There are many skill books in the rewards of the Divine Domain, and Su Chen has opened a lot of them.

Among them, the hidden one is an existence that has been fed to the top level by Su Chen with gold coins.

No, the effect is coming.

After walking for a while, on the road not far ahead, I saw a shadowy figure.

Looking at the back is still a person, it's not normal to listen to the movement.

Su Chen is a summoner, and summoning beasts can communicate, but the movements of these guys are still very cordial when they listen.

I can understand.

"Can you do it tonight?"

"Okay, it's all discussed

!" "You must trap that Night Beastmaster, we can all win if we take the crystal beads inside

!" "The crystal beads are not so easy to take, the guardians who went to get them last time are all dead

!" "If you don't take it, you can only wait for death!"

The Night Beastmaster will become stiff as long as there is no night sun shining, let's try that cage today

!" "That's all!" "Tomorrow is the last time, or we won't have any memories after tomorrow, but it's too bad!" "

Who says it's not?"

Or think that no one can understand what they say.

Or maybe it's that they are the only ones here, and no one else dares to come out.

Come to think of it, it used to be like this.

A group of those guys from the Feng clan.

Feng Jiu, this guy is also a black-bellied, he picks up any leaks, and he doesn't show his face even if he doesn't show his face.

So I got into the habit of being a monster, and as long as I was in a monster state, I had nothing to fear.

They didn't expect Su Chen to follow at all, and the summoner also had the advantage of being able to understand the monster's words.

Su Chen's eyes flashed.

The crystal bead is a treasure

! The Night Beast King is afraid that he will not be illuminated by the night sun!

After tomorrow, the memories of the villagers will be erased, that is, it is still possible to be familiar with it for two days.

There is also the most important thing: the day after tomorrow is a good opportunity for yourself!

The guardians in the monster group would never have thought that just because of their conversation, Su Chen was given a time to complete the small goal of completing the dungeon.

Oh my God,

this group of Guardians who came with me is so caring.

It's all a good opportunity so soon, and it's going to be so unshy about people's discussions.

They're all good people...

It seems that if you want any news in the future, you will have to come to the monster pile to listen to it.

This is much more reliable than Feng Jiu's guy.

It's all from the existence of being pitted by the gods.,It's much kinder...

If those guardians knew about Su Chen's thoughts, they would be.

Good...... What a fart

!? They never dreamed that someone would understand the beast language, okay? Monsters

! Ordinary people want to run away immediately when they hear the word monster, who will have nothing to do to listen to the monster chat

! The key is to be able to understand!

Facts have proved that Su Chen is exactly such a person.

If you have time, you can still understand, and you can hide.


all the way, Su Chen also discovered that the direction these people were walking was the lake outside the village.

Swampy Lake, and where he ended up being fished up.

It's embarrassing.

Thankfully, not many people cared about him, except for one.

Feng Jiu's face was full of excitement: The position where you were fished up, I still fished it!

Su Chen pretended not to see it.

I can't see it anyway, what you think is your own business.

If it weren't for Su Chen's hard pretence, he would have wanted to dig a pit and bury himself a little bit of cheekiness.

It's a shame.

At this moment, Feng Jiu jumped into the grass pile on the side, and used his wings to get a few grasses and sprinkle them on himself.

Not to mention, when you look at it this way, you really can't tell that there is a chicken buried in the haystack.

Su Chen also learned from Feng Jiu.

It's just that he is big, so he can only lie on the ground about the touch, pull some grass and put it on himself, pretending to be the same color as the grass on the ground.

As soon as Su Chen was about to ask, he heard a piercing roar spread all over him: "Bold!"

Bang bang bang!

Su Chen didn't dare to look hard, for fear of being discovered.

But this guy recently looked like he had been splashed with water, and his whole body was soaked.

One of them even flew into the haystack not far from Su Chen and them.

Su Chen hurriedly lay on the ground.

After confirming that he had not been found, he looked out through the crack in the grass.

Just at the front of the monster horde, a blue shadow of water was standing there.

Blocking the monster's path.


Jiu's voice came very quietly: "Stay away from that water, you will know what a desperate situation is in a while, don't scream, do you hear it!"

After speaking, Feng Jiu moved his body to the side and moved again.

It didn't stop until it was two meters away from Su Chen.

Su Chen: ... There is always an inexplicable sense of being disliked.

Soon, Su Chen knew what Feng Jiu meant by the desperate situation!

The monsters that had been hit by the aqua blue shadow got up and continued to rush forward.

Then, a gust of wind drifted by, and Su Chen only felt a chill on his body.

It's snowing!

Snowflakes are falling in large numbers.

Suddenly I remembered the beast of the wilderness.

Subconsciously, Su Chen used his spiritual power to cover his whole body.

Almost in the next second.

I heard a voice.


, boom, boom

, ice, shattering sounds.

Su Chen looked cautiously, and saw that the monsters that had been drenched in water just now had turned into slag in

the snow! It turned out that as soon as they encountered the snow, they froze into ice cubes.

And as soon as the wind blows, it breaks the ice, and then it all becomes slag.

Su Chen: "..."


! It's too desperate!

Even this one who just looks at him feels that there is no hope of survival."

How cold it was

! No, it hurt

! It shredded all at once!

Perhaps only the departing Guardians who had been shattered into ice slag would know.

Obviously, Su Chen didn't have time to ask.

Because the Guardian was taken away.

A few seconds after each monster is shattered, an image will appear, and the monster will disappear.

The image of each monster is different.

Su Chen recognized it.

This is the mirage that Feng Jiu said?! It

turns out that this is it, isn't this the reflection of the own country of each guardian?

It seems that it is punished according to this.

It seems that I guessed correctly.

Even if you become a villager, it's not safe to be a monster.

It was only the first day, and after about a visual inspection, this wave sent away about 50 people.

Mizukage doesn't say a word, and will attack as long as he goes within range of him.

The water attacked, the snow assisted, shattered into slag, and was sent away.

Wave after wave, there are fewer and fewer monsters.

Su Chen also heard the small talk of the monsters:

"Frozen to death, Dad

!" "Tema can't retreat, can't even turn back, the Divine Domain is really too pitiful

!" "No wonder those old immortals are running so slowly, deliberately, they just know that the one in front is sent to death, ah!"

"Help... I... I'll take you to the underworld to be friends!

" "No help, goodbye!"


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