One of the people who had just spoken was sent away by Mizukage.

An image resembling a skull appeared above the Guardian's head.

When there were only 20 monsters left, Mizukage's movements stopped.

The 20 monsters didn't stand anymore, but sat down, their legs crossed.

The last one of them roared loudly.

Roar, roar, roar!

What Su Chen listened to was: "There are so many sacrificial spirits today, you can't die all at once, or they will doubt it

!" "We are betrayers and can't be discovered, give us a little water elemental spirit

!" "Otherwise, when the life comes, a few of us will have to die, and then there will be no one to bring you sacrifice spirits here, and you will be pecked by those chickens when you attack the village

!" "Who dies is not certain!"

We'll be back in two more days, Lord Water Elemental, please continue to cooperate, just one drop is enough for us to live for two days!" The

Mizukage seemed to think about it for a moment, and finally threw out a drop of water.

The monster quickly took it and put it in a basin.

As soon as the water droplets enter the basin, it immediately becomes a large basin.

Each of the 20 monsters present immediately took out a bowl, scooped a bowl of water and began to drink.

After drinking, it becomes human.

Su Chen: ...

The last five humanoid people were frozen into ice by the droplets and sent away like monsters.

Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

No one was shocked, and no one was surprised.

It seems that this is normal.

Su Chen covered his mouth tightly, for fear of making a little noise.

For a long time, wait for the shadow of the water to disappear.

Fifteen people from the village helped each other back to the village.

Su Chen let go of his mouth.

Then pull out Feng Jiu, who had already buried himself in the soil.

Only then did he find out that Feng Jiu was already in a coma.

No wonder it's so quiet?

No, if Feng Jiu doesn't make it to the end, then he doesn't...

Suddenly turned sideways and turned back.

I saw a blue water shadow standing in the same place where I was standing just now.


Su Chen swallowed nervously.

If I hadn't dodged just now, would I have been scummed into ice and sent away?

"Where is Koto?" said Mizukage.

The startled Su Chen hurriedly shook the unconscious Feng Jiu in his hand: "Ah? What did you say? Is this his original name Xiaotu?"

"I can't give it to you, this is, this is my partner's friend, or, let's discuss, you pretend that I haven't been here, I also pretend not to see you, I'm just passing by, really, passing by!"

Mizukage: "... I am a water elemental spirit bead, you can call me Xiao Shui, my body is in that cave, if you can find it, you can bear it, thank you for taking care of Xiao Tu!"

After speaking, the water shadow disappeared.

Only one Su Chen was left who was still carrying Feng Jiu.

Call... Call... Huhu!

Su Chen ran back.

After the water shadow disappeared, Su Chen ran away.

Of course, he didn't forget to bring Feng Jiu back.

He ran back to Feng Jiu's chicken coop and threw Feng Jiu back into the nest before he sat on the ground next to the chicken coop and gasped for breath.

I'm tired to death

! Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise this wave would have folded!

When he calmed down, Su Chen fell into deep thought.

Xiao Tu

? Could it be that you are talking about the earth elemental spirit?

And this water shadow is actually a water elemental spirit bead.

Why do you just say that to yourself?

Ponder, ponder, ponder.

Then, Su Chen fell asleep.


After Su Chen entered the copy of Destroying Phoenix Mountain.

There will be 1 wave of monster attacks in the God's Domain every day.

Unlike in the past, attacks are changing.

If you want to say that it used to be measured in waves, now it is measured in hours.

The duration of the attack per day: 2 hours.

According to the Hundred Stars Battlefield, 2 hours is not much.

But it's been too long on this side of the Divine Domain.

So long that few camps can make it through.

Blue Star is still alive in 6 countries, including the Dragon Kingdom.

After this wave, only three national camps remained.

Dragon Country Camp, Bala Sheep Country Camp, and Cat and Bear Country Camp.

Three other countries just disappeared.

It was not directly destroyed.

Instead, he learned from the cabinet of the former Lighthouse Country, bought an interstellar immigrant starship and left Blue Star.

There is a lesson from the previous blood.

When the announcement of the Divine Domain was announced, the people of the Three Kingdoms who were left behind immediately sent an application to the Desolate Star and the Junk Star Realm.

Willing to be a reclaimer.

The Reclamation is to join these four stars and become one of them.

Here, only points can apply for housing in the safety of the field, and if the points are not enough, you can only survive on your own outside.

And after the country also ran away, the people rushed to apply in desperation.

This is the singlest, fastest and most effective way to save yourself.

As soon as the application is approved, it will be sent away.

Some people were teleported away without even packing their belongings.


and hopeful breathing.


! What is more important than living! Those

who are one step late, who have not been verified by Shen Xin, can only wait for death in their own country.

10,000 times the number of monster attacks in 2 hours, that would be astronomical.

The three countries that have been able to support themselves until now are not completely without foundation.

There's no way to run now.

The people scolded while waiting for the review, hoping that when the monster appeared next to them, they could pass the review and leave for the garbage star barren star.

Compare the miserable of these three countries.

Bala Yang Country has purchased defense towers, and there are many magicians in the city, although it is hard, it also keeps monsters out of the camp, but the camp can't be seen.

It's in tatters.

If nothing else, if it is attacked for another ten minutes, the camp of Bala Yang Country will not be able to be saved.

The Cat Bear Country was able to survive entirely because of the 2-hour monster attack.

The Bear Nation chose to give up.

Abandon the self-contained system.

Choose to join the Dragon Kingdom and become a subject of the Dragon Kingdom.

At the moment of abandonment, the camp of the Bear Country is automatically merged into the Dragon Country.

Guardians of the Dragon Camp: ....

If you don't receive it, it's already merged.

The Dragon Country camp was originally the strongest in defense and counter-attack, and with the merged Panda Country, monster attacks are not a problem.

Especially the guardian beasts of each city can't be used, if it weren't for the human side taking the initiative to go out of the city to fight monsters.

You may not even be able to get started.

A city gate was given to the country of cats and bears alone.

You can't defend a camp, but it's okay to have a city gate.

The cat and bear country said: Obey

! Completely obey!

I thought that I would be taken away this wave, and I was depressed that the resources might not be enough to redeem myself.

I didn't expect the domestic top level to make such a decision.

The cat and bear country is also helpless.

When they learned of the attack for such a long time, coupled with the fact that the Guardian was not there, they had to save themselves.

Joining the Dragon Kingdom and becoming a vassal of the Dragon Kingdom is the most effective and survivable country.

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