In the cave, rested for a while.

Su Chen was going to go out and explore.

Since it's a copy, it's impossible for them to find a random place to nest together.

What's more, these are resources.

When I met it, I took it and took it to my own.

Danger, there must be.

As soon as Su Chen said that he wanted to go out, several people had to follow.

It's safer to follow Su Shen.

Su Chen also felt that it was better for everyone to act together.

Just as he was about to go out, the announcement of the Divine Domain appeared in everyone's ears at this time.

Divine Domain Announcement

: [Dan Empire Participant Replica Failed, Reason: All Pawns] [Refining Weapon Country Participant Replica Failed, Reason: All Pawns] [Kunhua Kingdom Participant Replica Failed, Reason: All



As one by one, the announcements of the Divine Domain were issued, and the other five people except Su Chen all stopped.

Weak chickens are like themselves.

I know my own strength best.

"Otherwise, we still won't pull the city lord's hind legs!"

Qiang Zheng said: "It's better for us to divide into four roads and explore in four directions at the same time

!" Da Yong: "I agree with Qiang Lao's plan, so that the speed can be faster!"

Zhong Changshu and Guo Sinian glanced at each other.

Then, turn your head at the same time.

I have confirmed that the eyes are not suitable for the existence of the same road.

Su Chen had a headache.

Young and old are really not suitable for splitting up.

Although he knew their good intentions, Su Chen still didn't intend to abandon them.

Don't discard, don't give up, that's what the Dragon Kingdom thinks from the roots.

Seeing that they were really unwilling to explore with him anymore, he thought for a while and said: "Dayong and I will lead a team to explore in two directions first, and then return here after 3 hours, no matter what the result of the exploration is, we must come back at the point

!" "Since we are here, it is our common idea to say nothing else and leave no regrets!"

Listen to the city lord!" Qiang Zheng nodded.

The corners of the most banquet mouth moved, and he agreed.

It was unrealistic for them to wait here for the end, originally thinking that they would go out with Qiang Zheng.

Even if the two old guys are in danger, the big deal is to fight to the death.

They also knew what Su Chen meant, and they had no regrets.


"I'll be back at the appointed time

!" "If you can't come back for a special reason, don't worry, mark it in a special place, draw the logo of the Dragon Kingdom, or simply put, it's too late and it's okay, take protecting yourself as the first priority

!" "Understand?"

"Understand!" "Understand!"

At this moment, they are the guardians of the Dragon Kingdom, regardless of their age.

We must work hard to move forward for our dragon kingdom.

Two teams.

Su Chen's team, Qiang Zheng, and Zhong Changshu, explored in the direction of the north.

Dayong's first team, the most feast, Guo Sinian, explores in the direction of the east.

In this way, the distance between the two teams is the closest, and if there is anything going on, it is convenient to rescue at the first time.

The Dayong team knows that they belong to the rescued existence.

Therefore, compared with Su Chen's team, Dayong's team moved forward more cautiously.

No matter how far they want to explore, retaining their strength is also the smallest effort they can make...

Su Chen's foothold is still very safe.

Anyway, I didn't encounter a single monster along the way.

The netizens in Blue Star saw the same.

Because they can see multiple live screens at the same time.

On this side of the Dragon Kingdom, the two teams set up a split screen.

The opponents of the Red Phoenix Kingdom and the Netherworld Kingdom are also two split screens.

Coincidentally, Feng Chen and Yan Juan happened to fall in the same foothold.

There were 4 natives of each nation with the two Guardians, and 10 of them in all.

Similar to the other Guardians, they all choose to act together.

It's just that the treatment is completely different.

Su Chen's side was divided into two teams to explore.

The personnel of the two countries sentenced by Feng Chen and Yan were not so lucky.

They also saw the mountain, and went up as well, and saw the huge extreme snow beast at the mouth of the cave as well.

In the same way, there is naturally a path next to the Extreme Snow Beast, the kind that passes two or three people at the same time.

"Safety first

!" "Withdraw!"

"Tap, don't alarm the Extreme Snow Beast!" "


That flat land.

Either because he was too excited, or too scared, or he was lucky enough to escape the critical attack of the Extreme Snow Beast.

Let everyone feel lucky to escape and be overly excited.

He actually stepped out of a hole in the ground with one foot.

Then, all 8 people near the cave fell.

Then, a

notification quickly appeared on the screen.

[Red Phoenix Participant

4/100] [Netherworld Participant 4/100]

The number 4 in front of it is the number of deaths, and the number behind it is the total number of participants.

Is this gone

?Is it so sudden?Blue

Star netizens:....

Chifengguo netizen: ....

Netherworld netizens: ....

The same way to land, the same choice of distance.

Why is there such a big difference

? Why?!


Before that's anything, 4 heads have been lost?

To say that the same unlucky as other guardians, it is acceptable to meet monsters when they land and die.

If you want to say that it is the same as the unlucky participant, who was killed by a natural disaster on the ground, it is also reconciled.

Unlucky to fall to the ground and become a corpse

! But what's going on?

Monsters don't

! There is no danger!

The same scene, the human dragon country went into the cave and came out again.

You didn't go into the cave and ran down, you can understand, stay out of danger.

But I stepped on a hole, and then I fell down and died, what a normal person can do?!

Then, this is just the beginning.

The disappearance of these 4 people seems to have opened the death journey of the Red Phoenix Kingdom and the Netherworld Kingdom.

[Chifeng Country

Participant 14/100] [Netherworld Participant 14/100] [Dragon Kingdom Participant


Netizens: ... I can't complain anymore.

What about relays?

Pick it up without taking a breath.

In fact, not only the Red Phoenix Kingdom and the Netherworld Kingdom, but also the number of people participating in each country participating in the dungeon is decreasing.

Some are tens of minus.

It's just that netizens in these two countries only stare at the Dragon Kingdom to compare, so they were hit hard.

There are also injuries in the Dragon Kingdom, which is normal.

After all, there are a lot of ordinary people among the participants.

But the comparison of the Red Phoenix Netherworld is a bit of a slap in the face.

Dragon Kingdom 1, their country has reached 30.

At this ratio, I was in no mood to continue watching it for a while.


eyes were still staring, and he didn't want to blink.


In the dungeon.

It's all going on.

It's strange to say that I didn't encounter anything except for getting a reward in the cave and walking outside for more than an hour.

It's the same with Dayong's team.

It's surprisingly quiet and safe.

"It's almost time, it's time for us to go back!" The agreed time must be observed, and it is just right to talk about the situation here.

turned his head and walked back, and as a result, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

What about the road?

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