
Su Chen delegated these to the Secretary of State.

He himself went to the copy.

Not a copy of the Enchanted Village, but a new one.

Tasks that must be taken.

[Clear the dungeon to get a random treasure chest, come on, be careful of the danger behind you!hahahaha!]

God Domain doesn't know what's going on, but it's accompanied by laughter.

It's obviously a laugh, but it's the creepy of the person who listens.

As soon as Su Chen entered the dungeon, he felt a chill.

In front of him was a sea.

Extraordinarily big, extraordinarily large sea.

As far as the eye can see,

and he himself stands in the middle of the sea.

This pit god domain...

No, do it all over again.

The desire to survive made Su Chen's mind particularly active.

This great god realm has always been especially fond of playing with fantasy, and it is really amazing!


The sea in front of him disappeared.

Like a broken mirror, it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"This smell, I won't fall into the stinky ditch, right?"

Su Chen's front was dark.

But what I smelled was a stinking piece.

It's still sticky on your hands.

Su Chen tentatively wanted to move, but found that he couldn't.

Instinctively, Su Chen roared: "Help... Life... Ahem, ahem!"

Su Chen felt that the few sips of liquid he drank tasted quite strange.

"Break it for me!" said hard and seriously in his heart.


It's still a fantasy.


Chen suddenly felt the freshness of the air, and even the warmth of the sun.

His eyes narrowed and slowly opened.

Sure enough, I saw it.

The sun, the blinding tears flowing.

There were also a few more people around Su Chen.

"Why is this kid so stupid, isn't he just unable to cultivate soul power? Just be a low-grade person, what kind of lake do

you jump?" "These two fools will also choose to jump into the lake, and they actually jumped into the swamp lake, if it weren't for this ugly tail chicken, I'm afraid this wouldn't be the first person to jump into the swamp lake to find a short

!" "Our village has been disgraced by this fool

!" "There is no face in the first place!" "

What did you say?"

What do I say about your!

""Say it again, believe it or not, I'll beat you?"

"You try, I can't kill

you and I have your surname!" "Okay, let's not say a few words, it's all surnamed Feng, you have his surname, and he has your surname, there is a difference?

It's not lively.

Su Chen felt in a daze that he might be moving.

It's just that it's moving in the wrong direction.

His feet were lifted, his head was carried on the ground, and he occasionally touched something like a stone, knocking his head into a dizziness.

The key is Tema's pain.

I can't shout if I want to.

Only occasionally a few mouthfuls of saliva full of odor will be touched.

It's quite chic...

Puff pass

! Puff pass!

Su Chen was like jumping in the waves.

Swim around.


Someone threw him around like a rag.

Carrying his feet, he waddles in the water.

Fortunately, I have the skill of holding my breath, or I might choke to death by the water.

The process is not good, but the result is okay.

Washed clean.

Breathing was unblocked.

His eyes lit up.

It's clear to see people.

No, it's clear to look at the birds.

In front of him, a bald-tailed bird was glaring at Su Chen with disgust.

"Look at the, if it weren't for you stupid guy, I would still be in the Feng Clan as my Feng King, it's good, and you came to subdue this broken village, as a result, both of our cultivation have been sealed, do you know that I hate people calling me bald-tailed chicken the most? My Tema is not a chicken, I am Feng Jiu! A group of stupid forks come home, Feng Jiu and chickens can't tell the difference.

Don't you know a word or two?

Damn! You're stupid again, aren't you, do you want to stop pressing into the water?"

Su Chen hurriedly said: "Don't, wake up, really wake up!" I know that you are Feng Jiu, not a bald-tailed chicken, how can a chicken have big wings that can fly?

Shut your mouth and didn't speak right away.

Su Chen is not stupid.

The people here don't even know the chicken and the phoenix, let alone know their own green dragon.

But this bald bird...

Feng Jiu saw Su Chen pretending to be stupid, and said very bluntly

: "You call Qinglong out, I explained it!" "Everyone here will become monsters at night, you just wait, anyway, if you don't summon beasts here, you will become waste, and you are waiting for them to come and cripple you, anyway, you are so crippled and stupid!" Su

Chen: "You know Qinglong, then do you know who I am?"

Know, Su Chen, the summoner of the green dragon, the beast mountain is what you subdue!"

Su Chen was stunned.

He could guarantee that he didn't know the bald bird.

But this guy seems to know a lot about himself.

Feng Jiu was bluntly terrifying: "You quickly called Qinglong out, or did you come in a hurry this time and forgot to pack that guy?"

Su Chen: Packing ???

okay, it should be what you think.

"Find a safe place, here, I don't feel comfortable!" Su Chen looked around, always feeling that someone was peeking not far away.

Sixth, the intuition should be accurate.

Feng Jiu looked around suspiciously: "Suspicious, come with me!"

followed Feng Jiu all the way to a large courtyard.

After entering the courtyard gate, Su Chen regretted it.

"What are you bringing me to

this chicken nest for?" Feng Jiu was furious: "Are you so blind so completely?" Feng, this is the phoenix nest, your sister, the chicken!"

Su Chen looked at it carefully.

Well, it's indeed a chicken nest!

Feng Jiu still wanted to be angry.

Su Chen said directly: "If you have something to say, don't go around those useless ones!" Feng

Jiu: I almost choked to death.

At this time, an obviously old voice came: "Feng Jiu, why did you bring this child back again, we have no place to hide this stupid big one, those monsters will come to search at night, our chicken pen is such a place, this stupid big man can't hide, and he will be taken away by those monsters to clean up stupidly, why do you waste your spiritual power and bring him back!"

Feng Jiu looked at the elder standing in front of him.

"Third Elder, this is Su Chen, the only existence in this village that will not turn into a monster, we can only rely on him

!" "Hey, you, you are too kind-hearted, we are in the third layer of this heaven and earth cage, and it is useless to be kind-hearted, who knows how many more years will pass!" "

I know what I should do, Third Elder, you can take the clansmen to cultivate!"

Okay, we can also help a little bit when you are nirvana, if your tail feathers don't grow well, it will affect your cultivation

!" "It's okay! As long as

the clan can live!" "Thank you for your hard work! Patriarch, if you really can't do it, just sacrifice me, with the blood of the Feng clan, they can make everyone's life a little better, at least they can live in a decent place

!" "Besides, now, I'm the patriarch, and I have to listen to me!"

It's the patriarch, you don't have to work too hard, alas, I'm still too weak!"

The Third Elder sighed and left.

Su Chen was also stunned.

Just now, a prompt appeared in the system that has been pretending to be dead in Zhihaili.

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