Su Chen said his answer without any hesitation: "Respected Divine Domain, you also said just now, I don't want to pay attention to the betrayers who betrayed the Dragon Kingdom, since the Divine Domain, you have taken this job and come to me, give you a face, and reply!" "

The various divisions of the Dragon Kingdom are handled normally, there is no fuss! If you can betray the first time, you can betray the second time, for such people, I have only one answer: no!"

Also, for such people, I generally greet their ancestors for the eighteenth generation!" "

Those who have special contributions can go to the Barren Star No. 1 and No. 2, and the Junk Star No. 1 and No. 2 to accumulate points, and when they reach a certain number of points in exchange for domain certificates, when they reach the realm diamond contribution, they can exchange their contributions for the right to live in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"If you don't have a special contribution and want to have benefits, if you don't have any benefits, you can give you a word: how far and how far, dare to come and find trouble, hehe!"


What a magical and handsome smile!

In the eyes of the betrayer, he saw threat and despair.

Su Chen has the confidence to say this.

He dared to do it, too.


be punished! Those who enter our dragon kingdom will be punished even if they are far away!

This is not just a matter of talking.

What's more, they are not far away, they are all on the Blue Star.

If there is a problem, then we will meet

to solve it! As for how to solve it?

It all depends on the situation!

In addition to the above matters, it is not impossible to discuss.

It's just that if you can get things to the Divine Domain, it naturally can't be solved on the Blue Star.

At this time, the Divine Domain came with a sentence that seemed to be a reply but was useless: [Reply to the application of the betrayers of the Blue Star, negotiate on your own, everything has rules, and those within the rules can come to appeal, and the transfer fee is resource *1 ton!]

Let the Dragon Kingdom be prepared, and this Su Chen is also soft and hard.

I thought that if the Divine Domain came forward, it would definitely be able to do it!

I still learned this from those guys in the Dragon Kingdom National Luck Docking Department.

It's just that people are justified and have nothing on their side.

It's no fun

! Gan!

This matter is done in a hurry! After

collecting resources, the matter has not yet been completed.

This divine domain is not omnipotent.

You'll have to do it on your own.

Beneath the ruins there was a man pondering that this was his hiding place, and that this was not a place for people to stay on this barren planet.

If it weren't for the fact that all the good things were detained, and there were monsters that suddenly arrived, they wouldn't have become the poor people they are now.

The Divine Domain is useless, so you can only figure it out by yourself.


was a loud bang, and it suddenly slammed into a piece of ruins.

In the ruins, a huge crater.

In the huge pit, there was a guy who was being split out and was emitting black smoke, screaming in fright.

"It's an earthquake, it's an earthquake, I'm not dead, I'm scared to death!"

Short, tight, and crazy.

There's also a special thing erected on top of the place where he's hiding, which can also be used as a lightning rod.

Wait until you get up and take a look.


Everything around was fine, but it was hacked where he was.

Tema also says that the lighthouse diamond was made.

Sure enough, there are no good things made by the escaped things.

Otherwise, everything around is fine, why is it that the place where I erected this thing was split.

Dwarf Tight fled from the Dragon Kingdom to the Lighthouse Country, and now he's mixed up like this.

It was a scene he had never dared to dream of before.

If he knew about this scene, even if his heart was full of lighthouse rakes, he would not be stupid to come here and suffer.

Who doesn't know how to eat sweetness?

Divine Domain Announcement: [Those who maliciously speculate that the Divine Domain has been punished by thunder, and there will be a second time, disappear!]

Short and tight: ... Tema came for herself.

Look at the lightning that is still flashing with the power of thunder not far away.

The dwarf clenched his hands and held ten, and threw his five bodies to the ground: "The great and heroic divine domain, I believe in your wise divine martial arts the most

!" "Under your wise leadership, the blue star will recreate brilliance!" "

You are great and wise, don't be like me as a tiny person who just wants to live..."

Not to mention, I don't know if it's his sincerity, or if the lightning of the thunderous power is disgusted.

Anyway, it's gone.

That's for the best.

He knelt down for a long time, until the sun was almost stunning, and then he got up.

I didn't dare to think about it any longer, so I touched a nest and got up.

Back to the Dragon Kingdom?

I thought about it in my dreams, but I couldn't murmur anymore.

If you are attacked by the Divine Domain again, it will really blow itself up.

He didn't live long enough.

I don't want to die

! Someone in the Desolate Star was struck by lightning in the Divine Domain!

As soon as the news came out, all the stars were shocked.

Shin Kami: ...

But thinking about the fact that the Lighthouse countries have been taught several times in a row before, it does show that this divine domain is indeed cautious.

Soon no one thought about it.

It's not yourself who splits, just make it lively.

Why do you think so much?

Those people don't dare to come back anyway.

Not only that, but at the insistence of the Dragon Country, the member states of the Blue Star Alliance of the other five countries also issued announcements one after another.

Those who betray their home country will not be hired, and those who have special contributions will first receive the right of residence in the field and then be approved by God!

The right of residence in the field is not so easy to get.

Not to mention the approvals.

Now, the former traitors are at peace.

If you continue to make a fuss, you may not even have this last quiet place.

What if you really annoy these countries, what should you do if you drive them out?

There are so many monster paradises, it's not impossible to rush to any of them!

When I thought of this possibility, I was quiet.

Fear of death!

If you are afraid, it is good.

Here, Su Chen was busy.

There is no time to care about these at all, not to mention that there are various divisions of the Dragon Kingdom staring there, and Su Chen doesn't have to worry about it.

Su Chen actually came back, but he didn't come to care about these people, they were already betrayers, so he didn't care about them so much.

Su Chen is here to send the city.

Yes, the 5 cities that were rewarded were all put into the Dragon Kingdom by Su Chen.

Of course, it was quietly released.

Only a few people know about it.

Three days later, the Dragon Kingdom suddenly announced that due to the sharp increase in personnel, in order to facilitate management, a provincial-level city was added: Suchen City, which has 5 urban villages under its jurisdiction.

No one knows that this name is transliterated as Suchen City, and those 5 villages are even more amazing, and they are the 5 rewards that Su Chen has received.

Originally, Su Chen wanted to put it in a few Dragon Kingdom Cities at random, and it was inconvenient for people to find it.

The old chief thought that it was best to put them together to be easy to manage, and these were all Su Chen's private property, so this arrangement was the most appropriate.

As for the construction, it will be arranged by the Secretary of State of the Dragon Kingdom for the time being.

The personnel aspect is also arranged.

Those who went to the Divine Domain had reserved their places, and even Su Chen's summoned beasts and summoned clans would also be given accommodation.

It is inconvenient to put it in ordinary citizens, and it is too deliberate to list it separately.

With this urban village, it is much more convenient.

When they come back later, they will have their own home.

It has to be said that in terms of affinity, there is no country comparable to the Dragon Country.

The direction has been set!

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