Dare to bet on yourself and confiscate their fees for the sake of your friends.

Friends: You can do it, you are amazing

! That's it, disperse, disperse

! Who let yourself catch up

with others and send it to others! Su Chen smiled and returned to the Divine Domain after a simple rest.

As soon as Su Chen arrived at the Dragon Kingdom camp, he was stopped by a voice

: [Dear Dragon Kingdom Guardian, some of the human races from the Blue Star who have betrayed the Dragon Kingdom have jointly submitted an application to you, complaining about the fuss of the Dragon Kingdom, I hope you can agree that they are eligible to rejoin the Dragon Kingdom, the betrayers have submitted enough resources to submit a joint application to the Divine Domain, please reply!]

Su Chen: ... The Divine Domain even took this job?

Those who had voluntarily left the Dragon Kingdom on the Blue Star: ... What kind of betrayer? It's just a temporary departure, and the God's Domain is becoming more and more indescribable.

Of course, it's just a whispered pyridine in the bottom of my heart.

Don't dare to say it.

What if they say it out, what if they are punished by the little caution in the Divine Domain?

Oh, and the other boring people on the hundred stars are also waiting.

This kind of thing is actually not a big deal, who can reach the guardian of the Hundred Stars Battlefield who has not experienced the people in his own country changing countries repeatedly.

If they themselves can give enough sincere resources, let them change.

If the resources are gone, they will earn them, and they will be exchanged when they are earned.

Hand over resources when you go out, and hand over when you want to come in.

Few people stopped it.

Left and right do not pay.

But there are people who don't think so.

Coincidentally, Su Chen is such a person.

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